BBC The One Show 11/04/2019 Fleabag & Jimmy Carr

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[Applause] this is your Thursday one show with mo Rogers and Alex Jones now those women beautifully orbiting our one show one are the national indoor skydiving champions we'll find out all about the sport later and one of our two guests tonight has agreed to have a go now to be honest our guests could be brothers okay cuz they've both got shiny black locks they both very funny there's only four years between them and one of them has recently become one of the hottest sex symbols on tally we'll let you decide which one your long-standing I'm a weird crush best I'll do indoor skydiving is what you say which I don't think is a thing it's a whole thing about skydiving is it's it's gravity's doing a lot of the work yeah they did tell you that the endorse guys out she's gonna be outside they told you that yes not high up though no it's not high up no no no no you're not gonna be jumping out of a plane or easily you've got that sweet sweet BBC insurance I'll do anything I might retire after this not that's me well is a blame I'm sure we have to talk about feedback and by the way no spoilers here so because lots of people are watching it on a plane don't worry we're not gonna give anything away but it's hugely popular especially the second series brilliantly written and you play the priest it wasn't that name actually know very few priests just priests so was well it was pre-spawn was supposed to be hot or did you make him hot I know he's just just just priest he was always just priest and that's just extraordinary writer wrote this at the moment that she's killing easily just extraordinary and then she doesn't do names it's just a change all priests put the name it and a little bird told us that you you agreed to do in the project without actually reading the script yeah and was that because of the caliber of people already on board was it because your relationship with Phoebe yeah well we did a play together ten years ago right and so we met a blast last summer and she talked about I'd seen the first series so we had just had this amazing conversation by creating this kind of love relationship that you know we wanted to make really special and so we had this big game you know three-hour meeting and walking all through Soho it was really special day so at the end we just went let's do it so you do have you do have this incredible chemistry because this is the moment where you end there fleabag and not doing a bit of finished shopping just come out I'm fair the last one me too it's been we're so clicking yeah Steve's bits yeah yeah last one definitely yeah great [Applause] response be like because this first series was really well received but the second series even more so when you think Jimmy with I play where people catch up and then they want to binge it in a day yeah well actually the extraordinary thing about it was it wasn't it wasn't available to binge in a day so kind of old-school ways people are waiting for the next episode and it became sort of more and more epic but the response has been I was speaking to Phoebe yesterday on the telephone she's in New York actually doing Freiburg the one much one-woman show which it's a it's based on and we were just talking about how extraordinary isn't so she hasn't been in the country too I feel the love so I can't wait to see her and give her a nice it for you is it the big thing since Moriarty because that was huge yeah it kind of is it definitely is it's definitely a different different yes they're completely different flavors so what yes does feel feels feels big well we all love sa congratulations on the now in fleabag strange things often happen when fleabag hangs out with the priests here I'm pretty normal person normal person and all that makes you a normal person I don't believe in God nobody is that and on the subject of spooky paintings here's another one [Music] house fires are most commonly caused by chip pans and electrical faults candles and if a curse is to be believed a Kitsch painting of a tearful child the crying boy was one of a series of paintings by Giovanni Bragg Allen in the 1960s and 1970s high street prints were hugely popular and fifty thousand copies of the crying boy were sold in Britain then in 1985 a series of fires began to break out in homes in which the picture hung not only that many of these houses were reduced to ashes and only one object would survive the flames the crying boy the one Shaw has tracked down John Murphy the local journalist based in Rotherham who first broke the story it looked like as far as they can do a regular house fire that was caused by a chip pan blaze so there wasn't really much to report on until I got talking to the fire officer who was present and he said there is one interesting thing about this fire yet again there is a print of a crying boy that's come through the fire unscathed so it got me thinking it's always like a curse cue my story the curse of the crying a boy causing house fires two weeks later the Sun newspaper picked up the story with the headline blazing curse of the crying boy it was an era of the national newspapers battling it out to generate readers and the extent to which they would sensationalized stories basically knew no limits the son continued to fan the flames and 2,500 copies of the print were sent in by readers a ritual burning was supposed to break the curse forever by proving that at least some of these prints were easily burned surely the paper had done enough to disprove a paranormal link between the crying boy and the otherwise unrelated house fires or perhaps not as recently as 2014 there have been fires attributed to the artwork Tina booth buys and sales vintage collectibles she had her own fiery encounter when her bedroom was set ablaze after buying a crying boy print at a local car boot sale smell the smoke so knew immediately something was on fire so ran to my room threw open the door smoke came flying out and the corner of my room was alight thank goodness I managed to contain it I hurt my hands quite a lot luckily the house survived and the picture survived perhaps a candle left burning in her bedroom was a real reason for the fire whatever the cause Tina still buys and sells the crying boy prints the only thing that I do differently now is face them all to the wall I won't have them facing outwards if the crying boy isn't cursed what could explain the house fires that seemingly swept across the country today prints of these paintings by bragging have taken on a rather kitsch charm to our contemporary eyes the subject matter with its rolling tears and sad faces a little dated in fact it's become the sort of image that we now love to hate but in the 1970s hanging one of these relatively high quality prints in your home was a real mark of sophistication and as a result there were thousands upon thousands of these hanging up and down the country so given their popularity their ubiquity even perhaps those house fires weren't quite as disproportionate as they may have seemed but that doesn't explain reports of the crying boys uncanny ability to survive the flames it's been suggested that a chemical used in the factory line mass production of the print gave it some sort of fire retardant properties there's only one way to find out I'm a little apprehensive about burning a work of art no matter how cursed but I think I have to see if it can survive these flames in our one show experiment it was just a matter of minutes before brands crying boy was reduced to nothing but ash well there you have it it does burn and if you're in possession of one of these prints I do hope that that puts your mind at ease case closed [Music] Thank You Natasha now the good news is we have got a coffee each of the crying boy animals by our lovely audience members forget to take home with a funky for being on the show so who's gonna risk it for a biscuit and now I'm a very cynical guy but hell no I mean even why why would you what's the benefit of having that Manju use Iggy superstitious so I'll just face the wall like that'd be a disaster [Laughter] Jimmy's latest stand-up show currently Ben streams around the world on Netflix and you know what they're filming with chimpanzees now could be a commercial that they're filming or a movie or a TV show but when they're filming with chimpanzees what they do is they give them peanut butter doesn't occur naturally it's not in their regular diet in the zoo and the reason they give it to them is because they're not used to it because when they give them the peanut butter it sticks to the roof of the chimpanzees mouth it makes the chimpanzees go and it makes it look like the chimpanzees talking well that's also how they make Keeping Up with the Kardashians there's a story turn around today in fact on the BBC website so it's definitely true that Kim Kardashian is actually training to be a lawyer I have nothing against my like Kim Kardashian but and it's a big buck he's why she I think she's she's great now this is this is this is you're sort of distilled best jokes over many many many years and you filmed it in Dublin what was that like there's a crowd M'Lynn I filmed it in Dublin because yeah literally the best place to film anything the best audio did crowd and I'm kind of a plastic paddy I believe is what they call me I've got hours parents Irish passport I just speak and present myself like this because it was raised and educated in the Home Counties show what you can do with your pies it's yeah I filmed it there cuz it's the best gig on the tour it's like an amazing gig and this was like 17 or 18 years worth of jokes like a lot of your you know so you could curate all the ones here like you used to be the thing you released a DVD of a Christmas and people used to buy DVDs only think not to watch them just because they're very easy to wrap but there is something about sharing a sense of humor with someone I was like that quite of laughter is the shortest distance between two people so getting a stand-up DVD and saying I think this is really funny and I think your fingers is really funny is a lovely kind of it's a lovely connection between yeah DVDs used to be a thing but only in this country like in America none of those got released in the rest of the world so you sort of do the Netflix thing I thought I can sell that stuff again I love that line but this is filmed in quite an unusual way for standup there's lots of so short slow panning closes sometimes get a bit bored of watching stand-up DVDs because it's three shots they sort of do a mid shot close-up wide and they just rotate those three and it's like an hour so you want it to be visually good so I stole from the BBC I got the Steadicam operator from Strictly to fly to Dublin the best in the business he's unbelievable I mean he's literally the best in business so I did quite a lot of so when I was doing the gig he was like walking around me on stage that must have been is that not distracting for the audience yes it's like a job it's fine you mention you it is is there a typical Jimmy Carr fan I don't think there is I think it's always weirdly I've had people come with their families to my show which i think is horribly inappropriate I mean my they're pretty brutal it's not I mean the clip you showed was like I don't think there's three clean jokes no there was one click I thought for everyone's quite a strong flavor my comedy so it's that thing I find it very surprising and you make judgments I think when I want I'm on tour I sort of make judgments I sort of walk out and you see someone in their 70s in the front row and think that this isn't for that and then of course you realize no the thing that unites people is their sense of humor yeah I think that's why people like going out to live events because you're in a room with a thousand people with the same sense of humor as you with that in mind then because last time you came on and you came to talk about the fix that you also did for Netflix and I suppose the Jimmy Carr plan is to break America yes your controversial kind of comedy going down with the Americans they are they lapping it up or do you have to adjust it for the people that can I get a false read on my comedy I always think it goes well because the people that come and see me quite like that kind of thing yeah so no one ever goes I came to see your show up it's terrible it's not my sort of comedy because occasionally someone gets dragged along but I think by now people know what they're in for yeah and you're offered a new tour they're terribly funded - what can people expect there I mean it's brutal I've the whole last 20 minutes of the new tour is is curry renders such a great run in show business but it ends at some point you might as well end on my term so I just tell 2015 the road just I mean beyond the pale good style yeah well very differently andrew has got a new film out on Friday called steel country it's a psychological thriller is and it's set in western Pennsylvania and you play Donny mm-hmm now how how would do you like to describe your character and the film give us a bit of the Baxter well he's a he's a piece of binman a garbage collector as they call it over there and he's what you were described he's not neurotypical he's people are have been asking me is he sort of on the autistic spectrum but he's he's I haven't wanted to wanted myself to sort of diagnose Rossum but he's a very unusual guy kind of what would you describe as at the the lower end of society and he's kind of bullied by the entire community and there's a murder of a young of a young boy and he becomes sort of he has developed a sort of kinship with this dead boy and they're very apathetic impatient about this boy's death in the in their investigation uh but and he becomes sort of slightly obsessed with it it was a very sort of vulnerable open character very different for me yeah very sort of American indie film or tone so yeah it's it's it's different than them but it's a it's a psychological thriller with a sort of character II and very different from the priests I mean here's a clip of Donnie attempting to rekindle the relationship with the mother of his child [Applause] it feels are really like the accent as well is yeah what's really strange a very strong accent at Pittsburgh use accent they call it so we actually have to kind of tone it down because we're Pittsburgh is very very strong it's really you use YouTube clips to try and and YouTube videos I'm not really a method actor but but you got it gotta get the accent right yeah inter Irish Americans as well which so I kind of get mental I was a little bit more cuz I thought you know some of your experience Calabi just walk into that how long do you spend trying to get that oh you have to you have to kind of get in the vernacular I did speak I did speak as much as I could in that well you were great actor first and then you said right I've got to do accents or could you do accents and then you went I might as well act always able to do accents and and then I don't know it's a really weird one because actually now I don't I'm less interested in doing accents compared to I think when you're a young actor you want to be as far away from yourself as possible because you think that's what acting is where's my car it's quite a departure from roles that you've played recent yes the priest office yeah but that one you know Jimmy's reaction was like all of us we looking and you go can that also be him I mean that's pretty amazing but what appeal will see you then about that character in particular he was really vulnerable really vulnerable and and we shot it in a kind of Trump country we shot it in Georgia and you see a lot of people who are just really sweet people but have no I don't know they just feel good feel very very neglected he's an Audrey guy so if he's sort of not the kind of hero that you expect to see in films right yeah sort of I kind of I had ice cream and I was pretending us for to be method yeah but I don't know I just she's just just let yourself go but he's not he's an antihero yeah and you have a general probably Moriarty was such a defining general who's horrible do you like the nasty stuff do you say Moriarty was he was a hero should you not watch it to the end but you're sat next to a guy who can do evil and there is something about you know playing evil you can do evil sounds like you could do oh you'd be amazing I don't even need to act do you like that you like find that so slightly aggressive not I did for I did for a while definitely but I definitely wanted to sort of branch out of it so actually what I was interested in doing for a long time was doing a bit of romantic comedy and doing a bit of character stuff so um so the new stuff is kind of where it occurs you don't want to no actor wants to do the same to you saying no of course not you're going back on stage yeah no of Cour yeah no careful yeah it's called present laughter that's from June to August at the Old Vic and it's better and I liked you so yeah well I did Hamlet like a couple years ago so after that you kind of go what are you two after that cause it's such a big thing so I wanted to do something light and funny so it's a brilliant brilliant place it's a how did you go from one to the other I mean cuz it must be so intense how'd you occupy a kind of American common man garbage guy and go from that to know you're saying all these gear changes do weird things to your brain I still think it might send you slightly well you know we've all we contain multitudes you know that all of us you know so it's just exploiting exploiting all that I'm grateful for you tried to get me out that country's in cinemas and on demand from next writing Jimmy said earlier you never go out skydiving now Jimmy I've got a yeah there you go chief try actually try acting in that really yeah what is he on the ones yeah yeah it's your new club so why you get suited up we're gonna find out why skydiving and the world of skydiving recently landed in Bedford sure I'm doing this we've seen people jump out of a plane before and we've seen synchronized swimming but if you don't have a plane or a pull it comes to one of these [Music] I'm here in this wind tunnel where the indoor skydiving as well challenge is taking place and it feels like I'm caught in a horror game eighty three teams from 19 countries will be flying without wings everyone into the name for Mauritania promise Arizona this competition has great British interest as the British female skydiving team who are making a name for themselves in the sport I here to win Sean Stokes Donna Parker Anna Hicks as Caitlin's Li together have done tens of thousands of skydiving jumps and spent thousands of hours in a wind tunnel how has it been going yesterday started off Rocky and then we had a little chat and we've just taken each jump at a time what is for wave formation it's basically four people flying together doing a competition jump which is 35 seconds and we need to do as many prescribed formations as possible and the whole competition is 10 rounds so it's 10 jumps and how do you even train but it's how does it work not all competitors are pros this challenge welcomes Rickey's - and as indoor skydiving is quite a bit of fun many people come look just to watch it that's it give it a try for themselves you're all representing teams would be on you yes what's that like it's amazing we were also part of each other and we're so grateful to be actually representing Great Britain because of the only junior British team basically so happy found the competition over the last couple of days challenging but we're progressing the skydive been recruited great in their classification finishing third on the podium also this weekend there are artistic nationals and vertical formation teams competing and it all looks well the spectacular back to our girls as the competition hearts up for is one of the jumps that we need to do quite well on it we hoping to score quite a few points these arrow displays are amazing and I tell you odd judging these Flyers is not a job I fancy but someone has to do it and that person is Lucy Westgarth so for the four-way competition what the teams have to do to impress you we like to see nice clean flying working as a team picking up grips at the same time letting go of grips at the same time it's a sure the clearest possible picture to the judges that they've done it correctly snow with six rounds overturn started rocky the final round and the British ladies are going to have to do well to secure a win [Music] like how they can do that with witness lead to like a hundred in state okay ladies have you found it we had a couple of dodgy moments in this round so I'll have a little look but hopefully fingers crossed you've done enough the girls are now you pay indoor skydiving champions we would have been happy with a second or third place so the fact that we've actually won is is unbelievable we are really really pleased [Music] thank you very much scalice and as you saw and the girls in the film they practice on what they call creepers on these sides each rollies and jimmy is in position you're feeling ready for this I'm not sure this is a thing oh it's kind of fun [Music] [Applause] steady on your feet wow that's so much better than jumping out of a plane genuinely like one I'm not sure what it was it felt like they felt like skateboarding for very lazy people I'm not sure the girls are gonna like that they are national champion yeah how many other people are kleiner okay because Anna and Sean I mean you do this obviously but you also work on film sets don't you go on so we have what was the latest mission impossible things Mission Impossible six Tom Cruise Tom Cruise I was the aviation medicine doctor so he took me but he wasn't dying of being too high up in the air and did a bit of safety diving and Sean was did a lot of instruction with him and the safety jumping at safety jumping on the film where he broke his ankle saying he was fantastic he was hard-working very talented I'm really lovely ematic really lovely to work with really nice yeah yeah I mean you've got such an impressive CV honestly I open this to make you feel like an underachiever now go on what else to do because you do the skydiver you do this and so it's got iving on my main job is I'm a doctor I'm a GP I'm a army GP so I've just come back from Afghanistan so then just informants there which is okay not too bad [Laughter] okay you're you're actually afraid of flying all right yeah I'm a bit better than it was but I still don't like flying so once the door opens and I can get out and put why you skydive because you're so full of hate for the plane that you feel like you got to get out as fast feel safe for once out yeah so how did you know that you'd like it because you'd have so I've gone up in the plane in order to come out of the plane and I think I don't like landing in planes I'm alright taking off and as soon as I know I can get out and I'm she's fine a jump it out yes every go absolutely no no way I'm not gonna fly the indoor stuff compared to doing a say it's it's it's safer you don't have we see have the risk that your parachute may not open or that you may have a bad landing or anything like that so it's more contained the thing for us with formation skydiving is it's because you're not wearing a parachute it's actually a lot more dynamic so it's quite it's faster and it's almost kind of harder but the beauty of indoor skydiving is that everyone can do it I mean you can take three-year-olds up to 90 rods in and they can have it you know great experience of freefall without the risk because it yeah that's the thing it looks quite safe I don't mean so you know or none you said in the film children try it as well so if anybody's at home thinking would like to give that a go what's the best way to approach that thing indoor skydiving yet and there's a variety tunnels in the UK but the and any other tunnels you can learn and they'll take as long as a child can understand body signals hand signals and directions then they can thank you go for it Jimmy even I could do it you could do it thank you very much ladies been fantastic so we've got to be sure the best of ultimate goal greatest hits is on Netflix now and it's terribly funny tour begins next month Angie's films still countries in cinema has an on demand from next Friday it's not the Morton and Emily Sunday here tomorrow I'll see you then bye guys [Applause]
Channel: DONALD TV
Views: 62,280
Rating: 4.8923397 out of 5
Id: Foe6aGF6Z58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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