Beat Bloating & Optimise Your Gut Microbiome | Dr. Angie Sadeghi

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my number one complaint that i receive guess what it's bloating it's the number one complaint of people who walk into the door to see me for in my opinion cheese is probably one of the worst foods one could eat if you're lactose intolerance i think you're lucky because you end up avoiding dairy as a food group what's good for the heart is good for the gi tract what's good for the brain and it's it's very cool because you can eat this one diet and it's mostly plant-based and it can help you in with every organ hey everyone this is jenna miteke from plant based news i really hope that you enjoy this video which is an interview with gastroenterologist dr angie sedaghi if you get something out of this interview you will definitely get something out of your free premiere summit linked below the summit features experts in the fields of lifestyle medicine and conscious living there's more information about it at the end of this video but what you need to know in the meantime is that it's completely free and it's successful by the link in the video description anyways i really hope that you enjoy this interview with dr angie stegey the first question that i asked her is why does she as a gastroenterologist recommend a plant-based diet enjoy as a gastroenterologist i am faced with many patients with many different types of gastrointestinal problems that are chronic debilitating and quite reversible and a lot of times preventable so the gastrointestinal tract is a very long torturous tract mouth esophagus stomach small bowel and the colon it also includes the liver and the pancreas and in synchrony they work very hard the gi systems work very hard to digest and absorb food and the nutrients that you consume if you don't respect the balance and if one eats unhealthy over time chronic disease sets in so the consumption of processed foods animal products and a dairy can cause havoc on the digestion and when done for long periods of time in combination with genetics and some other lifestyle factors like lack of exercise smoking and drinking can it can be a bad deal and it can cause a lot of disease so as a gastroenterologist on a daily basis i'm always dealing with so many of these chronic debilitating diseases that could have been prevented and could be reversed given that the patient puts in the time and the effort and changing their lifestyle to a better lifestyle in regards to nutrition and fitness and things like that so it's when you see these debilitating diseases that are quite deadly like colon cancer um you know you you see this over and over again and you you realize after talking to so many people and and looking reflecting back on their lifestyle you realize how many of these people could have prevented the disease that they're dealing with you can't help but basically try to change or evolve your practice as a doctor to one that focuses on prevention rather than treatment and when you reflect back most of these patients ate a very animal um predominant diet so they consumed a lot of processed meat um fast food in particular uh dairy and meat um most of these patients if you look back on their diet date they did not consume a plant predominant diet many of these patients um had a sedentary lifestyle many of these patients drank a ton of alcohol so you know it's it's it's hard to watch to watch what's happening to your patients it's like you're seeing day in and day out you're you're seeing these young people in their 50s you know to me that's young now as i'm in my late 40s i look at i'm 50 is nothing i mean i'm 47 and that's like three years away and i'm like oh my god i don't want to be that ill but i'm 50 and beyond 20 30 different medicines you know and so what i ask you to do is just eat more plants so that brings me to your original question why are doctors asking their patients to eat more plant-based because all of the epidemiological studies on gut health show that if you eat a majority plant-based diet and you eat more fiber you can prevent colon polyps that can become cancer you know you can have a healthier digestive system and you can manage your weight better to have a healthier weight you can live longer you can have less heart disease i mean it's all and it goes together what's good for the heart is good for the gi tract what's good for the brain and it's it's very cool because you can eat this one diet and it's mostly plant-based and it can help you in with every organ so that's why in my clinic at least as a gastroenterologist i'm always asking my patients to eat more plants more fiber high five can you please give us a children's book version of what happens after i take a bite of an apple versus a bite of cheese so that's a wonderful question because you're looking at a black and white picture with an apple versus a piece of cheese which in my opinion cheese is probably one of the worst foods one could eat and an apple is one of the best foods one could eat so when you look at the com and compare these two foods when you take a bite of an apple you're getting a ton of nutrients you're getting antioxidants which uh fight cancer and you get a ton of hydration and my favorite nutrient which is fiber so uh as as the fiber travels through your gut it encounters uh the trillions of gut microbiome that live in a symbiotic relationship in the gut and get a hold of this fiber and ferment it into something called short-chain fatty acids which are literally healing to the gut and fight cancer so again you're getting water you're getting nutrients antioxidants and fiber i can't think of a single bad thing that that apple can do to you not even one let's compare that to the cheese cheese is processed highly processed food it's got a ton of saturated fat and that increases your cholesterol in the body which we all know that we're eating consuming way too much cholesterol-rich foods and foods high in saturated fat that makes make you sick as that cheese travels through your gut it encounters it goes into this in the stomach and hormones are produced such as cck it's a very fatty meal and what happens is um through a hormonal regulation the lower esophageal sphincter opens up and allows acid to come up into your esophagus we have this very commonly found disease called gastroesophageal reflux disease or gerd and it's a very common disease that people face uh there's statistics where like three out of five americans um experience gerd at some point in their lives so it's a very debilitating disease and it can be very chronic and cause lead to various esophagus and cancer um so as that cheese travels through your gut um it has a lot of saturated fat right there is a talk now there's some animal studies that show that saturated fat can break the tight junctions between the gut cells and cause what's so what's called leaky gut so again um it is definitely not a a good food to have because it's so full of saturated fat um there are people who are very very intolerant and they're allergic to the whey and the casein proteins in cheese and that could cause um that could wreak havoc on the gi tract as as far as the allergy is concerned i have a lot of patients who who have eosinophilic esophagitis which is an allergic esophagus and uh dairy happens to be one of the commonest causes of um foods that cause eosinophilic esophagitis so when i get patients in my clinic with eoe or eosinophilic esophagus i always run panels and sure enough they're allergic to the the whey or the casein protein in cheese and i'm not going to get into the cardiovascular effects of dairy just because i'm not a cardiologist however that saturated fat is terrible for the heart because it increases the cholesterol and we know cholesterol plaques can clog up the coronary arteries and cause disease um as far as uh the gi tract is concerned we cheese has zero fiber so people who consume a ton of dairy and meat and cheese end up having a ton of problems with constipation and that's why you know those medicines over the counter the constipation medicines over the counter it's like a multi-billion dollar industry there's senna which is stimulant laxatives laxative there is all kinds of fiber supplements uh there are over the counter citrus cell benefit metamucil etc etc then there is the osmotic laxatives like miralax over the counter there are very strong laxatives like magnesium citrate over the counter i mean you have a myriad of all kinds of stimulant osmotic and bulking agents over the counter to treat a problem in america called constipation which is a huge problem right and here we are we're comparing an apple to cheese and apple can help you move stimulates the bowel so it can it can help you with this problem of constipation and you have cheese which actually clogs you up so there's your comparison okay then why are so many people turning to yogurt in an effort to try and help their digestive tract i mean obviously you're advocating that dairy is a no go here yet for many folks they'll walk into a supermarket and they'll see probiotics and those probiotics are on dairy products in the dairy aisle well first of all dairy is one of the unhealthiest foods you could consume so it's like eating yogurt for probiotics or calcium is like drinking soda for potassium in my opinion because over 65 of the 60 of the population is lactose intolerant and uh many people are allergic to the whey and the casein protein it's got hormones that are not good for you um it's uh it's really not health food although it's sold in the industry as health food it's not health food and if you think about how that food was made and brought onto your table it's absolutely cruel to consume that food i mean you have to think about where your food came from you can't just blindly eat food and not know where it came from the dairy industry is one of the cruelest industries in the world and it inflicts a lot of pain and suffering on the animals and if you're eating that yogurt you're contributing to that industry and it's wrong it's a highly subsidized food so it's dirt cheap just because the government subsidizes dairy and spends millions and billions of dollars um so so what what the farmers are getting all this money um to to produce a certain amount of dairy and as the consumption is going down what they're doing is they're throwing away this milk that was produced they have to produce a certain amount of milk right and they're being subsidized to produce a certain amount of milk and when that milk is not used because the consumption of milk is going down people are waking up to the fact that dairy is not health food it's bad for your digestion this milk is being discarded and wasted so or what they do is they sell it to the to the fast food industry to put more cheese on your pizza and it's like because it's dirt cheap right it's pretty it's it's a very cheap food so a lot of companies are inserting in a lot of packaged foods and hiding it and you would never know so i asked my patients to read labels so anyway it's a terrible food but um why are people well it's as advertisements for yogurt it's dairy and industry driven right i mean it's not it's not like it's a it's a health food and being advocated by doctors and dietitians it's being advocated by the industry it's it's advertising oh it's healthy for you but but you know sometimes they don't they don't always get away with it like if you looked at did you remember the activia challenge that was taken off air because i it was like being sold as health food for your digestion and it was non-evidence-based so that all of those ads came came down and and i haven't seen any of those ads anymore so probiotics it turns out that you know our gut encompasses hundred trillion um gut microbiome from mouth to anus the majority of them live in the colon and these government carbon live in a symbiotic relationship with us and they ferment food and they produce short chain fatty acids and other helpful molecules and vitamins even so they're really important in our gut health and so what we should be doing is consume prebiotic rich foods which is like fiber which are synthesized or fermented by the gut microbiome to produce the health benefits now what happens if you if you eat products like foods that have probiotics in them like the healthy gut microbiome um that live in in our bodies what happens if you consume it in the form of a food or a pill there is no evidence out there that that shows that that causes health so it's it's you know when they advertise yogurt they say oh and it has probiotics but they never say which will fix your digestion which will help your digestion they just say it has probiotics which is true it has probiotics but the same reason i tell my patients do not take probiotics on pills right there are a lot of probiotics being sold on over the counter for gut health these are false claims because we don't have evidence that if you take these probiotics that you know your gut is going to be healthier there's there's one only very small situation a very small percentage of people um has science proof that taking probiotics causes gut health um and people who have a pouch after surgery for uh colitis okay so everybody else like for example if you had to take if you had to take amoxicillin for dental work if you just say oh well i just took this amoxicillin it's bad for me so let me go take probiotics to replenish the lost god microbiome and therefore i'm going to be healthier that doesn't work in fact studies have shown that perhaps the probiotics that you take in a pill form after antibiotics may cause worsening of the problem and prevent the normal flora from coming back to normal to homeostasis so so therefore i i want to make it very clear that you can't take probiotics and um you know reverse the side effects of antibiotics or reverse your health problems whether it's colitis whether it's gastroesophageal reflux whether it's sibo or ibs it whatever gut problems you have probiotic taking probiotics doesn't help um except for that one small percentage of patients that i told you about so um so yeah if you have coli ulcerative colitis and patchiness talk to your doctor but for everyone else probiotics don't help so if you want probiotic rich foods um it in my opinion it's better to eat fermented foods that are dairy free you know you could eat kimchi you could eat i don't know you could eat a plant-based tea i love yogurt i eat coconut yogurt all the time i eat kite hill almond yogurt all the time so delicious coconut yogurt is the best yogurt in the world like so you can have yogurt it's just it's just to me it's silly to eat greek yogurt or or dairy based yogurt for the probiotics which may not even be helping and then you're putting all this poison in your body um which is it's it's just yeah it's so when you listen to advertisements industry advertisements do you have to look into it further you have to see where's the science um is it true that yogurt does a digestion good and and and no it doesn't thank you for that let's talk a little bit about bloating seems like we've all experienced it after a heavy meal but there's also a lot of association between uncomfortable gi symptoms and eating plant-based for instance getting bloated after eating some beans can we dive into that a little bit yeah sure so it's interesting because when i was at usc training to be a gi doctor i was dealing with people who are literally on the verge of death coming in with liver failure multi-systemic systemic failure in the icu intubated leading to death and people with like um you know colon cancer obstructed and all kinds of extreme extremes of what you would see in the hospital and then when i finished my fellowship and i started my own private practice my number one complaint that i received guess what exploding it's the number one complaint of people who walk into the door to see me for it's bloating so bloating is extremely common i don't care what diet you're eating i meet people here who eat a whole food plant-based diet i eat i need people who are actually on a very meat heavy diet dairy and meat and all kinds of processed food i i meet people in the in between i meet people on the keto diets i mean a wide variety of diets but the common denominator is that bloating is a very common symptom and many people get bloated when you say blood you have to re you have to differentiate bloating so there's bloating where you gain weight and you have a lot of subcutaneous fat and people come to me and they're like i'm bloated i mean i ask questions they go yeah well i've i've put on 20 pounds in the last six months or one year and look at me i'm bloated and when i ask them questions i realize that by bloat they mean that they've gained weight and it's stuck there it doesn't go anywhere it doesn't matter if you eat or you don't eat you're gonna have bloat that's not bloating that's subcutaneous fat you see um then you have other people who have actual fluid inside their belly that's called ascites they also call that bloating they come in and they go i am bloated and you look at their exam and they have liver failure and there's bloating and it's societies inside the belly and that also manifests as bloating so that's also needs to be considered um so then you have the people who have um actual abdominal distension and bloating due to gas when you eat food there is um the fermentation process that produces gases and you can get a little bit of abdominal distension from the gases that are being produced as the result of fermentation okay that's also bloating usually comes and goes you wake up with a flat stomach and then you eat and you you get bloated because there's fermentation there's another type of bloating and distension where people with ibs feel and it's not necessarily gas and it's not necessarily necessarily accumulation of gas it's just the feeling of bloating and dissension and when they show you their belly it's a little bit descended but it's not to the extreme that they feel so they feel like their belly is bloated a 10 out of 10 and they have ibs and their their nervous system works differently for them than normal people so um people without ibs so they have this feeling of really bloated distension but when you look at it it's not really hugely descended or bloated it's just the feeling they get and and this happened this happens to be very common so if you take a group of people with um ibs and a group of people without ibs and you put a certain amount of air in both groups people without ibs would be okay uncomfortable and would handle that air distension just fine but if you put that same amount of air in people with ibs suddenly they're miserable and they're very irritated and they're they're in pain so it's the same amount of air in both groups but the ibs group have an exaggerated response and it's it's it's just basically it's their nervous system handling that distension so um you know so this is a common problem that i see in my uh clinic in patients with ibs there's another form of bloating that comes from abdominal distension due to the gases that are being produced due to a disease called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or sibo where there's a an overload of bacteria in the small bowel where it doesn't belong so as the food travels there's fermentation of the food and the bacteria are producing a ton of um hydrogen gas and methane gas which you can test for with a breath test and and this extra gas production can produce belching burping flatulence and distension um and discomfort and there's another type of bloating it's when you eat your stomach stretches i mean who doesn't get that mean especially if you have the you eat a big meal so like you said almost every single person in this world has felt bloated at some point in their lives and will have bloating at some point in their lives now what happens if you eat these quote-unquote gassy foods well foods aren't gassy we are and it's interesting because you know same uh these gassy foods like for example cauliflower or beans uh get a bad wrap because i mean they're fermentable fibers they um they get fermented in the gut and there's the production of uh some gas but it's it's it depends on how your body handles it like i could eat a ton of beans and i don't get bloated just because my butt i don't have ibs so the way my body handles the beans is different from someone with ibs so with people who have severe ibs um what i would recommend is start small and increase it slowly and there is sometimes there's that um slow start and increasing the food over time somehow your body can get used to it a little bit better and you can you you will adjust to it somehow i mean i used to get super bloated from it too but i don't anymore i could it could be because we don't have any randomized control studies on this okay so but for the most part most people would agree that if you start um eating small and just slowly increase the amount your body will get adjusted to it so bloating is a common complaint number one there are a ton of reasons why you would get bloated if you get bloated talk to a gastroenterologist a board certified gastroenterologist who understands how to treat you and diagnose you and um my suggestion is don't worry about it if you're getting a little polluted eating these quote-unquote gassy foods which are fermentable fibers they're healthy for you you get a little gas but guess what that food that's that fiber-rich food is being fermented in your gut producing short-chain fatty acids so maybe it's not such a bad thing that you may have a little bit more gas it's good for you so we're pro farts hearts are good so many people think that they have stomachs of steel like those people that can just say listen i can handle anything you can put into me have you heard that before and what's your response to that you know um that's it that's a very good um good thing to bring up and actually a lot of people say that and then like i personally have a stomach of steel like it's just it's it's awesome because i could eat anything and i never had gi problems except for conservation i did have construction but i never had these like problems that people have but you know and i was eating dairy but the thing is that um if your digestion is robust and you're not getting the deleterious effects of all these bad foods that you're eating it doesn't mean that you're not getting disease you're still getting disease that's not being manifested as diarrhea and abdominal pain nausea or vomiting and so you think oh i'm spared it definitely doesn't make you spared from getting disease so you can still produce colon polyps that become cancer you can still produce stomach um cancer and you can down the line um have problems but you know dairy for example is is is an unhealthy food group and the thing is that the lactose intolerance is very common but some people don't have lactose intolerance right so they can eat it and not have any problems so you know you you have to realize that you may not have those overgirls in fact if you're lactose intolerant i think you're lucky because you end up avoiding dairy as a food group because when you eat it you get a really terrible response so if you're lactose intolerant you may stop eating it just because you're not feeling well and that'll serve you in the long run so yeah i can't tell you how many times i've heard that i have a stomach of steel i can eat anything i can have a pint of ice cream it's going to be fine right well and then 20 years later they have cancer and it's like your stomach of steel is not working i mean you know you go with these populational studies people who eat that way they get heart disease they have heart attacks they have colon cancer they have breast cancer i mean that's the problem is if you don't feel badly and you continue eating it that's when you run into problems because then you get this these chronic diseases that most americans die from right like there is it's not a secret like our 50 year olds are really ill in this country and 50 is not that old like people should not be so ill at age 50. so they had stomachs of steel and they ate crappy right and that doesn't prevent them from getting disease so disease sets and so when you're in college and you know in your 30s 40s the coronary artery disease is building up your polyps are building up and then you turn 50 and it gets that tipping point where you're like having symptoms as the results of as a result of eating all these bad foods that didn't bother you acutely during the years over the last 20 years you have a stomach of steel yeah so eat crappy no problem and then you're 50 and then suddenly you have a heart attack suddenly you're diagnosed with cancer because diseases are asymptomatic for so long and people don't understand that being asymptomatic doesn't mean that you're healthy yeah so i guess for some people they can trust their gut but then there's also some people who should just not you can't really trust your gut to be honest with you you know eat cookies all day you know because that's tasty okay so don't trust your gut support your gut eat healthy for your gut eat healthy for your gut and for the rest of your body uh trusting your gut would be like oh that ice cream looks good let's have it every day that's what my gut wants to eat like as many sweetened and salty oily foods as possible i'm not sure that's a good idea if someone were to ask me how was your gut health i think i would be like oh yeah you know i think it's pretty good but then the first thing that i would think about is poop what should we know about poop so so so here's the thing um when when you have healthy a healthy stool that's great fantastic but it doesn't tell you that your digestion is necessarily 100 healthy because you could be eating meat processed meat and dairy and a ton of red meat and not enough fiber and still have healthy poops but it does not um guarantee that you're not going to have polyps or um you know be prone to cancer so you could still have healthy poops and and and be ill because your body is uh being exposed to a lot of toxins and it's producing polyps in your colon which is a uh which colon cancer is a huge problem in this country so we have to address it we can't ignore the fact that colon cancer is a huge problem and it kills hundreds of thousands of people um in america and so um and and colon cancer comes from polyps which are abnormal growths that are asymptomatic for years for like 10 15 years these polyps are asymptomatic so you could be eating really unhealthy and your poops look perfectly normal which i'll tell you what that is but anyway you could have perfectly healthy proofs and you're developing these polyps that predispose you to cancer so just remember that polyps are asymptomatic and you don't always i know it's stomach cancer even you could have um you could be eating processed foods and and have the um start of stomach cancer and be totally asymptomatic for years and so when you do become symptomatic it's too late right so keep that in mind as you're if you're listening and you're like well my proofs are great and so you know i'm good right no so just still just remember you should eat a predominantly healthy hopefully published diet but okay but what is considered a normal stool um there's actually a stool chart it's called the bristol scale stool chart and you can download it on the off the internet or just google it and it'll pop up pop right up but um generally speaking there's type one two three stools that are hard bulky and dry and dehydrated hard to evacuate and they're painful to evacuate you have to strain a lot the number one is like rabbit pellets really hard number two is like sausage shape but it's very hard and bulky and cracked and number three is um a little bit better than number two but it's still hard type four stools are generally accepted as the normal stool they look like a sausage or a snake if you will um it's a long piece of formed stool so farm stool is normal form stool it's not cracked it's not dry it looks like a sausage and it's easy to evacuate and um it comes out and you have a feeling of complete evacuation it doesn't it's not associated with urgency and pain okay so that's the type four stool and then type type five six are loose stools um which are basically um or seven type uh five six seven are loose tools and the seven being the extreme side of the spectrum which is watery completely watery and then um five and six are fluffy and they disintegrate when it comes out into the toilet bowl it's usually people have a feeling of urgency and incomplete evacuation for some people learning that plant-based eating is the way to go initially it can be kind of seen as a bummer because they're new to it they don't really know what their options and alternatives are how can plant-based eating be fun you know eating plant-based uh is fun for me and for a lot of my friends who've been immersed in this lifestyle long enough so people who start at first they don't know what to do and they don't know what to eat and it can be daunting and it can be almost a job figuring out oh my god what do i eat but it's so much fun because you know you're exposed to so many different um food groups that you never even imagined like you may be surprised i don't know about you but like for me you may find this as a source i didn't know what quinoa is before i became plant-based i didn't know uh there there's a tofu temp i've never heard of tempeh like it's really cool because you you end up introducing new things into your diet that you had never imagined and it becomes fun because you explore new things like even i still have fun exploring new cheeses that come on the market or new yogurts that come on the market oh new burgers that come on the market you know my suggestion is um for anyone who wants to eat more plant-based don't worry about perfection don't worry about no oil no sugar no salt it's just about eat more plants eat mostly whole foods it's okay if you eat a vegan brownie for god six months in a while you don't have to be perfect eat your ice cream once in a while eat your plant-based ice cream so delicious makes the most delicious ice cream in the world i think you know so just have fun with it eat the same like fun things that you were enjoying before and don't try to be so strict where you're not eating any sugar at all and or any oil at all like it's okay have some olive oil in your in your diet you know when i first started i didn't do that i ate zero oil and i honestly took the fun away so now i put olive oil on my food i do eat a little bit of avocado oil if i ever fried my tofu and it's delicious and i enjoy it so i don't think it should be about perfection make it fun eat fun things if cookies are fun for you eat that once in a while for god's sakes you'll be fine it's people who eat junk food every day on a regular basis are the ones who get themselves into trouble health-wise if you're eating um for example i don't know um a vegan cookie once every month and or a vegan ice cream once in a month it's very unlikely that you would have health problems if the majority of the time you're eating healthy uh fruits vegetables nuts grains and legumes and to make it fun if you like cooking i think you know download a ton of recipes on on the internet because there are so many talented chefs out there nowadays and talented dietitians who are basically putting together healthy fun recipes and i'm not a good cook at all i can't even warm water but but you know i mean if you like enjoy many people enjoy cooking right if you enjoy that make it fun download all these yummy recipes and try different recipes try to incorporate foods that you've never had in your life and diversify your diet you know when when i was when i was in vegan i had such a boring diet i had you know burgers and pizza and ice cream okay three food types like almost every day now i'm eating a variety of foods 250 vegetables to choose from at the store like a hundred fruits to choose from at this store different types of beans different types of um foods like vegan foods on the market like like veggie burgers all kinds of stuff i just feel like you diversify your food it automatically becomes fun um but to start i would say like just slowly get into it and hang out with people who are vegan it's really important because they show you the yummy restaurants and the foods and it's just important um to follow accounts like vegan accounts on on instagram then you you realize that it's it's it's fun what would you like to eat later today a vegan huge vegan burrito um so later today i think what i'm gonna eat is i'm gonna empty a can of black beans i'm not a good cook remember that so i'm not i don't put together any complicated recipes it has to encompass only a few ingredients and doesn't require cooking so i would have um black beans inside my burrito with chopped avocados chopped onions chopped tomatoes and um the bitchin sauce which is yummy if you haven't had the bitchin sauce you should kitchen sauce oh my god you've never had it got the bitching sauce it's to die for it it's so good there's different flavors i like the jalapeno one and um i think it's sold out of costco trader joe's and you can order it online oh my god you can have hay and put and sauce on it it'll taste good well luckily a whole foods plant-based diet does not have hay in it now imagine that so you have this these yummy fresh ingredients and a little bit of bitten sauce you're set the global pandemic has changed our world forever millions of lives have been lost and tragically it's not over yet and here's something that's really kind of important some of the biggest covet 19 risk factors are what's called co-morbidities these include obesity cardiovascular disease type 2 diabetes and other chronic illnesses and the good news here is that whether or not you ever get coveted 19 the food you eat and the choices you make today have the power to shape your destiny and your health for the rest of your life right now it's more important than ever to clean up your diet to eat the foods that support your immune system scientific studies show us that eating the right foods can help you prevent and even reverse cancer type 2 diabetes autoimmune conditions obesity can help prevent alzheimer's and these foods really are your number one way to strengthen your heart your brain your microbiome and your immune system they can help you to have lasting energy more satisfying sleep and to set you up for a long happy life i'm ocean robbins host of the food revolution summit and i want you to know the truth about your food that's why my dad and colleague 2 million copy best-selling author john robbins and i have teamed up with 24 of the world's most brilliant revolutionary experts to bring you this year's biggest breakthroughs in food and health and because this information is so important right now more than ever before we're offering it to you completely for free in this the 10th anniversary food revolution summit you will find out what's really going on behind the scenes in our food system you'll find out which foods you need to avoid and what the leading edge of medical science is discovering about how you can optimize your immune health your brain health and your heart health most importantly you're going to find hope for your future and real actionable scientifically grounded solutions that can improve your life and your world starting today i can't wait to share it all with you remember it's completely free so go ahead and sign up right on this page all you need to do is enter your name and email to reserve your spot right now and i'll see you in the summit [Music] you
Views: 68,843
Rating: 4.8641768 out of 5
Keywords: plant based news, whole food plant based, gut microbiome, gut health, health, lifestyle medicine, angie sadeghi, vegan diet, diet, gut, stomach, bloating, beat bloating, bloating diet, abs
Id: iD3e8EbeApA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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