Battle of the Black Gate - Middle Earth Lore DOCUMENTARY

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While the Siege of Gondor and Battle of the  Pelennor Fields marked the primary thrust of   Sauron’s strategy given his fear of the heir  of Isildur, the Northern theatre of the war   was just as pivotal in deciding the fate of  Middle Earth, so today we are going to take   a look at the war in the north to see how Dale,  Erebor and the Elven realms defended themselves.   Simultaneously, we will talk about the  aftermath of the battle of the Pelennor Fields   and the last major engagement of the  war - the battle of the Black Gate. Sauron’s attack on the northern realms was  foreseen by Gandalf many years earlier,   leading the then Grey Wizard to aid Thorin in his  quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain. Gandalf had   seen through the guise of the Necromancer of Dol  Guldur much earlier and predicted that Sauron   would make use of the sheer destruction Smaug  could unleash in order to destroy Gondor. The   Dragon’s death at the hand of Bard severely dented  the Dark Lord’s plans, giving the free peoples of   Middle Earth a fighting chance in the war to come,  while the newly re-established Kingdom of Dale   and Kingdom Under the Mountain provided a vital  Northern Bulwark against the forces of Sauron.  In TA 3018, Glóin revealed to the Council of  Elrond that messengers had arrived at the gates   of the Lonely Mountain sent on behalf of Sauron  seeking information on the Shire and the Hobbits,   while also asking for them  to turn over Bilbo’s Ring.   Further, they asked for the submission  of the Kingdoms to Mordor’s overlordship,   and when these entreaties were refused  dire consequences had been threatened.   Messengers likewise approached King Brand of  Dale and when similar requests were refused,   Easterlings loyal to the Dark Lord began  to gather on the outskirts of Dale.  Likewise in the realm of  Thranduil and that of Lothlorien,   the numbers of foul creatures encroaching  ever further from Dol Guldur into Mirkwood   alerted the Elves to the fact that they would  not be left unscathed in the coming conflict.   Thranduil, Celeborn, and Galadriel made what  preparations they could, however many of the   finest warriors of the Elves had at this  stage committed to sailing West to Valinor   leaving the respective Elvish forces weakened.  This Northern Theatre of the War of the Ring,   therefore, pitted the last of the declining races  of Elves and Dwarves against the ascendant forces   of the Dark Lord, with the outcome of pitched  battles remaining exceptionally uncertain.  War would first come to Dale however, as  on the seventeenth of March TA 3019 the   massive Easterling host crossed the borders of the  Kingdom intending to invade and capture the city.   The Easterlings were mainly composed of  well-equipped and well drilled warriors from Rhûn,   surprising the forces of Dale and the Lonely  Mountain with the speed at which they crossed   the Redwater River given their numbers. Kings  Brand and Dáin II quickly assembled their forces,   and it could be estimated that there were  two and a half thousand Dwarves of Erebor   and of the Iron Hills, alongside  three and a half thousand men of Dale,   compared to that of the twenty thousand strong  force of Easterlings. This assault coincided   with the siege of Minas Tirith in order to  prevent any aid coming to Gondor from the North,   tying down these forces in a manner Saruman  was unable to achieve with the Riders of Rohan.  The two kings met the Easterlings in open battle  on the same day the Easterlings crossed the river   hoping to prevent the destruction of  Dale, putting their faith in the fact   the foundries of Erebor gave them a massive  advantage in terms of their arms and armour.   Three days of heavy fighting ensued, wherein  the steadfastness of the Dwarves and Men of Dale   was eventually eroded by the numerical  advantage possessed by the men of Rhûn,   forcing them to retreat. Seeing that Laketown would be indefensible,   the combined force of Men and Dwarves attempted  to retreat behind the impregnable gates of   the Lonely Mountain, with Kings Brand and  Dáin leading a desperate rearguard action.   The two kings managed to buy enough time for  their forces to fall back into the mountains,   however, Brand was struck down by an Easterling’s  blade before the gate of the Lonely Mountain. Dáin   enraged by the death of his close friend and ally,  stood over Brand’s corpse and refused to give an   inch despite the intense pressure exerted  by the far more numerous Easterling force.   After a prolonged defence of the King of Dale’s  body, the Dwarven King under the Mountain was   also slain despite the piles of Easterling  casualties that mounted around the stalwart King.   The forces of the deceased leaders then locked the  gates of the Mountain and prepared for a prolonged   siege. While the men of Dale and Dwarves of Erebor  and the Iron Hills remained besieged behind the   gates of the Lonely Mountain, their primary  hope for victory lay with the Men of the West   led by the soon to be King of Gondor Aragorn. Even earlier, Lothlórien had been invaded by   a host of Orcs coming out of Dol Guldur  first on the Eleventh of March TA 3019,   then again on the Fifteenth and a final  assault was then made upon the Elvish lands   on the Twenty Second of March. Meanwhile on the  Fifteenth of March TA 3019, Thranduil’s realm was   invaded by a large horde of Orcs beginning what  would become known as the Battle Under the Trees.   This was done to secure the flank of the  assaults on Lothlórien and prevent the great   rulers of the Elves converging and forming a  unified front against the Orcs of Dol Guldur.   The Easterlings of Rhûn were to reinforce the  assault, however they had been slowed immeasurably   by the stubbornness of the defenders of Erebor. The Galadhrim led by Celeborn and Galadriel   repulsed each assault relying heavily upon  the courage and potency of the renowned Elvish   swordsmen alongside the power of Galadriel’s Ring  to counteract the vast numerical advantage of Dol   Guldur. While Thranduil also proved his competency  in personally leading the Elven counter attack,   the Elvenking whose forces were more  renowned for their deadly archers   emerged victorious after a battle which caused  a, "great ruin of fire" throughout the woods.   This victory caused Thranduil to declare a new  year of the Elves shortly after their victory.  At this point Frodo and Sam alongside their  guide Gollum had made their way to the passes   of Cirith Ungol, where the treachery of Gollum was  revealed. Turning the Hobbits against one another,   before leading Frodo into the clutches of Shelob a  great spider of immense proportions and one of the   last true descendants of the original Dark Lord  Morgoth’s ally Ungoliant. Shelob pricked Frodo   with her stinger causing him to become immobilised  and easy prey for the great spider. Sam however   wielding Sting and the Light of Earendil fought  off the foul beast saving Frodo’s life once more.   However, believing his dear friend to  be dead he took the Ring and despite his   despair intended to finish their quest regardless. At this point, a group of Orcs and Uruks from the   garrison of Cirith Ungol came upon Frodo’s  body and remarked that he was still alive   before bringing him to the tower for questioning.  Sam then took it upon himself to save the   Ringbearer’s life once more and taking advantage  of the fact that the Garrison had engaged in   a mild civil war between the Orcs and Uruk  for the ownership of Frodo’s mithril shirt,   was able to reach Frodo before he could come to  harm. Here he returned the Ring, counting himself   among only the company of Bilbo having handed over  the One Ring while also being the only individual   to have ever done so willingly. From here the two  hobbits, disguising themselves as best they could,   began the perilous journey across the Plains  of Gorgoroth which was inhabited by thousands   of Orcs, in order to complete their quest and  cast the Ring into the fires of Mount Doom.  Meanwhile, following the successful defence of  Minas Tirith, Aragorn gathered to him all of the   wise men of Gondor, as well as his companions  and the most prominent of the men of Rohan   in order to discuss their final moves in  the dying embers of the War of the Ring.   This came to be known as the Last Debate and  was conducted outside of the walls of the city,   as Aragorn refused to enter until the war had  been won and he could be properly proclaimed king.   Many men who were well acquainted with tactics  and warfare such as Imrahil and Éomer put   forward their opinions as to the best course  of action. Yet it was the counsel of Gandalf   which swayed Aragorn, with the Wizard remarking: "We have not the Ring. … Without it we cannot   by force defeat his force. But we must at  all costs keep his Eye from his true peril.   We cannot achieve victory by arms, but by arms  we can give the Ring-bearer his only chance,   frail though it be. … We must push Sauron to his  last throw. We must call out his hidden strength,   so that he shall empty his land. We must march  out to meet him at once. We must make ourselves   the bait, though his jaws should close on  us. … We must walk open-eyed into that trap,   with courage, but small hope for ourselves." Knowing that Frodo and Sam were now within the   depths of Mordor, they were left with no other  choice but to march out and meet the Dark Lord.   By sacrificing their lives, they could buy the  Ringbearer enough time to complete his quest   and save Middle Earth for good and all. Each and  every one of those gathered at this Last Debate   knew that it was likely death awaited them, yet  it was the only course of action now left to them,   a garrison of a size greater than had  originally guarded the city was left   and the Captain of the West took with him seven  thousand soldiers of Gondor and Rohan alongside   his Grey Company. The impossibility of victory  was not lost on the Men of the West, however,   with Imrahil laughing aloud before stating: "Surely this is the greatest jest in all   the history of Gondor: that we should ride with  seven thousands, scarce as many as the vanguard   of its army in the days of its power, to assail  the mountains and the impenetrable gate of the   Black Land! So might a child threaten a mail-clad  knight with a bow of string and green willow!"  The Host of the Men of the West left  Minas Tirith on March Eighteenth   and bypassed Minas Morgul heading straight for the  Black Gate. Sauron falsely believing that Aragorn   now possessed the Ring and would use its power  against him fell for this ploy and began to send   all of his warriors to the Black Gate. Aragorn  then left a force of just under one thousand men   at the cross roads in order to guard the road  to Minas Tirith should the battle go poorly.   Midway through Ithilien they were then assaulted  by Haradrim and Easterlings. These soldiers were   quickly detected by the Rangers of Ithilien  however and driven off with little casualties.  As the Men of the West approached Dagorlad a  number of the farmers of Lossarnach and some of   the fainter of heart among the Rohirrim baulked  at the prospect of assaulting the Black Gate.   Aragorn displaying his compassion allowed them to  leave instead sending them to liberate Cair Andros   weakening the army even further, so that they  maintained a strength of barely six thousand men.   Yet as the Host of the West continued  ever onwards, they soon came to see   the extraordinary vastness of the Black Gate and  even the most valiant among them began to feel the   cold tendrils of fear creep through their veins. Heralds were sent upon Prince Imrahil’s suggestion   to announce the coming of King Elessar. In  response the Black Gate opened a fraction,   allowing for a delegation of the Dark Lord to  emerge. At their head was a Dark Numenorean   of the ancient faction of King’s Men who had  survived the fall of the Kingdom and fallen into   the service of Sauron. He was known as the Mouth  of Sauron and demanded the surrender of the Host,   producing Frodo’s mithril vest and cloak to the  despair of the Hobbits among Aragorn’s retinue.   Gandalf then asked for the terms of surrender,  which were to be Sauron’s recognised dominion   over Isengard and Rohan as well as the  vassalage of Gondor, to which the Men   of the West refused in the plainest of terms. Enraged by their unwillingness to surrender,   the Mouth of Sauron withdrew behind the  Black Gate which now opened allowing a   force of between 60 and 100 thousand  Orcs, Trolls and Uruk Hai to emerge.   On top of that, thousands of Orcs surfaced from  the hillsides surrounding the Plain of Morannon,   with another force of Easterlings appearing from  the former Gondorian garrison tower of Carchost   ensuring that the Men of the West now knew the  true strength of Mordor. These denizens of the   dark proceeded to surround the Host of the West  ensuring that retreat was no longer an option.  In the early stages of the battle, the Dark Lord’s  warriors found it difficult to reach the Men of   the West due to the large slag pools and pits of  waste that surrounded the Black Gate. This bought   Aragorn enough time to organize his soldiers:  he placed two forces of three thousand each upon   the two slag piles in the center of the Plain of  Morannon, which were made up of piles of rubble   and waste. The contingen upon the right hill was  commanded by Imrahil and Éomer in the front line,   while consisting of the Knights of Dol  Amroth and elements of the Tower Guard   among the regulars of both Rohan and Gondor.  While the hill to the left was led by Aragorn   alongside Gandalf, the remaining members of the  Fellowship, Elladan and Elrohir sons of Elrond   and the Grey Company with Arwen’s  banner flying on its front line.  The Dark Lord with his eye fixed firmly  upon the battle urged his subjects forward.   His forces crashed into the Host of the West  like a tide breaking upon the cliffside.   The Men of the West held, utilizing their  superior discipline and martial prowess, as   well as the height advantage afforded by the slag  piles to hold back the Orcs, Trolls and evil men.   While this valiant defence caused far greater  casualties on the part of the Dark Lord,   it was not sustainable and the Men of the West  were hard pushed to keep up this immense effort.   The remaining Nazgul then emerged threatening to  dismantle the disciplined lines of the Host of   the West, before the Great Eagles entered  the battle led by their Windlord Gwaihir.   The Eagles and Nazgul fought for the aerial  superiority, with Pippin echoing the sentiment   of Bilbo during the Battle of the Five Armies  by repeating aloud, “The Eagles are coming.”  As the initial attack of  the forces of Sauron failed,   armoured trolls wielding crude maces and  cudgels were sent forth. Their attack managed   to effectively break down the lines of the Men  of the West, allowing Orcs to swarm through,   making Aragorn’s position borderline untenable on  both slag piles. The Orcs further took example of   the Easterlings and engaged in flanking manoeuvres  attempting to make the most of their encirclement.   It was only by the valour and steadfastness  of Aragorn’s soldiers that the defence of the   slag piles could be maintained, despite  overwhelming pressure from all sides.  Meanwhile, Sam and Frodo having disguised  themselves as Orcs had at this point   reached Mount Doom and looked poised  to bring the battle to a premature end.   Coming to the slopes of the Crack of Doom  Frodo’s strength gave out however and he fell,   only for Sam to carry him upon his back across the  last few steps. At this point, Gollum attacked the   two Hobbits, with Sam managing to fight him off as  Frodo stumbled towards the depths of Mount Doom.   Sam having delayed Gollum long enough made  his way to the Crack of Doom, where to his   horror Frodo had renounced the quest and claimed  the Ring as his own placing it upon his finger.  Sauron now realizing that the Ring was within  the depths of Mount Doom pulled his gaze from   the Plains of Morannon and towards the Crack of  Doom, calling the Nazgul to him. This earned the   hard-pressed Men of the West a reprieve as without  the will of the Dark Lord driving them onwards,   his forces began to falter allowing the  warriors on either slag pile breathing space   with which they could reform their lines. A shocked and despairing, Sam was caught unaware   when Gollum attacked him from behind knocking him  unconscious with a rock, before attacking Frodo.   The struggle was brief as Frodo had been weakened  by possessing and resisting the will of the Ring   for as long as he had, ending with Gollum biting  off his finger and taking the One Ring from him.   Gollum celebrated reclaiming his precious by  dancing maniacally, however, he slipped upon   the blood pulsing from Frodo’s finger causing  him to fall into the Crack of Doom unwittingly   destroying the One Ring. This caused the  destruction of Barad-dûr, the Black Gate,   and the Towers of the Teeth, while Mount Doom  erupted violently with the two Hobbits barely   escaping to the mountainside where they were  now surrounded by lava and ash seemingly doomed,   before being rescued by Gandalf Gwaihir and his  Great Eagles. With the destruction of the Ring,   Sauron's being and his power were forever lost  and the threat of his dominion ended forever.  On the Plains of Morannon, the Orcs panicked  and began to flee being cut down in droves by   the resurgent Men of the West. While some of the  Easterlings and Haradrim bearing an undying hatred   towards their Western counterparts fought to the  last man being utterly destroyed on that day,   others surrendered and were  pardoned by King Elessar.   Orc strongholds remained within  the Plains of Gorgoroth however,   necessitating Aragorn to lead his forces which  were still capable of fighting immediately into   the depths of Mordor to ensure the purging of the  area was complete. Aragorn then freed the slaves   of Núrn, granting them this extremely fertile  area in the far South of the realm of Mordor   to be ruled as they wished following their years  of enslavement under the cruel reign of Sauron.  News of the demise of the Dark Lord spread  quickly, with the Easterlings besieging the   Lonely Mountain soon hearing of their Overlord’s  destruction, which sapped them of any degree of   morale. The Armies of Dale and Erebor now led by  their new Kings Bard II and Thorin III Stonehelm,   led a sortie consisting of all of the forces  remaining to them still capable of fighting   and on the Twenty Seventh of March drove the  Easterlings from their lands ending the Siege   of the Lonely Mountain. While this was ultimately  a victory for Dale and Erebor the casualties were   high, lowering what were already scarce numbers  of Dwarves, assuring the ascendancy of man.  The Elves using their victory at the battle Under  the Trees and the fact that the Nazgul were gone   with the defeat of their master, attacked Dol  Guldur led by Celeborn, Galadriel, Thranduil.   We don’t know much about the ensuing battle, but  what we know for sure is that in one of the last   true examples of the magic in this world,  Galadriel came to the gates and cast down   the walls, foul pits, and crevices. The Dol Guldur  was finally destroyed and the forest was cleansed.  This brings us to the end of  the War of the Ring; however,   the conclusion of this story is one for our  next documentary on the history of Middle-Earth.   We are also planning to cover the battles of many  other fantasy, sci-fi, and space opera universes,   so make sure you have subscribed and pressed the  bell button! Please, consider liking and sharing,   as it helps immensely, and don’t forget to comment  - we will try to read and respond to every comment   as we want to know what you think about  this video and which videos you hope to see   in the future! This is the Wizards and Warriors  channel and we’ll catch you on the next one!
Channel: Wizards and Warriors
Views: 142,189
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Keywords: Black Gate, pelargir, pelennor, fields, aragorn, imrahil, gandalf, theoden, eomer, osgiliath, rammas echor, faramir, gondor, Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Helm's deep, hornburg, saruman, battles, fords, of, isen, arnor, rohan, celebrant, Kings and Generals, Cold War, Lord of the Rings, Elrond, Elendil, Isildur, Sauron, elf, dwarves, humans, men, war of the last alliance, battle, documentary, middle earth, Middle-Earth, animated, fantasy, sci-fi, wizards, warriors, hobbits, decisive battles, history, lore, sauron, orks, rings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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