Bauhaus in 7 Minutes: Revolutionary Design Movement Explained

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[Music] for many artists architects and historians the bauhaus is a symbol of modernism and artistic ingenuity [Music] however to the vast majority of people the bauhaus seems like a rather peculiar and short-lived german art school honestly both views are accurate let's take a closer look at the bauhaus in this video if you'd like to see more design videos be sure to give us a like and tell us which topics you want to learn about next during its heyday the bauhaus was a cradle of modern design the founder of the school was a modernist architect walter gropius on the one hand he had created an entirely new type of school with the bauhaus where students could be turned into masters on the other he helped to turn the bauhaus into a kind of free-for-all experimental laboratory school always had a unique atmosphere as gropius's dream of a community of designers apprentices and craftsmen became a reality the school grew into a kind of commune people from different backgrounds all lived in close proximity to one another they worked together partied together and shared ideas with one another as a result many people viewed the school as a kind of secular cult or even set for example one of the main masters of the school johannes in had a magnetic effect on the students his supporters were primarily concerned with physical and spiritual cleansing they saw their path to self-knowledge and meditation in believed that in order to remove the veil of the false world and see the truth it was necessary to prepare the body with the help of vegetarianism exercise fasting and enemas at one point the students of in carried out their ritualistic body cleansing in the city fountain of weimar which led to conflicts with the city administration as a result walter gropius relieved it in from his post in 1923 forcing him to leave the school for good it was not the only master who acted as both an artist and a prophet many of the school's teachers held complex philosophical views and sometimes unwittingly bewitched their students in addition to its philosophical and political effects the bauhaus was notorious for its outrageous parties gropius supported the idea that theater shows lectures poetry music and costume parties should all be part of the training program in his opinion rest and relaxation were no less important for creative thinking than work oscar schlemmer who had held the position of head of the theater workshop since 1923 offered an answer for the peculiar holidays he believed that play was the power that made creativity possible schlemmer used parties as an experimental stage for his workshop the most famous product of the workshop was the triadic ballet where the structure of the human body was destroyed with the help of complex volumetric geometric costumes turning a human into a puppet the bauhaus parties never lost their moments of madness but when the school moved to this out the parties took on an increasingly professional tone despite its bizarre and challenging reputation the bauhaus fundamentally changed the world of design especially when it came to furniture in the 14 years of its existence the school students created many legendary designs one of the most famous products created at the school was a basil chair by marcel lajos brewer this chair was very much liked by wassily kandinsky decades later when brewer relaunched the mass production of these chairs in italy in the 1960s he paid tribute to the artist and renamed the chair vasily the most famous example of female creativity at the bauhaus came from mary anne brandt in her legendary teapot at its core the teapot was made to be functional this bout prevents the drops from rolling down while the wooden handle was heat resistant that said brandt didn't forget to make it aesthetically pleasing in fact brant liked her original design so much that she made several versions of the product from different materials toneback alloy silver and nickel plated silver walter gropius's dream that as in the middle ages architecture would be the final product of the synthesis of arts at the first major bauhaus exhibition in weimar in 1923 a group of students george mucci gunthes daiso alma sidhoff boucher and marcel brewer built the haas om horn as a reflection of a new way of life to show the versatility of his project gropius even shot a promotional video about what a modernist lifestyle should look like the main architectural project of the bauhaus was the school building itself in dasao designed by walter gropius it was an ode to the functionalism and machine aesthetics of the 20th century the building also served as an advertisement for goods produced under the bauhaus patent [Music] sadly all good things must come to an end the bauhaus went through three different stages weimar desau and berlin during this time the school had three directors walter gropius hans meyer and ludwig mize van der rohe none of these phases were easy but rojo's years were the most difficult by far in 1930 the school had to be temporarily closed and the dissenters disbanded students protested the closure in the center of the nazi party but this only delayed the inevitable hitler became chancellor of germany and in the early morning of april 11 1933 the school was closed by the police those who did not have proper documentation were taken away in trucks despite permission from the authorities to reopen the school with some changes in august of that year ludwig mais van der rohe notified everyone that the school was permanently closing due to the difficult economic situation [Music] modern art and design might be completely different if not for the bauhaus school even though it had a short and tumultuous history the bauhaus had a tremendous impact on both art and mass production in the 20th century to this day reflections of the bauhaus's products and vision can be seen in products at art pieces around the world what do you find most interesting about the story of the bauhaus can you think of any other art schools that can compare to it if so feel free to comment below also don't forget to give us a like and subscribe to our channel so we can continue making even more great content for you [Music] you
Channel: Curious Muse
Views: 448,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bauhaus, bauhaus design, german design, german architecture, Walter Gropius, bauhaus art, Wassily Kandinsky, wassily chair, Johannes Itten, dessau, Oskar Schlemmer, Triadic ballet, Marcel Lajos Breuer, Marianne Brandt, Haus am Horn, bauhaus history, bauhaus architecture, architecture, design, art, art movement, art history, bauhaus explained, design movement, modern design, idea design, european design, kandinsky, curious muse, art education, culture, culture guide, archidigest
Id: Y69wOKg6yp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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