Bay Area Forecast: Fire Weather Watch

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hey jeff pumpkin yeah pie pumpkin seeds pumpkin soup it all sounds delicious we got to talk about this week because we got to warm up so many options a possible fire danger without some winds picking up that's right on a serious note uh you know it was so nice this past weekend to get some fall weather some 60s some clouds but that's all gone right now and we're already starting to see those temperatures beginning to heat up so let's bring you into our micro climate forecast in my live skycam review here of san jose we are smoke free and we have 10 mile and better visibility so we're all good on those fronts it's not that gusty right now sustained wind at 12 miles per hour and 84 degrees as you move through tonight temperatures will be dropping off into the 60s but over the next three days we're going to rapidly see things change it's all about this area of high pressure it's going to build just off to the north of us and the circulation around this going to help to drive down a drier northeasterly wind and at the same time we'll have some heat building in from the south so a fire weather watch wednesday into friday we'll talk more about those winds coming up but i do want to get you right into tomorrow morning's forecast not that windy to begin we'll really on all fronts here start very nice upper 50s and low 60s 57 right there in the peninsula and over to san francisco some isolated fog in 56 and for the north bay 59 my daytime highs tomorrow do start to warm it up about four to six degrees so i do think it's going to be noticeable as we move through tomorrow there's going to be some isolated locations that will be in the 90s like gilroy at 90. as you move closer to the bay we're in the mid 80s here for cupertino in san jose right over the east bay i have some 90s right through concord pittsburgh antioch livermore also pleasanton oakland that's a warm day for you at 82. peninsula not quite 90s but we're going up to 85 here in palo alto and then you can see even daley city starting to push up into the 70s san francisco some 70s returning even close to some 80s expected right here in the mission with 79 degrees 77 in the barcadero and the marina at 71 degrees and right here through the north bay things begin to warm up with upper 80s close to 90 in sonoma napa and santa rosa so tomorrow not that windy but temperatures do start to creep up so what about the wind i look at my fire weather watch here all of the colors in orange that's the locations under this fire weather watch from the north bay to the south bay and you'll see the highest risk is 4 000 feet and above so you really have to go into the mountains to get these higher gusts and that means we are right now looking at based on my current forecast 30 to 50 mile per hour on and off gusts in the mountains a steady sustained wind of 10 to 20. this will also lower humidity maybe down to about 10 percent so with this drier wind moving in it's the opposite of our cooler foggy breeze so san francisco will warm up with some 80s wednesday thursday and friday and then we'll get back to some 60s by next monday right here across the inland valleys we're going hot right now no triple digits but some mid 90s wednesday thursday and friday with that drier wind in the hills we'll begin to see it drop by sunday and also on monday it's really obviously the last thing we need right now but knowing this information i hope that helps everybody back there at home and of course we'll have live updates as we head through the next couple of days on what we see happening with this wind forecast jessica and janelle wasn't saturday nice if you can remember back the clouds and the cooler temperatures it was just it was awesome it was so refreshing it felt great okay thanks jeff
Channel: NBC Bay Area
Views: 2,977
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Keywords: weather, weather forecast, Bay Area, Bay Area weather, Bay Area weather forecast, fire weather watch, Jeff Ranieri
Id: Ua0tEMzkk2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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