Beating the hail of out EGO's new mower in a NASTY SWAMP

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she's gonna storm tonight the sirens are going off outside and she's got a tornado warning which means that it's gonna be wet tomorrow and that means it's gonna be the perfect day to test a very big mower in very bad conditions because that swamp is gonna fill up and that means we get to really give her some heck i'll see you guys in the morning [Music] all right you guys we're going to be cracking open this new ego lawnmower but i want to show you something here yeah we've got standing water she's been sitting out in these elements for quite a while so hopefully it's got a good plastic wrap on her because uh she's not gonna be giving any more love than what you see she's already been given in fact life for this mower is gonna get uh a little bit more hectic starting right about now i don't think this one's gonna have that new mower smell this is uh it's kind of like the tesla lawnmowers because you plug this in right here boom and she'll charge everything up [Music] [Music] contents required for assembly all right so next up we're gonna put the seat in its home it looks like it's got four bolts looks like they gave us some extra hopefully these are the right ones they seem to fit looks like two go on the back two go on the front looks like they got loctite already on them and then you gotta put the seat clip in so let's get that done right now [Music] so i said this was the bolt that's going to hold the seat together it's not it's these little suckers with the allen wrench heads on them oh hey when you put this seat on do not forget to clamp the electrical connection the seat sensor there's a sensor in the seat which i'm going to guess dictates whether your mower will work properly or not let's put those on now i'm going to guess these come in handy well they fit they fit we just gotta find the handlebars there we go it looks like we got its buddy right here [Music] looks like i got my wheel caught i supposed to get that wheel caught like that all right [Applause] stay don't move don't wiggle [Music] all right let's take a look at the battery compartment all right well let's see what makes this thing tick says open me so we open it up combines the power of up to six batteries includes four 56 volt lithium ion batteries so let's take a look at what one of these batteries looks like this is the 56 volt this is a 12 amp hour battery and they just slide in [Music] and click down and if you're thinking man that's a lot of batteries well you don't need all six batteries to run the mower and on top of it you can take these batteries out of the mower and you can power your chainsaw your hedge trimmer your leaf your weed whip your leaf blower you can power them off if we got any juice we got looks like we got two two bars on these so before we do anything else let's charge it up all the way so the charger is a pretty compact unit there you go this one's wet hopefully it still works she's been sitting out in the elements all season long and she just plugs right into a standard 110 outlet and she'll power up and charge up all six batteries for you this is a 1600 watt charger let's sneaky snake this mower in place uh let's see what these batteries do when we plug this in all of them are going at the same time so this is charging everything up right now you can hear her running and you can see her telling me she's going to town all right well let's wait for this to do what it's got to do and then let's go do what we got to do next which is beat the hell out of this thing in the swamp all right i just plugged it in and let's set the stopwatch and see how long it takes to charge these all the way up now we're charging six 56 volt batteries simultaneously and they're 12 and a half amp hours each how long do you think it's gonna take before this goes from two bars each battery which is what it was shipped to me as to fully plumb ready to go take your guess in the comments down below i'm going to take my guess i don't know what it's what the actual time is going to be yet but i'm going to say an hour and 45 minutes and i'll have this thing ready to go fully charged that's my guess what's yours all right i think we're here two hours 29 minutes and we're at 99 percent so two hours and 30 minutes did anybody guess that winner win or chicken dinner i think she's ready to go so let's start mowing and let's uh let's get progressively harder on this thing as we go along this is no mome and so i think i did my fair share of letting the grass grow to create a bio gnome so that the bees and the birds and the critters can have a safe place to live but now it's time for this to get cleaned up let's do this hill first so you can't tell it but the mower is technically running right now let's just take a quick peek at what our control panel looks like so we have three control modes we have control standard and sport and by hitting the mode button we can opt to go between them but in each mode we also have four speeds so as you hit the rabbit gear up you're going to notice that that's going to go up and the turtle's going to make it go down so three modes four speeds in each mode and over here you have your blade speed so you can control how fast your blade turns now the faster you have the blade turning the shorter your battery is gonna last so we're just gonna go we're gonna go three here because this is some pretty thick this is thick stuff this mower is gonna have some thick stuff so we'll actually crank her all the way up why not let's see what she can do and let's go into standard mode um we got your start stop button got here i'm not going to engage this i'm not sitting on it over here we've got a usb charging and storage compartment i actually have my phone already in here i could be technically charging my phone as it's sitting in here if i wanted it to uh looks like we've got a 52 inch triple blade deck each one of these each one of the mowers actually has its own motor so one two three so this must have five total i'm guessing i don't know uh but i am going to find out for you guys 100 for sure but now it's just time to go to town okay so right up in the front we've got a parking brake when that's activated the mower's not going to do nothing to deactivate it just push on it again nice easy blade height change system i'm going down to three inches so we're gonna mow at three i've got my handlebars adjusted the way i like them now we're cutting grass [Music] [Music] yeah she handles nice [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] sorry bees you had your chance skadoodle no mo may is over for me [Music] ah good comfortable seat for sure gotta i'm noticing a few grass skips right there [Music] now we're cutting this grass down from around 11 or 12 inches in total height to about three and these are dandelions so a lot of things with a lot of times what happens is those dandelions will just lay right straight over and then not get hit at all and pop right back up and this is pretty wet stuff we had a severe thunderstorm roll through the night before and this is the next morning so we're still getting a lot of that excess moisture from the previous nights for rain [Music] [Music] now if you look real close you can see that the grass i'm cutting is actually matting together and creating these quads of just dead grass laying on top now if i don't do anything with those it'll kill the lawn underneath so in my book that will automatically trigger a double cut which i'll do later on right now i just want to see exactly how well this machine handles [Music] [Music] let's take a closer gander at how she performed huh even a commercial-grade mower would probably have to cut a lot of this area twice to do a good job not really i don't really care what mower you're talking about because this is thick this is thick stuff all right let's go on to the next section let's keep going let's see how she does [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh so i noticed the mower did something automatically it kicked down as soon as it got into the really thick heavy wet grass so let's get back to that area where it kicked down and here if it does it again [Music] and here it kicked down i'm not doing that so [Music] [Music] [Music] this is thick wet right here [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] there you guys let's get into some heavier denser stuff let's see how she does in the really thick and the really thick of it but before we do that let's just see how what it takes to raise this deck you can do that pretty fast and easy standing water right behind me [Music] we'll work our way into that [Music] oh [Music] well that's standing water right there i'm starting to sink [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's take a peek at how bad and wet this actually is remember them rains that came through they dropped a lot of water on us last night this is what we're dealing with i can't even stop look no jesus okay hello that's got my foot like it legitimately has my foot okay [Laughter] yeah we can't get too close in there because as we get any farther in boy that see look at we like i said we got standing water here right um that mower is doing a good job then of uh floating of suspending its weight over you know less than optimum condition so that so that's just one thing to kind of keep in mind but let's uh let's cut some more ground here [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] the camera shut off on the thickest gnarliest stuff right when i was getting to it too and i mean it handled it like a freaking champ i can't believe that all right well let's see if it'll the camera the gopro will stay on long enough to capture this one hopefully it does [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys i think this is about as worse as conditions as i have right here and of course the first day i wear shorts in eight months and i'll be walking through itch weed but hey it's just all part of the fun right and we're going to be going taking this battery-powered lawnmower through this oh jeez [Music] you guys listen carefully you might hear it downshifting as you hit some of the thicker stuff or speeding up [Music] there's that tree we'll go right up tight to that tree actually hitting it with the mower deck right now [Music] we're going under we're going under [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well i think that's going to conclude our mower test let's just turn you off oh she's still crying there we go well there she is guys buried up to the hilt in the swamp because you guys know you want that and i wanted to give it to you and we tested this thing out it had no problem cutting it it's just it can't float in mud and when we look at what we got here this is pure that's pure water and that's about all gonna that's gonna be about all we can test this one out so ah that's not gonna end this video but uh it wouldn't be the first time i've had to get my jeep out to get freaking ticks everywhere that's the second one of those sons of a duck that i've pulled off in just a few minutes all right we got to get that unstuck somehow one quick thing while we go get the unsticker you see my trees here dead emerald ash borer dead dead dead dead not dead dead dead dead see all those dead the emerald ash borer been getting you guys it's been nailing us hardcore favorite part about that jeep right there brakes feel a little bit like they need some loving all right you know it's just not that unusual for me to pull the jeep out when i'm making a mowing video for some reason it's just not a big shocker that's pretty common isn't it doesn't everybody pull their jeep and winch out when they're making a moen video all right [Music] all right come to daddy come on you can do it suppose i could go help her oh oh yeah you think she's a little wet [Applause] [Music] [Music] right now i'm in standard mode slow speed so i'm not even using control mode yet she just got good control just she feels good sport mode is pretty crazy [Music] well what what you want to see sport mode 10-4 back door [Music] huh what do you mean you've seen it mow enough grass and you want to see what else it can do okay all right well let's see what else this mower can do we've been in standard mode all day long we're gonna go into sport mode we're gonna crank her all the way up to high speed and let's just see how fast she can go so i still have the deck on this 52 inch mower but i have the 42 inch mower and i learned pretty quick that it takes about three minutes to pull that deck off it's just two simple pins and a hanger on the front and then you just unmake unplug the motors which is one plug and you can pop the deck off and that makes it really excellent for my grandkids to use the mower and me feel a little bit safe and i also found out there's something else you can do once the deck is off [Applause] all right guys here's a little sneak peek this is the ego string trimmer it's got line iq so you basically just stick your string in get the two ends even and then hit this button right here oh i went too far so you just stick the string in until she comes through just like that get them so both sides are even and then you hit that button right on the tip top boom and this trimmer's got power and it also has a no bump feed head meaning i don't have to tap that head on the ground to keep feeding it string it automatically senses when it needs more and adjusts it without me touching the thing i don't normally like to give my opinion on something you guys may notice that when i do these reviews i just shut up and show the equipment working to its utmost capability and let you guys decide what you like or don't like but sometimes when i really really like something or i really really hate something i can't help but say something and i really really like this string trimmer in fact i think that is my favorite string trimmer of all time right there it's just got the power it's got line iq you it has a no bump feed head not a zip zero zilch this thing is made for just to go just to work that's all it is and then i want to hear from you guys what did you think of that eagle mower how well it did if i take a look at this i mean this is a mowed all this and it still had plenty of juice left we went in the swamp the best part of the video unfortunately it didn't pick up all the video the gopro fried out on me when we were getting into some of that really thick tall cattails so then we went over there and we mowed until we got stuck but boy she never bogged down she never hesitated had zero problems just went went wet so that's the things that i noticed about it um you tell me what you guys noticed and then uh we'll just go from there and that's all we got for you today hope you guys enjoyed today's video we will catch you guys on another one god bless you guys take it easy man and go get them see you later
Channel: Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek
Views: 232,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn mower, ego lawn mower, lawn care, mowing tall grass, battery powered lawn mower, ego mower, best lawn mower, mowing youtube, mowing tall grass youtube, battery powered lawn mowers reviews, battery powered lawn mower 2022, ego lawn mower review, lawn care videos, electric lawn mower, battery lawn mowers, tool reviews, косить высокую траву, ego lawn mower 2022
Id: CwdUt8YBjZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 9sec (2349 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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