Battle of Mobei 119 BC - Han–Xiongnu War DOCUMENTARY

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[Music] this video was suggested and sponsored by our patreon supporter Qianlong you can join the ever-growing army of kings and Generals via patreon or YouTube's membership de Xiang Luhan war is part of the many thousands of years of confrontation between China and the surrounding people's the origins of this conflict are rooted in antiquity and it was probably one of the earliest and longest continuous conflicts in human history it was not only influential in terms of Chinese history but would also change the fates of Europe and Western Asia it is said that the first Chinese imperial dynasty the Shah was fighting the nomadic XI wrongs since its establishment according to legendary accounts which are somewhat confirmed by modern paleoanthropologists when the Shah was overthrown by the sharp in 1600 BC some of its members found refuge among the nomads and it seems that this Union created the Xiong nu people these nomads lived on the northern edge of the Gobi Desert and archaeological finds proved that they raided the sharm in this period by the 13th century BC they started forming into tribes and some of them even gained the upper hand in the struggle against the proto Mongol dong who people in 823 BC they attacked the Jo dynasty and even took a few towns the horseman had an upper hand initially but the Chinese's chariots eventually allowed them to drive the Xiong nu out however as the Jo weakened and China entered an era called the warring States Period in the fifth century BC the Xiong nu raids and invasions became more effective that would change once again in the late 3rd century BC China would be united by Qin Shihuang in 221 BC the new emperor not only pushed the Xiong nu out of China but ordered the building of a chain of fortifications which would be later known as the Great Wall of China the Xiong nu were also losing their positions elsewhere they were defeated by the UAG in the West and lost control over dong who in the east however Shi Huang died in 210 BC and just a year later modu became the Chan you the title for the highest leader of Xiong nu after killing his own father he soon defeated the UAG dong who and other neighbouring tribes by 203 BC he had established a vast empire stretching from the Pamir mountains in the West to the liaodong peninsula in the East from Lake Baikal in the north to modern-day gansu province in the south at the time of Moe to the Xiong nu Empire had a large standing army of 300,000 as the Qin were losing power and China was in a state of civil war whoa dude restarted the raids into the empire creating a foothold in the northern provinces in 202 BC the Han Dynasty was established at its first Emperor Gao su decided to stop the Xiong nu raids in 200 BC he led an expedition against them with 320 thousand soldiers however his troops were trapped and perceived by modu Chen Yu nearly by Deng plateau the Han Emperor was forced to ask for peace and adopt the policy of hey chin marrying a princess to the Qian you however it seems that groups of Xiong nu continued raiding the territory of the Empire in 141 BC the 16 year old leader became the new emperor of the Han Dynasty known as Emperor Wu of Han Emperor Wu decided to end the humiliating hey chin policy and stopped the constant Xiong nu raids after years of accumulating wealth the Empire was rich enough to support a military campaign against them between 127 and 121 BC Wu's generals way Ching and 202 Bing not only managed to defend against the constant raiding but led a number of counter raids deep into Xiong nu territory these counter raids peaked in 121 BC when the emperor deployed whoa - Bing against the Xiong nu in the hasty corridor the general les 10,000 cavalry fighting through five western regions advancing over 500 kilometers over mount Yan ji and killing and capturing many soldiers and Nobles the hasty corridor was annexed by the Han after the series of defeats by Wade Ching and who will chew Bing the rule of the show mu Yi Zhi Shi a decided to retreat with his tribes to the north of the Gobi Desert hoping that the barren land would serve as a natural barrier against the hand offensives Emperor Wu summoned his generals and announced his plan for a massive expeditionary campaign in 119 BC and forces were deployed in two separate columns each consisting of 50,000 cavalry and over 100,000 infantry with Wei Qing and quotes you've been serving as the supreme commander for each hoooo tubing's forces set off from dai prefecture marched over 1,000 miles and directly engaged the forces of zhong newsworthy prince of the east the battle was swift and decisive as tubing's army quickly encircled and over and their enemy killing and capturing many thousands who owe to beings forces also suffered heavy losses but were able to quickly recruit locals to add to their numbers the general then continued his pursuit as far as lake baikal effectively annihilated one of these Xiong nu clans 'we Ching's force setting off from ding Shang was comparatively weaker than its Eastern counterpart as it consisted mainly of leftovers from hua Zhu beings preferential picks [Music] the Han army mobilized as planned after a journey of over 500 miles they encountered the Chinese main force of 80,000 cavalry this was unexpected as the original plan was to let grow to Bing's elite troops deal with the Chinese elite cavalry the Xiong nu forces had been waiting in anticipation to ambush their adversaries while the Han forces were tired and outnumbered especially since their easternmost division had not yet arrived to the battlefield without hesitation the Xiong nu charged the Han forces with a 10,000 strong Vanguard of cavalry way Ching recognized the odds against him and quickly took defensive countermeasures he ordered his troops to arrange heavy armored chariots into a ring formation creating mobile fortresses that provided archers crossbowmen and infantry protection from the Xiong news powerful cavalry charges and allowed Han troops to utilize their advantage in ranged weapons way Ching then put all of his cavalry into the formation of chariots except for a 5,000 strong force which was deployed as a separate group tasks with attacking any Xiong nu forces that managed to infiltrate the rings chariot formation this tactic proved effective in countering the momentum of the nomadic cavalry as the Xiong nu forces were unable to breach the Han lines with the Xiong news initial push neutralized the battle solidified into a stalemate with neither side gaining the upper hand [Music] this stalemate lasted until dusk when a sandstorm obscured the battlefield knowing that this was his chance way Ching sent in both his main force and reserve force the Han cavalry used the low visibility as cover and encircled the Chinese army from both flanks the Shan News lines were overwhelmed and their morale broken by the sight of Han soldiers attacking them in the darkness seeing that his forces were completely overrun the Qian you escaped under the escort of only a few hundred men the Han Force has killed over 19,000 enemies and pursued the remainder another 100 miles to the kangin mountains where they besieged then captured the fortress of Joo Shin located in the Orkin Valley after a day spent regrouping and receiving fresh supplies the Han forces burnt the strongholds to the ground before returning in triumph according to the book of Han the official historic document of the Han Dynasty one could no longer see the court of the King in the south of the Gobi Desert the Xiong nu never returned to the strength of their glory days and thus the power balance of Han and Xiang nu started to shift to favor the Han one century later the Xiong nu divided into South Xiong nu and North Xiong nu the southern branch of Xiong nu became subordinate to the Han Empire while the northern branch of Xiong nu under attack from South Xiong nu the Han Empire and other nomadic tribes started to migrate westward according to a number of scholars the Xiong nu were the ancestors of the Huns who indirectly caused the destruction of western roman empire the an empire on the other hand divided into three kingdoms in 220 ad after rule in China for 400 years China entered the Three Kingdoms era but that is a tale for another documentary which we might tell down the line so make sure you are subscribed to our channel and have pressed the bell button we would like to express our gratitude to our patreon supporters and channel members who make the creation of our videos possible now you can also support us by buying our merchandise via the link in the description this is the kings and Generals channel and we will catch you on the next one
Channel: Kings and Generals
Views: 502,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chinese history, chinese history documentary, chinese history movies, chinese history drama, history, kings and generals, history of the world, history channel documentary, kings and generals mongol, history buffs, mobei, han, documentary, full documentary, xiongnu, xiongnu history, xiongnu documentary, battle of mobei 119 bc - han\u2013xiongnu war documentary, xiongnu - han war, han xiongnu war, documentary movies, huns, attila, modu, metehan, roman empire, catalaunian fields
Id: iQ7jDwF2Z2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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