Be Woke.Vote presents The Messy Truth with Van Jones and Kim Kardashian

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I thought this was extremely wholesome on Kim's part. It was also relevant because it segwayed into the MAGA hat and 13th amendment comments and it was a political show about voting.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/bluemidnightrider 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
in fact last time I saw you we were in the Oval Office and got a chance to spend some time you were very open with the president about how you felt I was like there's a really good conversation [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right Van Jones we are back for another episode another installment of be well vote I'm here representing the messy truth crew I cannot wait to have this conversation because there are very few people in the world that literally just by one name seven billion people on the planet know exactly who you're talking about and one of them is on set with us right now and what people know about her yes you penguins know so it's but people don't know some stuff about you that I know because we work together on so many social causes and stuff like that I think about you I don't think about you is like a celebrity icon I think about she was like the mom of like three black kids basically you know who are coming up in this world and I think this election is coming up is a make-or-break I think this election might be bigger and more important than the presidential of 2016 because this time we know what's up like it's like we're not sure maybe though well made it go well maybe won't I think people now have a sense of the direction and I think people get a chance to vote as kind of up or down on the direction the reason I want to talk to you is because you care so much about all these issues people don't know that about you why do you care so much about people behind bars about women behind bars I mean you've been going into prisons you went to a women's prison you've gone into the Trump White House twice to try to fight for people give people a sense behind the curtain as to why a mega celebrity like yourself would be taking this long you know it started off really simple with me just on social media looking at something that came across my feed Alice Johnson's story and I just feel like she found me like I was supposed to be looking at my phone at that exact time found her felt so sympathetic towards her life story so tell us a little bit about it yeah she first-time nonviolent drug offender got life without the possibility of parole served 22 years and really had no shot and she played such a minimal role in the whole drug conspiracy yea drug conspiracy everyone like she was just the phone mule so she would just answer the phone and say a few you know random words that probably didn't make sense and she had no idea quantities who where what when like she knew nothing she just was supposed to say a sentence and that was it and she would get like a thousand dollars per call getting in the door and figuring it all out and making it happen and getting her out I've just learned so much and I realized how crazy messed up the system is and you know you it does get overwhelming because you're like okay well there needs to be like bail reform and there needs to be sentencing reform and there I mean it's it's never-ending yes but to know that I have a voice and that I can change people's lives and you know obviously it's so important to get as many people out as we can that aren't deserving to be there but the laws just have to change where do you get that from it does your dad speak in your ear your dad was such a great defender defender of the of the underdog he represented Oh Jay he represented so many people that does he whisper in your ear sometimes I remember talking a lot about that and I was you know maybe 15 16 when that was going on and so he go Jay case yeah and you know later in life I had questions you know when I was in my early 20s and I would ask him like okay dad what's up with it like come on you got to tell me he always did the right thing and he always he was like a really honorable person and I feel like I definitely got that from him well what during the oj trial what were you doing i know you were you were kid i was and and I believe that there were some things you were poking around anymore so when he after after the murders hojae came to stay with us and it was before he went to prison and he you know had his luggage and everything and there was all this stuff on the news like did my dad take the Louis Vuitton bag and it was such a thing everyone thought my dad ran stated his you know law license just so that he would not have to testify against you know his friend which was completely not true and so everyone made such a big deal of this Louis Vuitton bag and what's in it and where is it it's hiding and it's you know has my dad taken it and hid it and it was just in Chloe's room and her and his stuff was in it from the trip that he had gone on so of course I'm gonna go upstairs look through Chloe look in the bag and then you know at some point I think the cops came in and confiscated it and I was like oh my fingerprints but there was you know there was nothing in it and so I mean trust me I looked I mean but I think people they don't know you in that way they don't think about you as being the kid of a criminal defense attorney and and then all that kind of stuff they just kind of you know see you now that you're a celebrity but I was obsessed with it like I would all the meetings at the beginning would happen at my dad's house and it would be you know Johnnie Cochran and Bob Shapiro and just all the big players would be at our house and OJ was staying there and lie-detector test going on and this and this and all this stuff and I knew where like all the evidence books were and all the stuff and I would just at nighttime go in there and like be looking through everything and Courtney would be like what are you doing like get out of dad's stuff you know and I've always been fascinated with it I always have said I thought I would more like if this isn't the career path that I took I feel like I would have been like a forensic investigators I mean it's it's not it's never too late you know let me just a couple other things I'm just curious about how you see like you know your fans are younger you know I mean every young woman in America knows about you and knows who you are if you had a chance to talk to young women in particular about the reason to vote now what are some things that you that you wish your young female fans knew about what's at stake in November I mean I just when I went to the March in DC and I brought my daughter I was out I always thought okay I really want to maybe have more babies and then I was so afraid of the world of what it has turned into that I was like I can't bring any more life into this world I'm so afraid and then after seeing the kids from Parkland and other schools talk about their experiences and how strong they are and how articulate they are I swear for once I was like okay there's hope like it's gonna be okay these kids are gonna be our next leaders and they really want to change the gun laws like they really want to safer world and I feel I felt hope for once so I know you might be young and you might not thinking about having kids and all that at a young age but if I were to take myself back to my college days and think about the time when I'm gonna be a mom for my kids and the world that I want my kids to grow up in I wish I would have voted at a younger age instead of just starting to get into it in my 30s yeah you know I think it's a very powerful thing you're saying and I think you know I think people miss a whole stage of your life often when they think about you and you know all these moms of black kids are getting more political and trying to figure out what to do how does being a mom impact you in terms of how you think about all these issues oh it changes everything I mean like I said we I wouldn't vote before just I was we were too busy until we made it an activity and made it something fun but now if you have kids and you think okay how can I make sure that I leave this earth knowing that they're gonna be okay and know that it's so simple as voting and helping to make the world what you want it to be and that we have that right as women now and we're living in this time that we can do that and it's our it really is such a responsibility you have such a say in shaping the world why wouldn't you take part in that I mean I tell you what if all the young women in the country came out and voted this time it would send a huge message and I think and I think that part of the thing that I admire about you so much is that you know you have built up a tolerance for criticism for controversy for people disagreeing with you and you're using that strength that superpower to then be a heat shield to help other people and I just think that that's a beautiful thing being very easy for you given you know those arrows and bullets you've taken in public life to just shrink your heart down and just not care and to put your middle finger up against the world and say I got my money I got my kids screw you instead you've taken that strength and that willingness and you're doing beautiful things with it it takes a lot of courage even if they don't like it and even if they don't I think just having the confidence to do what you want to do and you believe in is such a good quality and it's tough it takes a lot of courage to do that especially when it's against the norm or against what people don't agree with yeah you know the other thing I like about you doesn't that seem a little weird I can handle weird yeah I love the way you love your husband I love the way you love your husband yeah why do you love him so much he didn't come out the right way I mean you love this man yeah and they've been through a lot together you know I've known him for 15 years now became friends with him maybe in like 2006 7 met him in 2000 like 2 or 3 I've known him forever he's always he's put himself up against the world for me when everyone told him you cannot date a girl with the sex tape you cannot date a reality show girl is this it's gonna ruin your career everyone told him that everyone told him that and to me he was like oh you're not gonna tell me what to do I'll I'll let you know that you know it's gonna be ok and he always was that strength for me so I'll always you know love and appreciate him for always standing up for me even like in fashion you'll never be on the cover of a magazine and you know then you know we amazing things have happened and in that world or anything anyone that's ever doubted us or me he's always been there to hold my hand and lift me up higher and give me the confidence and so I'll always do the same for him you know and you know you know he puts the hat on he did the one that's now whatever people got really upset and I think even misunderstood something he said about the 13th amendment and can you explain I always say this yes it takes him about four years to write a song to explain to communicate what he wants to say so when he tweets something in two seconds what's going on in his mind and what he thinks and what he's trying to say he's might not be the best communicator but he has the best heart and I know what he means and I believe in him and I believe that his message of what what the Hat represents to him is maybe different what it represents to other people and he's very mindful about that he doesn't maybe express that but what it means to him is something totally different and I trust in him that he will explain that in his own way and so I do always I saw something like some rapport that was like him to stood in the back and just watched while he was on SNL I'm like yeah would you want me to get one say just saying what do you want me to do you know I I listened to him I afterwards I might let him know that I can help him communicate that a little bit you know we should work on that he's always like oh yeah but I already tweeted it I'm like well what you tweeted isn't what you just said to me over the phone but sometimes people don't have the long time to really hear him out and see what he has to say and then in the snippets and you know I've seen how the media has been really crazy and you know the good thing is he does not he's so strong that he knows what he means and the people around him knows what he means and the people around him let him know that what he said might not be what he means and tries to help him work on it but I know his heart yes so we're working on expressing he will always do what he believes of whether it's the popular thing or not and he has said so many times even on SNL but I don't know if it was on because it was at the end I do not agree with all of the policies I don't even know all the policies I'm not political I'm just saying this is what this represents to me and I will wear it because that's what I feel he wants to fight for free thought like I said and I've said you know when the meeting that we had in the West Wing you know I I got 99 conflicts with Jared and those guys but prisons are not one and it's important I think that we try to find some common ground and work on some some kind of common ground things and I appreciated about Kanye when he said about the 13th amendment he meant the part that says you can be a slave if you're a prisoner he doesn't mean he wants to go back to slavery he meant more freedom and so hopefully that'll get cleaned up and cleared up before you go as we move to our clothes that's why one last thing I want to ask you is what is your message for your fans or your supporters about this vote about this election in November it is so important I think you just have to make it a fun night like me and all my sisters are gonna go and do it together and I think that you just have to find your group of friends do a little research online there's so much information whatever know everything what it what happens then go like a week like I said when we first would go I went with adults that knew what they were talking about one person who might know some person that'll help you know no you can't cause like when we were voting everyone had different opinions and that's okay that's what is so important find what you believe in find what you want to support and make sure you vote towards that and that you who you're voting for and what you're voting for is just authentic and you're not following the bandwagon sometimes it seems like people for people who never vote they think it might be like it might take nine hours or whatever is like I'm yes you can you can get this done in yeah you know good good ten minutes of research and it's almost like game night just do it and then go turn this up I think people if they made it a fun game night go get ice cream after do whatever you want to do after now go to the movies and go vote go vote well hey listen I think that's it that's a great way to stop so listen one more episode the superstar the amazing house this household word on how many kindness we got 79 kind of household name all 9 continents and some planets kim kardashian in the house be woke up see you next time it is so important to vote so just be woke and vote you
Channel: Be Woke Vote
Views: 64,384
Rating: 4.7261701 out of 5
Keywords: kim kardashian, van jones, election, voting, messy truth, be woke vote
Id: soLXy7f8dQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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