Beast Evolution in Movies & Cartoons (1992-2024) - X-Men '97

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greetings enemy mind might I induce you to a change of heart maximum Beast zero Beauty that's the smartest X-Men we're talking about Beast first appeared on screen in 1966's the Marvel Superheroes show this portrayal was based on his initial comic book design which depicted him as a man with animalistic features complete with a full bodysuit and a face and head mask that same original design also appeared in a flashback episode of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends in 1982 titled the origins of Iceman for many people the first recognizable appearance of Beast was in X-Men the Animated Series in 1992 this is the first time we see his blue Simeon form almost to cross between a blue fur feline and ape with pointy ears and crazy black and blue hair his long arms and prehensile feet allow him to walk upright or even upside down if there are any bars in the room strong and muscular he's comfort in both the briefs he uses for action and the long white lab coat and glasses he wears when offering scientific support back at the Mansion George buza created an intelligent and thoughtful take on the character being the brains of the team a close friend of Professor X who fully supports his cause in the episode Beauty and the Beast we see that Hank possesses the heart of a gentle giant he has enabled Carly a blind woman to see again and the two find a romantic connection but Beast knows they couldn't be together to protect her Hank makes the decision to keep his distance holding on to the hope that a future where mutants and humans live in peace will one day allow their love to flourish why did this have to happen to me I can't be close to any human I can't take a chance of endangering them my parents my brothers and sisters and now the woman I love the same Beast appeared alongside the other X-Men in Spider-Man the Animated Series in 1995 in these cross Over episodes It's revealed that one of H old colleagues Herbert Landon is trying to destroy mutants with a chemical formula the X-Men including Beast have to work with Spider-Man to thwart Landon's plans no one can turn his back on another's pain I may be a mutant but I'm still human how sad we are all alone until we accept our need for others Beast would get his next appearance in the second season of X-Men evolution this version becomes employed as the new chemistry and gym instructor at Bayville High School relying on a special serum he created to keep his mutation under control however as the serum's effectiveness starts to wear off he becomes more aggressive and eventually transforms into his blue Beast form with assistance from Charles and Spike he recovers his senses and decides to join the X-Men serving as a mentor to the team his look in this show when he's the Beast is the Simeon form again with dark blue shorts and yellow belt but he appears in a lab coat when in human form come on there's plenty of time for fun later it shouldn't take you more than an hour so we'll meet back here in 4 hours skipping the first liveaction X-Men movie he only appeared in the second one but not as beast in one scene we see Hank McCoy as a guest speaker on a TV show played by Steve Becki in 2006's follow-up X-Men the Last Stand we finally did get to see Beast as a full character in the liveaction movie series played by Kelsey gramar in the story he's an ally of the X man rather than a member of the team a former student of Xavier school for gifted youngsters and holds a prestigious position in the US cabinet as the Secretary of mutant Affairs upon discovering the development of a mutant cure and the Brotherhood of mutants aggressive actions to counter it he steps down from his governmental role to assist the X-Men in safeguarding the facility producing The Cure located on alcatra island during this conflict he uses the Cure on Magneto Beast with his gorilla-like fur and hands but human proportions appears as a hairy ordinary man in Shaggy blue hair this is largely due to the character being brought to life with a fur costume and makeup however CGI was also used but only for enhancing his movements in the fight scenes he's seen wearing a suit while in His official job and when suited up he wears black leather pants and a leather vest with yellow shoulder accents and the X symbol over his heart I can assure you the government had nothing to do with it well I've heard that before my boy I have been fighting for mutant rights since before you had claws in the skit X-Men Academy from Robot Chicken an animated action figure Beast appears briefly with the rest of the team before being vaporized by a sentinel Beast reappeared in 2009's Wolverine and the X-Men again in his blue ape form this time wearing a blue and yellow vest suit with the X symbol displayed on his right leg in his most notable appearance in the three-part pilot episode hindsight Beast remains at the x- manion's ruins following its destruction Charles Xavier and Jean Gray's mysterious disappearances and the X-Men's subsequent disbandment as a result he goes on to become one of the first X-Men that Wolverine re recruits after Xavier tasks him with stopping Master Mold we're still trying to get the stealth generator online otherwise josha is going to see us coming miles away Beast also featured in Marvel Superheroes what thee in 2009 this was a stop Motion web series using action figures of Marvel heroes right from the first seconds of the first episode we see beast and cyclops taking on Mr Sinister but but confucious once said everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it canus this also in 2009 Beast appeared in astonishing X-Men a motion comic that followed the critically acclaimed Jos Weeden run of the comic this was the first time Beast appeared with a more feline appearance similar in proportion to a human than an animal but with long hair and a cat-like face he battles in a pair of shorts that go up to his chest and down to his calves that are black with a yellow X running across them maybe this is the secondary stage of my mutation or maybe Cassandra Nova was right maybe I'm devolving in 2011's Marvel anime X-Men Beast was a part of the team and again it was a feline take on the character this time almost lionlike with a blue face long man of blue hair around he wears a black and yellow jacket when in action and a long white coat when lecturing at the University I'm afraid I must leave early so I'll hand you over to my new teaching assistant Mr seopa in 2011 Beast appeared in the Mad sketch titled the claw where a simple version of the character inspired by the Animated Series 1 Gate Crash is the set of the office with the rest of the X-Men in 2011 we got a new take on the liveaction Beast in X-Men first class Nicholas Hol plays a young Hank McCoy originally actor Benjamin Walker was slated for the role but he withdrew from the film to take on the lead role in a Broadway musical this rendition of Hank starts off employed by the cia's division X his mutation giving him huge ap-like feet along with heightened speed agility and reflexes upon joining Charles's new X-Men team at developing romantic feelings for fellow teammate Mystique McCoy Brews up a serum for from her DNA inabit to cure himself causing his further mutation into a bluefur feline like creature given the moniker Beast by teammate Havoc McCoy assumes the role of the X-Men's pilot as they embark on a mission to thwart the hellfire club scheme to instigate World War 3 this is supposed to be the younger version of Kelsey grammar's beast but his face looks nothing like it and is more cat-like he is always seen covered up by clothing as he attempts to hide his mutation including the black and yellow battle out he wears during the mission don't Mark me HK put him down immediately please in 2014's Days of Future Past we got a dose of both live-action beasts once again the young Hank is played by Nicholas Holt and there's a cameo from Kelsey Grammar too Holt's younger Hank has been living a reclusive life with Charles Xavier after the events of first class and is recruited along with the professor by Wolverine his face now looks more human again closer to Kelsey grammar's version and he's able to control his mutation with the help of the serum he created meanwhile grammar's Beast makes a brief appearance in the altered timeline moreover a viral marketing website for the film unveils that Beast met his demise in 2015 at the hands of a furious mob of human protesters outside his Upstate New York residence the Wolverine's intervention Alters this fate we got another anime version of beast in Marvel disc Wars The Avengers wearing a dark full bodysuit in this brief appearance Hol returned in 2016 for X-Men apocalypse in this installment he spends his time at the X-Mansion crafting a new jet in the basement however when the X-Men confront apocalypse and his Horsemen McCoy Embraces his Beast form once again to Aid in the battle this time wearing a fully black armored battle suit like the rest of the team in Deadpool 2 we briefly see Holtz beast in a short Cameo while Deadpool is in the Mansion before he quickly closes the door to hide the team from Deadpool Hank McCoy returned once again in dark Phoenix in 2019 Nicholas Hol again reprises his role after Jean Gray's po spiral out of control and she accidentally kills Mystique McCoy consumed by anger seeks a assistance for Magneto to eliminate gray however when the debari launch an assault on Earth to harness Gray's abilities MCO and Magneto Unite with the X-Men to fend off the Extraterrestrial threat subsequently Xavier UST McCoy with the responsibility of overseeing Xavier school for gifted youngsters while he takes the leave of absence in this movie we finally see Beast wearing the classic blue and yellow X-Men suit during the space mission in the mid credit sequence of 2023 is the Marvel's an alternate reality variant version of Beast portrayed by Kelsey Grammar this time in full CGI makes a cameo appearance this rendition collaborates with Maria Rambo to probe incursions which they suspect are instigated by individuals from neighboring realities you are now in a reality parallel to your own which is of course impossible in X-Men 97 George Boza returns to lend his iconic voice to Beast once again the design of the character is also unchanged from the original show he is the key supporting character that never seems to be the center of the story in the second episode he did have a standout moment breaking to storm that the loss of her powers appears to be permanent in a gut-wrenching moment in episode 3 we see Hank trying to save Scott and clone Jean's baby from a technov virus given to him by Mr Sinister but he is again unable to help I know who cloned Jean a man so dark and twisted he can be described as nothing other than Sinister BEAST's recent appearance in the Marvels confirms he's in the MCU so him showing up in Deadpool and Wolverine is very likely and with rumors of previous X-Men actors appearing as variants we might even get a glimpse of the Nicholas Holt version
Channel: Evolution Lab
Views: 17,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beast evolution, evolution of beast, beast x-men, beast x men, beast x men 97, x men, xmen, x men 97, x-men 97, x-men, the beast evolution in movies and shows
Id: Mwu-7ceVxTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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