BeamNG Drive Has An Actual Career Mode!

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[Music] hello and welcome to the show we are here today on BeamNG Drive I'm going to be looking at something a little bit different uh this is well the career mode yeah there is actually I mean it's a heavily work in progress career mode but there is a career mode now to the game there's a little bit of me that is curious what happens oh it doesn't you don't no you don't want me to play with traffic I wanted to find out what would happen damn you damn you game ruining my fun um yeah so we I'm going to take a look at the career mode I'm going to try and see what this is what this is all about uh I did a brief tutorial I kind of wanted to go in it without knowing too much and sort of figure it out so we're going to go and purchase a vehicle uh right so we have got uh what we got 11,000 I'll use a mouse for this bit 11,000 monies whatever beam bucks sure those ones and we have three choices we have a 200 BX we have an i series midp speec are you all wheeel drive you are yeah you are all wheel drive uh mid-spec allhe Drive I series or a little cover um now these vehicles going to be used all sorts of different things uh I'm going to go for ah let's go with the ice series let's go with the IE series um yeah we're just going to go for a purchase you want to purchase vehicle yes yes I do and here it is look at this it is my I series I mean it's fairly glorious and everything uh yep it is my first vehicle uh very cool now how do I get out of this camera mode there we go okay just press B and you'll get there right uh guess we got to get it turned on get it fired up now uh we are going to uh stick with we're with the orbital camera for this one uh now the goal is to you know complete missions do jobs earn money because you can customize your cars now normally I am used to in beam you just press control W whatever and you can go and uh modify them any way that you might see fit but here you have to be a little bit more uh do I maybe I don't drive straight in maybe I actually have to park in that oh oh God don't damage the Synchro on it going to break the gearbox cuz it's not going to repair in the way that uh that it us used to I guess if we go here uh oh no no this is for a mission oh we can do a mission I was going to go for not yet do this um okay so we can oh go oh these look like timed missions oh that's interesting um okay so always it's like like availability so I guess it Cycles around what it is so we can't fit that stuff there in uh we can't fit some of these in but we could for example uh carry some container I don't know oil filters I guess that's so we can carry some oil filters with us sure uh actually I could carry that and that because they're both going in the similar Direction so if we set that as the rout oh no get handon controller don't go up that we're still in Gears uh right so if we have that we have quests now by the looks of it these are not particularly timed quests uh these are we are good to go about them however we want we can try and drive and we can try and drive sensibly or we can drive in the true fail race way which is not sensibly at all we can boot it but of course I've got to be careful because if I crash my speed right I bump a curb I can bend a wheel hell you can brush a railing and you can destroy your car you can do a heavy amount of damage uh so one well I am not going to drive slowly I mean I guess you could use this as a I was going to say like Euro Truck Simulator but you got to get the idea you could sit here and try and follow all the rules I don't actually know if I mean there are potential police cars are they can the police get angry at me something I haven't thought about maybe I will have to be a little bit sensible at times uh yes there's there's a very there's a very big risk versus reward kind of thing if you are going to go whizzing around in traffic certainly cuz you know I make a tiny error tiny error and you know in true beam fashion the car is going to be disintegrated and then you're going to have to pay to fix it have to pay to get it recovered and all of that sort of horrible stuff I don't think I've ever actually driven out to this island come to think of it um I've been on it a few times we've filmed a few things actually out there but I don't think I've ever gone across the bridge or I don't think I've ever gone over that way uh don't mind me thank you 200 BX we are a terrible terrible driver however we are a terrible driver in a hurry uh playing a little bit safe are there any horrible curbs and bumps doesn't look like it looks like we can go yeah looks like this is fairly smooth uh all the way down here I mean there's a little bit of traffic so beams what should we call it I say civilian traffic beams uh just you know General uh General vehicles uh they're not terrible they on the most part behave themselves occasionally they can be a little unpredictable at times but it's not normally anything too bad uh the Sunburst wants to be in both lanes at once that's uh fair enough what side am I going okay Sunburst doesn't quite know where I mean that's actually a fairly apt one that immedately I was doing a lot worse maneuvering than the than the car ahead as that uh couldn't quite decide where I wanted to be uh we got a big line of cars I am just going to go down here cuz I can it's fine I will pass all of you so as like as far as the career mode kind of stuff goes this is the sort of thing that you can end up doing you sort of start off with you and I like I like the sort of like slot system so it's going to encourage you to have you know if you want to go into the whole transporting thing it's going to encourage you to have a bigger car it's going to encourage you to have a a up truck at a steak car I don't quite know what constitutes for the slots in it it might even it might even encourage you to go and buy a van or something like that uh which is interesting as a sort of mechanic oh uh right so if I just I to park up here uh right delivery complete unlock new unlock more as we go along basically uh right oh God I'm in Reverse I wasn't in drive I thought I was in drive oh uh did we ding the back of it I think we actually if anything we ding the other car more it's fine it's fine nothing terrible nothing good but uh yeah we' may I don't know why I've gone the technical proper way around I could have gone and taken a shortcut I probably should have gone and taken a shortcut ah there's no penalty for us doing that so we're going to go for it don't really earn much money for these though to be honest uh total 29 bucks I was kind of hoping that was a slight sort of typo but I don't think it was to be honest so okay so you can do delivery missions that is one of the things that you can do uh now what other stuff do we fancy doing what are you um feel like that's a good way to break your car uh doing that I feel we're going to go for a basic race let's do it let's do it oh can I not fast travel I thought I could fast travel oh no uh maybe I have to like can I fast travel the places I've already visited uh okay we can fast travel to some places I guess we have to unlock them uh which is fair enough uh I guess I I'm always more of a fan of I like having fast travel the the truth is yeah I do like having fast travel well I do see the I see I see the purpose with this one here for being a little bit more restrictive because I guess the idea is you got to be a careful that you don't wreck your car right the whole point of it is uh you've got to keep your vehicle alive it's a difficult balance it's a difficult balance in games between being able to teleport around so for example like now I want to go and do a race Etc um it's sometimes a bit frustrating it's not that it's not fun driving about it's the fun thing that I want to do is I've got to then go and fart about for a little bit um as long I think as long as it has a way to be unlocking the Fast Travel points it's not too bad there's also an element I've played Beam for so long and got so used to teleporting around whenever you want to go somewhere I don't know whether the game actually lets you teleport like free camera and then F7 your way over there it might it it might just because it would be how the game was programmed I guess beam is is a decent game to to drive cars oh in there be little Gap there thank you very much I'm going to be a little careful cuz I don't want to clatter into the Sunburst the whole what we got gidy Heights of 120 something horsepower how fast can we get our I series to go uh we we'll use the bridge the bridge will be our little speedrun test we'll see what the most basic of vehicles can do and I mean there's always there's always a risk of something going right he quite slow actually it's not it's not rapid still barely got there we there's a 70 we've got 70 M an hour really struggles it's really not far again I've probably played beam too often with some crazy cars it's now barely getting it's I mean I've been flat out the entire way across that bridge oh hello oh wow our brakes are not great we weren't even going that fast and I stamped on them CU I wasn't sure where the Sunburst was going the fact that that cropped up with brake Fades that's alarming I'm not sure I am exactly cut out for this race um that was not a particularly big stop again so used to running uh all sorts of crazy vehicles that an actual normal sort of bog standard car wow there I mean it it still stops that is still stopping but there is definitely unhappy breaking occurring what on Earth is this uh event what is it going to make of it now I'm going to try driving into the petrol station I don't know whether it's uh not sure how it works I think I need to fill up with fuel as well sometimes yes you do need to fill up with fuel uh so I've got more than enough fuel at the moment that's no problem at all uh you can see the actual fuel gauge if you like your kind of so as far as Careo Sor I'll get my sentence out I was putting it together in my head if you like your sort of uh like GTA 5 roleplay kind of style of driving you got to refill cars and all of that detail there there's a lot there's a lot of it in here which is actually uh very very cool um it might be a little bit I think this is one of these is a little bit slow to start but it will get it will get better and it'll get good as it goes along right let's see let's see what does our vehicle difficulty very low okay we can do this um now oh can we borrow a car I was assuming you know we're going we're going to use our vehicle we want to use our vehicle um for this one how many races Can it have I mean we're going to whack it up okay five is the maximum we're going to use our own car for this uh so I guess it's supposed to be maybe like a one m r but I'm we're going to use the I series I feel like we've got to at this point we've got to see what the I series can do slightly worried if the brakes melt don't know how many laps this might be uh we will see win the race in under 1 minute and 5 Seconds it's not a particularly long race here we go come on I series you should be able to do this maybe fingers crossed we can't get beaten by a bunch of covets can we that would just be disappointing a oh don't know what way you were going Oh okay little ding again minor dings we can live with it I've not got the speed going up the hill here right we're going to get a couple on the exit maybe no no they're battling they're trading paint uh I'm going to have to go for it I say consequences be damned a little bit here uh if we bump a curb or if we bottom it out slightly that's not ideal uh we can go around oh well we have been brutally murdered uh not brutally murdered but we've been bumped and the do's pinged you've bent the door you come on we we're at a drag race against the gray cover please let the checkpoint be over this side as well okay it is We snuck It We snuck it around the outside they saw fits to damage my car the and we are across the line and we did it in sub 1 minute and five thank you I'm glad that didn't go and run itself into the wall hey and we got we did win the race in under 1 minute 5 we should have got at least Le did we get all of the stars I think actually I think it did I think I thought they like filled in Star over there was what was needed but that's not quite what it is um fantastic there we go so now we got 1,300 monies some XP some racing XP because the the XP the leveling up uh that you do is there we go you can kind of see over here as as you as you get XP as you sort of level up uh it is based on what sort of mission you are doing so if you go and Motorsport you'll level up that one the laborer that was just the general uh carrying things around um you will complete that now did it so yeah as you can see it doesn't fix up my car I don't think it did um so that damage I've now got on my car going forward and I don't think it's going to well it doesn't go until I go and fix it which means I'm going to have to spend money so you may well have to balance uh between um I say spending your money or well fixing your car up at times um you know if you can't if you can't afford it if you just you know just bought a brand brand new car spent all your money and then you have to run around with a damaged car it would be a problem really uh that one oh hello don't mind me I'm just sneaking around this way uh okay over here I guess I could have gone through the interior bit right now how do I get you I would like to upgrade my car here there is a way to do it iwe there was a little box that comes up when I want it to or do I have to go in there might have to go in there actually because of course I always forget this is a thing that you can do is you can get out and you can wander around uh excuse me does there we go do we have to go play on this um uh right so uh we only have this one here of course purchase parts we can go and customize the car uh right all parts I actually don't do we have to replace the door perhaps slightly I'm slightly curious I haven't they did the sort of like customizing of a car I haven't actually oh maybe just driving in here fixes it up okay maybe it does I thought it required thought I had to like do something it would been kind of fun actually to go like really hardcore said this is very much a work in progress it would be interesting to see a um really hardcore one potentially in the future um okay so we have got a chin spoiler on this can we get I mean I feel like I feel like actually maybe the breake pads might not be a terrible idea so they got basic rear brake pads I'm thinking sport breake pads probably not a bad idea we're already seeing the brake starting to fade uh and then we should probably get some front break you know we're doing things properly here we're doing things properly uh front brake pads uh let's put some sport ones I we're not going quick enough to be be that worried um about them now the other fun thing as well I do like about this the sort of the prospects from this is let's say uh I want to go for an intake let's say I want to go and put a turbo on my car for example now I can go and whack this on and spend all of my money on a turbo but my car's going to overheat if I'm not careful so you've got to build your car in a sensible way when you're messing about with um uh free roam when you know just farting about with that um you have a lot of options but here you've got to contemplate how your various options are are going so we could have a I don't know what a wide exhaust let's put a race exhaust on it stuff it yes I want a race exhaust on my car and I wanted a wing and I don't know where that comes under what that comes under uh is there a wing uh no a window spoiler uh no not particularly fast um I guess might just kind a spoiler it does have aha here we go I mean okay we can't really afford the big expensive ones the the normal spoiler hey okay so we spend most of our money on the parts uh not 100 oh you think you the same computer aren't you um ah right okay this is how we do it um oh God we've got I have not seen this screen before okay it's there's so much to it so you actually got insurance policy on your vehicles as well which is very very cool uh we can paint our orange paint two uh what bits are being painted black there I don't know I mean it's a fair racy color not 100% sure what's being painted yes sure apply I like it I like it a lot yeah the detail in this is astonishing um the detail in this is really really cool which I am yeah thoroughly thoroughly impressed with and we can go into the tuning as well uh which is cool so if you want to go and you know set your car up however you're fancy you can do that uh you've got all of all of this uh which is very neat in indeed so our car is now modified a little bit uh we will go and jump into it now we sound cool it's a lot of speed it's a lot of noise sorry for not a lot of speed I mean look we've done the typical boy racer thing of the very first thing that we could upgrade was uh the what's this I'm going over there um the very first thing that I could upgrade was uh well I did the brakes first actually which is slightly less boy racery um and then I immediately made it loud it is I think a little quicker and the brakes at least haven't melted instantly although it shouldn't have melted that quickly anyway right so let's go and have a look at what this is so we can uh have go I guess we are we are going to stop the driver escape from your house while a few police units chase you oh we could try and evade shall we use our vehicle traffic enabled yes fruit Markus enbl sure um let's to give it a go so you can so these these missions in fact some of the AI races I did a little while ago actually work with career mode as well so these can these can just be defaulted and use the game's vehicle I think it's fun to try and use my own vehicle I've never they never gone crazy into this uh evade the police and remain undamaged um that's the goal win without getting stopped near the police at all get a perfect Escape okay right ice series use all that noise they are faster than me they are definitely faster than me right if I go over here oh you you didn't do what I hoped you would do I was hoping you were going to be foolish oh you have been foolish very foolish things in the other one I think's broken something as well wonderful yes okay how to confuse the beam police is to sometimes uh go over bits of scenery that they don't like that is the goal there are police cars up there now if I go for a little sneaky plan uh up this way I feel like they oh okay this is probably not the way to take my car cuz uh uh please don't break please please don't break please don't break please don't break well the front bumper come off a little bit oh there's cars there as well um we are not really evading at the moment oh this way this way oh there's bloody cars right behind us well that's no good at least oh that's terrible I actually I don't know whether I'm supposed to be following this Arrow whoa oh oh no oh no there was one on the slip road I don't think it's gone well for the orange ey series it's definitely not gone well oh we're in trouble now my radiator's gone we yeah this is bad I've got no thank you for the speed boost I was not fast enough for this uh where are we going arrows of mystery yep I want to go off here uh please have an accident or you have had a big accident you're going to spin it's oh and into a tree okay I feel better about that oh you've actually set up a roadblock I'm impressed uh I am impressed with their efforts here uh now can I go you into trying to commit to one side no you're just going to kind of sit in the middle okay that's fine I'll go put you around uh we will go this way and I I hope all I need to do is get to the Finish Line because I'm not sure I'm getting away from you at the moment doesn't actually really seem to be a way to evade them uh so far I that'll probably depend will vary on the missions uh you know some might just be a right this one does seem more like a get to a destination I've just done it really badly here and there's a gear somewhere oh good God I mean they've sacrificed a lot of their cars they have done some very heavy damage to me uh um yeah we're not driving this car home easily I mean we can drive it home a little bit but Christ it is a it is a heavily battered car uh oh I didn't quite get the parking oh so okay so all right iig okay get get what they're asking for we've got to stop there without police cars being behind us basically uh that's fine I can oh no oh no uh all the tires have come off uh I'm going down this way oh that's really steep oh and I'm really [Music] stuck I think I think we [Music] failed I'm not sure they have any way I think I'm allowed to node grab no I'm not allowed to node grab can I go I can't even go to a free camera no I can't free cam and teleport myself I wondered whether it would um stalemate I think they seem to be stuck on the bridge and I seem to be stuck under the bridge so I guess it's it's it's over uh can I uh no I can only restart the mission I can't I can't do it we we failed epically now I think so I'm just going to say abandon because because we are clearly stuck or we could restart um oh God do we do we get stuck with our car in the condition okay now my car is an absolute right off from that how much money do I have not that button that button it's got 2 and a half thousand I'm actually just curious how much it cost to fix this having failed that mission quite catastrophically or whether it gets fixed up on its own uh let's Coast our way towards the garage hello uh we tried to get away from the police it did not go very well for a poorly poorly ey series please turn please turn uh hello do not mind me I am a bit very broken I am a bit very broken in here uh oh and through the buttons and there we go uh I guess we are m yeah it's not had a good Adventure that one well it has had it's had an adventure it's just not gone very well at all here uh okay so we do have to repair um okay so jeez oh that was very expensive so the more you crash I it is an interesting way I like it I like like it so H so as you get Stars they can be used to save you money so repair time instant repairing will raise your policy score um so I guess the higher the policy score the more expensive repairs get uh standard repair uh ah so you can you can pay to get it repaired instantly and it's quicker that one there you can you can pay to get it done without the end of the extras so you might you have to use these stars for that's really that's an in it's a really interesting way of doing it I like it I like it for the for the challenge of it it makes those police chases a real risk so if we say do this one here we can get our car back oh and oh that's so clever that's really I really like the way it does that uh it fixes it but you because you could put new panels on it and so on that's a fascinating way of doing a career mode thing I'm impressed actually I was a little bit worried about the the Fast Travel thing uh did did it save so when we went into the city I drove up to that one no I don't think so the far I'm sure there is a way to get fast travels going somewhere um and while I wouldn't necessarily want fast travel as a as a permanent option everywhere it might feel a little say a little cheap but I think some form of fast traveling might be needed um to stop stop too much frustration and boredom of just going backwards and forwards uh around a map I will say the details on this are brilliant details on this are really really good um so yeah I am impressed I am impressed with the beam with the beam career mode yeah something uh something different something different something interesting I cannot wait to see how this develops uh already a lot of the little find details are fascinating to me and it's something no other games really done not not really like this anyway I think maybe street legal racing would probably Street SLR would be the one I would in some ways have it closest to um yeah this looks really career mode looks really really interesting really really interesting indeed but uh there we go that is going to be it for this video thank you all very much for watching and until next time a goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music] n
Channel: FailRace
Views: 71,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FailRace, BeamNG Drive, Beam, BeamNG, Beam NG Drive challenge, Beam NG Drive crashes, Beam NG Drive fails, Beam NG Drive wrecks, Beam NG Drive damage, Beam NG Drive mods, Beam NG Drive physics, Beam NG Drive destruction, crashes, vehicle destruction, fails, funny fails, banger racing, demo derby, destruction, crash compilation, challenge, lets play, gameplay, commentary, wrecks, Cars, mods, classic cars, Japanese, sports car, BeamMG, Multiplayer, BeamNG Drive Multiplayer, Demo Derby
Id: RJsoK-06qhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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