BEACH HOUSE // Space Song
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: carlosocarnero
Views: 35,767,588
Rating: 4.9444628 out of 5
Keywords: Beach House, Depression Cherry, Space Song, Beach House Space Song, Music Video, Beach House Music Video, Beach House Music
Id: f9X1C7pTu-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Bio via Apple Music:
Genre: Dream Pop/Indie Rock
Scheduled: Friday
Conflicts: TBD
Most Popular Songs: Space Song, Myth, Lazuli
Live Experience: Live at Outside Lands 2016
Latest/Next Release: 7 released in 2018.
Have you seen Beach House live before? Please share your experience. What songs are your favorite, or which would you recommend to a friend?
Make it to their show. On a stacked Friday, beach house will be the #1 I canβt miss. Come float away with me
My 2nd most anticipated show of the weekend, and it happens to be the same day as my most anticipated show.
Please u/wearebonnaroo dont schedule Beach House & GRiZ at the same time. Ive been a good boy this year. I even got two more friends to come this year. Please dont do this to me.
Tears will be rolling at their set I already know
SO excited for this show! I may cry if they conflict with Phish though... /u/WeAreBonnaroo
fucking love beach house
i canβt wait for beach house. really hoping they donβt conflict with anyone on my canβt miss list cause iβve never seen beach house live!
Iβm so scared of who Iβll have to miss to see them
My biggest fear was a Beach House/Brockhampton conflict, after the LN announcement today I'm finally relieved about that! Beach House is probably my number 1 set of the weekend. Don't miss it folks!!