Beach Metal Detecting IDD 147 Dry Sand Bonanza part 1

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ever down on the beach high tide so we're gonna try to stay mostly in the dry sand a lot of seaweed washing in so probably continuing to get sanded in from last week so the dry sand has been less affected by it so I'm going to work probably mostly the dry sand today let's see we can find see that bringing up 24:25 that's her first good signal I've had other signals but they're all trash [Music] yeah I'd say it's a done but every time I say that it's a copper penny this machine likes dogs I like times let's fill it in make sure you didn't have any friends that's it let's keep going shallow 2930 that's probably a corner you're gonna see what it is here he's in a scoot there's our quarter it's been shaking it out just the one who's George baguette fill it in check the spot all good let's keep 12 12 13 could be a nickel I see it right there or something diliman at me could be a nickel whoa clunk clunk it's a nickel it's been out here a little while we'll take it layin frame you can't see my screen a lot of trash today but we're in the dry sand I'm gonna get him alright we got it just keep looking just got a signal right here 21 I can see it's a penny sticking out you can see where the wind it's blowing the sand off of it just sitting there sticking out of the sand shield penny we'll take it they add up oh there's more 20 it's probably another penny we'll see we didn't get still something there we might have had that I still heard something there all right that shouldn't have it in there no I'm gonna shake this just cuz if we got multiple targets going on here I don't want to keep dumping them out to scoop them back up again alright there's nothing in there right there got that that's another penny shield penny we will bag it you've still got one over here though I don't know oh I see one sticking out of the sand right there that's a quarter I guess 29 I don't know if we got something here we're gonna shake it no that's just that quarter right there sticking out there's still something else there it's a twofer a quarter and a penny you think that's it in there yep so penny it looks like an older one shield penny it's not and a quarter bag it let's check our hole you still got it sounds like maybe a nickel right there I think we got it and I think I still here that could have been my scoop though what do we got in here it's gonna be a long clip there's nothing in there should be something right there this might be something small and it fell through I don't know all right I think we got it should be a nickel it's a nickel you must have just missed it when we were scooping there all right we're gonna bag that my camera going half off still put that in the bag let's check this spot pretty good here that was my scoop yeah I think we got it all right let me smooth this all back out again and keep looking I like a coin spill they're fun all right let's look for a little 24 I'm not far from the coins go it's just a couple of feet to my right we've got it whatever it is could be a coin it's a dying I'll take it oh we're getting a little coinage going on today that's always fun all right yeah you can see I started to do a spiral and I only came about halfway around and hit the dime so I'm gonna check around here a little bit and then we'll move on down the beach it's in the 20s it's bouncing around could be a dawn could be a penny could be some kind of junk I heard a clicks and we might have it in I think it's in the scoop I heard a little click what is it I look at that two coins a dime and a penny that's all that's in there eleven cents I'll take it let's check our whole that was it let's keep looking around shallow 18 shall the shallow is but let's see we got it in there I don't hear anything that's a corn we're gonna say it's a zinc penny that's been out here for a long long time we bag it fill it in jacket keep looking all right we have multiple targets here we've got a 2021 there 2021 here there might be something up there maybe not it's maybe just these two let's see if we can get them quick right there oh that pinpointer noise just it's not pleasant sound all right I see a coin right there we're gonna shake it anyway there's something I hear something else there's another one there's two that's a third one as I can get it out of there said it I think that's it there that's three this coin spilled a that's all right 19:20 right there yeah I think we still got more than one target there 24:25 that could be a dime I think we got the 24 25 it's a higher tone that's where I like the 50 tones all right oh my goodness more coins is three three more they look like old coppers I don't hear anything else there so three more but I think we still have a target here right there let's go right there we got whatever it is I hear it it's another penny it's been out here a while that is it alright let me back this one let's check this spot good that's it let's fill it all in just keep looking solid 19 20 25 it's in here I thought I heard the scoop dragged across it when I picked that up so it should be right here sounds like it hit bottom what is it a penny and a rock I don't need the rock we'll put that back we'll take the coin now that is it that's my scoop there was a little something over here that's really deep and it sounds kind of junky let's end that one clip and I'll dig this other one up if it's anything will be the next clip I'll throw it in that doesn't sound very good but we're gonna dig it anyway if nothing else we're cleaning up the beach thirteen it'd be something worthwhile okay it's out 10:11 in this pile right here still there rip right in the middle there I saw something just fall out we got it whatever it is I hear something I don't think it's gonna be anything spectacular it is a ring I don't know if it's corroded through or it's like a toe ring it's got little tiny ice on it yeah I think it's a junker we'll check it out then when we get home we'll look at it in the wrap-up I'll clean us some of the sand off of it so we got a ring Billy wasn't expecting one today working this dry sound let's bag that see that kind of a sketchy signal alright that's that other coin we just dug when I turned off the camera to dig the sketchy sound in one was that ring alright spill these all in that was my scoop that's it let's keep going 24 25 26 could be a copper penny could be a dime it could be something else it's in the scoop whatever it is get some Sun on here I hear it whatever it is there's a dime that would be it don't take it we're getting some coins today and we got a little ring all right let's keep looking 20:21 doesn't sound very deep no I heard something we still have a target but I heard something in here oh my goodness holy smokes [Music] for pennies I still there's another one there's another one and some of them had been out a little while that one looked like an older one now one two three four six that's crazy I think we still have more 23 22 23 I just scraped on something it's in the scoop I hear it that's it there's more all pennies that looks like an old one that looks like a zinc yeah that's it so I think we had man 8 it's 10 a lot of spills today it appears to be it let's fill it in 2021 sounds like a penny still there it's in the SKU I hear it penny that's it starting to get crusty - all right we'll bag it check the whole I fill it in getting a little chattery here and buy a hotel they must have Wi-Fi yeah 120 all right let me do a noise canceling keep on going 19:20 I think this is another I think we got more over there sounds like a penny still there you go deep enough I thought I saw something right there and we got whatever this is in here I don't know what I saw what is it Michelle it's a penny get a lot of pennies today let's fill that in a little bit we've got another one I thought right here right there we've got it in the scoop it's wood bark there it is yeah that's it another one getting a little crusty there let's bag it check it still got something here at 45 that sounds like a piece of foil let's check it quick and see what it is 24 25 doesn't look very deep but right near the bottom of some stairs we got it in there I hear something I think is a dime that would be it I think that's a dime yeah it's a reeded edge all right let's bag it check our whole cover it back up put some sand on the vine that'll help stick it in place all right let's keep going Salah 14 could be a nickel could be a pull-tab I heard a click so whatever it is is in here it's loud it's a nickel that's a fresh one too we'll take it check it that's it let's keep looking 23:26 that could be a Don could be a copper penny could still be there it's still there maybe I'm not on it might have been missing it we got at that time I heard something clicking there's a dime yeah was it alright I'll bag it getting a lot of coins today let's keep going 29 thirty right there I'm in between these two lifeguard stands they roll them around still there it's in there that time what is it semi green quarter that's been out here for a while there's George all right baguette we'll check it let's fill it in I've been doing a grid here back and forth up and down the beats and I got to these things I'm happy to work my way around him alright look 21 I think it's out in here I heard a click this is something right there this might be another spill there's one coin maybe that's all there was well maybe that other thing I scooped up this was stuck to it and looked like a coin alright that's another penny for the pouch that's it you fill it in keep looking 2021 I don't hear it and here's something clanking in here Oh that's a ring ring number two well I gotta be honest that looks stainless steel but it does have a gold band or something in the middle there bi-metal it's a clunker we'll take it to rings I don't see any markings in it but didn't look real good yeah we'll look at it later we'll take it let's keep looking is all right we got two here we got a twenty-five there 20 over there this one sounds like a dime so we'll dig it first still there No it's right there still there Oh get at that time we got at that time it's a dime so we'll bag that one the one next to it sounds like a penny since cute there it is penny all right we'll bag it check the hole fill it in and keep on going to coins right here we got a sounds like a nickel right here thirteen solid it's in the scoop there it is it's a nickel we are getting the coins today we got him - rings - so we're doing all right just working this dry sand just a lot of a lot of trash in the dry sand all right let's keep swinging here when I get done I'll show you my grid maybe I'll be able to show you I don't know let's keep going 27:28 I just hit something something big I thought it might be another coin spell but now it's a twisted tea let's get that out of the way check the spot that was it let me scat this up walk it over to the garbage can alright it's gonna be a little bit strange wrap up I'm only gonna show the two rings we found because there's a part two that picks up when I go to the get rid of that can that we ended with so I'm gonna it the video was just too long and I didn't want to not use it because it was it was fun we'll just take a quick look at these the first ring it's a junker I might have broke it with my scoop but I don't know I can't really tell but it's junk the second ring is marked inside tungsten and then it has a 14 K so it does have some gold in the center there so it's kind of a neat ring to find I'll see if I can get some pictures of it but it's kind of like laser etched or something it might be really difficult but I'll see what I can do but I'll see what I can do on that oh and this also rang up just like a penny so I may end up keeping this clip and just putting a second little video up on why you need to take pennies because this was a perfect example you know you think oh it's just a penny and you skip it or no you need to dig those so anyways yeah the the next part - I don't know what we'll call the video but part two we'll have the full wrap-up I was just getting ready to set it up here but I got to do this one for the end of part 1 and I guess I'll leave it there it's like say the hunt started out slow but yeah it was interesting so anyways I thank you for watching if you enjoyed the video hit the like button and subscribe and you miss part 2 and I'll catch you on the next one thanks for watching
Channel: I Dig Daytona
Views: 17,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metal, Detecting
Id: elxmmRZezFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 2sec (1982 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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