Battle of the Weissachs - GT3 RS vs GT2 RS

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so these two cars might look pretty similar but there's a teeny-tiny very important digit that separates them on my left you have the gt2 RS with the white SAP package and on my right you have the gt3 RS again with the white SAP package these two cars are actually pretty different they're different in character they're different in performance and they're different in price so it's worth noting that this gt3 RS is from the second batch of deliveries of the generation two of the nine line one and there are a few notable changes which I'll touch on later but this video is really about comparing the gt2 RS with the gt3 RS the different white SAP packages the different styling and performance and if you stick around to the end of the video we'll discuss the market on them and compare what might be the better purchase in today's market so we're gonna start off by looking at the styling on the two cars the most obvious difference is on the bonnet and the roof so both cars as part of the white site package come with a fully exposed carbon fiber bonnet and roof as you can see on the gt2 RS you get this central decorative strip which is painted in the body color which runs straight through the bonnet and straight over the roof there's no other reason for this other than to give the gt2 RS a much more distinctive appearance it does make the car look more aggressive a bit Wilder which is what sort of ties in with the character of the car but when you look at the gt3 RS you see the whole bonnet is fully exposed in carbon fibre as is roof so both cars have got these bonnet scoops in the in the bonnet they're there to cold-call the brakes it was first on the gt2 RS and then the gt3 RS borrowed that design feature if you look down on the front bumper you'll notice the gt2 RS has much bigger air intakes that's because the cars got a lot more power so you need bigger radiators bigger oil coolers to help cool down the engine and the drivetrain right so now I'm going to talk about the wheels so on the gt2 RS you get magnesia Wheelz as part of the white sack package so you paid 20 over 21,000 pounds for the white hat package I'm told over 90% of people actually ordered it I've actually never seen one without it but big part of that cost is these magnesium wheels so there are 11 and a half kilograms lighter than the regular wheels you know that is a substantial amount that is something you would notice on a track but I think they look awesome in this sort of white gold paint you also get carbon ceramic brakes as standard on the gt2 RS whereas on the gt3 RS carbon ceramic brakes are an optional extra as are the magnesium wheels so you pay twelve and a half thousand pounds for the white hat package but the magnesium wheels you actually have to pay another eight and a half thousand pounds so this car obviously doesn't have it these are the regular aluminium wheels but I believe you can actually order the magnesium wheels aftermarket from the Porsche dealer I believe they cost a little bit more than the eight and a half grand that they do from factory but at least the option is there okay so other notable factors and so it's part of the Whiteside package both cars get these carbon fiber wing mirrors but interestingly on the gt2 RS you get a lot more carbon fiber parts so if you check out these lovely louvers on the wheel arches fully carbon fiber slats you also get these little window triangles in carbon fiber back here you've got these air intakes on the rear which fully carbon and then finally you get this awesome part back here which these very pronounced air scoops again fully carbon fiber part whereas on the gt3 RS all of these parts are in plastic so you get the louvers here in plastic the little side triangles window triangles in plastic again air intakes in plastic and finally the rear boot lid grille which is nothing like the gt2 and again it's in plastic so with the gt2 RS you really is it is a much more expensive car so that's part of how you get your money's worth so we want to take a look at the rest of the rear obviously the standout piece are these huge rear wings so there's part of the white side package again on both cars you get fully exposed carbon fiber rear wings it's an awesome part of the creating more downforce you get this Porsche logo across the whole back it really is just a mega mega piece so lower down we just want to look at the exhaust systems the rear diffusers which are quite different here so on the gt2 RS troops you get the exhaust pipes at the side here this big circular fat exhausts and this is a lightweight titanium exhaust so again saving a lots of weight over on the gt3 RS you get the twin central dual exhaust an important note here as I mentioned at the beginning of the video this is the second batch of gt3 RS s which was delayed quite significantly that is because there were new emission laws brought into play and in order for the Porsche to comply they had to actually put gasoline particular filter in the car to reduce emissions in order to comply their Porsche actually had to change the entire exhaust system so it's now back to a stainless steel exhaust the concerns were that it was going to actually muffle the sound quite a bit so look what we thought we'd put it to the test and compare how to two cars sound [Music] okay so having been standing here whilst both cars were started and revved I can safely say the gt2 RS was a lot louder it really felt the vibrations in your chest something lot deeper and Basya whereas the gt3 does have a bit more tuned a bit more harmony to the noise there's probably a sweeter sound but there's no denying the gt2 RS definitely had quite a lot more than to really get the full extent of the sound you really would need to take them on track unfortunately we can't do so both cars are currently for sale and so we're going to quickly compare the interiors other than the very different color schemes they've both got there's not loads of differences between them as part of the white site package on both cars you now get a titanium roll cage that's a 12 kilogram saving over the steel cage from the club sport package again this is a significant weight reduction you also get ultra lightweight steering wheel trim get the carbon fibre on this car and you've also got the carbon fibre paddle shifts and both cars have ultra lightweight carpets so that's what the white side package is all about it's all about reducing weight to improve performance you know it's heavily influenced by motorsport you know we first saw the watch that package on the nine 180 spider and so one thing you will notice on this particular car is it's got sports bucket seats which are different to the full bucket seats I'll show you in a minute on the gt3 RS y sack and one of the benefits of having the sports buckets is they're foldable like so so you can actually get a lot better rear access if you have got stuff stored in the back it's actually quite beneficial one more thing about the sports bucket seats is that a lot of track their users actually prefer them because they're a little bit tighter around the hips and a bit more open on the shoulders so they keep you a bit more planted in the seat you don't wiggle around so much and you've also got a bit better freedom of movement in your arms so these are the full bucket seats the big benefit of these is their height adjustable so by pressing this little button down here you can actually raise and lower the seat so if you're short you're definitely gonna want these as I said they're a little bit wider in the seat so if you're skinny like me there's a bit more movement in your hips and you're a bit more snug in your shoulders but these are real deal really by default most people want the full bucket seats they look better they are more expensive and they're from the laminate spider so that is always going to appeal but both cars have similarly high-quality interiors as beautiful Alcantara and leather throughout beautiful stitching so yeah there's not really much to split them so now on to the performance so undoubtedly the biggest difference between the two cars is the engine so on the gt2 RS you get 3.8 liter flat 6 twin-turbo engine compared to the gt3 RS where you get a 4 liter flat 6 but it's naturally aspirated difference is this produces 700 horsepower compared to 520 on the gt3 RS so this thing is just an animal and the beauty with the turbocharged engine is you get loads and loads of torque so this thing actually does the Nurburgring lap time 10 seconds faster than the gt3 RS it's got a top speed of 211 miles an hour compared to the top speed of 193 but does speed and power mean it's a better track car I haven't driven either these cars around the track so I had to go off some of what journalists and experts say and most people would agree the gt3 RS is a slightly better track cars an all-round track car it's hold for purists it's more it's built more for driver feel and engagement it's more approachable car to drive and I think ultimately the performance is probably just a little bit more rewarding whereas the gt2 RS is just a monster it's built to destroy the track it's brawny it's muscular but it's a little bit intimidating to drive I mean that power is intoxicating but it's little a little scary okay so finally we just want to give you a little insight into the market on these two cars because it has been very interesting I'm gonna start off with the gt2 RS that came out first it came out back in 2018 when the market to be fair was quite a lot stronger but when it came out there was a lot of pent-up demand because there hadn't been a a nine line one gt2 non RS and there haven't been a gen one a Gentoo that it been a long time since the 997 gt2 RS came out and so when it finally came out people were going crazy over it it smashed the Nurburgring lap record time and when they did finally come out they were selling for pretty much more than double so I know of a couple of cars over over five hundred thousand pounds we we sold quite a few when they were sort of late 400s but since then over the last year they have come sort of crashing back down there today a very good car will cost in the region of three hundred and fifty thousand pounds so still a hundred thousand pounds over list but in today's market I think it's actually a pretty good value so on the other hand we have the gt3 RS which did follow on from the gt2 RS company came out later in the year in 2018 originally you would not allowed to spec the wide-set package in the UK but when they first came out they were still fetching in the realms of sort of 250 and bear in mind they listed it around the 160 mark I'm so fairly big premium this dick come back down towards the sort of 200 mark but then there was this delay as the new emission laws came into play everyone had their cars pushed back but the benefit of this is that the second batch of cars which has just really been released were allowed to respect with the wyshak package which obviously makes quite a big difference to the car in today's market where the market is a little bit weaker and the premiums are not quite as high this is actually our second why sack and there in the realms of sort of 230 ish so about a 50,000 pound premium but look in today's market when you compare it to the likes of the for a 8 piece stur which is 350-400 lamborghini SVGA same again the gt3 RS wyshak does represent very good value for money as well ultimately what do we think is the better Buy I think it really depends on what you want there's no denying the gt2 RS is a more unique recipe it's a rarer car probably more collectible it definitely feels a bit more special I think if you are building a collection or you want the best of the best the gt2 RS is the one to have if you're more of a purist and you're going to really value sort of driver engagement a more rewarding experience on the track then I think the gt3 RS is definitely going to be a preferable choice what do you guys think we'd love to hear your comments below give us a thumbs up if you've enjoyed the video and thanks for watching
Channel: Romans International
Views: 365,234
Rating: 4.8773551 out of 5
Keywords: Porsche 911 gt3 rs, porsche 911 gt3 rs 2019, porsche 911 gt2 rs, porsche 911 gt2 rs 2019, porsche 911 gt2 rs weissach, porsche 911 gt2 rs weissach for sale, 2019 porsche 911 gt2 rs weissach, porsche 911 gt3 rs weissach, 2019 porsche 911 gt3 rs weissach package, weissach package, weissach package gt3 rs, gt2rs weissach package, gt3 rs vs gt2 rs, gt3 rs vs gt2 rs sound, porsche gt3 rs vs gt2 rs, gt2 rs vs gt3 rs, romans international
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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