Be Obsessed - Best Motivational Speech

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interested people watch obsessed people change the world Kobe Bryant was not interested in winning championships he was obsessed if you really have an obsession to figure it out you will figure it out look in the mirror mother is you verse you and Obsession comes in the small details that nobody pays attention to cuz our obsessions become our possessions you hear this all the time don't sweat the small stuff the 1centers the 01 they sweat every single detail I'm obsessed with it a winter bus you obsess about most regular that you will eventually possess in your life you have to be obsessive you have to be obsessive you have to be addicted you have to be disciplined the key there is you you winning requires you to be different and different scarce people it's never enough nothing great is going to come without you having to deal with adversity and pain tolerance the price you will pay for not winning is infinitely greater than the price you will ever pay to win it's everything and it's in the details if I can do it why can't they you got to fight like hell that if you want a thing bad enough to go out and fight for it the ones that can fight the ones that come back those are the ones that succeed those are the icons Paradise starts in hell and if you simply go after that thing that you want you're not fing Bor with greatness you earn greatness I don't care how you get there goal is to win period different scarce people and anytime anybody's told me I'm crazy I've always thanked them for that because it gave me the ability to see and do things that other people can't do and acknowledge things that other people won't [Music] acknowledge if you're obsessed with taking your business your sport whatever it is to another level stand up you must be able to deal with pain and the more understanding you have of what's causing you the pain and how you've dealt with it is going to determine how successful you will be in whatever you choose in [Music] life it's all on you your failure and your success is on you I think the thing that people misunderstand about success is they're looking for the easiest way to get there look at the most successful people in the world they're the most coachable they have the least amount of doubt have the least amount of doubt you usually have doubt because of what somebody else is going to think of you so people that aren't going to see your vision people didn't see Jeff bezos's Vision people don't see Elon Musk people don't see Kobe and Jordan's vision and that's okay but you've got to be willing to see it in yourself everyone's going to hit adversity it's how you deal with that adversity and the key word is you not letting somebody else deal with that adversity you have to deal with that adversity and how you deal with it are you going to fight through it or are you going to curl up and just roll over in the corner people talk about this all the time losing builds character how much character do you need your dreams and thoughts better be so big that they better scare you they better scare you cuz you're not thinking big enough then you don't want it it has to be something that nobody else has thought about before or done before the process it takes to be number number one and stay at number one you have no you you have no idea very few people understand what winning and success does to an individual's mental health everybody wants to sit in your seat until they have to sit in your seat but it takes a special individual and there's very few people that can do that I always say this the most driven individuals they live a life for many years and certain times without balance everybody strives for balance balance balance and in order to be that obsessed with something over and over again there is going to be times where things are going to be out of balance it just is you can't be the best at something and try to balance everything else around your life you don't find balance you create it and it's different for every individual out there the balance I've created may be completely different than the balance you you've you've created and there's certain time times in your life that the scales are definitely going to be weighing towards one side more than the other in early part of koby's Kobe's career it was about basketball and winning about basketball and winning and towards the end of his career it became less about winning it was still about basketball and it became more on spending time with the family but you have to surround yourself with people you have to surround yourself with people with individuals that would be selfish for you they understand your obsession they understand your drive they understand your attention to detail make sure you're all in your obligation to yourself to be the best to achieve the highest level has to be greater the pressure you put on yourself has to exceed anybody else's pressure that puts on you you got to start winning it's a mindset before you have an exceptional skill set you have to have the right mindset you have to have a great mindset the stronger your mindset is the greater your skill set is going to be they got to want it it's what fuels you what's fueling that desire individuals that can control it harness it acknowledge it know how to use use it it takes them to a completely different level you have to win with all of you everybody can handle pressure you know what most people decide not to but why is it worth it cuz the results are s and good I have to be at my best to win [Music] [Music]
Channel: Motiversity
Views: 150,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational, motivational video, motivational speech, best motivational video, best motivational speech, inspirational, kobe bryant, kobe bryant motivation, basketball motivation, speech, motiversity, powerful motivational speech, tim grover, tim grover interview, tim grover motivation, michael jordan, training, obsession, obsession motivation, motivation obsession, obsession motivational speech, obsession motivational video, obsessed with success, kobe bryant obsession
Id: nkEOuw_BQj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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