Architecture, art and design - 100 years of the Bauhaus (1/3) | DW Documentary

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Innovative holistic, Aesthetica Free-thinking quarters glue honest revolutionary the white OD car fast Sherman that is Bauhaus After 100 years the ideals of the Bauhaus are more relevant today than they were then the spa's hottia for 100 years ago Bauhaus reimagined the future how will we learn without we let The Bauhaus influence is everywhere guns house set out to formulate a language of design. That was universal That everything has an ideal height an ideal size and that's what optimizes its utility But not sneak an you know, they want it's kind of boosted gap for me wherever your partner remember You're a designer what we really whether you're an artist Bauhaus is a legend the brilliance of the Bauhaus school remains undiminished even today Even though its existence was short-lived. It continues to shape the world we live in New approaches to education and training architecture painting dance and design were explored and developed here When Hitler seized power and forced the school to shut down its artists architects and visionaries Emigrated fanning out and spreading the Bauhaus doctrine around the world So what exactly lies behind the enduring appeal of Bauhaus a British furniture designer with Nigerian roots Janka alluri lives in London his fascination with chairs places him firmly in the Bauhaus tradition He trolls the city in search of inspiration On the top deck of the boss by the window in London was always it is always chairs everywhere You know, I might look up there. It's on my foot chair there or I don't know Yeah, so I'm just always looking around and always, you know inquisitive to kind of see what to run, you know And why fine - yeah, you never know what you never know. That's the best beauty of what I do Janka doesn't find anything that strikes his fancy on the street. So he tries his luck in a charity shop This is quite nice as awesome This is quite cool you Know the first process is sort of looking like seeing the chair And then second would be kind of having a parable in my head so having that the narrative of the chair this chair this chair I see it's definitely 1940s 53 it's quite an old chair isn't it's not it's not it's not Exactly a so, it's the fifties sixties Yanker is drawn to pieces that have a story to tell he likes to work intuitively So our life pieces with character, so this is this has got a lot of character so it's in you know Kind of also, you know, I like the way they've kind of used different materials So definitely have some ideas on color palettes because that sort of speaks to me because what I do is that you know I look at the kind of section So we're kind of thinking of a line in you know in there in the jungle maybe Or in or in there was there could be a lion in you know, maybe this could be green. I don't know Well, just I just think about the context of where I would see, you know, these you know, these these these feet these line feet And also this kinda reminds me of a musical instrument Like a guitar or something. I don't know Intuitive design that was a bedrock principle of the Bauhaus The art school in vimar Germany was founded in 1919 by architect vertical pious He was joined there by many of the most venerated artists of the time After the ordeal of the first world war they were eager to remake the world from the ground up this called for a new breed of industrial designer Gropius believed and new forms of training a Foundation course was compulsory for all students It taught basic techniques of art and craftsmanship It was developed by Swiss painter. Johannes itten. He encouraged students to work intuitively and experiment with forms colors and materials The characteristic colours and forms of the Bauhaus influenced artists such as Paul clay and Vasily Kandinsky The primary colors red yellow and blue and the geometrical forms of the square Triangle and circle have become the trademark of the Bauhaus There's an abundance of formant color in Yankee alluri studio in London My studies designer furniture University so I have a degree in Furniture making and a product design. You kind of teach yourself. I love the processes I should go alone and it was a more vertical so lots of art history looking at Bauhaus the kinetic art history of design of Photography there was a lot of making which was a shame Carpentry set design and ceramics workshops formed the cornerstone of practical training at the Bauhaus school That would have been right up yonkers street each chair tells part of his own story Actually understood why my parents are loved to Nigeria and what it meant to be African and be a black British You know in London and how powerful that wasn't how you know That I I felt like I had power Because you know not everyone is like is is much in is British So what I wanted to do was retool my narrative using Nigerian parables Yeah, these sort of thing there was an interest as through year I recently found out that the University of if it was that she designed bind it with Israeli architect. He was to study that the Bauhaus school And I think it fit me it's one of the best distr first I've ever seen actually because it was just mind-blowing and Just seeing I don't know just just not knowing that BIOS actually existed in Nigeria I think Even just thinking about makes me smart makes me happy and I'm if you look at my Instagram when I posted this image of you Know these free images people were just fast Mia The University of affair campus in Nigeria was designed in the 1960s by Bauhaus graduates Aria Sheeran Africa has both shaped and been shaped by Bauhaus It looks like African Certainly influences from Africa in this PC This is indeed the African chair a collaborative effort by two Bauhaus masters designer Marcel Breuer and textile artist Gunther Stinson Just called Africa chair. Laughs yeah, I mean we about even knowing I Love marcel breuer as well and I think I have a copy of this Carry in my studio. I don't copy it could be wrong. You know, it's actually, you know, I brought it from the charity shop In in Chyzyk Just I mean I like this Hand woven texture here is amazing as well. Just kind of bamboo. It is really nice It's just a really clean design. Yeah Yeah, love it It was in 1925 once the school relocated to Dessau that Bauhaus started to become more widely known From his glass-fronted office vattic or pious overlooked the school premises Nothing escaped him including all the student goings-on in the work shop next door The students are now long gone today Claudia peffern is the director of the Bauhaus Dessau foundation Bauhaus was pretty crazy It has to be said when you look at the Bauhaus building you can see how radical it was And then there were all these girls with short hair working together with boys 50 meters all very casual It was quite a provocation If they don't get a smile on their provocative The Bauhaus sought to create an impression of transparency of Airy radiant space The gopis vast guns clad Gropius was very aware that a new era had dawned And that a new era called for new forms and new solutions for living He saw this reflected in every aspect of industry, but not really in architecture as an architect or not nickimja villages in The new clear language of forms was put into practice in the nearby masters houses Battacor pious designed these homes for the Bauhaus teachers and their families construction began in 1925 The homes of vitae core pious and lászló moholy-nagy were destroyed in the second world war in 2014 they were rebuilt but not so much we constructed as reinterpreted Artist Olaf Nikolai designed the interior of the Mahoney Nagy house Wall in Rochester as an artist, Mohan Lodge was very interested in light So I made light a central part of my design and figured out a way to make it an element of a visitors experience And one way to draw attention to light is to refractive Mist pressure The over Fletcher I made the surface of the artifact the building my playing field Chef Danny villag. I wanted to work with what was already there I also wanted to bring out the craftsmanship that played such a key role at the Bauhaus Super tune once the flustering walls is a very simple artisanal activity So I decided on four types of plaster white powdered marble with various grain sizes Osmar most of the variations in granularity and the way that light strikes the walls create shadow plays octave chuttan shmita Just positive and the house is crying out to be photographed Skip the spa host. There is no one of our house. It was very diverse. There was a bit of everything It had Powell clay. It had Oskar Schlemmer Hannes Meyer who had a staunchly socialist agenda Or who wanted nothing to do with ideology and was on a quest for pure form People who introduced compulsory yoga classes What's truly fascinating is of course what happens when a design movement becomes a universal concept when it becomes life? In Japan quality design traditionally plays a big part in daily life the aesthetic sensibility and the striving for clarity and simplicity Underpinning Japanese culture have much in common with the visual language of Bauhaus and indeed partly inspired it Greater Tokyo is one of the world's largest metropolitan areas housing is expensive and in short supply Meo suna yama belongs to a young generation of Japanese architects interested in new housing concepts you can never see inside of the houses and also Very close to relation isolated situation They never invites the people and friends or even family. They don't know each other the next to each other I think Mia is seeking an entirely new approach Okay, I have to change my mind on the architect like how to read the city asking different way of living in Tokyo, so I proposed a completely different way from Normal one-room apartment in Tokyo The Hayashi family's housing solution is radical by Japanese standards The project was started by kanae Hayashi's wife Chie before the couple got married Her house was very small studio time to Meet her everything packed Toilet shower kitchen bedroom. Everything was not separated so she was a living like that as many other Japanese people do but in a She she likes cooking and she want to relax in a sofa To watch TV something like that, but she cannot do that. So when we find this one we have 20 places To do that, but it's too big for her alone. So maybe we wanted to do some share house A shared house for people who aren't necessarily all family and who are willing to redefine their relationships to one another? Mio is converting the old house into a house for seven people a home like this would be unaffordable for a family And People doesn't have a lot of job so people doesn't have like In the way as a good life as their parent they start to do something Meo took meticulous measurements so as to use the space as efficiently as possible the small bedrooms on the upper floor are separated by a light and airy hallway a bridge between the private and the shared spaces Using the steps like we could sit down here and put the thing so the life of the individual rooms extend here The rooms are small while the shared areas are spacious The multi-purpose living room is where residents and friends can come together In a city that's becoming increasingly Anonymous the house is a small pockets of community Mio and her husband run a successful architecture firm She's a big fan of German Bauhaus Miss Fonda law is the most inspiring architect from my tech student time and his materiality and Proportion and also he makes it very simple and looks very easy But it's not and he's like a relationship with us outside in room in the room and the furniture It's related all together and this is kind of magic Bauhaus had close ties to Japan from the outset This house was built in the 1930s by awaya Milwaukee who studied at the Bauhaus school? in 1954 vertical Pierce visited the brand-new. Kuis our Design School in Tokyo writing in the guestbook Here I have found genuine Bauhaus spirit In her work mio often refers to this weighty manual compiled by Ernst no effort another Bauhaus graduate The first edition of his architects data is in bimah The current edition of this international bestseller was updated by architect johannes keister You start planning a new project you reach for your no friend It's currently in its 42nd editions landed published all over the world write it It's a reference book for spatial requirements in building design And site planning from the best height for a door handle to the angle of a body leaning back in a chair To compile these norms. No fat carried out detailed measurements of the human body in daily activities and its use of space The professional dis mention is the powerhouse wasn't the first to measure daily life But the radical approach of relating architecture space and spatial relationships to such measurements and the radical extrapolation of space allocation and typology from these relationships That was the cornerstone of Bauhaus The book was finally published three years after the Bauhaus was shut down by the Nazis But the efficiency of knife 'it's manual suited the totalitarian system and the Nazis co-opted it for their own purposes After the war when its merits could once again speak for themselves it became a best-seller Nowadays knife, 'it's manual can be found in architecture firms all over the world What space is needed for an elevator how much space do you need in a kitchen an industrial kitchen a canteen? What size should something be to work well in its environment? It's just useful right because when we want to know the like example of this certain type ology if you flip this book we can find very basic measurement the knowledge we have to know but we can't put everything into my our brain so it's somehow a part of our way Measuring people activities things Rationality and detail as tools for optimizing daily life and use of space Hallmarks of the Bauhaus code that carried as far as Japan The Bauhaus archive in Berlin designed by none other than Bauhaus founder Wouter Gore pious himself Director Annamarie, yagi is the guardian of his legacy montval tarnished climb climb hunt. Well, it wasn't the ordinary old-school craftsperson training The aim was to train a new type of artist the industrial designer who could wear all hats A generalist who could be an architect or a typographer or a painter a sculptor a photographer an industrial designer who represented the Universal Universal Ashland, the manifesto of the Vimal state Bauhaus was published in April 1919 Architects sculptors painters. We must all turn to the crafts together. Let us conceive and create the new building of the future Marvelous thesis also London what they wanted to avoid was if drifting apart art on one side art for art's sake salon art And on the other side the more downmarket applied art that is craft Could stir this hand of our cartoonist The Bauhaus code blurred the distinction between fine art and applied art Then and now the starting point is always the material That's about 25% each of feldspar and quartz and 50% Kalyan Amazing how this dust can turn into something with so much bulk And somehow elastic to imagine it being poured or molded it's texture is so great Controller haptic Berlin-based design collective new tendency is in demand. The team are graduates of the Bauhaus University in Vemma They design industrial products for everyday use in the Bauhaus tradition functional and no frills The firm is teaming up with one of Germany's oldest manufacturing companies the Royal porcelain factory KPM It supplied Prussian Kings with Berlin porcelain Why do we mainly manufacture in Germany On the one hand because of the tradition of craftsmanship, but also because of the convenience the fact that we can visit the factories That's very exciting for us designers. It reminds us of the craftsmanship involved in broadens our minds hoskins under than it The kpms porcelain is all handcrafted Ceramicists at the Bauhaus in Vemma began designing simple modern porcelain tableware for the KPM in 1929 New tendency is marking the 100th anniversary of Bauhaus by collaborating with the KPM on a commemorative plate As soon as you start it's already gone you can see how fast it's turning it's a question of seconds Today the team are presenting their ideas to the kpms head designer From the front there's a lovely play of light and shadow The industrial and constructivist aspect is a great contrast to the delicate porcelain we found that contrast very intriguing It reminds me of Bauhaus photography the light and shadow and negative space We explore these elements with our designs to New tendancy designs practical high quality products they're not interested in mass production, but Their kind of craftsmanship has a price one. Not everyone can afford Business though is thriving Complete Internet's were completely international. We get a lot of inquiries from the US and England But also South Korea and Japan from people with a similar sense of aesthetics Lloyd in sin first Attica In keeping with the Bauhaus spirit a good product is a fusion of skilled craftsmanship and artistic vision is An essential part of the Bauhaus appeal is that Gropius was keen on the idea of synergy a Vision that's become reality boundaries between creative disciplines are increasingly blurred First I need a vacuum The materials softens and starts to melt it melts very fast and then it gets smooth Finished The results are unexpected is Kasia kukuczka conducting research for the car industry No, she's preparing for her graduation show she studies fashion design in Berlin My basic idea was to see if I could produce a collection without actually sewing anything and instead used different production methods So I worked a lot with lasers and glue to explore the alternatives To see how I could make clothes production my modern I wanted to replace man made with machine made machine made I have a background in architecture Perhaps that's why I tend to focus more on production methods used in industry and industrial design The ideological Bauhaus principle is always my starting point when I begin a new project the principle of function first And les s Standardization the idea that everything has an ideal height an ideal size in order to optimize its utility So is this optimal food in mention as at US but not in Canada? I'm really intrigued by the idea that rather than simply buying an item of clothing. You could buy CAD or computer aided design data You get your data go to a workstation and a machine makes the clothes for you to Cairo This design is based on motorbike trousers made from an upholestry fabric commonly used in the car industry But isn't there such a thing as excessive optimization? Complete series. I wanted to apply an over complicated process of supposed optimization to clothing It's a humorous comment on this trend it's not meant to be taken seriously The big event the catwalk show in the evening Last minute pitfalls are inevitable Well the trousers fit What do you think I can you walk on the frame? Yeah, I guess I mean it would be nice to just try your longer Distance just then let's do this I have to wait they're taking a photo Is it your turn then go Cash's collection is about to make its catwalk debut After months of hard work her graduation in her pockets, she can finally relax and enjoy the moment Fashion design that straddles architecture and technology analog and digital a Cross-disciplinary approach is quintessentially Bauhaus. I Know Folks one of the main reasons for the success of Bauhaus Was that the movement was brave enough to bring together very different creative minds When you take a look at who taught there, they don't seem to have anything in common Creatively and they were very different characters But I think that Gropius realized that only diversity could produce answers to the questions raised by the new era He's annoyed side fintan can this architectural icon in Spain is a perfect distillation of that collaborative spirit the reconstructed Barcelona pavilion Originally designed for the 1929 International Exposition by Mies van der hora the third director of the Bauhaus school The architecture and the interior blends seamlessly The furnishings which include the famous Barcelona chair were Co designed by Mies van der hora and Bauhaus master Lily rice the creative scope of the Bauhaus school was unique a printing and advertising workshop opened in Dessau in 1925 The workshops head was Hobart buyer who designed the new typefaces that would help define the Bauhaus style He was a pioneer of what we'd now call corporate design When a man the capital of Jordan decided it needed its own branding it hired graphic designer Yan gana who specializes in typefaces It was a pretty daunting task I first came to Amman in 2004 as a young student and then I came back in 2008 to develop a typeface for am on an Arabic and Latin type design for the greater among municipality It was my graphic design graduation project at the Bauhaus University in bimah a Man is one of the first typefaces that bridges the gap between Western and Arab fonts Designed by a Bauhaus graduate Dr. - of huge cotton shirts Yeah these days you'll see a Monde typeface on every street sign on public transport on public websites and official printed material I was very fortunate to be able to help define the urban landscape the visual identity of this city - I don't speak just - that The middle-eastern city is also home to some intriguing modernist architecture albeit a little hidden away and more often than not somewhat weathered Whereas the Amman font on this cultural center is impossible to overlook Why miss that's the sword for me Linda thought I was happy to see it in such a prominent position even the city was rebranding itself But the result is a disaster Pains my type designer Sol. He wasn't supposed to be like this It's the equivalent of taking a painting or a photo and then stretching it. It's really distorted. That's how they - what's out? Not everyone was thrilled to see a foreigner coming along and getting this job In the Arab world the main hubs of typeface design or Beirut in Cairo Amman is a very young city. It's only a hundred years old. The field just doesn't exist here Anyway designing the font was my own idea. He's a superstar To me this is a lovely use of Amman type in Arabic and Latin script in bold He's acting on condition about the finished item the rough edges I built into the design were inspired by a certain atmosphere in the city It has a kind of rawness lack of polish that I wanted the font to express Lots of people here do apparently agree that the font captures the mood of their city The Bauhaus code a philosophy developed at a small German art school and adopted across the world a manual for structuring daily life based on principles of architecture and design an interdisciplinary school with radical new teaching methods that fostered freedom and Experimentation a school that pioneered the fusion of fine arts and crafts After years of extraordinary creativity the Bauhaus had moved to Berlin and was forced to close down under pressure from the Nazis One side. I owned eyes across 1933 was the end of the road the Bauhaus was founded in vemma as a state subsidized school That's why it was called the vimar State Bauhaus Dessau it was a municipal institution and in Berlin it was a private institution Financed primarily out of Mies van der Rohe is own pocket Einen bank until emergency order, although forced to close its breakup helped it evolve into a global movement Thus by us via phone and finanza internet phone from the outset. The Bauhaus was very international Thanks to its international connections It wasn't all that hard for the BAU Hauser's to disperse around the world after the schools closure of Italian The Bauhaus movement also left its mark in tel-aviv Between 1920 and 1940 some 4,000 buildings built in the modern style were erected in the city centre In 2003 the white city was made a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites The white city was largely the work of architects who had studied with vitac or pious Mies van der hora and other European architects In the 1930s many Jews fled growing anti-semitism in Europe and emigrated to Palestine there They contributed to the making of a new society These days many of the buildings have fallen into disrepair. The paint is peeling and the facades crumbling However, the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage status has helped raise awareness of these buildings historic value The max Liebling house built in 1936 is undergoing an extensive restoration and will soon be opening as a heritage center Israeli German architect Sharon Gallinger on is program director of the white city center. She's well aware What a treasure it is Let's see what original features from Germany we have here look at this This is a handle when we dismantled the door handles and cleaned them up We saw that they had stamps from the company WH AG You can just about see it We did some research and found out that they really were made by the company that manufactured the Gropius handles. So for the Bauhaus The company was called LOI. There are all sorts of treasures like that here This is subsidies, it's interesting in architecture how many German words Hebrew uses? We say cunt for canta or edge Suckle for soccerbase Krotz puts and Stein puts scratch cut stone plaster We say SH list the German word for plane It's funny listening to Jewish and Arab construction workers on the building site. They're like, hey Moshe Krotz puts It goes to show how much expertise was brought here in the 1930s Not just materials but skills Iran is meeting up with shoe Levite. Wish who gives tours of the White City She's an expert on the architects who gave Tel Aviv its distinctive look Ochio Susan copious opinion with pestle and could you see? That the building is a statue that people walk in the answer may our mouths aesthetical office Hoover, okay lots of a thing and yes If they are not so important but we have to fix the social behavior of the after copulation Hannes Meyer Gropius's successor fervently believed in design for the people what became of that goal is Bauhaus Design as functional as it set out to be is Bauhaus nowadays, just a brand Find out in the second episode of our series Bauhaus world the effect You
Channel: DW Documentary
Views: 601,674
Rating: 4.9060893 out of 5
Keywords: bauhaus movement germany, architectural buildings, the bauhaus, the bauhaus school, bauhaus design movement, bauhaus art movement, bauhaus movement, architecture, house tour, furniture, art school, architect, design, architecture documentary 2018, design documentary 2018, modern architecture houses, bauhaus 100, bauhaus 100 film, history of the bauhaus movement, bauhaus 100 jubiläum, bauhaus geschichte, 100 years of bauhaus, Documentary 2019, DW, DW Documentary, Walter Gropius
Id: rg3X1vZN5TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 31sec (2551 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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