BDO's New Nodewar System Revealed On Glabs - Will This Revive The NW Scene... or KILL it?

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[Music] I'll try my best to just like read it I know you guys aren't [ __ ] watching the stream even though there's there's a there's a lady on the screen right now so maybe you guys are actually paying attention reading but uh I'll just try and read out what she's saying anyway node War the jeel Black Desert guills PP content shall we get started also to be fair if you're watching it then me reading the chat like reading the translations means you can use your eyes for something else content control over across the are held every day from Sunday to Friday between 1 a.m and 2: a.m. except Saturdays when Castle Congress wall Tak Place how do you participate in this is big right in this order territory The Guild members apply participation let's break down the application process to The Guild Master Alliance leader must apply for territory if you guys don't know the territories is belas serendia calan chilia that's a territory it's it's an entire region in other words let's bu for ter the menu from the onset of the wall until 1 hour you apply from the onset of the war until 1 hour before it begins till the end of last war probably at midnight when the last day ah yeah I think that's probably what is on like the day of the war until an hour before I think that's what it is that's how it is right now right that like from from the the day let's say you do a Sunday fight when it's Sunday you can apply from Sunday start until 1 hour before right yeah okay so it's the same okay that's good that's good that's what I figured but it was just yeah weird so and then on and then you s okay here we go here we go right this was one of the things we saw last week this is important uh these numbers are probably going to be what they will be so it's 35 players here this is players and I'm guessing this is gear so over here it's 35 players with 550 gear score over here on this region it's 70 player node with 685 or it's 100 player with uncapped and then no limit of combined attack and defense yeah so that's what it is it's a that's a gear score your total gear score it's kept um only 100 man uncaps yeah that's that's a bit weird I do agree now you can still go on these notes with less people right you don't have to be 100 people um and I'm I'm guessing we're going to see some um yeah know it's it's 35 70 and 100 but it says like that's also the the uncap region is 100 players limit so if you want to do low amount of players it's low gear score limit as well hold before make assumption yeah yeah so that's like another thing I wanted to like just mention real quick that's probably going to be something when you go on the note and and stuff like that but yeah let's go back so you apply for territory from the day until 1 hour before the no UI leaders can choose from three territory groups Oria kelan or Chia Med Media or Valencia and you don't don't know which one you're going to end up in one hour pure fun no Diplo yeah that's what they're trying to make I think it might be like that in the beginning but then people going to figure out ways to Diplo and like stuff like that so it's like 50/50 what reaching you in Al right among these territory groups some have Max gear skull limit of 550 685 and unlimited sure to apply for the territory best suited for your guilt once you registered in a the results will be announced 15 minutes before the war starts okay so like these are some guilds let's say there's eight guilds here that applied for for this area they get divided out on the two different uh territories um and you you know which guilt you place with 15 minutes before the war begins register for B the territory group your Battlefield be chosen randomly from these options with your territory confronted head over to the designated server so it's T1 T4 and uncapped caps thank you that's great I I didn't actually know that was the the Caps good good here's the like I'm super excited for this because it's simple like a guild that want to try out PVP it's going to be very easy to figure out how do it do it where do you go you just can click a button with the gear score of your guild and boom we do that how many people you have we probably have like around this let's do this one with yourp Cur it's time to gear up for combat eat food buff um to gain Buffs or receive silver buff at T care find you want to strategically use an effec opponent's defense with cannons and cannons go to mil so this is like for for people like this is new players right that they never done before like they're just making sure like do this like you want to do this don't forget BFFs and [ __ ] like that don't forget C can now also well that's about fcking time you're telling me I can now actually repair my gear and replenish my wheel doing a wall jeez Jesus Christ yeah finally oh my God that is huge it's so weird it it didn't work um yeah your horse respawns with you too no way nah I no no I don't have to go over to that thingy and rest my horses oh my [Music] God offer insta PL and gear repairs teleport to side Parts oh my God is the more are they actually making this good what's Happening Here 10 minutes before the start of not the assemble feature will appear the top right of screen select no server that's already the case right this spot Advent will be instantly transported to a village near the no area that's a bit different doesn't it as you quickly gather with your guild members and together and off S one no the no yeah exactly right it's C to note at the start of the yeah yeah so it's like now you get a 10 minutes before so you can actually go to the base and everything so this is a huge Improvement you don't have to take it right 10 minutes before right that's see you can you can wait until one minut before but then again let's be real I if you depending on the fight you should be out at your note at that time anyway you should be writing out there otherwise you're risking getting speedran and getting killed doing the load in with the current like how fast people nuke for and all as no war begins ftrs across the map will exate okay how many kills are varying for control the location of these activated fors changes each node War oh okay wait hold up do you not even have a base done so you you TP let me get this straight I we'll watch it don't worry when you TP to like the Noe do you not have a base initially there's no sniping there's no sniping well there could be sniping nothing else is there right there just get it but these F initially neutral and unclaimed can be conquered by the first skill to smash through their durability so you kill a for and then once the for is yours the real chel St begin defended against all others so it's it's a king of the hill it's basically King of the Hill once the for is yours the real chance begins defend against all others predetermined time between 10 and 60 Minutes depending on the number of guilds involved which you can check on the world map to win in the node War not only must your guild capture a but it must hold it until the end of time has passed so the Gill holding at the end when time Runs Out wi you managed to defend for until the timer runs out your guild will March home Laden with rewards use your lose your Ford or fail to capture one you must re-engage in combat to secure another for before the remaining in times approaches among the fs uh some Mark with a question mark holds undisclosed in times oh that's kind of fun do not display when the timer runs out and if you control one when all time has passed you will receive greater rewards than from other fors considering various strategies such as launching a force whose time is nearly up are ceasing a steadfast hold a with an undis end time to Greater rewards that might be interesting in war if you're stay in combat you choose a town where you want to resp this allows us Swift and strategic to return to action plus an important change has been made this time your mou will also respawn with you g the structure Us in Nots can be mainly categorized as anexas she weapons and Guild Ms and outpost build military supply managers in town sell anex assembly tools which can be installed anywhere in a notable area ining an ex cost guil fund so be mindful of the position before setting one you can arbe the tool in your inventory and consult immediately without accessing a separate okay that's good you move to in the game round before confirming okay so like you can build a base right you can you can build an actual base with an Nexus and stuff but you don't have a fort that people can destroy but it can still then destroy your Nexus and uh things like that right flame to and Wes are next uh which can be mounted by Adventure adventur powerful attack lot mov build flame you buy the stuff from the military Gill Supply manager so they're just explaining the the stuff like the buildings now again this is a video that's also going to help guilds that never done not war before but want to try it out into getting into it um explaining the the the the mechanics like the buildings the the seat engines and all that stuff enemies and great you get to stay in the entire time you can't get get killed out um Flaga your inside one to these locations right so it's again um you don't have an actual node unless like you don't have a fort unless you kill one of the neutral Forts and control that then you have that Fort and you can probably build your base around that Fort to try and defend it like start building and protect the fort from other enemies but the other enemies then don't have a for of their own they can't get killed or whatever but they can still build stuff they can still like make an Nexes for for more the and everything right and then if you die you spawn at a town or you can build FL different locations Beyond just the nearest town yeah that's pretty good those F battle with a tit plan strategy you claim victure what rewards await you this is the big thing to get people to do this if the rewards are worth it more people will do it first is successful defend your for until then he repeals its own reward yep you'll receive a portion of the tax from the region the Ford is located then the tax will go to a guild fund and then you get payouts and I just claimed two years worth of payouts today and I made 13 billion silver in a seat skills over two years to be fair I I don't get T10 P let's just uh let's just be honest I don't really do no W so I just get T1 always uh which becomes available resource of priding your guilds um no 13 billion 13 billion that's it over two years it's like 18 million a day on average or silver as a bonus that's the pay there also individual B rewards okay depending on the for you can receive various rewards such as gold bars which give you lots of silver and many powerful items add deos to the stuff um you also receive a special week long buff okay and this is for note B this isn't sieg when you level up notes oh okay so that's the same it already is um it's a drop rate buff right you get 10 up to 10% drop rate if you own that note it doubles up to a Max of 20% from but it's also only if you own that not mon in a notes area but I'm guessing because you're now on a region is it the entire region you get that so let's say if I drop on bance maybe they're going to explain this and and we get unknowned in baas do I get the drop rate buff in all of baas even though I just only own a note there if it's region wide then it's gamer then it's big dick if it's still only on that specific note it's whatever we noall double this benefit if you and this applies to there are entire territory group okay so this is huge that's actually really good also one thing to note about this 10% drop rate or well 20% drop rate it counts as the hidden drop rate so it works even if you have 300% drop rate doing a drop rate event it works just like the 20% drop rate buff from um killing uh Calamity 7 green buff um green buff and you get that green buff for 20% that Stacks with the 3% drop rate it works like uh Asha and Castle buff so it's very significant in that case well gu 20% it's not like it's a game breaking but it's it's good like that's nice 10 additional per for the entire region as well both regions will be double for the week oh wait you can of course do more NWS right in oh wait no okay it's both never mind okay so it's not it's because it's like Rand so when you apply for a region there's two right it's you just apply to Calum or Chemin and you don't know which one you end up in but you get the drop rate buff assuming you win a note for both of them so it's not like oh we really wanted to get a calan drop rate buff we won but we we got sent to C syan so we just screwed um so so it's for both of that region group you get a drop rate yes so one node one you get a full week worth of uh bonus drop rate on your node invest but you have to then have not investment uh to double it right so we you can probably get m right if in one more group expand this era of effect [ __ ] so you could do or you could win to refresh it okay so you could potentially win in all of the note groups and then get a 10% drop rate buff in all the places right um and then you can just keep it refreshed that's really good okay that's kind of good no has been rebounded so you don't need to build fors orus beforehand you jump in to control of activated fors install cames during not Wars have your horse resurrect with you that's the summary here and get your WS right into the black spirit safe weild this by playing tactics together shareful memories okay that's pretty good [Music]
Channel: BiceptimusPrime
Views: 2,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OqpHQvDu26A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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