BBC documentaire over Ever Given in Suez kanaal

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on march 23 2021 one of the  largest container ships ever built plowed into the sandy bank of the sewers   the only thing i ran through my mind was oh my  god i had posted the picture and my sister's   like it's all over the news the ever given blocks  one of the most important shipping lanes in the   world for nearly a week triggering a global  emergency no one had had a vessel the size of   ever given run aground in the way ever given  did now eyewitnesses speak out for the first time it was life changing i think it changed  the perspective of a lot of people on board   using foods from former maritime disasters he  stayed there to the very last minute to try   to save the life of this one sin new documents  expert analysis and never before seen footage   we thought that ship was going to collide  with us i ordered everybody off the stern   we investigate what really happened to the ever  given and who or what is to blame you're dealing   with a machine really that is one of the largest  machines ever created by man was this a freak   accident or does the incident reveal a serious  weakness in the world's critical supply chain   the ever given was a wake-up call to everybody  and if those ships don't arrive you can shut   down an economy if you didn't get the message  from the ever given you weren't paying attention the suez canal a 120 mile long artery  that runs through the heart of egypt this crucial link connects asia with europe   a shortcut that saves ships thousands  of miles and several weeks of sea time i hundreds of thousands of containers  loaded with critical supplies   fuel food and medical equipment  rely on this fragile link a narrow man-made strip of water  stretching improbably through the desert 10 15 a.m march 9th 2021 the container ship  ever given set sail from the east coast of china   loaded with over 500 million  pounds worth of consumer goods operated by the evergreen shipping company it's  as long as the empire state building is tall   and capable of carrying 20 000 containers it's  one of the biggest cargo ships in the world   over the next 23 days it will sail halfway around  the world to deliver its cargo to ports in europe to get there it must pass through the  series of lakes and narrow channels   that make up the suez canal the ever given arrives at the southern mouth  of the suez at 6 pm on the 22nd of march is a veteran mariner who has worked with the suez  canal authority for 26 years he manages a team of   local maritime pilots expert sailors who board  every vessel to help guide it through the canal in the south the waterway is too  narrow for big ships to pass each other   so ridder organizes the vessels heading north  into one-way convoys sailing single file from it's slow moving it's a very long day it's  the last major obstacle before you're going   back across the atlantic headed headed home  julianne kona is on the ship directly behind   the ever given the maersk denver with eight  years experience julianne has sailed the suez   a dozen times before working as an engineer in  the ship's engine room being aboard these vessels   it can be challenging at times things constantly  are changing but you kind of learn to roll with it   for the biggest ships navigating  the sewers is a serious challenge   you've got land on both sides of you you've got  a ship in front of you and a ship behind you   and the slightest misstep on anybody's  part could end in a maritime accident at 6 50 a.m the ever given sets course for the  canal entrance it's part of a convoy of 20 ships   the maersk denver is just 10 minutes behind i got on watch at midnight and from then on it  was calm calm and then the wind started coming   ernie capenegro has been a licensed officer for  six years sailing cargo ships all over the world   wind picked up suddenly from from a light breeze  to around 20 knots and it just continued on up   from there by the time the ever given enters  the canal the wind is gusting at gale force that's when it started to become a little  more concerning for the biggest ships like   the ever given sticking to the deep water  in the middle of the canal is vital that   vessel needed to be dead center in the canal  there's very little room for margin of error   if the vessel starts maneuvering toward  one of the banks you have an impact satellite tracking data shows that the  northbound convoy makes steady progress   but the data also reveals something  is wrong with the ever given   at 7 18 am the ship is off the center  line too close to the west bank   then 16 minutes later it runs dangerously close to  the east bank at 7 38 it lurches to the left again and finally loses control the bow of the 224 000 ton ship crashes into the sandy east bank of the suez canal apparently the captain of the ship that  ever given yelled [ __ ] before he hit the bank   i mean if i was in his position a lot worse  probably would have come out of my mouth   with the bow of the ever given a  ground and all steering control   lost the current now pushes the stern right across  the canal until it wedges into the other bank   the ever given is completely stranded  blocking the entire suis canal   how did such a modern ship lose control on the maersk denver ernie and the rest  of the crew can't believe their eyes   the only thing that ran through my mind was  oh my god oh crap i guess i'm not going home she weighed at the time about 200 000 tons so how  do you pull 200 000 tons from a 45 degree angle   ernie and julianne are now steaming directly  towards the ever given my vessel was weighing   110 000 gross tons stopping that with 35 to 40  knots of wind plus a two knot following current   not exactly an easy feat the captain of the maersk  denver reacts fast and throws the engines into   reverse it was the first time in my career i'd  ever seen a complete full of stern bell it's not   very often that you're going as fast as you can  backwards the ship stops just a few hundred meters   before it plows into the ever given the crew  secure a mooring line to shore to hold them steady   but the ship behind them the asia ruby 3 is  in serious trouble something in the back of my   head said turn around and look and when i turned  around and the asia ruby 3 was maybe a football   field away this phone footage shows the 63 000  ton ship heading right towards the maersk denver   we thought the ship was going to collide  with us i ordered everybody off the stern   the denver's captain quickly guns the throttle  and orders ernie to pay out their mooring line   their ship slowly moves  forwards away from the ruby   they have narrowly avoided a catastrophic  pileup if the ship behind us had hit us   they could have very easily just disabled us  sending the ship barreling towards the ever given   once safely anchored the crew can fully grasp the  scale of the accident i called my family and my   sister's like it's all over the news the suez  canal in egypt has been blocked by a grounded the shock waves from this accident  would be felt across the globe   twelve percent of world trade passes through  the suez canal even a short blockage results   in delivery delays of crucial food fuel and  medical supplies the 58 ships queuing up unable   to pass through the canal would all feel the  consequences of this mushrooming maritime disaster   the ever-given accident made headlines around  the world but there are many more that don't each year there are over 2 500 crashes and  shipping incidents they damage infrastructure   cause delays to vital supplies the loss of  ships and risk the lives of those on board   any ship crash can be catastrophic and  particularly as vessels increase in size   the impact a single vessel crashing has  is perhaps magnified more than ever before   in the last 50 years there has been a revolution  in the way commodities are moved around the globe today the transportation of almost all physical  goods from cars clothes and computer chips to   machinery meat and medicines relies on a  single extraordinary piece of technology   the shipping container prior to the introduction of containerization  cargo was moved in what's referred to as   brake bulk basically you moved individual  pieces of cargo boxes cartons pallets bales   one at a time the process of moving cargo  used to be labor-intensive and time-consuming teams of dock workers would take several days  to load and unload even a medium-sized ship   in the early 1950s american truck hauler  malcolm mclean was frustrated at how long   it took to load his cargo onto ships he owned  the seventh largest trucking firm in america   and it was while delivering a load of cotton  bands that he realized there had to be a   more efficient way of moving this cargo mclean  developed what became the intermodal container   a strong lockable steel box specially toughened  to withstand the rigors of life at sea   but its true genius is that it comes in a  standard size with standardized attachment points   this makes it much faster and cheaper to shuttle  goods from truck and train to ship and back again   it increased the flow of the goods it  reduced theft and damage to cargo and it just   magnified our ability to move  goods around the world today   container ships transport around  1.8 billion tons of goods a year their success changed the way  we transport goods forever   the larger a ship the more efficient it  became so cargo ships grew bigger and bigger since the 1950s they've tripled in size the latest ships known as ultra large  are as long as four football pitches   the ever given is one of the biggest shortly after the crash at the canal control  center captain ridder makes sure the other   ships stuck in the convoy are safely anchored  and then head straight to the ever given mosaic he and his colleagues at the canal authority  will have to devise a way to unblock the waterway   fast there are dozens of ships stacking  up behind with vital supplies on board the pressures to free the ever given  and unblock the canal are immense admiral robbie the man in charge of the suez   canal authority arrives at the  scene to oversee the operations with both ends of the ship wedged  deep into the banks of the canal   the team dispatch as many tugboats dredgers  and diggers as they can lay their hands on   13 tugs some pushing on the stern others pulling  try to free the ship but it simply won't budge   the salvage of ever given was  unprecedented really in its size and scope   no one had had a vessel the size i've ever  given run aground in the way ever given did   the ship's bow has plowed into the sandy  bank of the canal with such force that it the is look like toys alongside the vast hull  abdullah abdul gawad is the first to start digging up meant that as they dredged they risked  the danger of the vessel kind of falling   off the ledge and that could have resulted in  the vessel capsizing in the canal 24 hours after   the crash three diggers and two dredging ships  race to scoop and suck sand away from the bow the operation is extremely risky   the canal authority teams are now working 24  hours a day directly beneath the bow of the ship the operation takes a tragic turn   a small ship alongside cap sizes  and one of the crew loses their life he is the sole casualty of the crash  his identity has never been made public after three days of non-stop digging and  dredging the ever given remains stuck   world shipping faces an escalating crisis  now you have this backup of you know 20   40 60 80 and before you knew it hundreds of  ships sitting there waiting every day the canal   is blocked over 5 billion pounds worth of vital  medical supplies food and other goods are on hold   even a short delay has a huge global impact  the way world shipping works today is through   a system known as just-in-time logistics what  happens is most factories most warehouses don't   have enough supplies to last more than a  few days it requires the daily infusion   of new cargo and new supplies coming in when  you create a disruption such as the shutdown   of the suez canal that creates a backlog all  of a sudden that smooth supply has a big kink   right in the middle of it the problem is the  kink resonates down the entire supply chain   today the container revolution means that ships  carry 90 percent of all global trade goods   every day over a thousand vessels must  pass through one of just a handful of   crucial shipping arteries the  panama canal in south america   the straits of malacca in asia the bosphorus and  the english channel in europe and the suez canal   its closure means dozens of ships either face  delay or a major diversion adding 3 weeks   and 6 000 miles to their route a lot of ships  had decided to go down around the horn of africa   just because they'd be so far back in the  line that it didn't make sense for them to sit   at the anchorage so a lot of companies  had started routing ships down that way   this blockage will affect many thousands of  businesses waiting for goods on the backed up   ships initially few realized  the impact it would have michael shah runs a company that supplies  catering equipment to restaurants and cafes   we were expecting to have some stock delivered  into our factory and i checked my emails and i   read the bill of laden from the factory and  the word ever given was written on there   and i was a nervous wreck at that point  thinking when is this going to get fixed   six of the containers on the ever given were  his filled with commercial refrigerators   destined for restaurants across the  uk about to reopen following lockdown for michael and his customers it was the worst  possible time for a delay the whole country was   looking forward to getting back out and eating  again and our customers knew that this was a very   important period for them in order to recoup  the losses that they had for so many months the ever given was meant to unload  its cargo in rotterdam and felix stove from there it would be transported to dozens of   discharge ports and on to destinations  across mainland europe and scandinavia the crash of the ever given  disrupts this finely tuned   network which relies on  goods arriving just in time we now are expected to deliver goods next day  you know same day we're having to bring goods in   from six seven thousand miles away on a  ship to be delivered almost immediately   and that's the challenge that most businesses are  facing now four days after the ever given crashes   satellite data shows over 300 ships backed up   some in the gulf of sewas and others in the  mediterranean at the north end of the canal   just the cluster of ships sitting there was  crazy to watch hundreds of ships just anchored   up around you you couldn't look in front  of you and not see a ship with the world   watching every move the canal authority is  under huge pressure to free the ever given captain ridder has been staying on board the ship  throughout helping direct the salvage operation despite clearing away thousands of cubic meters  of sand and repeated attempts to pull it free   the ship still won't move their last hope hinges on a plan to use  the gravitational pull of a forthcoming   super moon in two days time when the moon is  this close to the earth it produces an unusually   high tide that they hope will lift the ship suez  canal experienced four changes of tide in a day   at the end of march they were facing the highest  tide in the suez canal until the end of next   april if they were going to try to free ever  given they had to aim for the end of the month with just one shot to get it right they tie   as many tugs as they can muster  to the ship to work in unison small tugs will line up to push  near the stern of the ever given two larger tugs will use cables to  pull the stern away from the west bank   other large tugs will try to pull  the bow away from the east bank   together the tugs will produce more power than  300 trucks but if they're not careful there's   a real risk that the ship could jerk free too  quickly and crush the smaller tugs into the bank the operation begins at full moon just  after midnight on the 29th of march   this is when the spring tide is at its  highest flowing south back out of the canal   it should help push the  ever-given stern off the bank   captain ridder keeps a watchful eye  from the bridge of the ever-given at first it doesn't seem  like their plan is working   but after an agonizing wait the stern of  the ship slowly inches away from the bank twelve hours later at the next high tide  the tugs managed to pull the bow clear too after six days of digging pushing  and pulling the ship is free at last everybody just huge sigh of relief   it almost felt like you could breathe  again like okay we're going home the ship moving was happiness all around because  we finally knew that the goods would arrive   it was just a matter of time now the salvage operation is a triumph of  cooperation and ingenious engineering   but the crash has cost one sailor his life   and it has disrupted billions of pounds of world  trade at the height of the pandemic when supply   chains are already stretched investigators  urgently need to find out what went wrong   it's more critical than ever to stop accidents  like this from happening to safeguard the world's   vital maritime arteries but uncovering why the  ever given crashed won't be straightforward   ever given herself was operated for  evergreen marine a company out of taiwan   the owner of the vessel was in japan the  insurer for the cargo was in the united kingdom   the crew was indian the registry was panamanian  and investigating an accident like this you would   see nearly all those elements involved conducting  simultaneous in some cases investigations along   with the egyptian suez canal authority  the key question investigators have to   answer is why the ship lost control  veering from one bank to the other early reports all mention one thing  the weather it was exceptionally windy   and usually in windy situations they evaluate  the bigger ships going in and not going in   strong winds can pose problems even for modern  cargo vessels to understand how and why it's   helpful to look at other incidents where  ships ran into unexpected difficulties at sea on january 26 2016 the modern express cargo  ship carrying a 3600 ton load of heavy machinery   and logs was approaching the bay  of biscay on route to lavre france   infinistere on the north coast of spain coast  guard manuel capianz was about to start his shift as the modern express crossed the bay of  biscay strong winds forced the ship off course the gale caught the high  side of the ship like a sail   and pushed the vessel into a dangerous 40 degree  list at 2 pm the captain sent a distress call abandoned helicopters the 22 crew were clinging to the steeply  sloping deck battered by nine meter high waves   they feared the ship could capsize at any moment the wildly pitching deck made the  helicopter rescue incredibly dangerous foreign hey it took several hours to haul all  crew members to safety one by one the the modern express limped into port and  was later sold for scrap the high sides   of the ship and strong winds were almost  certainly key factors in the accident   weather plays with ships all the time  doesn't matter whether you're going through   the suez canal or you're crossing the  atlantic it's going to play with it   so how did the strong winds affect the ever given francesco morelli is a marine surveyor who has  conducted dozens of investigations into major   shipping accidents including in the suez canal  he's analyzed the data from the ever-given crash all big ships like the ever given are equipped  with an automatic identification system   or ais this uses satellite data and the ship's  radio to broadcast the vessel's precise location   heading and speed every few seconds weather models of the day of the suez  incident show that a 30 to 40 knot wind   blasted the evergiven as it entered the canal for francesco this early near-miss is crucial as  the ship never really recovered the center line but he's convinced that wind isn't the only  factor that caused the crash he discovers that   the ship ahead of the ever given the costco  galaxy which was almost exactly the same size   forged a smooth passage through the waterway  despite having to battle the same windy conditions why did one ship sail through the  canal safely and the other crash francesco overlays the tracking data  of the ever given and the costco galaxy   the resulting image lays bare the  different paths of the two ships   as they entered the canal the wind  pushed both ships towards the left bank   the ever given veered particularly close both  ships then slightly increased their speed   as they approached a bend but halfway through  the turn the galaxy slowed down while the big ships are often easier to  maneuver the faster they go   but within the confines of the  canal high speeds can cause problems a as the ever given moved through the canal its  vast bulk displaced thousands of tons of water   this rushed past the hull and  formed a bow wave at the front   francesco believes that as the ship got close  to the bank the bow wave formed a cushion that   pushed the bow away but further back the rushing  water sucked the stern closer to the bank this   made the ship twist sideways and made  it incredibly difficult to control just a small increase in speed leads  to a big increase in bank effect francesco's analysis suggests  that the ever given's high speed   caused it to lurch from experiencing  bank effect on one side of the canal   to bank effect on the other  and eventually to crash so why did the ever given speed up faced with high winds did the  captain simply make the wrong call   go too fast and lose control of his ship according to maritime law the captain is  ultimately responsible for the ship's safety   on board ship his word is law but this strict hierarchy has  created problems in the past on september 30th 2015 the el faro cargo  ship carrying 391 containers over a hundred   cars and 33 members of crew were sailing 80  miles from florida on route to puerto rico   the ship was on a regular route between  jacksonville florida and san juan puerto rico   and it made that trip back and  forth week after week after week rod sullivan is a maritime expert and was  the lawyer for several of the families of   the crew on board in jacksonville when they  left and as they went down the east coast   of the united states the weather  was beautiful there was a   light hurricane joaquin force one or force ii  out somewhere in the caribbean but at the very   time they left they had no idea that they  were going to be sailing directly into it hurricane joaquin strengthened turning into a  category 4 storm with 155 mile an hour winds   and mountainous seas the winds are getting  stronger the waves are getting stronger and   the ship is becoming less and less controllable  the captain of the el faro michael davidson   could have changed course and taken a longer  route that avoided the worst of the weather but in the face of the gathering storm the alfaro  did the unthinkable it sailed straight into the   heart of the hurricane you're looking at a 120  mile per hour winds which are are extreme winds   and you're also looking at high seas which are  going to batter the ship on one side of the other   is going to make it very  difficult to control the ship   it's virtually impossible to launch the lifeboats  so the more you sail toward the hurricane   the less likely it is that you're going  to be able to successfully abandon ship   if you have to at 7 12 a.m the captain  sent an emergency message then silence they sent out fixed-wing aircraft looking for the  location of the sinking they sent out vessels and   helicopters to attempt to see if there were any  people any survivors and no survivors were found an extensive search of the seabed  uncovered the wreckage of the ship   and crucially its voyage data recorder  the equivalent of a plane's black box   it held records of the ship's exact location   and audio recordings of all conversations on the  bridge in the hours leading up to the disaster the last moments of this  ship are really heart rending   because all the crew members have gotten onto the  the railing and are trying to get off the ship   but there are two people left in the wheelhouse  there's captain davidson and there's one seaman and as the ship lifts farther and farther to  one side the seamen doesn't have the strength   to get to the high side of the ship to captain  davidson's credit he stayed there till the very   last minute to try to save the life of this  one audio recordings revealed their final words   i don't have a ladder up here  i can't extend it down to you   i don't have a rope to pull you up you are going  to have to pull yourself up to this side of the   ship in order to get out of here it's even  saying captain i can't i can't don't leave me   and captain davidson is saying i'm  not going to leave you and he doesn't the sinking of the el faro claimed all 33  sailors lives every family of a seaman knows   that they're involved in a dangerous occupation  nobody expects that they're going to go out to   sea and not come back so why did captain davidson  sail the el faro straight into hurricane joaquin   the audio recordings revealed that there was  some confusion about how severe the hurricane was   and its location but the captain knew that he  was sailing into a severe storm and his crew   clearly felt uncomfortable with his decision the  captain and the chief mate had a discussion about   alternate routes very early in the voyage and  the captain considered that and rejected the   alternative routes later at two o'clock in  the morning the second mate danielle actually   rang up the captain who was in his cabin asleep  and suggested to him that they needed to do   something and the captain said it didn't feel  like it was that bad and he went back to sleep the captain's attitude was one of bravado he said  look i travel in the gulf of alaska i see weather   and waves like this all the time and therefore  i'm not going to be concerned and you shouldn't   be either the crew may choose to raise concerns  but the captain's decision is always final the   captain is in charge of the ship once the ship  leaves port before it arrives at its next port   he makes all the decisions you don't second guess  the captain and the captain does not collaborate   in decision making with other members of the crew  could this be what happened on the ever given   did the captain simply make a bad  decision that was left unchallenged after freeing the ever given the canal authority  tows the ship to the appropriately named great   bitter lake here in a further twist the egyptian  authorities place the ship under arrest it can   go no further until the canal authority  and the ship owners conclude negotiations   to determine who will pay  for the salvage operation   the egyptians leveled an initial claim  against ever given of 916 million u.s dollars it is the worst possible news for those  with cargo on board i was very angry at   that point to think why were our goods along  with everybody else's held almost to ransom   in order to free this [ __ ] the  case ends up in the egyptian courts   here the ship owners produce transcripts of  the audio recordings from the ship's bridge   as well as a detailed timeline and accident  report produced by a respected maritime expert we obtained access to legal documents  that include the accident report   and audio transcripts they say that in the  moments leading up to the crash the maritime   pilots who were on board to guide the ever given  through the canal were navigating the vessel   to understand events on  the evergivens bridge first   we need to understand what happens  when a maritime pilot boards a ship master mariner greg kailowski was a  san francisco bar pilot for 10 years   and regularly piloted ships the size of the ever  given in a normal situation i board the ship   i have an exchange with the master on  what the plan for my routing will be   once he's comfortable with the plan or she's  comfortable with the plan and i'm comfortable   with the situation on board the vessel the  pilot assumes navigational control of the vessel they're going to control the heading the speed  the direction and the communication protocols   pilots don't steer the ship themselves they issue  commands to the other officers on the bridge to the helmsman who controls the  direction of the ship with the rudder   and the officer of the bridge who controls  the speed of the ship with the throttle the standard for pilots really around the world  is that the commands from pilots are direct to   the person who has their hands on the steering  wheel and they're direct to the person that's   standing next to the throttle for the main engine  pilots have performed this task for many hundreds   of years as they have detailed local knowledge  of ports and narrow crossings that the captain   the master of the ship does not but even though  the pilot takes charge of navigating the ship   the captain is still ultimately  responsible for the ship's safety it's the master's duty to intervene at a  point where it is obvious that the pilot is   in some way incapacitated or is in some way  dangerous to himself or to the vessel starboard 15   the relationship between a pilot and  the captain and his team on a ship   can be very tricky the bridge team will not  necessarily have ever met this person before   yet they have to give control of  their vessel to him in this scenario   miscommunication can end in  disaster and has done in the past on the 7th of november 2007 the costco busan a  cargo ship loaded with more than 2 500 containers   was leaving the san francisco bay on route  for busan south korea as the ship's pilot   navigated the vessel towards the bay bridge thick  fog covered the water on that morning i recall   driving across the bay bridge and looking out the  port of oakland was completely immersed in fog   at the time captain greg tylorski was  training to become a san francisco bar pilot   there's a tremendous amount of wind and fog that  are prevalent in the area you have currents that   flow into the bay and out of the bay at 8 30 a.m  disaster struck the costco busan crashed into   one of the pillars of the bay bridge opening a  large gash in its hull a fellow trainee walked in   and he said hey greg did you hear my first  question to him was was there any oil in the water   he said yes 53 000 gallons of oil from the ship's  fuel tanks quickly spread around the bay area   eventually contaminating nearly 26 miles  of protected coastline it killed nearly 2   500 birds disrupted local fishing stocks  and cost 50 million pounds to clean up   it was a gut punch we have such an unbelievable  safety record something like this happening   really hit everyone very personally an  investigation revealed that in the dense fog   and faced with an unfamiliar radar  system the pilot misjudged a crucial turn the report also found that the pilot was taking  a number of medications that reduced his ability   to safely pilot the ship he was taking things  that would have had a sedative effect so i think   it's pretty safe to say he would not be processing  information effectively the report also found that   the captain was reluctant to assert authority over  the pilot and failed to oversee his performance   there was a cultural difference the master who  was a chinese national was under the impression   that it must be fine to sail the ship because  the pilot says that we should get going   in court the pilot pleaded guilty to negligence   he lost his license and was jailed for  10 months for causing the oil spill the incident highlights the critical role  pilots play in the safe navigation of big ships   and what can happen when the captain and  the pilot don't communicate effectively the relationship between the master  and the pilot has to be a seamless   exchange of information and of control  of the vessel is it possible that poor   communication between the captain and pilot  contributed to the ever-given accident the official investigations have  not yet released their findings   according to the canal authority it was a complex  accident with two main factors at play the certain they also blame the captain's use of the rudder but in court the ship owners stated  that it was the marine pilots   who ordered the increase in speed  and control the direction of the ship by analyzing transcripts of the audio recordings  and the report commissioned by the ship owners   experts can piece together a hypothesis of how the  ship came to be going so fast and why it crashed according to the report the first team  of canal authority marine pilots boarded   the ship at 5 48 am while it waited at  its anchorage before entering the canal the report says that from then on  the pilots controlled the direction   and speed of the ship giving orders directly  to the helmsman and officer of the bridge as they approached the canal the  strong variable winds made the ship   hard to control the report says  that the pilot called port control   and told them he couldn't make a  crucial turn to stay in the convoy the ship went around rejoined the convoy  further back and continued its approach one of   the questions that needs to be asked is whether  or not the suez canal authority or the vessel's   master should have not made the passage through  the canal at 7 18 at the entrance of the canal   the ship veered close to the left bank  according to the report the pilot then ordered   additional full speed ahead to increase the ship's  speed this is a way to regain maneuverability to   increase that resistance to the wind forces  the report says a second set of pilots arrived   on the bridge around 7 20. this was the team  assigned to guide the ship through the canal   it also says that the two sets of  pilots conducted a handover in arabic   which the ship's crew did not understand the transcripts suggest the new chief pilot  ordered the rudder hard left and hard right   in quick succession what appears to have happened  was the situation began to degrade the vessel was   maneuvering in the channel it was starting to  lose control at 7 36 the report states that the   wind rose to 48 miles per hour making the vessel  even more difficult to control bank effect dragged   the vessel from one side of the canal to the other  the ship had now increased speed to over 13 knots   increasing speed increases inertia so that if  you need to do another corrective motion later on   guess what you have to do you have to increase  the speed even more and now you're in a losing   battle because every time you increase that speed  you reduce your ability to get out of trouble according to the report many different  factors played a part in the crash   including weather the ship's high  speed and the extreme rudder orders   the canal authority say that  the pilots are not to blame it legally the captain is always  responsible for the safety of their ship   but in practice it's very rare for  a captain to overrule their pilot   the transcript suggests the captain said  very little in the run-up to the accident   questions remain about the decision-making  and communication on the bridge if a master   has a question regarding a pilot it's within  his authority to immediately without question   assume command of the vessel but the implications  are should an accident befall that vessel   the master by relieving the pilot has taken upon  himself the full responsibility for whatever   happens on the ship it also could create a  potential problem in the future should that vessel   come into that harbor and have to use pilots  from that same association after a trial in the   egyptian courts the canal authority and the ship  owners reach a settlement for an undisclosed sum the ever-given was finally allowed to continue  its journey more than 100 days after the crash   it arrived at the port of felix doe in  the uk on the 4th of august 4 months late   its cargo of clothes electronics and other  supplies were distributed across the uk it was just a massive sense of relief for  me and i was just over the moon michael's   kitchen equipment business has been hit hard  by the delay the ever given had 74 000 pounds   worth of his cargo on board most of the goods were  already pre-sold so we had to refund in most cases   to make matters worse michael's company had to  contribute to the cost of the salvage operation   there was a fee to pay to the ship owners in  order to release the goods our cost was 25 000   and that was just a huge amount of money to pay   this six-day blockage of the suez canal held up  an estimated 42 billion pounds worth of cargo   reportedly cost egypt up to 60 million pounds in  lost revenue and reduced annual world trade growth   in egypt the canal authority is  extending a second lane further south   and widening key sections of the waterway  to make the route safer for large ships but the accident has highlighted the  vulnerability of international shipping   and the fragility of our global supply chain  we have not kept up with the safety measures   that really need to ensure that accidents similar  to the ones we've seen are prevented in the future   it's too easy for things to go catastrophically  wrong the ever given was i think a wake-up call   to everybody of the fact that you're going to  have bigger and bigger ships you're more reliant   on fewer ships with more containers and if those  ships don't arrive you can shut down an economy   and i think if you didn't get the message from  the ever given uh you weren't paying attention
Channel: Van der Stelt Logistics
Views: 431,285
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Id: Sa43H4S1eas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 31sec (3571 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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