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Channel: undefined
Views: 950,091
Rating: 4.9273338 out of 5
Id: Dyclbb_6Ycs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 16sec (2836 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
If I hold my phone really close to my face does that count as a VR headset
oh shit tonight's about to be dankβ’ as fuck, so glad i waited to listen
Oh man I cannot freaking wait to watch this. Amazing that they did more of these visuals for the entire album.
Beach House seasin
So glad they did this! These visuals have been perfect for every song so far.
I'm really enjoying the album so far, can't wait for my record to arrive.
Also, the beginning of Dark Spring keeps reminding me of the instrumentation from No Cars Go. It must be the chord progression.
Woo is so fucking good guys holy shit real tears
Grab yr bong, kids. Time for a wild night
This is amazing. I LOVE these visual albums. Made 22 A Million infinitely better as well.
EDIT: Had it on repeat all day and it's just getting better and better. It's so dense. Definitely a Peter Kemper album!