Detecting after our first winter storm swell - jewelry and coins EVERYWHERE!

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[Music] [Music] morning guys right so we're back at the beach got 18 here let's dig this target up and then we'll talk what is that W well done uh z p or something all right so beach has taking quite a bit of storm damage our first Big 12 of the on the urge you can see so yeah we're going to hit this and see what we can find um anyway not going to do a massive long introduction uh let's get on to it all right quite a Beach quite a few beaches today let's see what we can find all right on the next I'm going have to do a few coins W think mini but uh on camera but left the coin many of these around today guys lots and lots of coins around today right anyway uh yeah I'll try and uh otherwise we have a 2hour video I'll try and keep the coin to minimum anyway on to the [Music] next right our first ring of the morning it's going to be a little cheapy stainless ring don't to rust or got a bit of rust on the inside that's our first ring in the morning guys all right uh yeah on to the next a chance of 20 20 21 the water 2021 what are you see something shiny all right second ring of the morning that's also a junk ring unfortunately sorry guys it's water second ring in the water nice and shiny but is junker lots of junk Rings lots of junk rings on our beaches guys unfortunately Lots Junk Jewelry but hey we'll Soldier on and hope for the best right it's a fair amount of coins coming out I'm not recording them I don't care about coins I'm hoping the winds not too bad anyway on to the next sh 15 16 17 that's probably going to be a fiveing coin I think uh let's take up top yeah my back crafty p r coin going dig a lot of those today all right on to next some sort of mid here but it sounds very big so I don't know we'll take it together probably a bottle cap but just make sure no uh looks like a shining shiny look there looks like a ring but or earring but another plated earring yeah uh junk earring it's going to be you can see the rust coming through already yeah guys it's going to be our lock today it seems anyway we'll keep soldering on maybe we find something good you never know all right on to the next 16 here probably a fiing coin never know no I see a fiing coin I'll try LIF it up yeah five bucks crusty fibring coin all right that's fine I'll keep digging those cuz uh the next 16 this might be a nice gold band all right on to the next got a 78 here get it before the wind sunglasses H this actually quite nice sunglasses I know where the rest of sunglasses are but actually quite F sunglasses anyway on to the next uh deep 16 17 probably five R but you never know oh no I'm getting high now so defitely a fireing coin yep sh p t I think pull tab all right so not five this time all right on to the next another 16 17 18 probably a five but just in case it's uh something good I'll get you guys on oh I think I I think I felt I think I locked deeper yeah sounds good five yeah see it another crusty fire rcoin all right anyway yeah not finding much here except coins guys and I'm not going to definitely not going to record Point dig right on to the next all right last 16 17 on digging is spr fing coin uh yeah yeah I see it down there all right fire well nothing been tumble bit Yeah guys wasting a lot of time dig a lot of footage digging these things so that will probably be the last one that I dig live if I do dig a 16 and that be a gold ring I'll let you know all right on to the next guys trying to give you guys a bit of s shot outside the With the Wind knot I'm going try to block the wind about 3 m 3 and 1 half M well running at the moment pretty gnarly man crazy stuff all right yeah walk from one side to the other side now back again all right guys isn't it I literally turned around I'm my call over Target 181 19 a look I'll Diest life doesn't seem shallow I doesn't seem deep what is that oh cross it's probably going to be junk it's trying to take you guys with me when I pick I up with this camera yeah yeah you see the jump ring jump brings rusted so that's probably going to be Just Junk anyway it's a bit of jewelry I suppose yeah so just a Jun cross yeah that was literally just as I turned around from I have SW my C over it all right guys on to the next all right so got 79 nine I ran away from the water I see something shance ring down there H it's going to be stainless again you know really there's a mark in there it's still St going to be stainless what does that say no idea uh no idea I'll check it on the wrap up yeah dug that uh nine now ran away from the water ends up being a stainless ring all right on to next 5 13 here hurry very low in the that sound very promising but got it y got it got Beach for the waves arrive come on be good to me be good to Brian I think it's a b time yeah whatever and here comes the water raise yourself there we go there we go that's why I ran bit of a oh really I thought I had plucked the hole in my way okay I'm going to have W feet off of this okay guys on to [Music] next so I'm not taking fing coins on camera anymore but this one oh never mind just's give me an 18 man anyway St going to be a five I could actually find the bloody yeah I see it there five bucks now that is a Crusty fire that has not moved a long time for a very long time all right guys on to the next I record this uh 2122 I think round about there what is that this where is this oh jeez that's an old that's an old coin old crusty washed out looks like an half C all right um yeah damn had another ring anyway on to next so right now I'm checking the wash out so wherever there's a mold of coins I sort of um give it a swing up and down very deep faint three here could be of foil but I don't know could be Iron as well give me some iron tone I don't know what is this could be a piece of foil me whatever it is I can't to get it three giving me that tone that deep 10 ah B of foil that's just an oil all right fourth Along on to the next are the Rings ah so D's been been busy got some uh some Junk Jewelry now I don't want you oh is that your dime your silver dime dime oh yeah possible silver dime there some Junk Jewelry more uh little silver ring that's a little cross it's quite pretty actually up across up there yeah that's probably going to be silver but then we have this this monster it is so heavy guys you have no idea this little ring is so heavy it reachs up eight so possibly Platinum I'm thinking Platinum with the weight yeah I'm thinking Platinum it hasn't got any marking decided but this is definitely going to be ring be old the mo way y that's going to be platinum for sure I'm I can you got a platinum test only gold I can absolutely guarantee you this going be platinum there's no way in how this is not Platinum it is so heavy for the size it is so heavy with the size well done buddy hell sorry excuse the French guys I like getting excited for other people when they find stuff me be finding rubbish J cool man okay so um yeah we're going to keep going I think's probably on his way up soon he has to go to work um yeah anyway so we're going to carry on swinging and see what we can find all right on to next hi guys I'm the new Beach uh got two coins first Target I see something very gold down there it's 11 I'm hope hope you're good 111 12 hopefully it's a ring I really hope it's a ring no it's an earring 11 12 oh it's very light is a plate it's junk oh I see a Mark I see a mark yeah there's definitely a mark there okay I'm hoping this is going to be good I really am all right in the part it goes that we might have found ourselves clearing guys uh yeah do speech uh a bit and see what happens on next 1113 shallow let's see what it is still there can't be good to me big is that a some rubbish some junk okay ah all right on to the next uh 1617 that I thought was going to be a five ring coin ends up being a little junker anyway this is jewelry here um yeah all right another junk ring we'll take it we'll keep go we we'll keep moving on to the next I don't know 14 to 18 could be junk oh could be a coin as well 5 coin no it's 19 is that it's a coin that would be a €1 Cent Joy anyway all right on to the next right when is a five and not a five Rand five not a five brand when it's a j ring gold ring TR yeah you can see gold St another crusty copper ring oh put in the ring clip and move on off to the next 145 uh 14 see I'll dig him here cuz there's not much Target probably a poter but be on the safe side chick something down there what is it cancel all right shall small 1516 more 1516 let's see I don't see anything oh hey I can't see it sorry guys B come on man not singing is oh little pendant or earring or something uh that's either a pendant pain could be a tag to a might be tag to a zipper or something all right we'll put it in the good in the good uh the good find PS for now on to the next sh 2023 oh oh I see something I see something here oh there we go look got a ring this not really shiny a little shiny don't this got to be nice this is Tiny wow that's all shooting yeah there's a mark inside there I can't read it it's too worn going to be a silver ring for sure nice all right fin on I went to another beach store had a look there got 10 much J junk ring sorry I realized now I'm I'm in the wind I apologize uh so yeah we're going to give us another go and uh this beach and see what happens watch you the next sh 1516 see another ring but yeah I don't know I don't know guys nope going to be another junker I just can't wind today can I it's like it's jewelry here but it's all rubbish is that a h St now but it's you can feel all the way let's double check hold on uh Jun yeah well made junker going wait to it but little stones in there but yeah I was bit there's no way a ring like that is good anyway it's another ring I guess yeah what can we say guys what can I say welcome to sou Africa the land of Junk Jewelry I not look at that but it's got a bit of weight to it but yeah it's too high for a gold R right off it rain's coming down finally 1011 should I get excited or not something there what is that oh hello there we go what is that oh that's going to be a piece of check uh bracelet silver bracelet I think yeah there we go silver bracelet okay oh there we go a b of jewelry that's that's quite a fresh drop as well is it Cinder God I don't know I don't know it's looking weird uh let me see H it's marked it's in the right Zone 101 should be right for the saw it cool okay solid bracelet well that solber at least all the Junk Jewelry I'm getting all right guys um hopefully the screen isn't too try wipe the screen off sorry if it's getting dirty I'm hopeing I'm not making it worse anyway want you the next I got a 40 from 14 to sounds but big some I don't know I don't think it's going to be good but anyway yeah I don't think it's going to be good but let's see that is going be rubbage what is that cancellor all right on to the next hoping the the rain is not clogging up the screen no it looks good okay all right next all right guys a quick wrap up of the hunt all right so yeah our first little storm hit Beach um let me lift this up a little bit maybe do that but better um which I'm using artificial light which is actually very visible anyway moving on so um yeah so the reason why we don't dig our clad coins I'll give you a quick look if you have a look they're um we want s a green like this they're finished you can forget about it you are not getting anything out of these coins they will cor they will corrode instantly um so yeah uh have a lot of fireing coins there are there were tons guys we like tons of Fire Ring coins there were so many of them I mean all crusty um you know all crusty coins but um yeah these I can clean up and you know and I can make new again and I can use them and I can take them to the bank okay let's just get through it so find a little pin should use my headlamp for this little pin I'm not sure what it says I'm not going to bother trying just an old pin see it's been in there for quite a while uh a little bit of copper chain just copper chain that's all um yeah coule was coming through um quite a few quite a couple of junk rings they're all just junk unfortunately lots of Junk Jewelry welcome to South Africa and another junker junk earrings he starting to rust um the cross is just plated you can see the the top section is actually broken off already so just plated another little bling PL across uh two two rings this small first ring of the morning a stainless steel ring um and then that's also just a plain old stainless steel ring uh Little Little Flower pendant I think that's quite cute actually quite a cute little flower pendant um and that's just basically a I don't even know it could be a tag could be a pendant I have no idea probably a tag um coin wise yeah we got um two one pound coin where's all Queen Elizabeth there she is and then 10 cent sorry still wet I to wash all the sand off how about that way €1 and then uh I actually got a A britania Penny uh it's a yeah it's George V 5th britania Penny probably be to get a date of it but it's probably was in the in the 19 19 from anything from 1912 to 193 odd so so yeah pretend your penny goodness knows what that's doing out there but anyway um and I got this silver ring Mark 925 on the inside and then uh got this little s of bracelet uh definitely starting to to go to go crusty and uh tarnish is marked Italy 925 so yeah that's little bracelet and then the what what would have been the hero of the day is this earring is actually marked uh 925 unfortunately it is goldplated silver so yeah it's just silver unfortunately nothing I can do about it I thought I had some gold no I have some silver so yeah guys um that was the hunt um like I said I'm going to be going out again so there should be uh a bit more a bit more uh let me just tap the screen so I can see what I'm focusing on bit more footage uh lots of coins lots of Junk Jewelry unfortunately um but yeah we might still get lucky tonight with some with some better stuff um yeah so if you're here thanks for joining uh if you want to see more content subscribe leave a comment etc etc etc and do what you need to do um and yeah like I said you do you and uh I'll bring I'll keep the content coming all right guys um thanks for joining on to the next one cheers
Channel: Beach Hunter South Africa
Views: 1,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, treasure, gold ring, silver, Equinox 600, Minelab, Gold, Ocean Detecting, Beach, underwater detecting, Treasure hunting
Id: 3Vh_kOYN3Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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