Bear Grylls & Julianne Hough On "Running Wild with Bear Grylls" | BUILD Series

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elephant dunk that is a massive dropping you see just how much hurry tonight oh my gosh bear was picking up the poop and I was like we're what well it's just gag reflex just just kicked in I mean this being this fresh if you had to you get the juice out of that and that would hydrate you I've done them before have you really yeah I mean look how much you get out today because an elephant's digestion is so fast still got a lot of fluids in it and especially if you boil it it's gonna keep you hydrated and out here when it gets hot it is all about hydration elephant dung there you go save your life yeah me what you know what way to just start the day off right and just get right into a big pile of running okay you hold that we're even better you hold that perfect okay squeeze squeeze hold it right up oh they're squeezing it screws up and up this is the poop was actually hot love's bed every day there's nothing quite like just squeezing that green runny poop through my fingers keep filling this nah I don't know why bear put it in the canteen another cup full of that would be would be good to go I actually do know why I feel like we're gonna have to eat that later and I'm like I'm prepping myself hey I'm looking at us like why are you doing to get my pack there yeah that's just gonna smell tremendous in my backpack hmm okay here we go this is our nature smell let's get a smell here we gotta be better better there you go you've earned you a new elephant honest right I love it hmm it was like a little spa just you know exfoliation just pack it up and take it back to LA with me high five why I don't know if you can tell I took some of that back home with me and I've been exfoliating with it but all right so let's just get right down into the poop what did it smell like poop really elephant like warm elephant poop just smells like plants there is a different stench for sure but I don't think I can even explain it it was very distinct and very unique and I can tell you though when we did taste it have you ever had like spinach and it like makes your teeth feel weird you know talking about it's like squeaky like like there's something sticking to your teeth yeah that's how it felt in my mouth I'm always thinking way you're getting your spinach that was not tasting like no it doesn't say he's like spinach at all but it felt like it in your teeth it was just gross well let's backtrack save your life could it could save my life remember let's backtrack how did this come to have to pass for you Julian and a couple of different reasons them I had had a few friends that had been on past seasons and Zac Efron I did move eight how many Hudson and um they were rock Obama yeah Barack Obama you know we're just best friends but um we yeah they were telling me how fun it was and how like cuz I loved adventure I grew up you know camping and hiking and stuff with my family and we're always on the lake and just you know I'm always the first one to like jump off the cliff while like my brother is looking over and being like should I do this and you just see me being like oh you know so I was like ah this would be something that I would really really enjoy and I'm a huge fan of bears so um there's that component and I don't know it's just fun ah I was so excited about the elephant dung I couldn't wait to go there how do you pick people for the season of what criteria do you look at well we've been so lucky you know we've often kind of really got the people we've really hoped to get on the show but we you know we draw up a list and then we write to them and and try not to show them too much of the grizzly pits and show them the nice bits of other shows and and then it's just trying to juggle Diaries and stuff but we don't do a lot of the shows we try and keep them special and we do with them with the best guess and we try and do it with people who we think viewers would be really interested to see what they're really like kind of out of their environment you know whether it's you know president away from a podium or someone like Julianne away from the dance alone that and the you know the gloss of a kind of studio and I think for me it's the magic of running wild as you get to see a very raw unkind of glossy side of people that's always the appealing part because it's real you know but it's funny just backstage one of the girls go she goes is it so really like it is is it really real you know and I think often the guests are surprised I mean less so you because you kind of knew it was going to be an adventure but sometimes they kind of expect there to be a catering truck somewhere or you know but I think it's good for these people to be taken out of that it sort of really glassy environment just for a little bit for two days to have be treated like a normal person and go on a proper boy zonal girl zone or whatever adventure and do it for real you know but she shone bright Julianne was amazing she she might look girly but she's tough as steel how do you come up with the specific adventures for each person so why Africa for Julianne for example we try and we try and push environments every time and pick different type ones and also we chat to the guests and says only we're particularly you'd really love to go I try and do where we can film a couple of shows in each environment I try not to go too far right or left so I can still say good night for kids that's actually if I'm honest that's one of my criteria try and stay on a similar timezone so I always have a satellite phone with us partly for our safety we have I phone antivenom and generally if we need a rifle somewhere tucked away in the gear bags but a satellite phone is for much for me to say good night to kids and what was in your backpack talk me through this um not a lot but um do you have a hair and makeup artist with you no no I didn't have a catering truck no no catering no hair and makeup no wardrobe I mean I was literally wearing the the poop stained clothes literally the whole trip so uh but no em I mean I had maybe a change of shirt or something to sleep in makeup wipes not makeup wipes but like a refreshing base twice wipes and like deodorant can spray which we actually used to rappel off of like a hundred and fifty foot cliff I saw the clip and I was wondering about that like because you mentioned deodorant I was like what like so he doesn't freak out that you smell what did you I love it when we take girls because you you know if you open as you guys will know if you open up the zip of a lady's vanity case is like a treasure trove of survival gear in there and healthy you would say it's survival I think everybody else would be like why do you need all this stuff why do you have eight mentors I said there is like a snake with one I said would you mind if we if I borrowed your body spray and you looked a mini went okay you know not being but actually we used it to hook a rope across jammed in this rock crevice and rappel off it and Julie I was going it really this is never going to hold us but it's like the principle of you know if you've got a stick and you break it like that it's going to break but if you hold it close and then try and break it in the middle it's gonna you can't break it and look good now I'm looking down over the cliff and I'm like oh my gosh this is really far down I hope you know you're doing which I didn't I didn't have him I know that was good I knew that work you know yeah it was a little bit more dented by the end than I thought yeah I worked you flicked it off cuz we were saying that we wanted to make sure that we had the rope again instead of just tying it to a rock so when you flipped it off it came down it was like full-on dented like pierced through I was like oh my gosh I thought it was gonna be a little less dented than that I think is any straight into something else yeah juniors not great with snakes is one thing I learned I was going to ask about that because that seemed to me from what I saw your one moment of complete and total like kind of shut down yeah like I I mean I was so excited about the adventure I literally couldn't sleep and I was just excited about all like the the thrill-seeking stuff but the snake that that kind of took me a little bit by surprise we were we actually saw it well bear saw two cheetahs I didn't even see them until he pointed them out and then so that kind of got my heart racing a little bit because I was like oh they're like these wild cheetahs and then we're like crawling and trying to get past them and we hop up onto this like little or little it was like a big rock but it had this little tiny opening that we had to crawl through so just as I was about to go in I heard like the and I was like wow I jumped off was like snake cheetahs with snakes cheetahs which one am I going to choose so I ended up crawling next to the snake and we made it through but then bear wanted to eat it and I was like that's not gonna happen Julian's going hard left so I've got her one hand then I got the snake's anus in my other hand you know I'm trying to kind of pull the two together to see if we can get the snake and then we can make that dinner out of that you go no no no no and then I going there's nowhere to run because the cheetahs are up there yeah but I'm so we struck a deal which was if you don't eat the snake yearly whatever you know we you got to eat you know you need energy we'll find something else she goes anything I what do you eat they were called stripe policemen caterpillars right and the elephant dung that we boiled them in so it was very appetizing it was like Nobu level dining is what you're saying it was yeah it was five-star for sure there one thing I was a little bit of gag going on oh it literally thank goodness for editing cuz it probably took me a good like 20 30 minutes to try to even get it in my mouth I kept like trying to go like this and it would go past me I do think it's such a it is hard I sort of take it for granted I think we've done it so much but I think it is hard for people eating survival food and for you you know total respect it did take you a while but you you you know you swig these big old caterpillars down with a whole lot of elephant dung juice and and go go you know good for you just you know what it almost looks like a green smoothie though like the ones that cost ten dollars a press Juicery I mean exactly exact time some survival foods are hard to disguise as you potentially call that a green smoothie I mean look we just finished filming last week with Courtney Cox and and we found this rotting sheep in this swamp and I stuck the knife in to see if how rotten it was and literally some gas explodes all these maggots are using our she got oh and I'm psycho Alaska we can collect the magaz but what can we put the maggot in so she of this find blood sort draining from her face so we cut the testicles off took the testicles out of the sack filled the testicle sack full of maggots tied it up in a knot hung it off the back of her backpack and then boiled it up later like him I don't like a dumpling full of maggots I didn't see the blood return to face about three days ago but and but you know one of the things I've definitely developed as a respect for our guests who come and they know is going to be part of it you know but they're still like you know you're hungry you got it dirt and the girls are often they're often tougher than the men you know it's inspiring one thing I have to say that I love about the show so much is you get really personal moments with people like the Kate Hudson episode she was talking about her family life and her upbringing I mean I've honestly never heard her speak about that that candidly before what was something that you learned about Julianne that really surprised you um oh there are so many lovely moments on these journey and you you're right that this real strength for me of running wild is how honest people are and I think the wild doesn't judge you that's a nice thing you know it doesn't care you know um patchouli Amazonas throughout it you know you were very honest about some of the experiences you've been through you know growing up you know being away from home dancing some of the challenges you had there and in a really sort of courageous way and that's not easy to to talk about some of that stuff and I won't spoil it but it's on the show and I admire you for your courage not only on the rock faces but also if your courage to be able to share those scenes because you know it's not easy but I do think when you you're honest you shine light on difficult subjects it goes away you know a bit like bacteria if we ever want to clean a sleeping bag you've got a washing machine for three months of a mountain you turn inside out hang it on the top of your tent sunlight hits the bacteria and it comes out clean and it's a bit like that with our stuff you know when we're honest and we put it out there it's like a problem shared as hard isn't it so good for you and what did you learn about yourself ah you're not that you can eat crap dad but also that I'm an open book is obviously like I'm just like divulging so much information um but it's really because you know bear makes you feel really comfortable and um it is in a situation in a setting where where you kind of feel like you're stripped of all of your the pressures of kind of maybe who people think you are or who you feel like you need to be and so it's it kind of takes you back to that like kind of young child and I know for me like growing up with my family like we would go hiking and camping and stuff like that and so it really brought that kind of back into uh yeah it back into my life and and when we were out in the journey and stuff it was just it was fun and it was freeing and it was just it yeah bear just makes you feel really comfortable and lets you just kind of talk and whatever you know whatever my journey was you know hopefully it it you know resignate for somebody else and you know they get inspired by that and hopefully that's the case there um but yeah I think just like perseverance I mean it was like either run from the from the snake or the cheetah or just go for it and I think that that was the biggest thing is that like if I don't commit then I'm gonna get hurt or I'm gonna I'm gonna be more scared or more afraid so like the more I commit the less afraid I think I was so bear do you when you get someone when you prep someone for this Jurnee what do you tell them I mean do you have very specific guidelines on what they can bring how they physically can get ready what's the process we always say come on your own leave the entourage behind and Trust trust me you know we'll keep you safe there might be a few scrapes and bruises and cuts and grazes but you'll be in one piece and it will be a namibia hopefully a really life-affirming experience but there will be a little bit of pain along the way and bring a bag of fortitude and enthusiasm you know because the thing is it's easy to start things well you know same in life you know it's harder to finish and Welland and I noticed with a lot of the people take away you know by the time you get the next day you've had no sleep in you're freezing cold and you're still wet and suddenly it's like you know it just gets harder but that's that's a magic as well that's where you see what people are like and you the honest stuff comes from but I must say Julianne especially was incredible she you know her positivity and issue you think is it this is she really she that can somebody be this nice and bubbly even when you like fruit you know cold and scared or whatever and and she was so it's a credit to you and it's a also proof that with so many of our guests they reach the top of their profession because they've got great attitudes and they use that attitude you know on our journeys and it shows you also feel just like a total badass not gonna lie like you're just like repelling and you're just like oh I'm so good I feel like I'm like the king of the world and oh we got to like pull the flare gun where he was gonna pull it and I was like can I pull it please so we had it it was just like oh it's just such a thrill and the Russian the adrenaline and I hope that I can get a lot of my friends to to do it because it was such a life-changing experience we're building a bit of a club really now of it's like the running world survivors club but it's good you know and they should people should be proud that they've done it and you know coz it as I said I'm super respectful for people who do it because it's out of your comfort zone you don't need the money or the fame do you don't mean it you're doing if you really want to be challenger this and and I think we get less comfortable with stepping out of our comfort zone the more famous people get but actually as you guys know it's important for our edge you've always got to be out there so so good for you and how much before we go to the audience how much did you know about what you were going to experience before you got on the plane I just knew that I was going into South Africa I was going to Cape Town and then they drove us like three hours away I was passed out in the car because I was so jet-lagged and then I notice I did not know where I was the whole trip and then I had no idea but I just knew that I was with bear and I knew I was going to be taken care of and I was just ready I was just super excited to just fully commit to whatever it was and um now I have this like recorded for my life and I can be like oh you have kids you can be like mommy was so cool so cool I was like Laura Croft but blonde yeah and now let's turn it over to our audience all right thank you for being here um were there any night animals that kept you up at night when you're sleeping here yeah well speaking of the Cheetahs so I was not prepared for the Cheetahs I don't even think you were - because you turned to the crew and you were like okay we do not mess around these are wild animals so I was like wait Bear is scared I'm really scared now but we went to sleep and because I was jet-lagged I didn't sleep a wink and I really had to pee a lot but I was too scared to go outside and like outside of the LA cave and because the cheetahs were there and it was raining and all sorts of things so the ski that the cheetahs were the thing that like really scared and there was snakes yeah we were in Africa it was scary meanwhile I was sleeping like a baby you're like ah the sound of the birds yeah I've had to share some amazing camps with great people over the years it's fun like couple of days guys we slept in a pile of leaves with Shaquille O'Neal that was interesting Italy all you can see was both of our heads poking out but but I said it's like comp what do you call it compost compost you know you know you stick your hand in the compost as warm isn't it it's like generating Heat it's like and it's dry so this is purpose like soft dry and warm what are you complaining about Jack yeah Julianne had to sleep on a rock you know you're lucky and last question please hi guys thank you so much for coming my question is for Julian and I there's this quote that says it's a figure of doing that makes it doing hard to do so I was wondering like what like just in this case and just life in general like what's worse for you like the anticipation of doing something or the actual execution the actual execution of doing something or the like the journey getting there I would say that like our fear is what actually holds us back and we don't need that you know like we're so much more capable of of what we even what we are our limitations are basically what are holding us back in our head and like when you're in your head you're dead as as Tony Robbins actually says which I think he was just over here but you are you know and so like when you when you're holding your back when you're holding yourself back that way I think that that's that's the only thing in your way but the journey and the actual experience is is I think what makes what makes the success of fulfillment and so I don't know if I answered your question correctly but I did yeah but I think that yeah I mean I'm whenever I shoot a movie or when we're doing this journey like it's really fun to be able to watch the movie at the end of the day or watch this show at the end of the day but it was so much more fun being there in the moment and like actually enjoying it and not being worried about like what the end product was gonna look like but just like enjoying it and being authentic and real and when you're like that I feel like the end product is just gonna be what it is which is you and real and awesome in there when can we watch this these premiere August all gets a first and a second yeah thanks Dale NBC 10 o'clock and Nick Jonas one is first and then Julie Ann is second and then we got an Shaq and Lindsey Vonn Marshawn Lynch Courtney Cox Vanessa Hudgens and I think that's it yeah I got it's a Greece reunion thank you guys so much for being here thank you
Channel: BUILD Series
Views: 285,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AOL Advertising, AOL Inc, AOL, AOLBUILD, #Aolbuild, build speaker series, build, aol build, content, aolbuildlive, Bear Grylls, Julianne Hough, Running Wild with Bear Grylls, Grease Live, DWTS, Dancing With The Stars, Rock of Ages, Footloose, Vanessa Hudgens, Courtney Cox, Shaq
Id: xfcdLeX3qBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2016
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