20.9-inch Sniper - Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts - USA Ep 12

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Admiral's log as the pages of History continue to turn we find ourselves deep within the throes of 1942 a year heavy with the weight of the ongoing conflict this is a time where the fires of War burn brightly against the backdrop of our unyielding resolve the battles we wage May bear the name of France Italy and China but the principles that guide us remain steadfast a commitment to Justice the preservation of freedom and the pursuit of a world or Harmony Reigns amidst this theater of uncertainty a calculated Display of Power unfolds against the backdrop of the French and tills it is a strategic Gambit a show of force designed to exert pressure on our adversaries yet as the curtain Rises on this carefully choreographed act there exists a palpable tension in the air for every action as we know has its equal and opposite reaction the ripples that we set in motion will inevitably summon a response from the French an intricate dance of diplomacy in counter move in these times of ambiguity I stand at the helm Steady Hand navigating the currents of this complex conflict our purpose remains clear and with each step forward we inch closer to a future where the turmoil of War May finally have given way to the Tranquil Embrace of peace hey guys still here and welcome to episode 12. the US is kind of working on taking over a little bit of terrain from the French the French well they don't exactly approve the thing is um they have a fairly small Fleet that they're sending my way and a couple of lighter stuff biggest gun they got is an 8.1 inch big skin I have is a 16 inch based on the Odyssey of the Galaxy class so this should be a bit of a Slaughter and hopefully it's going to put the French in their place teaching them that it is best to not fight the American Navy at least not in these conditions I don't care Lord I don't mind them fighting um I just wouldn't recommend that they take me on without any proper Battleship support um so this is your CL with a couple of 5.3's that is fairly small for ACL but again abnormal snack bar has been kind enough to update his mod so the gun resizer and the balance mod works again that's kind of what I was working for to record more episodes I got a little stuck there um we have the Heavy Cruiser here and yeah maybe nope they're definitely getting a lot of attention Odyssey opening up with a mere one and a half percent chance to hit though C states are pretty good it's morning so accuracy is nice I don't exactly get how smooth waves give you minus 10 accuracy I don't believe that this ship is any worse or better in different ways but okay I guess that's the sea state that we find ourselves in so one or two Good Hits what to do it these guys carry torpedo launchers and midships could be dangerous if given enough opportunity to actually launch are these the blistering or blistering the quick ships is that why they're so hard to hit that might be it Bingo 1634 from a 13 inch with probably high explosive aft partial pen chip is on fire but otherwise not too badly damaged [Laughter] say that any immediately the ships takes a massive hit to its main armaments and loses the a turret it could be worse the acre turret could have decided to just jump ship it didn't so I think the French would then have been a heck of a lot worse off checking to Peter range we got torps out to well me essentially so I have to be a little careful and it might be prudent to start changing direction so I'm very much uninterested very very uninterested in taking any kind of torpedo hit to these battleships I need every single ton in order to make those Naval invasions work the more that my ships are gonna have to go back to port for repairs and such the worse the situation is going to get you know this is one of their DDS it likely also is going to be able to pump out Torpedoes although they're not even aimed in my direction which leads me to believe they're not that dangerous but your range 12-3 oh third sorry 14 000 damage another 14 000 damage that was the cruiser and the Cruiser's gone this is just entirely unfair especially as we destroy the repeat launchers this thing is capable of turning on a dime that's interesting yeah that's that's the end of that that's the end of that Cruiser so that's their heavy Cruisers gone doesn't mean the damage is completely negated because those ships could have dropped torpedoes boom nine and a half k and that was a 15 incher I kind of want to make a 20 inch like single ship or single turret sniper just to see what that can do and we have the budget we have the capability to build those so why not that's gonna be a really odd Battleship like a 20 inch or maybe 20.9 inch super sniper yeah Jesus who got hit Franklin took a lot of damage there wait a second yeah it was the live Cruiser that hit the Franklin with the tour for 10 000 damage holy that's with a triple bottom anti-torp 2 what sort of nuclear weapons do you have on your Cruisers there's not a some serious Firepower 21 inch oh sorry that's the this is the one I should be looking at 20 inch come again a 20 inch torpedo did that much damage yeah no well actually at the time the ship wasn't identified it wasn't identified it could have been a CA in case yeah it could be a 22 inch torque with a maximum damage potential of 33 000. welcome to the adjusted damage numbers from the balance mod and again I'm also benefiting from that considering these 85k somebody did 40 000 damage against that one Destroyer damn um unfortunately I cannot really rewind that anymore not like you're gonna get a log that says hey this ship did this this ship did that and not a tally that's what you get but an overview of the battle as it progresses like this ship did this much damage that ship did that much damage so um a battleship a 20.9 inch super sniper let's see what I can do we also got an ambush but I'll deal with that later um my maximum tonnage considering the Enterprise sorry The Sovereign class Sovereign I need to upgrade the Sovereign by the way um The Sovereign is about 80 000 tons so if I could make it like 75 000 tons that should be fine 75 000 tons gives me a lot of room to work with and it's gonna be capable of providing a very stable part firing platform um I can get a 20 inch gun this is however the super Battleship hole it's gonna go to 88 000 it's too big I don't want to go bigger than my capital ship than my Flagship that's the re the rule that I've set for myself can I put it on a battle cruiser though I cannot that's unfortunate um I guess then we're gonna have to go with a modern battleship this would also mean that they're not going to be that big the real challenge is making it work with the American Towers because the American towers are interesting all right so this is going to give me 62 long range accuracy if I go to a different Hall I'm gonna be 61 long range accuracy okay so this modern battleship is better the modern Hull Tower sorry modern Tower four and then this is going to give me another 12 yeah the real deal is doing it this way gives me like what one turret bow one turrets Stern unless we're gonna go big on the barbets [Music] oh the hold on this hole can't even support these turrets okay um right can you support these turrets and do you have any decent hulls 61 come on I'm on a decent hole doesn't matter they'll use the same Tower except for modern Battleship one okay so you can support the 20 inch right no you cannot honor Battleship three can okay let's make it a bit smaller 75 000 tons will do I want to supersize it and then I'm going to drop the displacement again no somewhere around 75 000 tons would do yeah there we go okay modern Tower geez that thing is enormous okay all right 20 inch one this is gonna look so weird and this isn't even my final form 20.9 inch guns with all the barrel giving these guys a Reload of about 129 seconds holy uh what I got 62 kilometer range right let's start buffing these things as best I can of course the ship's gonna have all sorts of bonuses and availabilities let's give him diesel twos oil three orcs4 shaft to better rudder actually no balanced not unbalanced so this is going to give me better turning no this is going to give me better turning but less flash fire chance on this one I think my plus one and a half percent hallways plus five percent the whole weight oh your turrets reverses slower with this right okay fine uh I'll take the modern armor one these things are probably gonna run very very expensive so be it Citadel 5 anti-floods reinforced bulkhead uh check generation three radar stereos copper Rangefinder five I don't care about sonar really this is gonna help but essentially with the gun aiming speed but I still have a few things that I would like to add like a funnel and on top of that I still need to add torpedo launchers because that's mandated by the admiralty I always have to have those things on here yeah yeah yeah I know it's not valid okay now I can add compute launchers add those there those are going to be a 24 inch elect oxygens they'll probably see them coming from a very very serious distance away but you know I kind of doubt that the torpedo is going to get there anyway because if this thing works as intended and the reload by the way now is good like it's 87 seconds and then after 87 seconds it has wow it has a 1213 meter per second muzzle velocity still that means that those shells can be traveling for about 30 to 40 seconds before they actually get anywhere okay um what are we going to be shooting out of these or rather with these shells um short range semi-ballistics not really going to be an issue hold on that's semi-ballistic and I can pen let's say 40 000 meters away I can pen 17 inches of armor what the hell I can also do 36 000 points of damage with HG but that's generally not even true um if I go for a soft capitalistic or capitalistic fifteen thousand meter range this thing can pin 54 inches of armor with high explosive what the hell I think we're gonna go Max high explosive on this guy because this is so incredibly deadly pretty much at any range and oh by the way at about 30 000 meter range I think I should be looking at deck but pending 14 inches of deck armor with high explosive that's a lot oh sorry 16 inches 16 inches of deck deck pen at 30 000 meter range good Lord now these things won't turn very quickly it's not 1.92 degrees per second so in order to swing them all the way around you're going to be waiting 90 seconds or one and a half minutes which lines up with the reload pretty well all right as for the rest of this ship um let's give them some secondary guns what's the biggest you could fit [Laughter] it doesn't have to make sense it just has to be funny it's a game remember um yeah make those bigger please there's longer barrels oh really pooper turn it there you'll fit okay so these guys these 7.9 can actually shoot farther than some Cruisers with their primary Armament these can shoot out to 22 kilometers I rather doubt they'll hit something that range but they're willing to try um and they can also pen a really healthy amount of armor I'm thinking for these I'm gonna add a capitalistics because at let's say 15 000 meter range I can pen seven inches of armor which will melt Cruisers pretty quick this is going to be such a such an interesting design oh [Music] plus twenty percent HD damage sign me up AP range almost 70 kilometers so considering that we always tend to spawn at about 30 kilometer range 30 35 this thing is going to have pretty impressive amount of accuracy and it can hit you everywhere there's nowhere that's going to be safe from this thing um she's a little Stern heavy she's also pitching up and down a lot I don't think that balancing this thing is going to be very easy if at all feasible considering just how heavy the whole thing is maybe put a few four answers oh let me guess it has to be three inches three inches two inchers these are all going to be single barrel because that's kind of the theme of this ship and naturally they're gonna have a lot of barrel length the real question is can I actually super size these because I think yeah some parts don't like that can I go to live 0.5 no okay fine can I do it with the three inch guns if the ship being overweight is the only problem I have then I think I came away pretty easy uh yeah yeah what's the speed on this thing anyway 20 30 knots okay I'll take 30 knots Nevada no we're gonna stick in the Star Trek tradition so this is gonna be the Titan class these things are going to set me back 755 million is that a lot uh you can get more than two Sentinels for that when it comes to the North Carolina's you can get yeah about two and a half Carolinas you can get about one and a half Galaxy class but nothing is going to be as fun as this thing fortunately they're pretty quick to build 26 months add some time for commissioning I wouldn't be surprised if we could get these things out in the water in 30 months so that means we might actually see these guys before too long which I think is really interesting uh when it comes to armor on these guys let's give him some I'm so used to adding belt armor but in this case I don't think that the belts is going to be the biggest deal for this ship I think it might be the deck I think it might be the deck let me add a bit more to the bio deck takes them off the stern yep okay Titan glass bottle ship Single Barrel 20-inch guns super sniper range 69.3 kilometers rate of fire one shell every one minute and 40 seconds with muzzle velocity 1200 meters per second 1308 meters per second for he good Lord um penetration at 30 000 meter range is 32 inches with he or 68 inches with ap this thing is going to have unmatched Firepower maybe not in the numero the number of guns the sheer amount of damage that these guns will do is going to be off the scale and I'm all for it so save I didn't accidentally forget anything single whole bottom yeah you know it's going to be it's gonna be a little bit of a glass Cannon that's my only concern but I don't want to have a single whole bottom whatever let's go with barbette four try not to get yourself blown up it'll be a really expensive piece of fireworks but then again that's something Americans are pretty good at time for another battle this is the Ambush that I just showed you we are in the Yellow Sea and I'm not actually sure who is doing the ambushing it says we did with our destroyers it's just that to Destroyer or sorry uh one two six destroyers against two light Cruisers and not necessarily a done deal these guys are carrying a fairly well if you look at their 6.3s you might argue oh that is that it but they also have 18 5.4s so I think my best strategy with these uh heavy destroyers No actually they're all standard destroyers the Morris class is to keep it range I don't think torpedoing these is gonna work so we'll have to outshoot them but if these stats are accurate they have a lot of 5.3s a lot oh and we're in the fog oh God it's worse than a fog it's a storm rough light Breeze light Breeze Stormy Weather accuracy minus 40 rough waves accuracy minus 58 or minus 55 percent uh this is going to be very interesting we're gonna be fighting pretty much Bland blind cuffed handcuffed in the dark uh uh yeah line ahead please and even with radar supposedly there's 16 clicks out okay now because of the storm we can also not really make a whole lot of speed I can shoot out to eleven four I doubt I'll hit something in this weather stop trying to make new destroyers please you do that in the shipyard come on here oh we're getting intermittent contacts they see me every now and then somehow might what's the William D H sorry William H stadley shooting at it's like the game just decides to throw a few salvos at random after it lost rhetor our effort lost a visual contact there we got contact and they keep shooting so you can shoot at unidentified you can shoot at things you cannot see trick now this storm could could have a bonus in the form of I might be able to torpedo them what the hell look at how these guys are bulbing up and down oh it's gone I was gonna go yeah no that's a bit much are my destroyers the same yeah they are oh boy yeah this could take a while oh Peter detected everybody panic I mean Dodge that one's suicided slash dudded oh we have been doing some damage they hit us once but it was unsubstantial oh you might want to get out of the way Jesus that was fairly close okay Stand Down and I would just send the tour we might be able to get a hit who knows better to send these things out than to have them just explode aboard the ship let's set up a smoke screen because you know why not and it's not gonna make a whole lot of difference at this point I do like all the wave effects though it looks great I would not want to be able to board one of these things and I kind of would just experience it destroy the secondary gun wait you destroyed a five inch really what's the range in those five inchers I suspect I won't like the answer very much 5.4 is 11.7 here are the torpedoes they do know about it they tend to ten yeah they tend to turn starboard in order to dodge them oh yeah you're fine but there's more there's more those things ain't stopping go on 16k I wonder if we can actually hit this guy considering how much is coming out of the water every single time oh yeah definitely hit that that is one unhappy Cruiser probably flooding from stem to stern at this point what is that what is that that's some weird effect do you have that too yeah they have it too what is that because I'm using a mod the first time I've ever seen that in this game okay so you're gone yeah it's like it doesn't have a visual for the weapon for the two inch wait come again a 2 inch 75 foreign that's an insane length for a two inch gun maybe that's why the game doesn't actually show it it does look like those Starburst sorry Port gun is oriented this way because that weird visual is like another way but still at any rate um my destroyers have pulled it off despite pretty adverse effects of the weather it looks like we'll be able to take care of the bang boo and on King lots of secondaries getting destroyed the whole thing's on fire and gone I think most of the damage that we took was from C6 sailors I guess everybody's not going to be on duty of cleaning up the mess now that'll be it for this episode um I do have a bit of a balance issue I'm like minus 400 million I hope to be able to finish this or fix this situation probably doesn't help that I have 25 Capital ships and a fleet of A1 ships in total it has been known to bob up and down a lot though that monthly balance so we'll just have to wait and see how this is going to end up as for the naval Invasion um so far 28 chance to succeed I don't think we'll be getting away with this but at least we'll be drawing in the French which is going to lead to more fun so join me next time thanks for watching this one and I'll see you soon for more thank you
Channel: Stealth17 Gaming
Views: 61,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultimate admiral dreadnoughts, ultimate admiral gameplay, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts gameplay, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts campaign, ultimate admiral, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts campagin, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts ship building, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts campaign guide, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts ship building guide, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts campaign tips, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts campaign strategy, ultimate admirals dreadnoughts
Id: gBeYuDcNb24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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