Make Money Your Slave - Zac Poonen - April 6, 2019

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[Music] we're thinking of how you can become the man God wants you to be I think there's a lot of disappointment in God's heart with many many born-again children of his and it's not just you know we thought of the first in the earlier message of how we stand before the Lord empty-handed and Peter we wasted a lot of our life but that's just thinking of ourselves personally man is basically a selfish creature and so we had to appeal to his selfishness in a sense to make him yield himself to God saying hey listen you're gonna miss out in eternity you're gonna have regret in eternity but when we look at the broader view not just think of selfish hearts what I'm gonna miss out in eternity think of God what God is losing in the church because we are not what we should be that's the broader view is something God wants to do on earth through his church and he wants to do it through human beings and that we let him down it's a great tragedy what has happened throughout human history you read that the church people like Paul and Peter and all planted powerful mighty men of God and yet Paul tells one of those the best church he planted I think was Ephesus and he spent three years there more than he spent anywhere else and when he's about to leave he calls the elders together in Acts chapter 20 acts 20 he calls the elders of Ephesus in verse 17 he was in a place called Meletis and he sent for the elders and ephesus to come to him I don't know how many there were maybe four or five elders I don't know how large the church was maybe a couple of hundred people perhaps he calls the elders of Ephesus and he tells them his example how he lived how he testified how zealous he was it says in verse 31 for three years every night and every morning I preached to you if that is literally true Paul preached 2,000 sermons imagining listening to 2,000 sermons of the Apostle Paul or even if it was 1,000 servants in three years day and night he preached and he they saw him shedding tears what was he shedding tears for nothing for himself he was concerned about God's church it's an amazing thing when a man has such a concern for God's church that he sheds tears that people are not responding the way they should like Jesus wept over Jerusalem when we come in fellowship with Jesus heart there will be tears grown men will shed tears because there were tears in Jesus eyes when he thought of God's people drifting away in Jerusalem slidden and Paul had that too he says I admonished each one of you with tears he felt sorry how the Lord's work would suffer and they would miss out personally and god's work would suffer many of God's prophets were like that you know Jeremiah once said I want you to turn to Jeremiah and he was a man who preached fiery sermons he says when he preached verse 8 of Jeremiah 20 verse 8 Jeremiah 20 verse 8 each time I speak I cry aloud I proclaim violence and destruction because the word of the Lord has resulted in reproach and derision all day long they made fun of him even though he was God's prophet but if I see I will not remember him any more his word is like a fire in my bones I can't hold it and yet every sight I hear people whispering terror on every side denounce him yes let's denounce him all my trusted friends are watching for my fall but the Lord is with me it's a great word verse 11 whenever we are opposed by others to say the Lord is with me verse 11 a dread champion therefore my persecutors will not stumble and prevail they'll be utterly ashamed and in a earlier chapter he says how thing is chapter fifteen perhaps well I'm not able to find that words but he says if you don't listen to me I'll weep for you that's how David do Paul was returning back to Acts chapter 20 he looks at these people for whom he has wept and preached and prayed and he says to them finally I'm going now course 29 it's a very important verse a place where Paul had preached for three years poured out his heart preached hundreds of sermons wept they saw his compassion and he says I know that after my departure verse 29 savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock those savage wolves were waiting outside the door and they couldn't enter because of one man Paul God's work throughout history has very often been done by one man was one man Enoch was one man Noah who saved the whole world in the Old Testament it is very often one prophet who turned Israel back to God Elijah one man it says in Elijah's time you know that verse where the Lord told him there are seven thousand men in Israel who have not bowed down to bayon or kissed his idol but those seven thousand men couldn't bring the fire down from heaven seven thousand men not one of them could bring fire down from heaven because God would not approve of them but they had not bow down to idols that testimony was negative like the testimony of many Christians today I have not bowed down to bail I haven't done this I haven't done this Ivan and that have another I don't go to the movies I don't drink I don't gamble I don't play cards I I don't hit my wife I don't do this I don't do that what in the world do you do we know the list of 100 things you don't do 7,000 people who don't do that all those things but one man you know what his testimony was his testimony was not I don't do this he says in 1 Kings 17 1 as the Lord God lives before whom I stand his testimony was positive I stand before the Lord one man turned that nation towards God and it was one man that kept the Wolves outside the wolves were waiting outside in Ephesus in Paul's time saying well Paul's not gonna be here forever once he's gone we can easily get in these other fellas are we can run over them isn't it sad that the devil says like that about many a church he's just waiting for that one man to go and then he can walk right in and that's why Paul was burdened that the next generation there should be people like Timothy others who did not seek their own and not only the wolves would come in and he says in acts 20 and verse 30 from among your own self think of these five elders sitting in front of Paul and says from you brothers who heard and seen me some of you will draw disciples after yourself to make your own little group it's happened in many churches it happened in this church it happened in Ephesus but I didn't hinder God's work God's work still went on has gone on for 20 centuries so what if some people draw disciples after them and pull off and start another group them do it Paul would still have a Timothy Timothy went to Ephesus later on to try and do something there be a man like Timothy be a man like Paul that's my challenge to you don't be like these wishy-washy elders who are seeking to get a following for themselves seeking to get a name I want a group that's my own and if I can't get enough prominence in this church I'll pull out and start another group on my own and be the sole leader there without any Paul to come and tell me what to do I don't want Paul's interference here okay god bless you brother we're not in competition Paul was not in competition with anybody but do you think God will bless a work like that with these elders draw away disciples after themselves and the wolves are going to get after them sure but isn't it a wonderful thing if God can find in every generation in every country in every state men whom he can depend on who do not seek their own who are not seeking to exalt themselves who are not dominating people and above all who are not interested in any gain for themselves the world is full of people who seek gain yesterday I was speaking about Babylon and Jerusalem and I was saying that Babylon as the place where is a place of business and the principle of all businesses how can I get the maximum gain for myself with spending the least amount of effort and time and money it's a principle of all business how can I get maximum gain for myself and my family every business in the world operates like that and when that spirit comes into Christendom when an elder is seeking honor for himself may not be money but some honor is Babylon but as Jerusalem I said yesterday that it's a place of sacrifice if you went into the temple the first thing you see is blood blood blood everywhere because the altar is there where they were killing the oxen and the sheep and the goats and all what you see is blood the choice between Babylon and Jerusalem is place of business or a place of sacrifice unfortunately the church has become a place of business for many people pastors who profit from the earnings of poor people sitting in their pews and taking their money saying I have to do God's work you must support me and God will bless you because I need to buy this private winning twin-engine plane to travel I don't have time to wait in lines in the airport through security check and all that to go as you know the Lord's work needs urgency I need a print engine plane to take me immediately I go and get with the plane go and come back who's gonna pay for a few folks god bless you if you do it this is a racket going on what did Jesus do when he saw people making money like that in the temple in his time he took a whip and chased them out is the only time he did that see that example in John chapter 2 it's mentioned in Luke also but some details here in John chapter two which are not mentioned there John 2:14 he found in the temple those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves now there were people selling oxen and sheep and doves in the marketplace in Jerusalem perfectly legal you go to that business Mara seller and say are you making profit out of selling these sheep and doves sure how can I live if I don't make a profit I'm not doing a social service here I'm running a business you go to Jesus in his carpenter's shop in Nazareth and say Lord Jesus do you sell your tables and chairs and all at cost price that means whatever you spend on the wood that's all you charge your customers Jesus said no I have to add in I have to add a commission to it otherwise how will I support my four brothers and two sisters and my widowed mother at home it's perfectly right to add a commission to your work otherwise no business will run business is not charities Jesus wasn't running a charity in Nazareth in his carpenter shop it's perfectly right but not in the house of God that's the difference in the marketplace in Jerusalem sell as many sheep and doves as you like and run your business and get your Commission and support your family but when you bring that into the house of God and say here I follow that same principle the businessman follows in the world it's Babylon and Jesus it says here listen to this have you ever meditated on this verse he made a scourge of cords John 2:15 he was he told his disciples hey go and get me some bits of rope wherever you can find it and they go ahead and gather and wondering what what is this master wardrobe for and he sits down there and he sees them - it's getting mad at the state going on I've never seen it in a movie of Jesus whether Jesus sitting down and making this whip of cords and be the disciples wondering what's he doing and when he's made it nice and strong he she says out all those sheep and doves in all the turns the coins of the moneychangers this is the meek and gentle Jesus he doesn't go to them and say will you gentlemen please remove your money for table money from you no he turns it he's so furious this is how God looks at anyone who tries to make money for himself in the house of God or who looks at anyone who tries to build up his own reputation whether you're building your financial Kingdom Kingdom or your reputation is the same thing it is your house of God is not the place for you to gain something for yourself that is Babylon go and do that in the marketplace I won't stop you go into politics and get a name for yourself going to the scientific field and invent something get a name for yourself but don't come to the house of God and try to gain something for yourself and yet as we look around and christen them that's what we see everywhere and that's why the church is in such a pathetic state we saw the danger of humility there's danger of pride I want you to speak a little bit about the danger of money turn with me the luke's gospel and chapter 16 luke's gospel chapter 16 it's a very important verse or syllable if you have not been faithful in the use of unrighteous wealth Mammon is a Aramaic Greek word for wealth Mammon if you're not being faithful in the use of unrighteous wealth all right save money which has got nothing to do with God's work you're not being faithful with money who will entrust the true riches to you so what you learn from that that God sees whether a man is faithful with money he's watching his children to see whether he can commit true riches to that person what our true riches likeness to Jesus Christ God will make a man more like Christ as faithful as money the anointing of the Holy Spirit in his ministry those are true riches why do we hear so many boring sermons on YouTube and in churches and every day hundreds and thousands of boring sermons I know the reason even if you don't those guys are not faithful with money the anointing of the Holy Spirit is not there even though they speak of being filled with the spirit what are the true riches thirdly revelation on God's Word I don't mean intellectual understanding of God's Word I mean revelation where God shows you something from a verse that you never saw before and that nobody else saw oh wow is that what that verse says sin shall not have dominion over you no sin can rule over me imagine getting Revelation on that that anger cannot rule me anymore sexually dirty ways of thinking cannot rule me anymore no sin can rule me bitterness complaining grumbling it all sin cannot rule over you Romans 6:14 it's one thing to read it you can memorize it but it's quite nothing to get revelation those are the true riches and when people don't get the true riches I know the reason whenever I hear a boring creature I know that guy's not faithful with money I don't need to know anything about his private life he is not faithful with money because if he were Goddard of giving the true riches the anointing of his spirit revelation on gods were increasing likeness to Christ Peter got all that so dear brothers you want to be the man of God God wants you to be be faithful with money and he goes on to say in verse 13 now let's go to verse 12 if you have not been faithful in the use of that which is another's who will give you what is your own you got to understand that verse what is another's money you think you earned it by your hard work God says no it's mine you thought it was yours it's one of the great revelations I got when I was working as a naval officer their earning a lot of money the Lord said is not your money it's mine I thank God I understood that at a very young age I'll tell you how I learned it there was a person who was converted from Catholicism and he would come to me and say brother Zack can you give me loan me some money I'll return it next month so I obeyed the scripture which says give to everyone that asks of you I was 23 years old next month he'd come and say oh sorry brother I couldn't return it can you give me some more I will return it next month sure give to everyone that asks of you I give it next month the same old story I and I had the same words give to everyone that asks of you and from him that borrowed borrow if you turn not away I give it he got such a lot of money from he never returned it in later on he was transferred somewhere else and I heard he was gone into drinking he had backslidden when I heard that then I wrote him a letter I said hey if you're gonna take my money and give it to the devil with all your hand alcohol drinking alcohol then he better return it I can give it to somebody else and he got so angry with me he said those priests never had asked me like you are harassing me for money they said okay keep it then I went to the Lord and I said Lord O Lord what did I do wrong I obey do worse give to everyone that asks of you that's when the Lord gave me a revelation that was not your money you thought it was yours and you could give it away and I got a picture in my mind supposing somebody else had given me five thousand rupees to keep the rupees his Indian currency and somebody comes in to keep you know it's his money and somebody comes to me and say hey Zach I heard you've got 5000 rupees gonna give me some of that nice you know sure how much do you want I wouldn't do it I would say hang on it's not my money it's somebody else's I've got to ask him that's what the Lord taught me all the money in the world belongs to God including what I earned as my monthly salary I must know that first then give to him whereas of you I must ask the owner I did not ask the owner and that's why I kept losing money you remember when the devil quoted a verse to Jesus the devil can quote a verse to you give to everyone who asks of you but when the devil quoted a verse to Jesus Jesus and it is also written I had to say it is also written 1 Corinthians 10 26 everything on earth belongs to God nothing is mine so when I put both verses together I get the truth the whole truth is not contained in it is written it is contingent it is written and it is also written so that which is another's money is God's I need to recognize that who will give you that which is your own what is my own what do i inherit nature of Christ that's for me so if I recognize what is another's and say Lord this is yours God will give me what he's planned for me which is the nature of Jesus Christ in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and revelation on God's word so it's very very important if you want to be the man God wants you to be be faithful with money verse 13 no one can serve two masters he will hate the one and love the other you cannot serve God and wealth so according to that I must hate wealth I need to understand that prop earlier on in Luke 14 he said you must hate your father and mother and your wife and children what does that mean it doesn't mean I got to throw them away so when he says hate wealth it doesn't mean you got to throw it away just like you don't have to throw away your father and mother and your wife and your children what does it mean hate your father and mother and wife and children relative to your love for me the Lord says and explain in Matthew 10 if you love them more than me compare the scripture with scripture you're not worthy of me so the word hate used in Luke 14:26 this is in relation to the love for Christ in other words in relation to Jesus Christ who was like a bright shining Sun when the stars disappear and the Sun rises in the same way your love for your family members and all must fade when you see a love for Christ in other words Christ's love is supreme in your life in the same way your money fades into insignificance when you see Christ you don't have to throw it away you can keep it it's very useful money is very useful money is very useful as a servant but not as a master just make sure it doesn't become your master money is a very useful servant but a very cruel master in it on earth they put crowns on people's heads gold is on people's heads you know there's gold in heaven where is it under our feet if you have learned to put gold under your feet you're ready to go to heaven because their gold is under people's feet your gold is on your head you need to work it out and bring it down to below your feet that's the mark of a god-fearing man he doesn't throw away his gold he keeps it under his feet it's good to have a servant at home in your business if you have a servant you can do a lot of work with that servant and if in your business you employ 10 servants oh you can do so much more so if you earn a lot of money it's like having many servants but don't let any of them become your master very important you cannot serve God and money so how to determine who is your master easy here is God and here's money God calls me and money calls me who do I respond to he here is one man who says ak is my servant here as a chaplain says no zach is my sermon okay test both of you call Zach Zach come here who do I go to I'm his servant very easy and when I hear the call of God in the call of money the one I respond to his verse whose servant I am so does that mean that you know we have some wrong ideas about God then God always wants his people to be poor if you have an option for two jobs the lesser one the one where you get less salary that must be God's will these are the crazy ideas that people have that God is a spoilsport who is here to ruin you and make your life as miserable as possible God is a loving father if you had a loving father and you asked his opinion dad I got an offer for two jobs both equally good ones got more salary and one's got less salary what do you have dad say I know what I'll tell my children take the one with a higher salary sure cost of living is going up why should you take the lower salary you can provide more for your children then there's nothing wrong and having a little comfort so I don't believe that if you choose the lesser salary or spiritual if it is at the cost of spiritual things then it is not otherwise see in the Old Testament this is what Moses said in Deuteronomy in chapter 8 they had wandered in the wilderness for many years and then God brought them into the land of Canaan and Moses warning them when you get into that land Deuteronomy 8 verse 9 a land where will you will eat food without any scarcity in you which earth in which you will not lack anything a lot of people are migrated to the United States something like coming from the wilderness to Canaan financially heat food without scarcity verse 9 lack nothing financially and many are eaten worse than satisfied don't forget to thank the Lord and there's a danger when your finances increased verse 13 when your bank account increases and it multiplies that your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God who brought you there and don't say verse 17 that my power and my cleverness my ability enabled me to get this job that's why I got selected for this job because I'm clever I'm smartened not like those other guys who got rejected and that now I'm earning the salary but you shall remember verse 18 it is the Lord your God who gave you that ability to earn that money don't ever forget that my brothers and sisters maybe you grew up in this country maybe your parents migrated here in order to earn more money live better but don't ever forget those words in Deuteronomy chapter 8 many people who live here their ancestors migrated here there's nobody in this room who originally lived in the United States before 1500s there was another tribe living here yeah don't forget that it is God who enabled you to earn and honor him and so the Lord told them to pay that tights in the Old Testament Deuteronomy 14 and verse 23 do you know that they were permitted to eat of the type the tithe was not money the tithe was food and sheep and all that and they were they could eat it themselves and many people don't know that it's one of the provisions that the Lord said you can go and to go to Jerusalem and you can eat it he shell verse 22 Deuteronomy 14 20 you shall surely tithe all the produce from what you saw and comes out of the field and you shall eat in the presence of the Lord your God at the place which he has chosen to establish his name eat the tithe of your grain and eat the title of your wine and your coil and eat the first one of your flock so that you may learn to fear the Lord your God always and I like the Living Bible paraphrase of this verse the last part the purpose of tithing is to teach you to put God first always that's the last part of that verse the purpose of tithing is to teach you to put God first always did they understand that no they just gave that titan's okay my obligation to God is over now I live for myself in the New Testament there's no command to tithe because the Bible says everything is God's and what does it mean to be faithful with money it's different from being righteous with money righteous is the lowest-level faithfulness is more than that that three levels with money unrighteous righteous faithful and he was not just talking about righteous there are many people in the world who are righteous with money what does that mean that means I pay back all the people I've cheated in the past that's righteousness flex a keas he made a list of all the people he had cheated and he went back and paid four times because he had a sharp mind that calculated interest he said I took it from them years ago by this time they had I got two or three times okay debt to be on the safe side let me give them four times of what he took can imagine this Lackey is going to these houses of people and saying hey I cheated you some years ago here is four times the news gets around that Zakir is giving four times and some people saying I wish Zakir had cheated me I have made more profit I just put it in a bank and there were a lot of other people who Zacchaeus didn't even know their address where are they today they have moved he didn't say oh well lord I don't know the address I'll keep it no I'll give it to the poor that's why you said half my goods I'll give to the poor the lots of people I don't know know where they are right I'll keep that money it's not mine I cheated other people but I don't know where they are I give it to the poor or I saying today you can give it in the offering box if you have cheated somebody I don't know where he is but in the offering box because 1 Corinthians 10 26 says everything on the earth belongs to the Lord all the money on earth belongs to the Lord and so if I can't give it to this person whom I cheated from was temporarily guarded from God I give it back to the original owner the original owner is God himself that's why I say put in the offering box because everything on the earth all the money all the earth contains belongs to the Lord that's what the New Testament Christian recognizes my money is not my own so first righteous I give back all that I've cheated and I don't get into debt because Romans 13 verse 8 says owe no man anything he doesn't say don't borrow you got to read it exactly he says oh nothing to anyone there's a difference between the two there may be circumstances where a poor person I mean people have got plenty of money don't need to worry about it when there are many people in the world many God's people are poor and they suddenly are hit with a big hospital bill or some sudden expense for their children's education or something they temporarily need to borrow and that's permitted but don't remain in debt pay it back as soon as possible that's the meaning of oh no man anything the Holy Spirit's exact in the words he uses so that's righteousness I first of all pay back all the people of people have cheated and then I give back whatever I borrowed as early as possible and it doesn't matter if you're not able to be much try our best to bub pay back every month I remember a man wrote to me in India and said brothers that poor man he was an extremely poor laborer he said I somehow in my olden days I borrowed thirty thousand rupees I don't know what for to drink or whatever it was in his unconverted days he says now how can I pay it back thirty thousand rupees is a massive amount of money for me so I told him can you pay back ten rupees a month I'm sure you can pay back ten rupees a month it'll only take you two hundred and fifty years to pay back the whole amount just keep paying ten rupees a month now you're not gonna live to fifty years you may die in 20 years but God will see your heart that he wanted to pay it back and it'll be accounted as if you had paid it back that's the god I serve he was so happy he was released till then he was paying back nothing because the amount was so huge tri-city was payment what you can show God that you want to stay out of debt that's righteousness and I want to clarify that the mortgage on a house is not a debt because if you put it in a balance house inside and the money you borrow is equal there's no debt there if you die your wife can sell the house and there's no debt a loan for a car is not a debt if you have insured it for the same amount debt is where you borrow something maybe foolishly to go on a vacation I would never borrow money to go on a vacation I'd rather sacrifice the vacation vacation is not essential it's not like a medical emergency or an educational need for our children it's so much of foolishness in this area of money I tell you people borrow money to go on a vacation can any think of anything more crazy than that my wife and I were very poor for many years I think we had a one vacation in about 20 years we didn't suffer I'll tell you we didn't suffer believe it or not we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly we visit our parents that was our vacation you know the grandchildren would go there spend a couple of weeks there and a couple of weeks if their parents my parents that was our vacation the rest of the time we just enjoyed each other but he wouldn't borrow no I mean if you can afford it sure do what you like but remember all your money is gods don't ever forget that so faithfulness is recognizing all my money as God's now I have to use it the way God wants me to use it can I use it to buy a little ice cream ice cream is not essential to live but you think God wants us to use it for that I'd say yes I mean not in my age it's not good for health but for your children yes certainly because it says in what rich people should do with their money so I tell you what the Bible says rich people to do did the early church have rich people they certainly did because Paul writes to Timothy saying some instructions for rich people in 1 Timothy 6:17 instruct those who are rich in this world and I think a lot of that applies to a lot of people sitting here I come from India and I know all of your rich instruct those who are rich in this present world number 1 don't be conceited don't be proud because you're rich very very possible and don't fix your hope on these uncertain riches the stock market can crash don't fix your hope on these things banks can crash the value of money can go down things can get expensive you may lose your job don't fix your hope on uncertain riches fix your hope on God your loving father if you seek his kingdom first he will add everything to you without any lack and listen to this he richly supplies us with all things to enjoy that's why I said you can have ice cream he doesn't give us things just for survival I like that the Holy Spirit specifically used that word God's not against your having a few luxuries I'll tell you that if you need two cars in your house get it otherwise maybe your wife won't be able to move around if you're not at home God has given us richly all things to enjoy but something more it doesn't stop there learn to do good with your money be rich in good works and be generous and ready to share and then you'll have a great foundation for the future so the scripture is the New Testament is so balanced in its teaching but if you are faithful with money you'll get to riches and God wants men of God who have got the riches of heaven and who can communicate that to others with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and it all depends on faithfulness so there's a lot to say on that but let me just show you one verse and then we'll finish for the time John 13 is verse 29 is a verse from which the Lord gave me revelation on how we should spend our money he doesn't appear as if it's a teaching on money here but you know judas iscariot was about to go and betray Jesus and Jesus told him verse 27 john 13 27 at the last supper Satan entered into Judas Iscariot and Jesus said to him what you're gonna do do quickly none of the other disciples knew why he said this to him and listen to this this is the worst I was thinking of some were supposing that because Jesus was the treasurer he had the money box just Jesus was saying to him buy the things we need off for the feasts or else give to something to the poor why did they think like that because all the three and a half years that they had seen Judas as a treasurer gee whatever Jesus told them the principle was two things buy what you need give to the poor that's all so from that I learned that that is how Jesus spent his money even when he was a carpenter and afterwards when a lot of people gave him money because he was in the Lord's work by what you need and give to the poor now what do you need maybe you need three cars in your house or four if you have two children who are working don't decide what else other people need decide what you need I don't even have one I don't I had one for a while I don't need one now so what you need is an individual thing according to each person we're not here to judge another by what you need and don't be a busybody in other people's matters maybe you need a five bedroom house go ahead and get it maybe you can afford it maybe the other guy can only afford a one-bedroom house ok buy what you need without judging others and remember to help the poor and in this matter of giving to the poor I come from a country where a lot of poor people and I'll tell you something the wisdom we have learned in helping the poor in India every poor person would love to get money and wherever a poor person sees this can happen here too or here is a generous Church where people are taught to give they get attracted to that church like flies and they come and that's the way the devil can destroy your church it's happened it's happened in many places in India where foolish missionaries kept giving because the people were so poor and then what was the result when the missionary finest finally left that mission station there was no church there was not one godly man to continue the work they were all people who came to the mission station to get money or to get an education for that children or to get medical treatment or some some earthly benefit so in this giving to the poor also one needs wisdom not just generosity odd I always this the example I use love must fill your gas tank but wisdom must be in the driver's seat don't but love in the driver seat you may do many foolish things your heart must be filled with love but let wisdom drive the car to go where it should go so in the handling of money there's a great need for wisdom because you can ruin people with by giving them money we need to give wisely and there's a lot more to be said God will give you revelation as you continue but if you want to be a man of God remember this be faithful with money many people in the Old Testament and New Testament have ruined themselves Balaam gehazi Gazi could have been the next prophet after Elijah he could have got a double anointing from Elijah instead he got leprosy because he went after money Judas Iscariot I believe personally Judas Iscariot was the man who could have written the episodes because he was the most scholarly and clever but he lost his crown Paul got it many people have lost their crown through unfaithfulness and money so be careful God has a great ministry for all of you but if they are to fulfill it it will never be fulfilled until you're absolutely faithful with money in some of the ways which I've spoken today let's pray how many Father please help us to be to take seriously the things you revealed to us from your word pray in Jesus name [Music]
Channel: River of Life Christian Fellowship
Views: 9,944
Rating: 4.8781724 out of 5
Keywords: make, money, slave, mens, leadership, seminar, 2019, zac, poonen, sermon, rlcf, river, life, christian, fellowship
Id: F1DV21zaqrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 34sec (2914 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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