Bay Area Forecast: Air Quality Improvements?

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okay live look at our 20 hd traffic cameras around the bay area from red orange glow to now this mustard yellow gray look the air quality actually worse today chief meteorologist jeffrey neri joins us now to explain all this and jeff quite a change visually but the air quality actually worse today yeah there's so many different components to what's happening in the lower atmosphere so we had the smoke particles yesterday but a lot of it was suspended just above the surface some of those harmful particles and that's what really gave us that brilliant sharp orange color that made it so disorienting and strange but now with the fog moving in it's kind of helping to start to mix up the air a little bit and some of those unhealthy particles are now falling down towards the surface so you see that really lines up with the current air quality on our live monitoring stations right now you can see the red dots that is showing some unhealthy air here for santa rosa nevada down through san francisco and oakland and then down to san jose moderate air now we still have these four fires burning to the north and the south which continues to choke the state in this smoke it's really hard to go anywhere and escape it at this point no big wind tomorrow temperatures stay down and that should help firefighters out i really think over the next 12 hours we'll continue to fluctuate between unhealthy and moderate air quality so if you go outside really don't do any exercising or stay out for an extended period of time and if you have respiratory problems you might just need a shelter in place i want to move things ahead towards the thing that would really help to mix out this smoke because that's what we're all curious about right and you'll see i'm looking at two different systems ahead the first one is on sunday now this is going to mainly move off towards the north but i do think the wind associated with this could continue to help to clear some of this smoke out once we hit saturday night and sunday we can't guarantee right now we'll have blue sky but i do think it'll start to get things moving then we'll see a second system beginning to move in next tuesday wednesday thursday and friday that will even bring us some rain chances to northern california now i don't really see a big guaranteed chance of rainfall for the bay area just yet we have to look off towards the north near eureka reading maybe some trace amounts there nonetheless we'd get some wet weather in northern california that helped the firefighting effort that would take down the smoke and that would also help to clean out the air so we do have some good stuff to look forward to here my extended forecast in san francisco stays in the 60s with that on-again off-again fog and throughout the inland valleys no heat wave this is excellent news temperatures will remain in the 80s and so far temperature wise we're looking really good but if you've been outside like i was earlier today i tried to leaf blow some of the ash to kind of get things a little bit cleaner uh not really a good idea because as you guys know that ash is so fine it just kind of gets kicked up and it's like someone is taking a big ashtray and throwing it on you uh with those particles so fine so uh yeah just kind of be careful on all levels out there today it's annoying i was playing basketball with my son every time you dribble the ball the ash pops out from the driveway you guys have to water it down it's messy thanks jeff
Channel: NBC Bay Area
Views: 20,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weather, weather forecast, Bay Area weather, Bay Area weather forecast, smoke, Bay Area smoke, Jeff Ranieri
Id: C5v7QsUCH3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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