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hey what's up guys we're back again to test out the true strength of the most expensive deck in clash row is bigger always better will it put in more work than a simple one elixir skeletons or are we just gonna end up with a massive pile of junk today it's time to find out with our pekka mega knight golem deck i can tell you one thing there's no way that our opponents will ever expect it you guys might be wondering how is this a 7.6 elixir deck when my elixir bar is saying 6.7 if you take a look at the deck and we swap out near for goblins the elixir cost actually goes up to 6.8 but there's no way that's correct because if i mirrored up any of my cards in my deck the lowest elixir cost i could get is 8 uliter from mirin up a pekka a mega knight or maybe a lava hound and an 8 elixir mega knight costs way more than a 2 elixir goblin so since mirror broke clash rouse calculations i had to do it myself the actual average cost of mirror in this deck is 8.4 elixir so that brings the overall average elixir of the deck to 7.55 which the game would round up to 7.6 elixir let's see if we can jump into some games assert dominance or if this deck is utter trash and a huge thanks to everyone that's using creative code sir tag making high effort videos like this one possible to jump it in with the most expensive deck and clash trial against another sir i wonder if he's ready for the big bad boys because he's just a part of the small miniature bad boys so i don't know okay well that's one of the most expensive cards in the game maybe i spoke too soon maybe he's running the exact same deck as me and me around at eight wins in a grand challenge probably not though so i'm gonna go him into that and i wanna go in for three musketeers and hope that he doesn't have tornado he has tornado and he pulls them all together hello peter i'm screwed oh wait this could work out so well i don't think you're able to pull all the musketeers no way i'm telling you we have a chance right now this is beautiful we're going to kill the double electra giant and we're going to counter push with the three musketeers [Music] so maybe we have a good push here i want to go in for a mega knight because it's going to apply more aggression or do i want to go for recruits i think recruits are better recruits are definitely better here without the electro giant being able to support it how is he gonna stop this oh the bomber though but the bomber's gonna die no way we're taking a tower this shouldn't happen i'm currently winning the game at eight wins and a challenge with the meme deck okay clash royale i see you i see what's going on he also doesn't know that i have a pekka so maybe he knows that i'm a stupid sir but he doesn't actually know the extent of how far i'm gonna go okay that's fine the golden knight's still gonna target on to the recruits that's completely okay if i go for a lava hound right now it's gonna be difficult for him to defend because even if you elect your giant i don't think you've got the version that can stop a lot on i don't think you've got a mega minion in your deck so you're definitely losing that tower to the lava hound right and yeah my tower left-hand side was 100 forfeit anyway i wasn't able to defend that and he's got zappies that is not what i wanted to see but maybe we can three crown him i don't know i'm looking at this right now that's a lot of damage that i got seems like the lava hound is able to put in enough work in the left-hand side to take the tower if we can just get the pups to lock on they have one job that's that's all they needed to do there they weren't able to pull it down i'm gonna go for the three musketeers on the same side and if he lightnings i think that's okay i'll show you lightning i'm hoping that he decides the lightning a little bit later oh we weren't able to kill the zappies that's really unfortunate i needed to kill the zappies before he lightning i didn't think he was gonna have it back in cycle so soon but it might be okay if i go in for recruits at the river and he doesn't have bomber in cycle is he able to stop this i don't think so i genuinely think that he has to go in for an electric giant the right hand side and let the zappies just do whatever they can in the left oh my gosh this is awesome this is literally incredible because if i law bound he's gonna have to go in for a cannon and that's not gonna be enough to stop it dude the recruits are just gonna take it by themselves six seconds remaining can we go for a pekka and stop the electro giants coming at us there's one level 13 electro giant in my face but it ended up being a disgrace that is so unbelievably satisfying showcasing why we're the superior sir at nine wins in a grand challenge winning with the complete meme of a deck let's get it guys so you already know the deal if this deck was able to work once maybe it will be able to work a little bit more i don't want to cycle anything until double elixir because i can't afford any defense if i go and spam like a mega knight well then he spams other side and i'm like oh my cards are seven elixir so i guess i lose so just gonna chill until you decide to cycle something i meant a three musketeers all in one lane this might be stupid but i don't want to get like royal hogs right now and if you fireballs then you know it's okay because the musketeers are able to kill the fly machines so overall it's an okay trade i'll take it i could have split them but i don't know i was just feeling like this guy was going to have the rail recruits arrows golden knight version for whatever reason and i was wrong so i look like a fool but it is what it is i'm going to go for the electro giant in the back and we're playing against lava hound wait no way did i get lucky two times in a row that should never happen in clash round guys there's a bad chance that he's gonna inferno dragon me right now and i won't have tornado yes i'm the only idiot in the game that runs electra giant without tornado oh he's got a baby dragon though wait this is a lot better than i thought but i don't have any anti-air answers yeah yeah i don't have three musketeers because i cycled them earlier i can't rely on the electric giant to go retrace his steps and go backwards this is actually looking horrible for me right now what am i to do i'm gonna go for a mega knight because it's gonna be able to jump and walk further away it doesn't have much health points though it does not have much health points at all oh no oh no his tower is 420 but we are most certainly not chilling gg well played and peace out the deck is showing its weaknesses too early no we got to bounce onto the next one and see if we can redeem ourselves obviously if our opponent has clone our only way of killing all of his stacked up air stuff is three musketeers but if our three musketeers aren't in cycle because we defended a fly machine with it well we're just gonna take a colossal l let's bounce onto the next one and see if we can make a comeback we gotta bounce back after that l and we're gonna see what this man's gonna do so obviously if he's giving me good luck i'll take all the luck i can get oh wow well that's not what we want to play against bro um i just lost against that i can we speed run a redemption arc i maybe if i go for a love hunt in the back of the other side and make pretend that i've got air answers so you can't support your lava hound you don't want to go into a minion horde you don't want to drop a balloon trust me okay that's really good for me oh my gosh what are you doing why do you have a lovehound valkyrie deck with archers and why did you spam them into the mega knight well you probably didn't expect me to have mega knight but why would you ever drop that as your supporting cards to a lava hound that's that's not something you see every day okay so i'm gonna electro giant here so then when his lava hound pops all the pups go directly on the shocky boy and then we're gonna shock his world with him deciding to go for the skeleton army and losing that as well so when i did this that challenge before like three or four months ago electro giant used to be a trash card but now electro giant became one of the best cards in the game if not the best card in the game so if you mirror up the electric giant you're probably just gonna take towers remember the guy at eight wins at a grand challenge his first play was mirroring up an electric giant and he got to eight wins in a grand challenge yeah the strategy is pretty broken also i might want to go golem here because i don't think you're gonna have fireball i just don't believe in you even if you do i might not look like a fool because our golem is tanking for us right now this guy seems like he's playing a random deck generator deck too he's literally out here with one of the weirdest decks i've ever seen oh wait wait wait no i take that back i take that back i only have one available answer to this and it's royal recruits an entire hoard of skeletons are coming at me no dude i lost against this last game don't let it happen again we need the redemption arc right now i'm so motivated to win this one out of everything in clash royale i refuse to lose it i'm using the defensive lava hound right now the gloves are coming off guys we're pulling out every single stop to stop this guy's offense if that lavahound is not going to defend well that's one of my only anti-air cards so i had to do it wait can i just stack up double electro giants and win i think that's the strategy here guys i think you ignore the archers you double electro giant and play like every professional player is playing right now you just e-giant and pray and then it ruins your opponent's day so i think this is gonna work uh also we've got one little pup the lost puppy you know puppy i'm glad that you're lost oh wait never mind i i'm not happy you're lost because you just popped the lava hound way faster than you were supposed to because now that thing's targeting my tower doesn't matter though does it matter we've got an electro giant and a mega knight to kill the e-waste wow that's pitiful mega knight you're so bad to compare to what you used to be most mega knights like in 2020 or 2021 would have the ample amount of fun eviscerating that electro wizard wow that was pitiful i cannot believe you dropped an elixir come on defense what was that supposed to do just feed me more elixir oh my goodness that was a good comeback guys let's see if we can keep it up we got the redemption arc rolling against the lovehound clone after we lost against it this first time and you know what i'm feeling pretty lucky today so let's bounce onto the next one here we go we got a game here and i read this guy's clan as dinner maybe i'm just really hungry i gotta feast myself upon your towers in double elixir because takes a bit of time for us to cook up enough elixir to be able to actually afford our units i am psyched with a peck on the back on the same lane as the bomber it is ridiculously risky to do that but at the same time i don't want to be down so much elixir here since there's a chance he goes in for a goblin drill plus a bomber and then i would take a million damage from the splash damage so i decided hey let's live life on the edge and go in for a pekka wonder if i threw musketeers here or if i go in for recruits can the recruits take the targeting from the inferno tower please no i thought in the middle the inferno tower would reach that wow that's horrific but it kind of worked out that's really weird we baited out both of his buildings it was so stupid that it might end up being successful because we can electro giant right now and hope that he doesn't have another inferno tower back in cycle i don't know if he does he has a quick cycle deck but he should be able to defend this with the bomber and then maybe using something else like a log but yeah that's that's kind of what we expected right that's exactly what we were expecting as long as we can get to double licks here i'll consider this a mini win this deck does not work well in single at all as you guys already know we're going to get a decent trade here with the mega knight i don't know if he can afford an inferno tower in time yeah he's gonna go skeletons he's gonna activate king tower with the fire spirit no don't do it wait why are you missing all of your placements this is awesome he actually messed up miserably okay so he's not inferno towering he's dropping fire spirit as well yo the mega knight's going to jump onto the tower that worked out a lot better than i thought so if we're playing against goblin drill the one thing that we can do is adapt with our deck because we do have mirror despite this deck being really inflexible we can bend it whichever way we want and break the rules of clash royale and get two lovehounds in the map and single elixir still so i'm gonna lie down on the left-hand side i don't know if that's the right play but i'm feeling like the inferno tower might end up dying to lava pups oh he doesn't have rocket oh that was so bad for me i thought you wouldn't drop a spell there because you would have rocket but you have fireball i don't think i've ever seen this goblin drill version with fireball before but here we are on ladder living against a different world wow all right the fireball is out of cycle so i can go for three musketeers and snipe the inferno tower oh do we have a push i think we're making something right now guys i i buy with this the recruit is locking onto the tower the level 13 lavond is seeing no answer in sight my goodness if i go in for an electrode in the back and i go in for a goblin drill counter with the mega knight i might be able to win the game so i'm gonna go for a pekka here first and then i'm gonna go in for the mega knight afterward oh no i i'm kind of scared i'm kind of scared right now i need to go for mega knight to clean up those goblins so none of them go and lock onto my tower randomly there okay so the electric giant should be able to finish off the inference tower not quite not quite but i guess it worked i'm going to follow up with the recruits so the inferno tower retargets onto that instead of our pekka this is the first time i've ever body blocked a pekka with rail recruits maybe it will be the last who knows but i hope his tower doesn't last come on i could go fast lock onto that tower i know you can do it i believe in you right now no goblin drone cycle so he can't apply aggression even though my tower's at 600 hp the lava hound locks onto the tower one more hit vadi one more hit let's go that was awesome it's legendary to watch a lot of hound whittle a tower down as your opponent's just like well i've got bomber and no way to shoot up and the electro giant in the back definitely knew what's up because that was gonna take the tower even if he defended that lava hound here we go let's get it so this guy hopefully doesn't cycle anything until double elixir because my deck doesn't work until then so we're just gonna chill relax and wait and hopefully have an amazing fate already drop some valkyrie in the back okay dude i see how it is so if we see valkyrie it's probably gonna be a fast cycle deck so i'm just gonna go and drop my mega knight here kill the valkyrie and then get some good counter push afterward wait this might be the moment we were waiting for if we play against someone that drops their inferno tower early on like that how is he supposed to stop our electric giant spam assuming he doesn't have a random goblin drill on the deck as a second building that inferno tower should be all he has but obviously when i have an opportunity to go in for an electric giant he's my last card we looked left we looked right and there was no e giant in sight i can't drop it at the river despite him not having an inferno tower that's unfortunate i go for royal recruits here since it will be able to stop the rest of his spam i would have loved to go e-giant and kite that to the other side oh my gosh what are you doing the recruits on the left-hand side putting in some work guys that's what i'm talking about okay so looking at my card order i need to go for an e-giant here but it's gonna go right into an inferno tower i just can't afford to give up my damage lead right now i worked so hard for it i enlisted my rail recruits in the left-hand side to do damage and i can't disappoint them by giving up my entire lead in the right-hand side okay so yeah the inferno tower it's not gonna pull the electro giant which is actually pretty smart because if he dropped it close enough to the electric giant i think the e-giant would have just reset it and i would have gotten damaged anyway so him dropping it far enough away likely gave him a good trade because then he was able to finish it off and not have any shenanigans with me bridge spamming afterwards supporting the e giant and then hopefully taking the tower so i was hoping that he would let me do that played smartly though do we want to go in for a mega knight here because the inferno tower is out of cycle we can splash onto the guards and support our lava hound i've never supported a lava hound with a mega knight but here we are living in a different world a different place also this guy's got one of the most defensive decks i've witnessed in clash royale history imagine playing against someone that hates playing against b-town decks to the extent that they run giant skeleton and inferno tower and then you've got like 16 different tanks in your deck not necessarily a vibe okay so the giant skeleton is gonna explode not anywhere near my tower that's pretty important the inferno tower should fall i'm using the rail recruits as distractions and body blockers for inferno towers i don't think they've ever been used to that job usually they're like hey i'm my own wink edition but today you're just an accessory to our electro giants accessory to our golems and a piece of the process you are not your own individual win condition one two three four we're going to disrupt the tower it was perfect for a few seconds and then we had to ruin it oh my gosh i guess electro giant is used to ruining things in this game it is one of the best cards in the game for a reason and pro players mirror it up like nobody's business so the fact that i'm able to mirror it up with this deck made it way better than it used to be the most expensive deck in clash royale actually can become one of the best decks in the game if you can just mirror up your electro giant and your opponent doesn't have a building even though this deck was a complete meme with a super heavy cycle it was a ton of fun like subscribe for more daily videos and have an awesome rest of your day [Music]
Channel: SirTagCR - Clash Royale
Views: 808,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clash royale, clash royal, clash, royale, clash royale best deck, clash royale deck, sirtagcr, sirtag, best deck, most expensive deck clash royale, clash royale most expensive deck, most expensive clash royale deck, highest elixir deck, clash royale highest elixir deck, clash royale expensive deck, expensive deck clash royale, the most expensive deck in clash royale, highest elixir deck clash royale, most expensive deck, sir tag, mega knight deck, electro giant deck, 7.6 elixir
Id: nZQzT6iMuOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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