BBC Inside the Supermarket, Series 1, Episode 1

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no smell Sainsbury's has been part of our high street for a hundred and fifty years right are we okay four bags twenty-six million of us go through its doors every single week but with supermarkets more competitive than ever littlez actually history counts for nothing retail is changing beyond all recognition businesses that don't adapt fast enough will ultimately decline the fact that you have to buy a celery in a plastic bag is ridiculous during a crucial year this British institution has allowed cameras behind-the-scenes you're gonna meet a Majesty the Queen as they attempt to grow their business [Music] try to woo new customers bacon and work together to stop themselves slipping behind their rivals the m5s closed at the minute our stores are screaming for their products it's pressurized you have chosen a very eventful day we are [Music] morning ladies they're normally a bit more vocal than that in the mornings it's a new year hello my lovely are you with me today we will have fun and games today and across the country it's business as usual for Sainsbury's the company has 1,400 stores and over 180,000 staff something you know we don't is a reliance or tidge Pauline on the shop floor things have quieted down after the Christmas season Christmas time or it was murder but the shelves they just everything you put some it on the shelf you come back and it's gone and you've only been gone I ain't gonna say ten minutes and it's gone what you put on the shelf so it's Maddie near Christmas the staff might have been rushed off their feet but that doesn't guarantee it's been a successful festive period for the whole organization [Music] today's the day Mike coupe the CEO of the company has to announce the Christmas sales figures to the city and the press we as a public company update the market four times a year the Christmas quarter has such a big impact on our overall success in the year most retailers we refer to as the golden quarter Mike good morning everyone and a Happy New Year and welcome to the Sainsbury's trading update call which covers the 15 weeks to January the 5th thanks Mike and welcome everyone I'll take you through some of the key numbers and Grocery first we've seen a solid performance over the quarter reflecting and improved price position versus our competitors we tell like-for-like sales declined by 1.1 percent again market share in key categories such as toys and electricals but both of these categories were in decline over the period for the toy market in particular down double digits will now open up the call for your questions the UK second biggest supermarket Sainsbury's says its total sales for Christmas are down like for like sales we're down 1.1 percent and like the other big grocery retailers it's facing tough competition from the discounters with the company being squeezed by the competition this is going to be one of the most challenging years in the supermarket's 150 year history we know that the discounters are doing well Aldi we know are catching up at head office teams are dissecting the Christmas period and working out what they can improve key themes here are the MLS are continuing to retain dominance obviously people love to trade up into the store generally and this year has been although just a small shift in share for them they have retained quite a strong position unsurprisingly it consumer confidence over Christmas was a real all-time low so obviously brexit was a large source of that kind of feeling down and that wasn't great unfortunately when did the year kind of just flat versus the market this year we actually dropped out of the top 25 Google searches for branded food so the likes of M&S Waitrose testbeds they've dominated that 25 it's quite a worry that we we kind of lost what we're here for it's more important than ever that the company sets themselves apart from their rivals and this year provides a unique marketing opportunity there hundred and fiftieth birthday [Music] on the ground floor of HQ there is a warren of kitchens where new food products for 2019 are being stirred baked and tested today head chef cassie is trialing a new recipe for Sainsbury's one hundred and fiftieth birthday cake so the recipe says do about three tablespoons per sponge of the syrup for maximum impact they've enlisted an a-list Baker to create the recipe Claire Pataki she's famous for making Prince Harry and Megan markle's wedding cake and known for her complex flavors they're all gonna be soaked in this sugar syrup it's got lots and lots of lime zest in there rosewater orange blossom butter lime juice and some lemon juice as well and then I'm making the creme fraiche icing now as well so I think we can assemble now before the recipe is passed on to be mass-produced in the factory Tasi needs the product development team to sign it off claps at cakes and the flavors usually quite unusual too much berries water can be quite overpowering so I'm not sure how that would I'm trying to say its factory well good well being at a string sir [Music] do you wanna serve it smells fantastic lemon zest on top yeah very floor it was well I think I'll do quite a large slice we can just see it we've even lion cutting the suite in Cicero it's not sweet at all no it's really balanced isn't our big challenge is gonna be how we progress up through to a factory setting so when they're making hundreds of these down a production line obviously that's very different to making one in a standard home kitchen wanna make sure we're being true to her recipe as much as we can yeah having passed the first hurdle the recipe will now be sent on to the factory in Bolton where they have one week to create a cake that can be mass-produced then comes the real test a tasting with cake designer Claire Batac only if she approves it will it be rolled out in the store cafes [Music] it's a beautiful day so we're going to our Pimlico store which is a store that we've refitted about a year ago very much the central London store so it's like a big convenience shop across London CEO Mike is doing an unannounced spot check on a flagship store running a business like st. versus important you stay very connected to the people on the ground you've got a strong sense of what's going on in the organization Mike is in charge of turning the company's fortunes around there are six or seven big competitors out there people like our dear little they're opening lots of shops about 120 every year and we have to run very hard to keep up with those changes in our market in 2016 he negotiated the buying of catalog giant Argos and now he's implementing the leasing of floor space to young vibrant food companies to attract new customers the Pimlico Store is one of the first to have all these companies under one roof tools are ringing everything's working smoothly we're taking money customers were happy I would be very disappointed if it wasn't in reasonable show [Music] hello how are you from at the moment oh okay oh okay so nobody can any cash nobody can pay with a credit card it's like Mariner crisis there's one thing you want to do in the supermarket so actually take people's money let's head that sounds like it's a big challenge it's just completely unexpected you know bombas and their whole area has got known is it the area or is it something visible we've got some of the stores has the same as the staff try and fix the problem Mike's finding out if the new on-site concessions are bringing in customers how it's doing now product sandwiches it's doing very well the convenience of the shop leasing space to concessions has brought in a new type of customer and now Mike's hoping to have the same success with Argos by moving their outlets in store they do very well I'm sure they are some points they are busier than my store well we're having a conversation about the wonderful world so we got all this technology with all this iPad based stuff and yet we still get the book of dreams and people still want to but for 2019 mike has an even bigger plan to take on the competition a shock move that could shake up Britain's grocery market Sainsbury's and aster are in advanced talks to merge the deal between the two supermarket giant's would challenge Tesco and could be worth more than 10 billion pounds but for customers and the Competition Commission approved a merger of this scale does not happen overnight Mike and the company's other 180,000 employees will have to wait to find out if industry regulators approve the deal if it does go ahead this will be the biggest merger in UK history allowing them to drive down prices and compete more aggressively with the discounters businesses that don't adapt fast enough will ultimately decline and you know we've seen that in the last period of time with toys are ours and NAPLAN even companies like M&S some of the bellwethers of the high street if we don't change and we don't adapt then the danger is that you you will end up like some of these other organizations are perfect but and meet my my my jacket and bags just back here so I'll take your home and eat it tonight so I was just reading out another side so you'll be confectionary help you to UT no one have been beaten with a bit of clothing yeah then goes into flowers and hair care after a challenging Christmas the company is gearing up for Mother's Day their next big sales opportunity of the year the organs want teddy BAE's as I say most a boiler remove oh and all the beauty projects I love them would you've only get one mom you got a plan pura I tell this to my customers they're all reading to me - let's move this thing get Amin Mother's Day is the biggest floral event of the year with British shoppers expected to part with over two hundred and fifty million pounds on flowers alone it is yet it's bigger than Father's Day bless the dad's there I'm sure it's all about the mums the company is going all-out to sell more bouquets than their rivals so hey I've got this one Annette is the company's flowers buyer she has spent the last six months selecting flowers for Mother's Day and today she's visiting one of her key suppliers to give final sign-off on her new range for Mother's Day Mother's Day is really important because one they may be buying more than one day case to it you know Valentine's people tend to only buy one but a Mother's Day it often the purchase is two bouquets or maybe even three items and I know we have customers that we mean may not see all year round or aren't our regular customers that come to us and Mother's Day yeah that one's perfect right now carnival color with just over a week to go this is Annette and technical manager Frankie's last chance to make any changes it's a massive deal to us if we get Mother's Day right then we can get customers coming back to carry on buying flowers for us so yeah Mother's Day is our biggest event and busiest time of year for all of us working in the floral industry so we've got pretty in pink dazzle sorts of flowers carnival color and black currant and bonbon mhm this is kind of the final check to say actually are we covering your bases is every product going to be fit for our stores to be able to sell to customers and is every every product really looking great value for money if there's a product going in that technical teams aren't happy with the quality of it then we can pull the plug on it now if we're not have to with the retail price that we're gonna give to our customers we pull the plug on it now this one's new as well yeah that comes in in a bus okay have we got the label we need to make sure we've got a label on that assess yeah we have yes we've signed off we're just waiting for it to arrive and that would be on the front of ours saying VARs include yet and we're also putting it on the label so yeah yeah brilliant so for us this is it's the voice is that adds the value here because one it's got more expensive flowers but it's also got the VARs Annette has created a range to attract customers from both ends of the market at the top end she's designed the new cote d'azur Premium arrangement to tempt customers away from Marks and Spencer and Waitrose if they own of ours that they have really enjoyed having seen fruits flowers in then actually it's about when that play Kay comes the end of its life hopefully they they really enjoy the flowers and their look to you know purchase on a weekly basis for us Annette has made her flower choices based on the enormous amount of data Sainsbury's have from their customers every transaction is recorded and saved onto a supercomputer hidden in a secret location this room stores over 20 years of the nation's shopping habits this knowledge of what we buy helps Annette and other buyers predict what is going to sell so this is new for Mother's Day but we have done it previously for Valentine's because what we're seeing is to actually for children to give us a present as a little add-on for granny that seemed to do really well I'm really pleased I think you don't really get doable and I think what's key for us as well as that we've got something for everyone what color pack was it in was it in dark green what about a bit of an bee pollen as well I look like visual yes sounds good yeah in the test kitchens at HQ the special one hundred and fiftieth birthday cake has arrived from the Bolton Factory hi I'm John Marshall I'm a part cake bakeries hello and looking to make the pallet for you this is Janet and her team's first attempt at making the cake if it's good enough it will go straight into mass production but first needs to be approved by its creator master baker Claire / tack if we don't get it approved today then we really run the risk of them not eating that launch date so hopefully today fingers crossed we'll get a decision so so tell me now the differences and the saw kinetise talk with the the orange blossom water and they rose water we've really struggled to stop that get those and the raw materials in oh really well we've made it into supermarkets so we get over student packets 5 and this end the written the manufactures will supply it with us in glass bottles mm-hmm what are we glass for Easter we can't we're not on my glass in the factory so we really really struggled when the blossom stick only we've all established doodles with me and blossom em but the orange blossom water and the rose and water so what we've done is such a look to extract you know they won't work I was thinking well there's water in there in hissongk anyway and sort of you put the extract with a water you're almost initially making your own blossom water yeah okay okay okay tree taste interviews in the pudding so to speak [Music] [Music] because I don't do some lime at all I [Music] feel like that texture is all right okay I mean it just tastes dry I'm like okay yeah I'm really missing the orange blossom to me it's a really integral part of that mmm of the cake do you know that product called fjord it's a Julia which is like it's an extract that's called flower of Sicily yeah it's like instead of it it's a syrup yeah yeah and it's that's the flavor that I'm basically inspired by but that is I know it's sold in huge plastic bottles right so you could we could try it with that [Music] having failed to gain Claire per tax approval production back in Bolton is on hold listen frustrating and very passionate about our work what we do and you know and and then I think that's more fashion because I want to go it right [Music] let me start with weather because I think weather is important as we move into this week so the good news is we've got through all of the rain and it looks as though we're going to have a really really nice spell of sunshine this week upstairs in HQ the top executives have gathered to go through their strategy to maximize Mother's Day sales at the end of the week Friday and Saturday is where the sales will come lots of expectations around pink so whether that's pink champagne whether that's pink gin and gin will still play a key part so lots of volume out there so let me touch on floral of course my job and the team is to get this brilliant product to our customers absolutely with brilliant quality and freshness you know this is really important part of the season for us seventy-three new products everything for any particular customer so lovely little treats this year as well as appealing to their regular customers they are also targeting the higher end of the market with the new premium bouquet the Cote d'Azur and everything to give mums a real treat I think the range looks fantastic really really brilliant thank you [Music] with flowers by far the biggest seller at Mother's Day the battle is on to sell more bouquets than their competitors to drive up profits this guy's a lane Haga lo here is named it's the job of technical manager Frankie to make sure all the flowers get to the shop floor in perfect condition so I've been visiting our cut flower suppliers so it's all about managing because this is their busiest day so they're going to be at capacity so it's just making sure that everything's packed and ready to be put on the lorries tonight very busy yeah so Mother's Day I'll be sleeping frankie is visiting super flora in Lincolnshire one of three suppliers that provide all of the company's flowers so we'll start on that line you start on the okay she must carefully check the bouquets to make sure they meet requirements now this is a specification so we know exactly what diameter the flowers are how many we should have of each flower and what the quality parameters are so we're just making sure that it all matches so we've got one carnation yellow yeah that's it yep one spray carnation yellow that's it yeah one santini whatever yep one croissant semla line and one sample tiger pink yep now that looks casual that's well above specialist yeah eight senses very good precise rules on size age and quality are applied to every single bunch of flowers including the premium range so this is one of our top price okay so it's 35 pounds it comes with the bars on this section they are creating a an aqua at the moment we're doing one liter of water so the machine will those exactly one liter of water anytime well that always makes me jump that looks really good yep with 14 hundred stores needing to be filled with flowers for Mother's Day Frankie's off to another major supplier mm in Cambridgeshire it's not possible to meet the demand for flowers from UK growers so most are brought in from abroad so this is the intake area so this is where everything comes in from Colombia Kenya Holland yeah everywhere all the sauces comes into here one of the most popular flowers sold on Mother's Day are roses unable to grow them in March Britain flies most of them in from Kenya when they're cut the roses go to sleep and only wake up when put in water so we're looking to see if there's any bruising issues on the roses if any of the heads so we look to make sure all the heads of level we see if there's any disease or pest issues it does look good very good after the flowers long journey Frankie needs to spot any problems before thousands of bunches hit the stores that's got one missing yeah the heads come off and all the petals have come off this chrysanthemum that's no good it's got low it just come off okay they just pull in when they put in the Nets off they're breaking some of their heads off okay yeah oh no LM a no look this is all get crushed what's the problem it's too long okay so they need to cut it shorter so I need to tell them they're two then it's okay yeah I'll go and tell them okay yeah this is no good it's no good so they need to cut it shorter because this will be damaged so if it's like that just seamless back yeah yes like this seal it back tell them that it's not short enough yep oh yeah that's better isn't it so because the foliage was sticking out the top that would cause it to be crushed so they have to go through the whole of that pallet and now they've made it shorter which means that we won't get that problem okay over one heard me now now we've just got to get the sales in the stores over thirteen thousand bouquets are now pouring out of the factories every hour 579 Monday morning we know exactly where we are what's done well what hasn't done so well the bunches are placed in water stacked onto pallets and transported across the country by the time the flowers arrive in store many will have been in transit for up to a week [Music] with Frankie's job done the pressure now shifts to the shop floor where they have a four-day window to sell as many of the bouquets as possible before closing time on Mother's Day my mom she's having flowers that's just how it is she actually gave me a list the other day I have you said there was about six things on there on the bottom it said thank you but it shouldn't excite please not thank you you haven't had anything yet at the top in no particular order with sales targets to hit Aubry are wheeling out their secret weapon Martin all right I am into flowers or like an arranged and beautiful a walk can arrange in beauty I love me flowers the dog stopped chewing them now on the windowsill so I can keep having him live Joan has worked on the shop floor for 28 years I kill them in a day I wouldn't know where to grow them put them in a pack oh yeah Jeremy coughs could sell ice to Eskimos yes yes yes no yes no yes no yes okay believe me they'll be no favors like soup for you and nobody else he let them pay me I don't know it I spend a fortune on these flavors not a bloody morning what we have two beautiful lilies Oh lilies all of Lily's you have to snip the middle Oh to them all that stain your clothes did you know though oh yes let's have a look fear change of plan that's figure it was well thank you what's happening they arranged a plan what's the sort so you a novena you mean you walk in OT we now flow with that's just go to sleep thanks anyway well you had a flow up yeah hi my darling even with Joan working her magic it's a slow start for the new Cote d'Azur premium bouquet displayed somewhere else as a point of difference from a store point of view we have no impact on what comes through the door it's just when it's here we've got to then try and our way out of it like any perishable product in the back of my mind I'm very conscious of the fact that Sunday when we close all this has got to come off and we straight into Easter so when we open on Monday this needs to be gone it has a knock-on effect if we don't do it really really well plug it in one day and it's fine and then the next day you've got a laundry you've got nothing in East London managers have been called to an area meeting for an update on the potential merger with Asda if the competition and Markets Authority gives the go-ahead it could have an impact on their staff as stores may need to be sold what we're heading towards it's the CMA are likely to publish some provisional findings to be really clear we don't know and won't know what's in that report in in advance I think what we're going to do for this bit will show the video it covers a lot of details brilliant so we'll play the film so how does the CNA decide which local areas are of concern here we have a sense breeze close to an aster ignore the map it's a dummy one showing France in this example if the merger went ahead we'd be the only provider of groceries so the CMA would see this as a lessening of competition therefore it's likely that only one of the stores wouldn't need to be sold so let's open up to any questions thoughts feedback you've got on the film we'd like to sell that going to be part of the briefing to colleagues as well it seems we might just put them more on edge than we needed to the message to colleagues is the there is no answer until there's an ultimate answer one certainty we've got is we're entering a period of uncertainty yeah that that is it we we can't give assurances because we simply don't know we wouldn't want to close any but we believe the CMA will probably suggest that we might have to sell some source we have an that's probably half a mile away and I've got one particular lady that works in my store that that will complete a 40 years service and she's got you know more service has not been a lot haha yeah that's amazing you know who I'll be asking that colleague as well as the rest to kind of trust that we will do the best that we can and that will do the right thing but will be led by by the CMA there you are your receipt and health a rain forest the uncertainty of the merger has trickled down to the shop floor wherever the opinion is gonna happen it's nothing we can do about it you know if we have to wear a long green uniform then we have a lot I think the only thing that concerns us they was taught but they'd have to might have to close some stores because they can't have a past and a store to close together but again if it happens it happens Javan next to Cardinal of the men at the top there will be the last ones to be told they were I should come and ask me but they won't have you really come across white coats they don't eat it goes meat the mini you never look around new you look at these not this is a customer announcement just love to inform all of our customers we have some great offers today on our chicken counter and also on our deli thank you for shopping at Sainsbury's today did you either telephone balls there [Music] sorry madam glad to run roses in that with missing we've had yeah absolutely guys nice turn up they've been missing here for quite some time but actually just have to grab his back it's great there's nothing for flowers buyer Annette a lot is riding on Mother's Day based on previous year's sales her target is to sell at least 87% of her new range this should be on the outside so the sticker must be going on the paper flat but it needs to go on the paper once it's been crushed in the machine so it should be there it shouldn't be there or the rhapsode be around there and that's not good enough that's not showing the custom of the price for clear the reality is it is just it's a frustration when the customers are shopping so do you know what it's not a deal-breaker they can see the price but actually you know we're working hard always that you know trying to at the moment they're trying to get the price higher off in the label it's all about it's an impulse purchase if you have to think about it too long then we've got that potentially we have to lose that customer if they have to fiddle around trying to rip the price off when they want to give it to gift it's not an enjoyable purchase I think into end you just have to think do I want to frustrate the customer or do I want to delight the customer that's the frustration and that's why it frustrates us not only is Mother's Day the biggest floral event of the year it's also an EPS first year in the job she's driving to another store to check the problems aren't more widespread I love my job it's just about thinking through that customer lens and being a customer and thinking how is that going to deliver for the customer and if I'm a customer how am I going to show that at range day you will get things right but will also get things wrong and and that's kind of the excitement yes it's not good enough not from you guys not from you guys okay that'll be go that's the second time I've seen that today but that is they are that is not acceptable what it's going on there who's gonna give that again I need to leave some take a photo and I'll send that straight back to the supplier okay that just looks like you don't care about phallus you know if you're staffing a label on like this and you don't think it's a big impact but actually that times 600 stores it's gonna be a problem grumpy today sorry Annette's hoping her new range has something for everyone from the three pound fifty Inc died rose to the 35 pound premium bouquet there's a long way to go we are not point eight percent sell through of our stock 99.2% to go but no concerns at moment but very early days what's good is that they are selling [Music] and all these records records on the stand standing around CEO Mike is doing another spot check on one of his stores I might find it you're a star in Bolton is that right I mean you have to sell me a beauty item with uncertainty spreading about the merger with aster it's an opportunity for Mike and his team to hear from their colleagues face to face so I mean what I'd love to do first of all is just to hear you know little bit about who each of you are and maybe just whereabouts you are in your sort of career journey so my name is reco I've been which means before 12 years I started in petrol station for 12 hours but now I moved on to commercial and I've been there since were still only a sort of thing full-time so I've been lucky enough about being able to do full-time job me personally I mean there's a lot going on it's in space at the moment and we've gone through a lot now we all waiting whether what's going to happen with us there and same space and there might be some closer to you you said we as a store colleagues we would like to know if we are in that list we would like to know where we stand you know we don't get told until the last minute and it's the uncertainty in when you were a here you're a mean and people can't plant stuff sometimes you know or somebody might want to buy a house so we want my about to car but they don't know whether they're gonna have a job tomorrow you know it's the unstirred city make a couple of things one is as I have never said that we closed stores there is a possibility if it was to go ahead that we'd have to sell some shops which is different that creates this Neverland certainty so all I can say is what we've said all the way along which is as soon as we know we were telling you 150,000 jobs have disappeared from retail in the last 12 months and you can list the company's House of Fraser devoman as Toys R Us Mothercare and so one thing's for certain is that our world will continue to change and we have to figure out between as the best way of helping all of our colleagues go through that process it's clearly a common question in the organization but it is uncomfortable if it was to happen we would almost certainly have to sell shops and that would have an impact in the way that the lady described and depict rates at any one certainty but the actual outcome is out of my hands the regulator currently assessing the merger will soon be releasing their report only then will staff know if their jobs are safe or not keep it whole I think we've got hard to slice if it's too big after an unsuccessful tasting session last week for the new 150th birthday cake supplier Janet his back at head office I should have really found off about three weeks ago so we are up against it today we like if they managed to change things and do sort of like quite a lot of work this week so hopefully today Claire will a product at the last tasting recipe creator Claire Pataki suggested adding a syrup called fjord to Cecilia Janet insane sprees need it to be the answer to all their problems fingers crossed this time we've really struggled to get this I'll be honest but this has been sort of that magic ingredients I think because it doesn't make a difference to the product definitely it gives you that citrusy you know all rammed flavors that are just having line yeah yeah [Music] [Music] this is so much better they say oh yeah they love this sponge I really like that actually I think it's really good I can eat the whole new me good I think people are gonna love it I really do I think it's not do you like it totally crazy delicious thing yeah okay thank you thank you thank you I'm very impressed by what you guys do not easy with Claire finally on board the cake can be sent to the factory for mass production before landing in store cafes it's good we finally got there been a difficult week but we've got there [Music] hi guys are we all ready we're ready for a busy mother's day always they go honest it's Mother's Day and stores are preparing for one final sales push we've been surprising and delighting our moms today so we've been given out chocolates this morning because you are a mom to say happy Mother's Day and thank you for working today thank you thank you so much oh it's a pleasure anyway I'm going it was good I've got me a nice bit of chocolate off the manager from happy mother's day which is nice when I go back I shall have flowers and chocolates even though I'm a diabetic and I keep telling lots of Oh me chocolates I'll tell my daughter not to keep old teddy bears I've got mugs we grandma running everything grandma and mom and I've only got six angles on a mug tree you know so far in old Paree the more affordable bunches of flowers are flying off the shelves which is multicolored if it's the moms I say no we don't want that that's that's not many no it's good proper flavor but there's a whole career view and they end up laying the children love that but the sales of the more expensive arrangements including the cote d'azur are lagging behind thirty five pounds each that won't be a struggle just because of where we are and the question is spend much it's not typical of available customer time so they have definitely shopping more into bouquets etc and part of that range there in the middle 35 pounds that's a real conscious decision for people to be spending 34 so I think if anything that will be the thing that we struggle with the most at HQ in London the flowers team are monitoring the Mother's Day sales every two hours it's my first Mother's Day at Sainsbury's so it's really exciting and it's the adrenaline of seeing the sales come to it's up to ready to say yeah we're funny our bunch we like it we don't like it we do you like it my dream for Monday would be to be at 90 percent sultry I think that's going to happen but I think being really comfortable for at 87 percent sultry Oldbury everyone is mucking in to maximize Mother's Day sales fishmonger Lee has swapped his cod Phillips for an enticing range of cupcakes I'm just as needed for the first I win because most come to the front to the store I could have walked him to buy a vast amount of flowers like a florists and also I treat the mother to a cupcake and mothers do like fear by why sure they are in your clothes I do you why she'd the bank of mum and dad so once a year why not treat your mom and you get 12 4 to 7 pounds take you to government a fighter okay that's it I'm good you're actually beloved know did you know you wanna I do which is not a cake person my patience is a virtue be what you think you like that's understand yes I like both you alright mother's died seven pound and oh think it's not proper to say thank you very much would you like one of these seven pound yes well okay let's check one I will chew here a lovely once ever look go on then I'll put you 20 fear okay a fleas cake start to sell so do the flowers they're down my street up 2392 play or together it's been absolutely managed today really us we beat him all the time but today's been exceptional I do apologize that we chill on the give again as we've nearly one out of five paisa bun Chee's will go for these though as the end of the weekend approaches the more expensive flowers are still on the shelf including this year's priciest offering so these are your bags of flowers and your bodies we're just trying to merchandise it'll it'll be so we're just getting it more towards the front everything that we can [Music] know we've sold out unfortunately say there you go selling them from there / day 1 - buck so you want to OG last minutes should have been slowly with moments to go before closing any last minute shoppers are forced to go big or leave empty-handed loads of painful flowers so and we shot at 4 o'clock so it's like 50 we need to get whatever you can this is like I've just got here too late that's most of as far as I go as you can see the clocks went forward an hour so but yesterday lovely flowers for my darling well that's what you need yeah Charlie sweet talker as the door shut on Mother's Day old brie have had a bumper weekend but it won't be until tomorrow that the final figures for the whole company come through and they find out if this year's flower sales have been a success [Music] last week was mainly about Mother's Day it looks awful a perspective and performance that was recently get it's Monday morning and Annette's wait for her flowers figures is nearly over she's hoping for at least 87 percent sales reality is the results will be really really key to our evolved performance as a dad to bear over the years so it does have a massive impact and reality is that should come from and sales so if it hasn't it's meant we have probably done our job properly we had a really good better than expected week so at 88% sell-through on the specific Mother's Day line which lines which is great news because it's above our plan slightly down on last year and but in terms of what's left to go into the half-price clearance it's again less than we were expecting and so really good news while the cote d'azur underperformed the single multicolored rose was a bestseller really really pleased with the performance of Mother's Day so in terms of our plan we absolutely smashed it and we had a real late surge yesterday so I think with the nice weather people out later it's always nice to have kind of a last-minute sprint to the finish on Sunday night and yeah it's a bit of relief a bit of excitement and but now you mean back to the day job and planning the next event [Music] we've got you piece of birthday cake you have to let us know wallet size that's like a misdemeanor across the country the Sainsbury's birthday cake has arrived in store cafes at one pound fifty with a cup of tea it's now over to the customers to decide if it's a success [Music] yes contact storm actually really really glad you enjoyed it and thank you for let me know after months of waiting the competition and Markets Authority have published their findings on the merger with aster a proposed merger between the supermarkets Asda and Sainsbury's could be blocked after the UK's Competition watchdog said the deal might lead to higher prices and less choice for customers as a result over 600 stores will need to be sold off before the deal can go ahead Sainsbury's is called the findings outrageous today share price fell eighteen point five percent because of the doubt over the planet Mike's called his senior team together to discuss what this news means for the staff detail how they got to where they've got to then a little bit about my project so the first sight of the document for us was yesterday than any of us expected in essence they've said virtually every store is subject to some kind of like all SLC's substantial lessening of competition 639 shops so you know the half of the oddities that it is highly unlikely when the steel will take place and I think the chances were happening are pretty remote after say I was disappointed I was surprised because in the end we think there's a very strong case was a deal that was predicated on a better deal for customers it's disappointing that we won't be able to do that I don't know in the end this is a leadership John Ford was this business will be successful in the future this is a blip and ultimately will be a footnote in retire at some point in the meantime that's great future to this organization and secure its future for our new [Applause] to some extent I'm paid to take calculated risks that's what any business does but in the course of public opinion they're judged in very black-and-white turns you either won or you lost [Music] people will start speculating about an individual's future in the situation that we're in but I get them with my day job I've got a massive amount of support from shareholders who ultimately own the business from my board and I get on with running the business [Music] next time single-use plastic is no longer acceptable we can't recycle that we try and recycle that we can't be sign about this the first time that we've ever done Christmas dog jumpers Easter's later this year the biggest challenge we go into face will be or whether the Met Office revised their forecast we need to work out often a canned had the Open University has produced a free poster that looks behind the scenes of supermarkets to order your free copy please call zero three zero zero three zero three two zero eight eight or go to BBC co uk side the supermarket and follow the links to the Open University [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Sectie Engels CSG Prins Maurits
Views: 66,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sr78uqKlz08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 16sec (3496 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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