'Battlestar Galactica' Reunion ft. Edward James Olmos, Katee Sackhoff & More! (2017) | PEOPLE

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foreign [Music] as of this moment we are at War it was one of the most riveting shows on television are you alive in 2003 Battlestar Galactica began an epic adventure hurtling through the Galaxy pursued by an evil Army of cylons search of a mythical planet called Earth we shall find it now 14 years later ew invited the cast to Austin Texas for an unforgettable reunion at the ATX television Festival this today I think is the first time in a long time that all of us are right here probably the strongest we've been in the amount of people that were together yeah and it's exciting and everybody's doing great right that's part of what's so cool right yes the following program modern style [Applause] as we approach the seventh Millennium of time the human race at last will find peace the story of Battlestar Galactica began back in the late 70s with 41 year old TV producer Glenn Larson Glenn Larson is one of those names that if you look at all the credits that he did it's astounding how many shows he kind of had a hand in anything from Magnum for the eye BJ and the bear Knight Rider it's crazy and one of the kind of floating Hollywood rumors about Glenn Larson is that he borrowed liberally from a lot of other source material you foreign 1978 the country was in Star Wars fever this was a huge thing so all things space were very popular and I think the show kind of came at the right time Glenn Larson's original Battlestar Galactica premiered in September 1978 on ABC Hi friend we are on a peace mission exited at seven million dollars it was the most expensive first episode ever made at the time are we getting this on the camera people loved it but you know it kind of was a flash in the pan in the sense that the network canceled it after 21 episodes two decades later Universal owned the rights and wanted to reboot the series for the Sci-Fi channel I got a call from David Ike who I knew as a network executive who had a production deal at Universal and I think February of 2002 and he said Universal was looking for someone to come in and reboot Battlestar Galactica which was a title in their Library there have been a couple attempts to do it and they'd all failed for one reason or another and David wanted to see if I was interested because he knew that I'd been at Star Trek for a long time Ron D Moore who was known in the industry at the time as kind of the go-to Sci-Fi writer from everything from Star Trek the Next Generation to Deep Space Nine to the generations movie he had his bonafides all right so give me the weekend let me watch the original pilot because I hadn't seen it in like 20 some years uh went to Blockbuster got a VHS tape ask your parents some of you that don't know those references watched it over the weekend and I was very struck by the idea of doing that show at that moment in time because when I watched that pilot three months after 9 11 it had completely different resonance what a waitress out there is what troubles me surely you don't cling to your suspicions about the cylons it was about an apocalyptic attack out of the blue that devastated these worlds and the story was about the survivors who ran away and were being pursued by their enemies into the night they hate us with every fiber of their existence [Music] we love freedom why do they hate us they hate our freedoms this sort of immediately thought if you did that show now it was an opportunity to talk about the things that were happening in the world about terrorism and fundamentalism and all kinds of things and I just sort of thought this is an amazing thing I should grab at this so I called David back on Monday and said I'm in let's do it [Applause] more retained most of the original premise while adding a few updates to make the show more relevant for a post 9 11 world Battlestar Galactica was set in a distant solar system that consisted of 12 colonies and a race of robots that were created by humans called the cylons the silence eventually rose up and had a long battle with the humans this first Cylon War ultimately resulted in an Armistice between the humans and the cylons disappeared for 40 years and they re-emerged to launch a surprise nuclear strike against mankind they wiped out pretty much everybody on the 12 colonies except for about 50 000 people who were on ships at the time and those people gathered into a fleet led by the warship the largest Battlestar Galactica for a show set in a very distant Galaxy it was also very contemporary you know Battlestar Galactica really was an allegory for the war on terror and like most sci-fi shows it could get philosophical on the one hand but it also gave you that adrenaline rush because it had the action and the kind of immediacy Universal greenlit a three-hour mini-series which would also serve as the pilot this is the commander moments ago this ship received word of a Cylon attack against our home worlds is underway Edward James Olmos signed on to play Admiral William Adama the stoic leader of the Battlestar Galactica you're trained for this you're ready for this almost had already been nominated for an Academy Award for his powerful performance in the 1989 drama Stand and Deliver there's something going on here that nobody is talking about but the 57 year old actor was probably best known for playing Lieutenant Castillo in the 80s Mega hit Miami Vice what got me in was the writing I think what got us all was surrounding it was brilliant from the from the first page Mary McDonald landed the role of Laura Roslyn the Secretary of Education who suddenly becomes president after the cylons wipe out every other high-ranking government official I accept the Office of the President of the 12 colonies of Kobo the 42 year old actress was a two-time Oscar nominee for her work in passion fish and Dances with Wolves I was not very old when it came to be with the people when we're first introduced to Laura Roslin we find out she's been diagnosed with breast cancer which she decides to keep secret I'm afraid the tests are positive the mass is really it's a very human element to keep us grounded in this science fiction world the same thing I read the script I fell in love with all of the characters I mean that was really important to me I attached to these people in the first read-through and I thought well what would the experience of having to try and be the president to these beloved characters you just fall in love with them instantly so you'll be in charge of the fleet military decisions Stay With Me yes one of the great conflicts of the show is sort of the ideologies between Roslyn and Adama it's really kind of like a Hawken Dove Dynamic are you planning to Stage a military coup Adama will do anything it takes including Force to protect the human race and Rosalind really wants to protect the humanity of what's left of the human race and those two kind of philosophies Clash Mr Rossman my primary objective at the present time is to repair the Galactica continue to fight well she wanted to stay with the governmental understanding of our society and keeping ourselves as human beings together and I was saying we're in war and we're going to go down fighting and sorry but there's nothing left you know I honestly don't know why I have to keep telling you this but the war is over it hasn't begun yet it was kind of interesting I thought well could this be one of those things where you just fight like cats and dogs and then you fall in love Yeah well but I didn't know if it was come on if you'd like the ship will stand and it will fight it was so we were so opposed in a in fundamental ways that it was hot but you know and that's how storytelling goes those things turn around firstly I suppose that I should thank you for deciding to bring listen you were right I was wrong I called my dad and I said I gotta roll you'd be so happy it's Battlestar Galactica and he was like that's great who are you playing and I was like Starbucks anyway what don't you realize what's happened [Music] attention all Colonial units Cylon attack underway I'll be right there in 2003 Universal greenlit a mini-series reboot of Battlestar Galactica with writer producer Ron Moore at the helm part two I haven't seen one of these in about 20 years Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonald were on board to play the leads Admiral Adama and president Roslyn while the rest of the cast was comprised of talented but lesser known actors the strength of the series in large part rests on that cast that we put together it's it's an amazing cast I'm here and I'm going to participate in the ceremony there wasn't wasn't anything in my orders about having any heart-to-heart chats with the old man 31 year old Jamie Bamber landed the role of Admiral adama's son captain Lee Adama better known by his call sign Apollo broken formation Apollo has a strained relationship with his father because he believes that his father is responsible for his brother's death since he pushed him to become a pilot when he wasn't ready Zach did not belong in that plane Apollo is also really close to Starbucks because she used to date his brother what's the charge this time striking a superior Starbuck AKA Captain Kara Thrace was played by 24 year old Katie Sackhoff I called my dad and I said I gotta roll you'd be so happy it's Battlestar Galactica and he was like that's great who are you playing and I was like Starbucks and he went what and he's like do me a favor go to Blockbuster um rent it and watch it and call me back and I was like okay cool start if you realize what's happened oh yeah sure I realized what happened and I went oh I knew it would be kind of controversial because you were changing the gender of one of the lead characters of the original you know a lot of people forget that the original series the two leads were Apollo and Starbuck it wasn't about Adama the commander of the Galactica it was about the two lead fighter pilots so when I was looking at the show initially that first weekend that I watched it one of the very first questions was well what do you do with Apollo and Starbucks well that's lucky isn't it Starbucks yeah that's a real struggle luck got the good Arrow guy and then the Rogue friend who smokes cigars and chases girls and gambles I don't know what to do with that how do you make that interesting today and somewhere along the line my brain just went well what if Starbuck was a woman yes sir there were starting to be female pilots in the war against Terror at that time you were starting to see women in combat for the first time so it was a fairly new thing to see that dramatized and I realized once you made Starbuck a woman but still had the same basic qualities the Rogue the the Wise Acre the one that was always going to get in trouble the one that would throw a punch too early that was a character I hadn't seen before Oh this is great let's definitely do that and then that became like a whole thing in and of itself how dare you you you're you're destroying you know Battlestar Galactica and this is blasphemy and so on and you know what it just helped us the controversy helped us it helped Propel the show it played into marketing and promotion I was glad I was glad to stoke it and yeah keep arguing about it let's keep talking about it get more of these stories of the press guys I can't die when this body's destroyed my memory my Consciousness will be transmitted to a new one thirty-year-old Trisha Helfer was cast as the seductive Cylon known only as number six there are 12 models I'm number six number six might be a weird name to you at first but it's a it's a reference to the fact that she's the sixth model of these new humanoid cylons in the universe of Battlestar Galactica the cylons created humanoid cylons but they only created 12 models number six is the sixth one there are 11 others they all look human so what do you like being a robot I did like being a robot um actually my character I think out of all the characters was the one that was they hadn't quite figured out Ron Moore had this like this tune full of everything from every Department of the style of filming the documentary style of filming to backstories for all the main characters everything I mean he gave Eddie James almost like a four-page backstory and he gave number six the machine as woman one sentence one short sentence and I went to him I'm like like you give me nothing and he goes I haven't figured out everything about The Silence yet and you you're the known Cylon at this point so I can't give you much more than that when we were initially pitching the show one of the first questions was well what are we gonna do with the silence how are they going to look in the TV series in the original series they were stunt guys in Chrome suits right walking around we knew that the modern audience wasn't going to accept that look that they would want something really really cool so if we were going to put somebody in a suit it would have to be really sophisticated and Ultra cool and very very expensive so how many of these suits could we actually build for the TV show realistically probably one so that's not going to work so then you start saying well what else can we do well what if they look like people the cylons have the ability to mimic human form they look like us now at first we weren't in love with that idea because it felt too redolent of like Blade Runner and people had seen that before but the more we wrestled with it the more we started to sort of think okay well let's just talk about it for a minute why would they look like people they used to be robots why would they look like people now well maybe they evolved themselves toward the human form well why would they do that well if they were created by humans maybe they want to now emulate humans okay that's starting to get interesting if the silence look like us than any one of us can be a Cylon but they still want to kill the humans why do they want to kill the humans if they look like them well maybe they see themselves as the children of humanity and they want to kill their parents okay now we're into some interesting territory here and it just kind of it opened the whole show up but it just came out of the dollars and cents like production problem I'm not a Cylon maybe but we just can't take that chance I wasn't happy to be guys Baltar I didn't even really want to audition I was like is this kid's TV I went to when I went to one of my auditions one of the many auditions probably why I had so many auditions foreign [Music] grab your gun and bring the cat in in 2003 Universal greenlit Battlestar Galactica as a four hour miniseries thank you thank you all it's an honor Creator Ron Moore rebooted the franchise with a modern take on the 25 year old premise the biggest Innovation was basically the characters he wanted grounded realistic very flawed human characters who are struggling to survive this enormous cataclys they were all difficult roles to cast but some of them just came quicker than others today we're talking with Dr Gaius Baltar the role of the brilliant Dr Gaius Baltar went to 33 year old James Callis it always makes me laugh because he was first known as the friend of Bridget and Bridget Jones's Diary Oh no you're not going to Signal not fantastic sadly no but still pretty good we've decided we're going to take her to Paris for the weekend so you can forget about everything particularly forget about Mark Darcy you either love or hate Gaius he is part of the reason why the human population is basically wiped out he's the one who gets seduced by number six and ends up giving her the defense system codes you knew I wanted access to the defense main phrase [Music] wait a minute the defense Mainframe yet he is also someone who has such a huge ego that he doesn't feel too guilty about what he does I remember you telling me once a guilt was something small people feel when they run out of excuses for their behavior as the show continues Baltar keeps having these visions of six and you get the impression that she's not really there she's all in his mind um only in your head she kind of represents this Angelic spirit animal for him and she kind of guides him through his journey she's almost like his conscience or embodiment of guilt and it was sort of a great device for a TV show because it was a great way to give a character an inner dialogue that we the audience could pay attention to doctor I to be honest really I suppose is the point um I wasn't happy to be guys belter I didn't even really want to audition to be God's brother I think that's because John colicos had done such an awesome job in the original I should think that's highly unadvisable in view of the delicacy of our situation quite right ball time I grew up watching the original I didn't want to be the same kind of thing and I didn't understand when I read it that uh number six was in my head and I couldn't work out how they were going to film it or what you know when you read the script so actually I thought that bit of it was you know I was like is this kid's TV I went to when I went to one of my auditions one of the many auditions probably why I had so many auditions uh so uh and they were like no no it's not at all it's going to be very serious and it was only after seeing after actually seeing the mini series I then I started to feel uh truly excited and truly luck I didn't even realize how lucky I was to be involved in this thing that I almost didn't want to be in because I didn't understand the way in which it was going to be done 33 year old Aaron Douglas co-starred as the Moody mechanic Chief Galen t-roll Chief Galen t-roll is head of Maintenance basically he's the one looking after all of the ships he's the one who's always exasperated when people like Starbuck and Lee come back with battered ships that he has to fix with his crew tell it what did you do to my Viper he absolutely loves his crew he also is in love with Boomer at the start of the series they are together the gimbal is broken shut up sir Boomer Lieutenant Sharon Valeri was played by 30 year old Grace Park Boomer is one of my favorite characters from Battlestar Galactica she is a sleeper Cylon in that she doesn't know that she's a Cylon until she's activated this isn't happening love you Sharon we always will I went actually originally for diwala I do a Candace McClure got me in and when I came back they were like yeah come back with Starbuck I had to kind of I grab my head around this other character which is fine but in the end they gave me Boomer and I was like who the hell is that didn't want her whatsoever and I because I read the pilot for Starbuck I didn't even realize that Boomer was a Cylon and until way later in the game when I looked at Ron and I was like did you change this it's like at some point did you change it and he was just always sitting there I just never figured it out rounding out the cast was 55 year old Michael Hogan as Colonel Saul Tai the executive officer and second in command of the Battle Star the crew does an adx old and he's not doing his job he is a drunk he is run down he's fatigued he has lost his wife by the time that Battlestar Galactica begins he wants to be off the ship the EXO when he starts off I love the first opening scene at him and holding onto the wall [Music] I mean you talk about a character Michael Hogan is a brilliant brilliant in December 2003 the reboot of Battlestar Galactica aired as a two-part three-hour mini-series on the Sci-Fi channel are you alive [Music] it's tuned in making host watch cable miniseries of the year did you get okay let's just settle down here good enough for the network to order a 13 episode first season Earth will become our new home the mini-series for Battlestar Galactica was a huge success I think one of the reasons was that it was rooted in reality even though it was you know set on a ship in space and cylons and all that it was still very much a human show dealing with human problems the cast is terrific the writing is fantastic uh the set design is great they really had a strong sense of where they were going and what they were doing I think that it did so well because it was reflective of the times 9 11 the Patriot Act sleeper cells they could be sleeper agents programmed to perfectly impersonate human beings until activation it took a lot of current social issues and brought them to a television audience there was a lot of praise for the show about examining those issues the network really never pushed back on that kind of stuff and we just got free reign to sort of go and do anything we wanted the investigation into the suicide bombing aboard Galactica and how it was allowed to occur has come to a close because I think it was science fiction and it gave people a certain safety we weren't out talking about Republicans and Democrats or Al Qaeda or Iraq and Afghanistan we were talking about cylons and the Colonials You've Lost That of the purpose of the law to protect its citizens not persecute them whatever we are whatever's left of us we're better than that and so it allowed the audience the distance to sort of think about the deeper themes to think about you know the the ethics of what what was happening and you could not help but draw the analogy to what was happening in the world around you but we just kind of got a free pass because it was science fiction it was like in the first week or something that Eddie sat us all down as the cast and he went the show's gonna go for five years I thought Eddie was raving mad but anyways like I was like five years I may not be here five minutes what's this guy talking about [Music] Earth will become our new home after the success of the miniseries Universal green lit Battle Star Galactica for a 13 episode first season best thing we can do is get this ship into the fight the series premiered in January 2005 and quickly became one of the highest rated shows on the Sci-Fi channel the show did really well at the time because it wasn't just the Sci-Fi show it was so grounded in reality it brought all these real world relatable elements in but also because it had a vast array of diverse characters I think the audiences were drawn to the characters you know I think you can almost always say that a successful TV show is about the success of the characters good they're not tuning in each week for some radical new plot twist they are tuning in to see what happens to a Dominus week what's going to happen to Laura this week you fall in love with these people in your home and you want to watch them again and again and see what's the next chapter of their lives so say we all the very first thing we ever shot as a group was the so say we all see so say we all that was the very first moment on screen for me and for you too yeah and all of us for all of us we're a Long Way from Home limited supplies limited fuel no allies and now no hope I will say that it was defined by some radical choices that Ed made intuitively as a Dharma where shall we go what shall we do you brought this forceful Edge to a situation that could have been rather sentimental and he just didn't let it happen and it just kind of changed the molecules in the room I know where it is Earth the most guarded secret we have and because of that the rest of us had a an extraordinary moment to react to so say we all say we all so right out of the gate given Eddie's performance that's what I remember so say we all when I first met Eddie um I was I was pretty scared to be honest but it was like in the first week or something that Eddie sat us all down as the cast and he went the show's going to go for five years every episode is going to be like a movie keep your powder dry this is we're in here for the Long Haul and at the time when Eddie said that I I remember like it was a bit like the so say we all speech on on the thing except it was in the trailer I thought Eddie was raving mad like I was like five years I may not be here five minutes what's this guy talking about and everything that Eddie said turned out to be true and actually that speech at the beginning from Eddie who is Admiral Adama was so galvanizing it's like at the time you didn't realize how important something like that is [Music] execute job I think my favorite episode is still 33 which was the first episode of the first season all right you know the drill people scatter formation it's an epic First episodes of the series it starts with the Battlestar Galactica and its Fleet on the run and not just on the run but on the run every 33 minutes forgive me for being rude but wake up all right they can't sleep every 33 minutes they have to jump again to a new location and hope the cylons don't follow another idea for the next cycle I mean it just challenges all of the characters to not only stay awake but to stay hopeful that they can get out of the cycle of every 33 minutes running away from an enemy that can murder them all the silence will be here any second gonna do this and just do it eventually they realize that the cylons are figuring out their location because of a passenger ship and that ends up posing the question do you destroy that passenger ship it's a civilian ship playing around with time and you know bouncing back and forth between a lot of characters are very challenging format there's no choice it's either them or us and I felt like if we could pull this off then we could really be courageous and bold in the series going forward do it with this episode just hit the ground running and I think for most people if they were watching it they were hooked 54 year old Michael truco joined the cast in season two as Ensign Samuel Anders the former athlete turned leader of the resistance Commanders Samuel T Anders yeah that's right he plays a really important role in Battlestar Galactica in later Seasons he was a sports star back in the day before the cylons re-attacked and Sam Anders eventually becomes a Starbucks love interest the two of them get together in the series um and they carry on a relationship lighten up a little bit you could tell when a person a new person showed up and just belonged there and and when you felt it you sort of fought for them because you were like you should be here like this it makes sense and um and that's sort of what it was like with trueco like within like the first two episodes I was like this guy needs to not go anywhere how does a professional pyramid team survive a nuclear Holocaust we were in the mountains when the cylons attacked high altitude training I liked him it had nothing to do really with the characters it was more about like who do you really yeah I mean his acting but you really sort of are like who do you want to be with on a daily basis we could use some professional advice I had early in the process initially auditioned for the role of Apollo and rumor has it that I got very very not close at all pre-read I'm pretty sure um balling up a year later it was just in four of his character called Anders that was meant to meet the girl sleep with a girl fall in love with a girl and then get kicked in the ass out the door by the girl and that was the Arc of the character was just sort of a deflection from the Starbuck and Apollo love story I was going to be the third leg in that triangle for just a couple of episodes mission to accomplish so what mission and um something incredible happened the majority of the people hated my character they really did they hated me and I think that fueled wrong more than anything he's like oh really oh you don't like Anders well he's coming back now exactly cute I mean talk about the chat rooms in the early days of the internet people are mean man they're really mean they're still mean yeah and they said some horrible things and that just kind of fueled the storyline Everyone's a Critic and then it became well you're gonna come back for another episode I said oh cool I'm doing three and they go it might be two could be four but five at the most not more than six seven could be eight episodes and then just the first four episodes of the next season but that's it and then it just kept growing and growing and growing and suddenly I found myself in this club in their sandbox and getting to play with this family and they treated me like one of their own from day one so I'm truly grateful to get to sit here among these people and call myself part of this family he's got to get that fracking gimbal after I'll have his ass oh I just said this is a brilliant opportunity to say over and over again every week I'm gonna just say it it's going to be Frack me Frack you Frack this Frack off foreign [Music] 14 years after Battlestar Galactica began its Epic Journey the cast was reunited at the ATX television Festival in front of a live audience that included some of the show's biggest fans a lot of really great questions have been asked and I have a very simple one for Katie what do you hear Starbuck all the time thank you and I never answer um but nothing but the rain I'm bringing the cat he's got to get that fracking gimbal after I'll have his ass so a lot of people don't realize that the word Frack was actually in the original series not to the degree that you shut up I just said this is a brilliant opportunity to say over and over again it's gonna be Frac me frack you motherfracker Frack this Frack off track me world is crap no freaking night you this is just a license to Kill so I'm just gonna do it over and over again things are pretty up most days yeah you once said that uh they made you and Trisha a kiss on the first day on set to break the ice is that possibly true broke a lot of ice um yeah that's not quite true no that's not quite true that's not quite true I made it you should tell that story foreign I did I did first day of filming we're doing in baltar's house when he hears the news and the spine glowing scene and I had a particular outfit that um had a lot of really fine snaps and patent leather bra and panties now I don't know if you know but patent leather kind of sticks and doesn't really do what you want it to do miss me so we had to practice like James had to practice take unro disrobing me I've got to say black plastic underwear it's not easy it's a bit of a handful so you know we were he ating nervous I was getting nervous nervous so I finally just said James there's a basement let's go downstairs [Applause] this and then I just went let's kiss so we were downstairs in the basement and I just planted a kiss on him it sounds really crazy but actually it was genuinely it was a really good move because we were both really self-conscious do me essentially it was like it was like a rehearsal and then I think as well there was the realization that we really trusted each other was there any moment in particular where you brought something that you were proud of that was kind of your own bringing to the table I was a really good pyramid player prior to being on the show coincidentally which is amazing was a little hobby of mine pyramid wow is that the best you can do there's no such thing as pyramid that's my favorite our first remember we're out there like so just you guys just shoot around we're like shoot around what this game doesn't exist we created the game like it did like in an hour you and I literally with the stunt coordinator they were like I was yeah it looked really cool by like Dove like yeah would you die I don't know because maybe I need to get the ball over there throw a miniature volleyball into a basket made out of like rusty iron that was on a wall it just didn't go ahead shoot around then we'll just make it semi-sexual so you have to touch right like there has to be touching check will create an erection you're like okay I guess that's part of the game you're falling in love go hey who's most like their character on the show and I guess who is not like the character on the show that is the Admiral he signs off as the Admiral we can all agree on that I think every single one of us was inside of our character and we all let it out but everybody I mean this woman was amazing Starbucks I mean forget it and she was very very committed from the very first moment yes come in I had this one moment with Eddie in in episode four where I was just joking around because I joke around so much on set and he walked up to me and he said if you tried this much you'd be so good Zach failed basic flight and I should have flunked him but I didn't and I was like wow okay the bottom line is that your son didn't have the chops to fly a Viper and it killed him and he goes to sit here sit here think about it for a second like literally think about what's going on instead of be Katie because once you figure out how to do this you can be Katie but you got to figure this out first and I was like okay and I made a mistake and we did the next take and I literally for the first time in my entire career I just started sobbing when I was telling him that I had killed Zach because I was just I was so in love with him and [Music] and I want that get in the way of doing my job and when I was walking out of the room and I put my hands on my head to cover myself it was because me as Katie but so in that moment was literally sobbing because I couldn't it was the first time I'd lived as another person and I just couldn't take what had just like gone on between me and this this person that I loved and Eddie came back out and he goes now you can go back to me and Katie because now you know how to do it and that's Eddie like he just did that without even really trying and he taught me how to act in 30 seconds good morning Starbucks what do you hear nothing but the rain got every gun and bringing the cat toughest was of course when she passes it was just very difficult that was the hardest moment in the entire show for me [Music] there's a line running down this deck [Music] volunteers move to the starboard side after six years 75 episodes and 19 Emmy nominations Battlestar Galactica finally came to an end on March 20th 2009. we didn't really talk about what the end of the show was going to be for quite a while you know well into the series it was you know when people would ask me with their writers that say so when is this show take place this is in the future is it the president of the past and I would just say we're not there yet I don't know let's not even deal with it Let There Be No Illusion this is likely to be a one-way trip in the emotional two-hour series finale the cylons are defeated the war ends here agreed and the Colonials reached their ultimate destination planet Earth so not only does Earth exist and they found it but it contains human beings with DNA that they can mate with and repopulate the species I came across a grave a couple of clicks back and ran some tests their DNA is compatible with ours meaning we can breed with them you got a one-track mind doc silence are gone Humanity Will Survive the two major objectives for Battlestar Galactica have been achieved by the end of the finale my take on the finale is that regardless of your feelings about it intellectually because there's a lot of things in terms of the story that you can kind of take issue with or pick apart uh it works really well emotionally a very beautiful world Laura Roslyn succumbs to cancer which has kind of been lingering for the entire show so it's this Bittersweet kind of sweet and sour ending where we get the Triumph we wanted but there is some loss so much the toughest was of course when she passes in respect to storyline and story and the whole thing it was just very difficult that was the hardest moment in the entire show for me [Music] was just very truthful [Music] foreign so the rest of the survivors decide to go their separate ways and spread out across the globe and repopulate the species I love putting them on Earth and sending them off to the Four Winds and I just thought that was a great way to end the series they had found their new home and now this Battlestar Galactica story was over and they were all going to move into a different chapter of their lives source and terrain looking for cultivation cultivation yes [Music] you know I know about farming I know a bit about farming the fact is he comes from farming stock that he's been trying to deny his whole life so it had massive resonance and I think you know it wasn't something that I I tried to effect I I just couldn't really stop crying as I said it I [Music] reminded me of all of the people and the huge Adventure that we have been on and it was like something finally got through to him he wasn't so smart he 'd been slightly redeemed he was going to be a bit more natural and less artificial in some way I'm just imagining after that shot guy stumbles and like six slaps remember like come on guys tell me a silly idiot it's like I wonder what that relationship would actually be like it's like come on stop letting me down I thought you said you could build a fire I'm trying six I'm really trying foreign epilogue to the entire show we see 150 000 years in the future a modern day New York City and we hear the news broadcast at a scientific conference this week at the Smithsonian institution in Washington the startling announcement was made that archaeologists believe they have found fossilized remains of a young woman who may actually be mitochondrial in I wanted the characters to be connected to us in some way that the end of the series says in some way we are related to these people that you've been watching that they're part of us okay where is the history and where's the point in history where there could have been a common ancestor for every human being on earth oh it's mitochondrial eve what year is that oh it's 150 000 years ago that's where we're going mitochondrial eve is the name scientists have given to the most recent common ancestor for all human beings now living on Earth so we see Randy Moore kind of in a fun Cameo reading National Geographic and it's this big reveal she lived in is now Tanzania over 150 000 years ago along with her Cylon mother and human father so mitochondrial eve turns out to be Boomer's child which was half Cylon daddy is a great hunter no Mom is going to teach you how to hunt no no real hunting and this was crazy for fans because they got this last twist where not only did the show take place in the distant past the entire human race as we know it is part Cylon I was blown away I never expected that at the very end there'd be a Twist like that foreign it's been eight years since the final episode but the Battlestar Galactica fan base is stronger than ever one of the things that I find to be extraordinary is that what I get from the fans is how many people are watching it today that surprises me almost more than almost anything else because there are more people watching it today I've been watched it when it was on the fans have extraordinarily clever with their ability to reflect back to us what we actually gave them I mean I know more about what battle star gave to the world through what the fans continue to send they're always constructing many narratives around the meaning of this show for them it's it's really quite beautiful it's not like the whole thing for me was so magical in so many ways because I didn't anticipate nor expect it nor realize it in the moment I just thought I was having fun this is the best usage of Television I've ever been a part of in my life and I've done some good shows in my life I've had really good ones but nothing got close to this there's a part of me that regrets stopping when we did but it also feels like we got off stage at the right moment you always want to leave them wanting more and I think there's a general feeling that you know fans certainly would love to see some more episodes or another full season potentially so I think we did end it at just the right time and I think it's only appropriate that we go out on a certain phrase We would like to just make sure that you know that we love you guys for coming here and supporting this so say we all so say we are [Applause] all say we all so say we all [Applause] so say we are [Music] [Music]
Channel: People
Views: 345,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: People, people magazine, news, celebrities, interview, magazine, celebrity news, celebrity, famous, Hollywood, celebrity (media genre), entertainment news, entertainment
Id: N8GbGVj5XD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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