Was Imran Khan toppled by the US? | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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foreign [Music] thank you our lead story tonight is about food prices continue to rise the world over in India the government is dipping into its reserves to stabilize crisis it has restricted the exports of rice wheat and sugar over the past few months it may remove or reduce tax on Imports too now these are significant steps they point to the global shortage because of conflict and Supply disruptions some friendly countries are reaching out to New Delhi to make exceptions for them tonight we'll discuss how India can balance its National interest with its International responsibility as a major supplier of food meanwhile in New Delhi the government has won a no confidence vote Prime Minister Modi addressed the parliament in a speech that lasted more than two hours we'll bring you the highlights in Pakistan a leaked document has put the spotlight on America's role in Imran Khan's ouster in North Korea Kim Jong-un has fired his top General and asked his army to prepare for war in Washington Joe Biden has passed an executive order to ban investments in China's technology sector in Germany there's a debate on the hair and makeup bill of their Chancellor it's way too high and a question that bothers all of us how many steps should you walk in a day a new study is out we'll bring you the findings the headlines first Russia holds currency buys as the ruble tumbles its Central Bank stops the purchase of foreign currency in the domestic Market the move comes after the ruble fell sharply in recent weeks it is at its lowest level since against the US dollar since March 2022. niger's co-leaders form a new government prime minister Ali mehman Zen will lead the 21-member government the hunter will lead the defense and interior Ministries the military leader sees power in a coup last month tensions between France and Mali escalate both countries suspend visas to each other's citizens Paris has already withdrawn its military from from its former Ally France and Mali fell out after the military seized power in bamako in 2020. a man who threatened U.S President Joe Biden has been shot dead Craig Robertson was killed at his home in Utah by the FBI he had posted violent threats against Biden on Facebook the incident comes ahead of a scheduled visit by the U.S president to Utah and Kuwait bans the Barbie movie saying it is to protect quote unquote public ethics and social traditions a Lebanese Minister also wants the film banned in his country he claims it promotes homosexuality [Music] we showed you some pictures Indian Americans were holding rice they were panicked by grocery stores were running out of stocks some stores even had to ration sales they had to impose limits on how much you can buy there was a shortage of rice and now it is spreading prices have shot up the world over the highest in 12 years there are reports of Indian expats in the UAE hoarding rice many are flying back with packets at their favorite rice brands from India and here in India the government is stepping in it wants to avoid Mass holding it has decided to release Surplus supplies the government has is in fact releasing five million metric tons of Wheat and two and a half tons of rice two and a half million tons of rice rather this is from the reserve stock it's been released to keep the prices stable but one intervention may not be enough Global Food Markets are in turmoil prices have already touched record highs experts say they'll keep going up so India has a tough Balancing Act to do stabilize prices at home while tackling requests for exports last month some curbs were imposed but there is no total ban yet tonight we'll tell you how India is navigating this crisis we'll start with a global picture food prices are up the United Nations has an estimate the un's food and agriculture organization or FAO runs an index it is called the food price index it tracks changes in global prices and it says prices increased by 1.3 percent in July and this was the first uptick since April this year it was driven largely by one factor high prices of rice and vegetable oil what is causing this the U.N mostly blames the war in Ukraine and the collapse of the grain deal with Russia they say the problem is not in production the problem is the restricted Supply I have a quote from the chief Economist of this un body while the world has adequate Food Supplies challenges to supplies from major producers due to conflict export restrictions of weather induced production shortfalls can lead to supply and demand imbalances across regions that will lead to a lack of food access because of increasing prices and potential food insecurity this is what the United Nations has said India too is feeling the pinch we don't have the July numbers yet but estimates suggest inflation remained above six percent in July in India so it's still not under control India's Reserve Bank wants to see inflation at four percent right now it is more than six percent food prices account for nearly half of India's inflation basket and just like the rest of the world food prices are driving up India's inflation wheat prices are at a six-month high they have increased by nearly 18 percent in the past four months same with rice last month the price of Indian rice in the global market went up by 10 percent which brings us to yesterday's announcement India's decision to dip into its food stocks the decision to release some of the Surplus supplies it will be sold in the open market this decision is based on the law of supply and demand the government wants to increase Supply to stabilize demand and to push down the prices that's the hope now this effort has been on for months now last summer India banned the export of wheat then it imposed a cap on sugar exports more recently the export of non-basmati white rice was curbed Reports say India could also reconsider the tax on importing wheat we've told you about this right now there's a 40 tax on rate Imports in India India could reduce or remove it all together all these steps should help the situation at home but India also has an international responsibility it's a leading exporter of food India is the world's largest exporter of rice and the second largest producer of wheat so when Indian supplies go out of the market the world feels the impact New Delhi has started receiving requests Bhutan wants to import Indian rice it has made a formal request it wants to be Exempted from India's Bans in the month of June four countries made similar requests Indonesia Senegal Nepal and Gambia they wanted wheat and rice supplies from India and India agreed but can it continue doing this if supplies at home come under strain you see food prices are increasing everywhere let me in fact show you some numbers from June in the UK food prices have gone up by more than 17 percent in Japan almost nine percent France over 14 percent and the U.S 5.7 percent so India is not an exception although it is faring better than most the key is to manage the supplies to keep the kiranas well stocked at home while also helping friends overseas and staying with India Prime Minister Modi faced a no trust vote today he sailed through easily but the process itself is very consequential a no trust vote is moved to remove the government from power to topple them but how did things come to that and how does the no trust vote happen we'll explain in the next couple of minutes the monsoon session of India's Parliament is currently underway but very little work has been done and why is that because of what's happening in Manipur the opposition wanted a statement from the prime minister they wanted him to speak on the violence when that did not happen they moved a no-confidence motion it was proposed by the congress party on the 26th of July now this motion has two conditions one it can only be introduced in the Lok Sabha which is the lower House of India's Parliament and two a minimum of 50 members must support it 5050 members if not the motion will not be accepted in this case the opposition had the required numbers so the no confidence motion was introduced that's the first step the second step is the debate lawmakers from the opposition and the government will speak so will the Prime Minister India's Constitution says the prime minister is the head of the government so when MPS move a no confidence motion he or she must speak it's a legal obligation the pm has to speak when there is no confidence portion this debate can go on for hours or days the one in 2018 lasted around 12 hours the one in 2003 lasted 21 hours and how long did this one last well the speaker had set aside 12 hours today it was prime minister modi's turn to speak listen to what he said on Manipur foreign foreign now today was day three of the proceedings yesterday home minister Amit Shah spoke for nearly two hours he detailed the situation in Manipur opposition leader Rahul Gandhi also spoke yesterday he accused the government of being complicit in the violence so put together more than a dozen MPS spoke the final statement was the Prime Minister sort of like a reply to the motion he spoke for two hours and 13 minutes today two hours 13 minutes many of the opposition MP staged a walk out during his speech after everyone spoke it was time to vote the current government has a comfortable majority in Parliament the BJP which is the prime minister's party has 301 lawmakers their allies of 31. and what is the majority mark 270 based on the current occupancy so the motion was never expected to succeed and that's also what happened today the no confidence motion was defeated in a Voice vote in fact it's never succeeded not once in history this was the 28th no confidence Motion in India's Lok Sabha all of them have failed all 28 of them governments have lost flow tests in the past but they have never lost no trust votes Prime Minister Modi faced a similar test in 2018 as well back then he got the support of 330 MPS so if no confidence motions never succeed why do parties bother to send a political message it's about checks not threats it also offers the parliament an opportunity to debate a wide range of issues you see the motion was introduced because of Manipur but once introduced everything is on the table MPS can talk about any issue in the country the Prime Minister did that today he mentioned how Global agencies have praised India's growth model where the opposition remains in denial he also had some taunts for the opposition listen to this many apps foreign foreign foreign foreign will be holding its general elections in April 2024 and that will be the real trust vote India's neighbor too had a no trust vote this was last year opposition parties ganged up to remove Pakistan's then prime minister Imran Khan they succeeded but Imran Khan was not one to give up he accused the United States of toppling his government he went after the army all of this was dismissed as conspiracy theories as signs of desperation but could there be more to these claims since August last year Imran Khan has been talking about a cipher a secret document this Cipher allegedly had details of a conversation between whom Pakistan's ambassador to the U.S and Senior officials at the U.S state Department this claim was also dismissed but now the alleged Cipher has been leaked someone in the Pakistani military leaked it to the U.S media and what does it say what Imran Khan has been saying all along the Story begins in March on March 7 2022. State Department officials had a conversation with Pakistan's Ambassador this man Assad Majid Khan here's what the Americans allegedly said I think if the no confidence vote against prime minister succeeds all will be forgiven in Washington otherwise I think it would be tough going ahead some context now why do the Americans want Imran Khan out apparently because he was neutral on Ukraine under Imran Khan Pakistan refused to condemn Russia's War he said Pakistan is not Europe's slave in fact Imran Khan was on a trip to Moscow When The War Began Washington saw this as an affront a sign that Imran Khan would side with Moscow is that why they plotted to remove him the timing is certainly suspect one month after the cipher was delivered Imran Khan was ousted plus toppling regimes is not exactly new for America they're more than capable of it but a couple of questions still remain number one what did Washington gain from this alleged regime change not very much on paper in February this year the West moved a U.N resolution against Russia it criticized moscow's land grabs 32 countries abstained 32 countries including Pakistan and remember this was not Imran Khan this was a new government under Shabbat Sharif in Pakistan also Pakistan is buying oil from Russia the first shipment arrived in June it was carrying around 45 000 tons of crude so where exactly is the upside there are reports of Pakistan sending weapons to Ukraine but these are Shadow shipments negligible compared to NATO's multi-billion dollar Aid so that's one problem with the cipher claim the second one is the timing Pakistan's Parliament dissolved today the stage is set for the general election but as things stand Imran Khan won't be contesting he's been convicted and jailed in a corruption case so by extension he cannot context contest in the middle of all of this chaos the cipher gets leaked sounds convenient doesn't it right on time to vindicate Imran Khan now I'm not saying the cipher is fake or that America is not capable of doing all of this I'm saying there are too many Loose Ends Here If the U.S was still involved in Afghanistan this would have made more sense Pakistan is a direct player there in Afghanistan so a friendly regime in Islamabad would be helpful but for Ukraine it seems a bit far-fetched why then does the cipher controversy refuse to die because of an old saying there is no smoke without fire listen to the U.S response and you will see why even if those comments were accurate as reported they in no way show the United States taking a position on who the leader of Pakistan ought to be we express concern uh privately to the government of Pakistan as we express concern publicly about the visit of then prime minister Khan to Moscow on the very day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine we made that concern quite clear but as the former Pakistani ambassador to the United States himself has stated the allegations that the United States has interfered in internal decisions about the leadership of Pakistan are false as we've stated they're false they've always been false and they remain false that's a pretty defensive statement the U.S says we can't talk about private diplomatic chats fair enough but the spokesperson adds a rider he says even if the cipher is real we did not say who should be Pakistan's leader well that's the money court maybe the state department did not say who the leader should be but they did say who the leader should not be Pakistan's position on the cipher is also ambiguous they have neither accepted nor rejected it islamabada simply ignored it as if the conversation never happened so in conclusion let me say this a few things are definitely not adding up here the U.S would have certainly liked to see Imran Khan out but what they have actively pushed for it that is the real question and if they did why go through the Ambassador why not use more covert means I'm sure the CI has a back Channel with the Army wouldn't that have been safer no Cipher business just good old American meddling the factors Imran Khan was always going to be ousted America was not his biggest enemy the Pakistani army was so maybe this was a classic case of Interest aligning a happy coincidence or maybe it's all a bunch of conspiracies unfortunately in Pakistan you can never know from one unstable government to another let's talk about North Korea their supreme leader Kim Jong-un seems to be unhappy he's dismissed his top military General and he's called for the mass production of weapons and equipment Kim said the same thing last weekend as well he went on a tour of multiple weapons factories and perhaps decided that his top General was not doing enough to boost Firepower so he's brought back an old face a former Chief of general staff is back at the helm in Pyongyang his name is RI Yong Gil he served as the top General twice before also as defense minister and social security minister yesterday's reshuffle is the latest in the Merry-Go-Round that is North Korea's government our next report tells you what it means if there's one thing that's certain it's that Akin will be leading North Korea but that's about the only thing that's certain when it comes to North Korean politics because the present Supreme Kim Kim Jong-un is known to be a bit temperamental he's quick to dismiss senior leaders and keep shuffling his deck of generals every few months that's exactly what took place yesterday Kim Jong-un held a meeting of North Korea's Central military commission the country's State media released pictures of the affair cigarette in hand Kim Blue Smoke on North Korea's current military order and decided he wanted an all the hall General Park soo-ill is out he barely lasted seven months it seems his work didn't please supreme leader Kim looks like him has some Grand plans plants that seem similar to what he always says but somehow this This Time It's Different Kim issued a dictat during the meeting he wants a boost in weapons production an expansion of military drills and more preparations for the possibility of war the school for military Readiness comes on the heels of his latest factory tour between last Thursday and Saturday Kim took stock of North Korea's weapons factories he conducted his inspections clad in a white coat with white pants that take you back to the Disco era and a jaunty White Cap in this imposing attire Kim was shown test-firing some rifles he was surrounded by military personnel some of whom were in uniform others who were inspired by Kim's summer wardrobe so the rigorous military in inspection looked like a crossover between a Korean Miami Vice and full metal jacket and whatever this enigmatic inspection revealed it can't have been good news for the top General now we know General Park Soo ill has been booted but that's all we know for now by Design North Korean State media is rarely very informative but what it has told us is the name of the new top Commander its Vice Marshal re Yong Gil or should we say it's ryong Gil again this man has been around the block a few times and maybe even escaped The Chopping Block we'll come to that in a moment re has served as the chief of the general staff of the Korean People's Army twice before reportedly from August 2013 to January 2016 and from June 2018 to September 2019. we should clarify that this is to the best of our knowledge North Korea isn't known for sharing accurate information but but if true this means reserved as the top general for almost four years that's almost twice as long as anyone else you see top generals don't really last long on the Kim Jong-un Carousel as we mentioned the newly demoted Park lasted for about seven months his predecessor lasted for six the one before that nine months so you can see the top military job isn't for those with a long-term career in mind but it seems really has the Supreme King's favor he's been given a third chance to help North Korea's Armed Forces second to Kim of course but it's an important position nonetheless one that reportedly almost got him killed after his first stint in 2016 South Korea had reported that ree had been executed Seoul said the then General was killed for corruption and forming a political faction but it turns out ree was just sacked not shot either South Korea's information was incorrect or he found a way to appease the overlord Kim since then he has served as North Korea's social security minister and then its defense minister and it seems the Supreme Kim has turned to him once again to oversee more weapons production military drills and War preparation and Military parades of course after sharing the news about Rhys promotion North Korean media spoke about the new parade coming up it's on September 9th but re has his task cut out if he fails who knows where Kim jong-un's cabinet Carousel will fling him next now let's talk about North Korea's archival the United States of America there's a presidential election next year in the U.S and Joe Biden is vying for a second term he doesn't want to leave anything to chance so he's turning to the Trump Playbook Biden is taking a tougher line against China he assigned a new executive order it bans new investments in China's high-tech sector Americans won't be able to fund projects in China Biden has a new slogan for investors he wants them to invest in America instead of exporting American jobs we're creating American jobs and we're exporting American Products [Applause] so that is Biden's new sales pitch sounds a lot like protectionism but he's hoping this will get him re-elected the pretext of this executive order is National Security but the fact is the U.S doesn't want China to have an edge he doesn't want China to make better semiconductors or chips quantum computers or steal the march in artificial intelligence so Biden has blocked American funding to these projects when do these curves kick in next year and what about previous Investments well they won't be impacted Biden's executive order only applies to Future Investments and yet the current investors might be compelled to change their mind because the U.S and China are fighting a trade War if you are an investor in America putting money on China is risky now American Venture funding has declined dramatically in the last quarter of 2021 more than 40 billion dollars were invested four zero forty billion in one quarter two years later this number has dropped by more than 50 percent in the second quarter of this year just 10.5 billion dollars were invested the trade restrictions have had a serious impact the U.S already bans or restricts certain exports to China the kurbs were introduced last year they were targeted at the semiconductor industry chip exports were restricted and high-tech cheap exports were banned from America to China 's manufacturers were also denied chip design software and Manufacturing equipment and related components so Biden is now going after the money what does he hope to achieve from this besides of course blocking China's rise and perhaps an election win Biden is looking at National Security you see Washington believes that some technologies can dramatically shift the balance of power U.S national security adviser Jake Sullivan has a term for this he calls them quote unquote Force multipliers these Technologies Force multipliers modern day Innovations fall in this category there are chips in every electronic device today they can also be installed in weapon systems same with artificial intelligence the world is worried about the military applications of AI last month the U.N security Council discussed it the prospect of robot soldiers is scary and not far-fetched anymore the U.S is exploring possibilities and so is China let me show you something in fact in 2021 the global times put out this story it announced that the pla the Chinese Army is using artificial intelligence it hasn't entered the battlefield yet but the technology is being used in training the Chinese Air Force used AI in aerial combat training how does it work well China took the pilot out of the cockpit and let artificial intelligence fly the fighters there was no dog fight in the air with robots the pla ran simulations in cockpits a real pilot went up against an AI aircraft and in this instance the pilot came out on top the Chinese military hailed the advantages of AI after this the global times reported that such trainings can boost efficiency reduce cost and minimize risk China is studying military applications of artificial intelligence America wants to slow them down and they are in a position to do so you see China still lacks the know-how it doesn't know chip design it still lags behind America and AI China has bought many high-tech goods from the U.S it has relied on American funding to make progress but now the U.S is turning off all those Taps obviously Beijing does not like it they wish you a statement China said it was very disappointed by Joe Biden's orders it is also also hinting at retaliatory measures we haven't heard the last of this RX story comes from the South American nation of Ecuador a country of about 17 million people its capital city is called Quito and it has been rocked by an assassination a presidential candidate has been shot dead at a campaign rally nine others were injured one suspected assassin was also killed he succumbed to injuries from a shootout six other suspects have been arrested a criminal Gang has claimed responsibility for the assassination it's called Los Lobos it means the Wolves this is the the second largest gang in Ecuador it is affiliated with a Mexican drug cartel the assassination comes days before the presidential election it scheduled for the 20th of August the outgoing president Guillermo lasso said the killing was a clear attempt to sabotage the election his promise that polls will go ahead as planned but amid a national state of emergency here's a report the South American nation of Ecuador has been rocked by violence of late and last night the violence claimed another victim this is Fernando villavencio he was one of the leading candidates for the upcoming presidential election but late last night he was assassinated [Music] and I said I'm going to talk with Fernando it was like 100 shots like life I went to a bathroom bent crawling the shooting lasted for long we ever since you were skilled while leaving a campaign rally he was leaving a school building when he was shot multiple bullets were fired one of the suspects reportedly the shooter was killed as well Ecuadorian authorities have arrested six other suspects this was after rage around the capital Quito now a gang has claimed responsibility for the murder Los Lobos it's the second largest gang in Ecuador and counts eight thousand among its ranks Ecuador's outgoing president said it was an attack on the Democratic process este es room creaming political this is a political crime it has the character of terrorism and we do not doubt that this murder is an attempt to sabotage the electoral process electoral via vicencio was campaigning on an anti-corruption platform he was also a vocal critic of the drug cartels that have been taking over Ecuador and he had warned that they wanted him out of the way they contribute to the media of a police report in which it's revealed a very serious threat of one of the Sinaloa cartoons boss I'm referring to Alias Tito against me and my campaign team there was a warning that if I kept referring to him and his structure they would attack me or my life drug traffickers and the mafia want to take the political power of the state and without a doubt it's not Tito who's behind this threat it's the political mafias that are behind Tito who is behind this threat against my candidacy he said a prominent member of the Sinaloa Mexican cartel was behind threats to his life but the gang which claims it assassinated him is Affiliated to another cartel Los Lobos have ties to the Jalisco New Generation cartel it just shows that we have essential made a lot of enemies among Ecuador's gangs drug cartels from Mexico and Colombia have been operating in Ecuador in recent years and Ecuador has become a battlefield for the foreign drug cartels they use the country's specific ports to transport drugs to the U.S and Beyond the cartels lend their support to local gangs like Los Lobos and these Gans are behind the rise in violence in Ecuador last month the mayor of a port city was assassinated a National Emergency was declared because of this a mayoral candidate in another city was murdered as well a second emergency was declared last month due to violence within prisons and now a third has been put in place to ensure the election goes on as planned the second degree is a declaration of Institute of emergency for 60 days from this moment the Armed Forces will be mobilized in the whole national territory to guarantee the security of citizens just like the national electoral Council eight people were running for Ecuador's presidency now there are seven some of the candidates have decided to stop campaigning as a mark of respect for this sensio but to truly respect the Fallen candidate the next president must ensure that his assassins are brought to Justice that gangs like Los Lobos are eradicated and the Brazen violence staring Ecuador apart is put to an end what makes a good politician policies yes or a tree yes but what about looks for the longest time leaders were supposed to look ordinary like an average Joe that's not the case anymore today is politicians are splurging on hair and makeup and the bills are eye-wateringly big Germany has released some numbers their government has spent 68 thousand dollars on Chancellor Olaf shoulders hair and makeup 68 000 that's around 56 lakh Indian rupees on hair and makeup we have four months left in this year so expect that bill to increase even more now hair in makeup is just one part of it the total expenditure is much higher around 1.6 million dollars in 2022 imagine that 1.6 million dollars for makeup hairdressers and photographers now before you ask this is for the entire German government not just Olaf Shoals but still it's a big number even Angela merkel's makeup bill is borne by the government she retired from politics in 2021 since then guess how much money Germany has spent on her makeup around sixty thousand dollars private events public events it doesn't matter the German government picked up the tab what do the people make of this the German taxpayers Association has criticized the bills they said it should be at a bare minimum and yet nothing has changed in fact the bills are rising even more the German government's makeup bill was 80 percent higher in 2020 to eight zero eighty percent higher in 2022 compared to 2021 and Germany is not alone in this trend world leaders apparently love their makeup French president Emmanuel macron is one example he was elected to office in 2017 in the first three months listen to this he spent thirty thousand dollars on his makeup that's around 19 lakh rupees in three months so the next time you see macron's youthful wrinkle-free phase remember this it costs thirty thousand dollars the whole thing triggered a backlash macro ended up promising to cut his makeup budget his predecessor spent even more that's Francois land he used to pay his hairdresser ten thousand dollars per month it's bad enough for most people even worse if you're a socialist leader Donald Trump did something similar he spent around ten thousand dollars for makeup for his inauguration but I must say Trump got a better deal he got makeup for himself and 20 of his aides Island 2 had a makeup Savvy leader Bertie Ahern he was prime minister from 1997 to 2008. his makeup bill was released in 2006. around a hundred thousand dollars for four years in fact Bertie earned was called the L'Oreal prime minister he tried to find numbers in India as well I'm sure you're thinking about those unfortunately there is no public record but the bigger question is this why do leaders do this why do they spend tens of thousands of dollars on makeup I'm sure the reasons are different for everyone but press coverage is a common one you have high definition cameras following you they can capture everything a wrinkle on your face a strand of gray hair a pimple all of it so makeup is the only way to appear perfect to look youthful on television if you don't the cameras will Spot It look at what happened with Joe Biden earlier this year people noticed some odd marks on his face and immediately questions were raised the White House had to clarify that the president uses a sleep apnea machine maybe Biden needed a makeup artist to cover it up and let's be clear here makeup is not the problem people are free to use cosmetic products or employee addresses it's their choice the problem is who pays for it it's one thing to pay for a Leader's motorcade or housing it's another to pay pay for their makeup especially when the bills are so high in the U.S women spend around fifteen thousand dollars on makeup that's over a lifetime fifteen thousand dollars in Indian money it's around 12 lakh rupees but some world leaders are spending as much in months so clearly it is excessive we do need active and caring politicians for that taxpayers will pick up the tab but if they want to splurge on looks I'm afraid it's B Y O M bring your own makeup in 2022 a man from Ohio shot his neighbor why because he was a conservative and he thought that his neighbor was a Democrat this is a tragic case but it's not an isolated one this is the story of America today it is more polarized than ever before and frankly it has been like that for quite some time political violence is not new but in the U.S it has been at an all-time high since 1970. since 2021 39 people have been killed because of political violence the numbers are only Rising our next report tells you about America's growing political violence and how the U.S is more divided than ever before Paula County 9-1-1 where's your emergency my name is Kristen King all right that was Kristen King calling 9-1-1 her next door neighbor had come over sounds like an everyday thing right but then the unthinkable happened her neighbor shot her husband in the backyard why because the neighbor was a conservative and he believed her husband was a Democrat political violence in America is not new but it's definitely on the rise this case was however not the only one there have been 200 more across the U.S since 2021 an indication that the country is more divided than ever the rhetoric surged mostly during the Trump era it reached a peak after the 2021 Capital riots Donald Trump lost the 2020 election he falsely claimed that the vote was stolen and many of them still believe it take that house many hoped that by 2024 things would cool down that the rhetoric would die down but it has only become more heated the violence is killed at least 39 people roiled aspects of American Life disrupted Gatherings and turned neighbors into enemies some of these deaths followed one-on-one disputes like this fatal brawl in Florida the two men were arguing over Trump others happened at public Gatherings like the mass shooting in Portland a Reuters investigation tracked violence in America and here are the figures since 2021 there have been 213 cases of political violence two-thirds of those cases were physical assaults and or even confrontations third involved property damage in 76 were individual acts of violence AKA Lorna savings this is not the first time America has seen political violence it surged in the 1970s 1970 alone saw more than 450 cases but that was different in 1970 American political violence focused largely on destroying property there were attacks on government buildings bombings the idea was not to kill people but today it's very different political violence has surged to its highest levels since 1970. and the main target are people there have been 14 fatal political attacks since the capital riots 13 of them were right-wing and one was on the left so the people who commit the violence are divided but so is the violence that is committed there have been mainly two types of violence fatal violence like killings and shootings which are mostly associated to those on the right then there is property violence burnt cars damaged property and they are perpetrated more by people on the left oh so America is in a very divisive period its political rhetoric pitching people against people neighbor against neighbor the US has always had political opponents but they are no longer divided by their views on issues instead you have people on both sides demonizing each other calling each other traitors and in the worst case even killing each other America is in the grips of unprecedented political violence it's worst since 1970. and it's unlikely to change anytime soon 10 000 steps a day it started as the minimum for good health it has long become a default Fitness goal so much so that it birthed a whole industry an industry worth about 20 billion dollars it's filled with Fitness tracker smartphone apps even Wellness programs but do you follow this number religiously do you walk 10 000 steps every day probably not how do we know because we have the numbers Indians typically walk around 4 300 step steps in a day Americans four thousand eight hundred steps the Japanese take seven thousand steps Australians and swiss Nationals Come Close they take some 9 000 steps this is the average so chances are you're not clocking in 10 000 steps every day but there is no need to feel discouraged I'll let you in on a secret ten thousand steps is a myth the number to stay healthy is far lower than that let alone half of ten thousand even two thousand steps are good for you that's the case why is the world being told otherwise blame murky historical roots let us take you back to the 1965 that's when a Japanese company launched a pedometer you know the instrument that records the number of steps taken it estimates the distance traveled on foot this Japanese pedometer was called 10 000 step meter it also came with a slogan let's walk 10 000 steps a day what fun and hence we have the magic number 10 000 steps it became trendy it gave people a distant sweaty goal the goal of a fit and healthy body it became part of everyday conversations even corporate team building exercises but you see this goal is not based in a scientific study it originated in marketing not medicine so what does medicine say how many steps should you walk in a day a new Global study is out now it was conducted by the medical University of Lords in the Johns Hopkins University it shows that two thousand two to five thousand steps in fact are beneficial about 2 300 steps is enough to benefit the heart and blood vessels at four thousand steps the risk of dying prematurely of any cause starts reducing and with every extra thousand steps after four thousand the risk of dying early reduces by 15 so basically there is no one number the more you walk the more health benefits you get this applies to people of all genders ages and countries such betrayal right all this time people were beating themselves up for walking lesser than 10 000 steps some say they don't even bother going for a walk assuming they won't reach the magic number so what's the point but with this study it's clear that there is a point walking 10 000 steps definitely helps but so does every little bit of walking it's about small Snippets of movement throughout the day like walking from one room to another or getting up from your desk to get coffee they all add up to make a difference let me show you how walking lowers blood pressure strengthens muscles protects bones increases energy levels boosts happy hormones like endorphins and this benefits mental health the best part is walking is for everyone because it is low impact and easy on the joints but walking is not the only light exercise that helps I'm talking about non-exercise activities meaning simple tasks that use energy like carrying shopping bags washing the floor pacing while talking on the phone it's ironic but think of exercising as eating your favorite food even a little is good but more is always better after all insufficient physical activity is responsible for more than 3 million deaths every year it's the fourth most frequent cause of death worldwide not enough physical activity it increases the risk of heart disease stroke diabetes and several cancers and yet people do not exercise enough and the numbers agree one in four adults and four out of five adolescents do not get enough physical activity now exercising may seem daunting there is rarely enough time or energy to get started but remember that good health can be a sum of the small movements movement in any form should not be underestimated so set a goal that works for you find your own sweet spot of Step count or throw out your tracker entirely but just get moving and now it's time for Vantage shorts images that tell the story we're starting with the United States tourists is Paradise Hawaii has become their nightmare massive wildfires have broken out the historic town of lahain has been Lahaina Radha has been completely devastated at least 36 people have been killed some jumped into the ocean to escape the Wildfire meanwhile Formula One World Champion Max verstappen has picked up some new driving tricks and the United Kingdom had this a baby elephant rolled in the grass and spent some quality time with its mother finally what makes the 10th of August significant on this day in 1962 Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man made his debut he appeared in the comic book called Amazing Fantasy this was when Peter Parker came into our lives as a shy and nerdy high school student who secretly fought bad guys youngsters loved it and the rest as they say is history believing you with that thank you for watching we'll see you tomorrow oh this was a home [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Firstpost
Views: 34,971
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Keywords: firstpost, imran khan vindicated by cipher, leaked cipher imran khan, vantage, vantage palki sharma, firstpost palki sharma, imran khan cipher leak, cipher leak imran khan, cipher vindicate imran khan, imran khan cipher vindicate, imran khan leaked cipher, does cipher vindicate khan, imran vindicated by cipher, cipher vindicate imran khan pakistan, imran khan toppled by us, us topples imran khan, us toppled imran khan govt, leaked cipher pakistan, leaked cipher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 16sec (3136 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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