Battle of Minas Tirith! The BIGGEST Scenery project in YouTube History UNDER SIEGE | Battle Report

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brought to you by ministerith is under siege the dark lord sauron has unleashed his full might on the ravaged kingdom of gondor and it is here at the white city where the hammerstroke will fall hardest under the leadership of the mighty wizard gandalf the warriors of gondor held firm against the initial assault with a victory for the forces of good in our first episode of the ministerith and flames campaign but as the white wizards stood among the corpses of friend and foe alike a roaring chant echoed up to the battlements from the palino fields below grant grand grunt the witch king of angmar marshall of the host of mordor moves to unleash his most deadly servants on the weakest point in ministerith's outer wall the mighty front gate with the forces of gondor embroiled in combat along the ring wall gandalf must rally the city's soldiery and race to the courtyard before the gate inevitably falls today's battle report takes place in the streets of tuba town the first fully complete city block of our massive true scale ministereth build and incorporate some amazing buildings from the fellowship of the zorp collaboration last month today the forces of gondor must rally in the face of a fresh assault from mordo holding the orcs pouring from the siege towers at bay whilst gandalf and the mighty prince imrahill of dolamroth escaped via the northern board edge to reinforce the beleaguered city gate starting separated on the walls do they cut their way to one another or withdraw by the shortest route do their troops forfeit the walls falling back to smaller choke points or take the fight to the enemy it will all be decided by the mighty ryan treys who returns once more to command his beloved gondorians g'day i'm ryan i'll be taking the forces of good today um with my heroes today i've got to concentrate on maneuvering them as opposed to just going ham and and killing all the orcs um and i've got to be mindful that i don't get overwhelmed while i move them around the board commanding an absolute horde of orcs waiting to burst onto the outer wall as well as some spooky nazgul striking from the skies is the dark lord of zorpazorp himself lachlan linton keane hey guys i'm loki i've got the forces of mordor today my orcs have to do all the work they get insane bonuses on the walls i just got to clear some space with my nazgul and then my horde is going to be surging through the city streets the board is set the pieces are moving the great battle of our time is about to begin [Music] the great battle of our time so good has priority um for the first time what i'm going to do is we're pretty much starting in combat so i'm just going to start moving some of my dudes into into favorable combats gandalf's going to just try and really knock out the real momentum getter on this side ganolf's gonna throw um sorcerous blast on the cabinet over here before um they chase me down and then i can run away a bit more freely so i'm gonna throw two dice at it two will being spent one free and one from the store four gets it big four that's off i have got you know what i'm going to resist i'm going to risk chuck is a dice i've only got the one will point chasing a four oh big one okay does the captain get hurt yes it's already taking damage on my heroes my precious heroes for the first play i'm going to spin a fake point to try and save that and a big swords of six fate saved no wounds on the captain [Music] captain chris going in for the charge ryan's getting a big pincy here on this awk spearhead got to stop them from pulling back down into the central courtyard so what's your plan for emery hill ryan obviously he is in this big central position on the wall he's got the choices he's going to try and cut through and stop or link back up with gandalf imrahill's on foot so he's really got to make a big priority out of getting to that spot within the 10 turns and he's also sort of stuck with his own troops so my main focus is getting my troops to not be in his way he's got heroic combats for free or a free point of mind he's got aragorn's mighty hero special rule for this game so he's going to be pretty mobile with those heroic combats but it's important to tie up the orcs of this siege tower this scenario features the special rule courage is your best defense now which allows all mordor forces to wound against a model's courage rather than their defense unless they are within six inches of emery hill or gandalf this is an absolutely lethal matchup as if ryan simply runs both heroes away his entire force will capitulate and expose the fleeing generals so i just moved up all of the orcs that i could throwing some spear supports and now ryan's got two little bastions of firepower to unload some arrows uh you're gonna fire first with uh right damn rod and his survivors so i'll go those three shots i won't use any might um so one hit and let's see if i nick off a nut and then we'll go his friend there that's a hit and hits yes big six slowly thinning the reinforcements and then we've got one last little group of archers you can see defending that inner parapet there so four shots in total all fours unshielded orcs at the back there no final act of the shooting phase ryan gets to unload which siege tower are you gonna target ryan it's gotta be the center yep yeah big big threat i think there all right four plus two hits [Music] no wounds the withering firepower misses the siege tower uh and now it is into a pretty serious combat phase is emery hill in combat that's the question no so no free heroic this turn all captain gel rhombats here is going to call a heroic combat because we've got to try and break through and catch gandalf if i can get a lucky break here just for one my point let's see how we set the score oh only five highs i need a six with two dice i got a reroll from the banner let's re-roll let's read it all the five doesn't really matter no it goes to me i'm piercing as well so that takes me up to strength five for the orc captain and strength three for the guy at the back and oh the big that'll do it that will do it now unfortunately because of control zones i can't cut my way through all the way to gandalf so i'll just have to make a charge throw me into the banner and the scheme in there so we'll fight here you've got to turn a weapon do you want to use it i sure will i'm an awkward right okay um it didn't go well for me oh you survived though yeah back him up back him up uh two awks another two handout versus two gondorians oh oh yes oh banner's out of range she got this even with my two anders so plus one on the red dice that is enough because of the courage debuff yuck just out of range of gandalfs are striking against the courage three there the orcs are holding nicely yeah they are uh do you want to do that captain with the banner now i'm going to piercing strike i'm going all in here and the other boat what yo yes that's yours yes that's your big four for the all captains four to kill that cavalry against let's just take [Applause] captain joe rhombauts donator of the horde of orcs has done uh some serious work here over on this flank three in one turn yep and one banner killian that was good absolutely killing let's see how our other captain chris chris captain gondor goes over here i've got two orcs nice one orc actually all right oh and the spear spear help save chris friends with spearman chris five ups from the from chris let's get it yes done these named captains are doing the work this is what happens you donate models to the channel and you annihilate on battle reports same again oh look at that six off actually that's a drawn because we're both fight three yep i want priority so i guess i should roll this flipper let's get a four up oh you're putting a big spicy slice no nothing need to cut my way through i've got to get down into this courtyard does he fall down the stairs oh on a four plus he will fall down the stairs he does put him down does he die uh he only take one string three hit off that height no so he just slides down but his heavy armor protects him from any serious damage let's see if the orc captains can continue the carnage zagdosh over here with a spear support he is using his ability to go to strength five and he's rolled a six on the jewel dice yeah courage three strength five i'm looking for threes to wound yep get him out of there should have called the heroic combat he's a beast we've got a bit of space on this part of the wall now but captain chris is holding strong so the big combat of note on this flank is goroth he is a burly beast and would be wounding on twos except luckily uh these guys are still in range of prince emery hill here so i've just got the two attacks with my spear support let's set the tone i'm on twos and three six yep big six big six for you so gore off is pushed back uh chasing sixes to wound nothing no all right that's okay that's okay but i've not um taken over the courtyard that's the main thing two on two that one nice keys oh i got a banner there i'm pretty good yeah well that's a draw now that does the work so we've got that tired fight we look at that gorgeous ryan banner there all right set the tone that's the second one of those i've got away with it goes to you all right all right let's push back no i need a six here no so a mix of casualties a couple of forces lost across the ball but the big play was of course the insane push by the captain over here and ryan's got no might points to counter any heroic moves so i should be able to get an interesting chase in the direction of gandalf let's go and set the tone for priority for turn number two oh i'll take the six but it was a two so it is heroic move time for the forces of mortar i'm gonna do a twin little bit of action here i've got zagdush uh we're gonna try and gain this central part of the wall and start pushing into the courtyard and i'm going to make some moves on emery hill and try and pin him in place so zagdosh is going to jump in first he is just an absolute beast and we are just piling these forces in pinning captain chris and opening the way for a massive horde of mordor orcs to start sprinting and then over here goroth has called so i've got another big move he's just going to make a charge nice and central so that he can get over and everything is going to start sprinting once that control zone is negated running down and blocking off this doorway because little emerald hill ain't getting away from me so easy now all of the models being used today were donated graciously to the channel by joel rhomboutz from the gorilla painting service chris from swords and brushes youtube channel and of course our very own ryan trays from battlecraft hobbies down in the description you'll find their instagrams and channels to see the forces in even greater detail weekend of making a big move now ryan you got choices here are you going down into the central courtyard via that stairwell to make a b-line for imran hill or are you gonna move across the back of the city and start going through these alleyways decisions decisions mr trays well i wanted to go down there but i don't think i can because there's there's so much momentum over here with zag bush especially he's only used one white and he's going off so i think it's actually more strategically sound to back elliot even though it will take a bit longer i love the 12 inch movement too shadow facts is an absolute beast it's pretty good [Music] emma hill's getting in there emery hill's a banner and i've got a bannon earring oh yeah i forgot he's like a 12 inch batter by default silly me so i'm gonna i'm going to put him back where he could actually affect someone positively on this side maybe maybe give um that like a fighting chance to not let zach gush kill him into the control zone into combat get away from my siege engine two rangers trying to snipe this banner two hits all right now i need i need a flat six on either of these come on oh now luckily i should have someone in base contact ryan i guess you do yeah i guess you do but you still got one hit you still got one hit down rod now gets the proper banner sniper opportunity let's see if this other fella does it he could do it for no might no never mind uh damn right here we go three up and then a five which i'm definitely going to turn into a six all right five i'll put it up oh damn rod's a big tease my banner survives all right you've got another little battery of uh of bowman over here in front of that battlement i reckon you've got some spearmen that are exposed here that you can pick up in the central fight there is let's try and just nick some of those spears off so what have i got two hits need a six with that heavy armored shield actually just a heavy armor oh jeez that's strong gets nicked off so let's come out of there pitchfork guy he can go and there's one more thing to shoot as of course like he's going up the stepladder here comes the big trebuchet you're still going to keep firing in that central uh central tower gonna go i'm gonna change to this one changing tactics why not it was maybe it was you know the angle of elevation was wrong that's why you missed last turn i like it look it's he's dying [Music] it's a still a two it's still a two all right the uh engineers up here need some calibrations to be made all right that is the end of shooting it is combat phase imrahil is in combat and of course he's gonna use his mighty hero to call a big heroic combat i'm guessing ryan cut those two walks 100 uh i will call one with goroth over here and one with zagdosh as well see who goes first that would be me oh i'm not catching him hill today big sixes yep yep i've got three strikes so the first strike on an orky oh mate i can do no wrong and the other two on the other fella let's see if i can double kill him oh i can't wow emery hill can do no wrong now you've got a choice uh do you sprint away or are you gonna stay engaged in this fight to hold the flank while you wait for gandalf ryan i mean the good thing would be to stick around for a bit and hold the flank but objectives be objectives i'll kill one more rock one more rock he can't resist he really is too good run him up i feel like you're the devil on my shoulder see it was all heroic faint goroth wanted to miss that heroic combat because i've drawn you back in now zagoroth has got two attacks and he's burly at strength five so he'll be wounding on fours which is just fierce let's see if he wins the fight though that's not a strong start i'm gonna shield for my life and you snipped out my damn spearmen as well um i've got the banner re-roll uh it's not enough gorov can't manage to win any fights i've got one more heroic combat over here with zaggy douche he is a fierce competitor he's got he's got friends too i think doesn't he uh one spear support uh i'm on five so i've still got the speeder roll i can do this you're gonna shield i can do this bloody oath i'm gonna shield look at him okay okay this isn't finished yet you've got your banner you've got your banner we're green allies right can taste the blood uh he's still a strength five winning on courage oh he only gets it on one dice but it's enough it's enough and then he oh now i've got the choice do i go for the exposed banner or do i skirt past him into two bowmen i think i think zagdosh wants to take on the two bowmen who will be trapped three attacks again for zach josh oh freedom and weep so their courage is three his strength is five that will be a three to kill and they're trapped too so yep first strike down and then the second one down you had a third one up your sleeve if you needed no if only i could have charged that third bomb but not to be all right let's jump into the rest of the chaff in an absolutely vicious turn of combat the orc forces surged forward slicing through gondorians and claiming strong positions on the right flank but before we can see what the gondol heroes can do to respond here's a quick word from today's sponsor a time comes in every war gamer's life where they say magnets where do i find them well look no further than the your diy super magnet home i've been doing loads of magnetization lately for the staggering amount of horus heresy vehicles drowning my studio and super strong magnets designed for wargaming are an absolute god emperor ascend the have a huge range of war gaming magnets including specific kits for notoriously difficult to magnetize models magnetize movement trays and even magnetize collapsible flight stands for that epic war gaming travel experience i challenge you to find a better feeling in all of wargaming than the pure bliss of this moment magnetic perfection so to score some boss wargaming magnets for all your army needs hit up the link down in the description and remember guys support the sponsors that support me it is killer for the channel it helps so much and constantine from the magna parent is a proper legend from the so definitely go and show him some love alright guys let's get back to the battle captain chris buried in the center here he is looking like it's a tough day of the office all of a sudden he's fighting two just stabbing for me big six okay i need this six here chris let's do it oh banner the three first okay i thought it was just out but i'm not gonna complain let's get the six oh oh you get for being a good bloke yeah bana horsey banner horsey is protecting his beloved captain chris now watch me get two five up here come on here we go two five i mean look he's alive he did his job he's holding the line we've got captain joe rhombots he's found himself a little bit out in the open after his big push last turn but i think he can handle it and i'm going to piercing strike because that's what he's been doing all game with such success uh isn't a tactical choice doesn't matter when you roll double five i'm not even gonna shield look at this probably gonna eat that probably probably shouldn't shield let's win the other guy first oh there we go he can and down goes the fountain court on a six rip him out of there last couple of combats for the turn we've got some gondorian noblemen and then one fallen dude in the central courtyard i've got two spearmen here ryan against your uh lovely little noblemen i want force big two's for you come on off cut through orcs cannot punch that armor one verse two i'm i'm not going to shield i'm an orc i'm going to stab you oh yeah nice down goes a mourinho pitchfork ones i don't like the pitchfork one he is out of there we actually have one more combat for the turn and it is of course your noble prince who heroic combatted uh he's gonna go choppy job yeah well that's that's also part of the games the strategic forget of where you're gonna lose combats yeah i like it i'm gonna happily stick to that story and win this combat now i'm going to go with justin hill's attacks thus far and four we'll keep the four and then i've got two fellas here can they get the five if we do yeah big six all right my poor little law key punch him slice him dice him imran hill will go in oh mate can he do any wrong can he do any wrong nothing nothing wrong at all all right priority four turn number three big sauer on dice is a three for the forces of mordor three surely so i'm going to call a heroic move with goros do you want to spend you're free to counter call with inver hill or are you going to take it like a shield wall to move into emerald no i want to maybe do i i mean he's been on a few seconds doesn't mean you want to use might to fight someone stronger than you you go right ahead watch me watch me eviscerate him gorilla's going to go in and uh i'm going to perform a little heroic faint here not going near emery hill he needs to carve up some infantry and now i can just use that heroic move to absolutely swarm we'll tie up emery hill put a blocker in front of the big boy and then start feeding these other guys in yes now this this horror move makes a bit more sense now it's all about board control bump into zagdosh with that brave archer from getting dominated so charge and rap that's one one cavalry it'd be good to get that knocked down chris can get some support this time because he this is the turn of chris oh i just put down this little orchid here my sea shower seahawks the orcs are coming down there's more reinforcements pouring on through the siege towers uh and that is almost the end of the movement phase we have a mr gandalf left uh is he gonna make a b line up through the alley here ryan yeah he will but your impressive board is getting in my way yeah yeah the uh this is a fairly fairly lengthy reach around uh go right up between uh the master lamprights quarters from mr dave from ms paints and raquel from uh red cross uh it's a beautiful emporium you know i'll i'll give you an assist all i need is a couple more as the mordor forces begin to swarm across the battlements in even greater numbers we have to give a huge shout out to the amazing creators from the fellowship of the zorp if you haven't seen the amazing crafting collab that brought this build together the full playlist with all my colleagues videos is linked down in the description it's ring wraith time i've got two rakes flying onto the field one of them is going to zoom on up here and we'll throw one on and down the walls and we'll cast some spells because now mortal gets to dish the pain so the witch king is coming on and he is flying straight down onto this wall here he can enter from any board edge and that huge 12-inch move and just before he lands in contact with any enemy models he is throwing a huge channeled black dart at emery three big dice and i'm casting successfully on a five i've got the crown let's see if i can re-roll up to a six no i'm on five you're gonna spend any will there ryan oh you're not gonna channel often let's go two let's go two points a wheel let's see if i get a six and claim one back oh no pair of twos all right d3 wounds on the emerald hill oh good but i can save them all with one successful fate yeah anything with a d3 you can save on the single fake point see if you get that big juicy four no words these sixes these in real sixes and then the big wraith up the top there he is going to throw a channeled black dart oh just a black dart actually with two dice so only a four so no successful cast up there for the ring ray as yet more and more orcs pour onto the field with any slain model returning via a siege tower of lockheed's choice mordor is really starting to put pressure on the defenders and with the high movement and damage output of two fel beasts now on the table it's definitely looking like mordor's game at the moment in addition to keeping gandalf and imrahill alive to achieve total victory ryan must also destroy at least one siege tower so keeping his trebuchet in play is key and he has just the secret weapon to do it with an unresistible banishment added to gandalf's arsenal of magical powers and now it is into a pretty monstrous shooting phase ryan so two ranges into the banner two hits get a six get a six get a six no no the random the normal dude he gets a hit he needs a six two he doesn't get it damn right all right he misses in tight all right well the arrows aren't doing much down on the lower level let's have a look at the upper level now you've got your beautiful trebuchet just waiting to unload here you didn't lose a crew member so you're still hitting on fours you're still targeting that uh that one siege tower down there maybe well maybe i'll go to the one i haven't shot at yet stuff it yeah yeah maybe that's the lucky one right big four big four even if i don't get it get higher than a two i'll be happy okay so two two then one it's a solid performance six shots into the big monster thing okay five up like it is but everything goes down everything hits the fell beast that's gonna used to pop it up but there's a six one six all right well i'll just take a single wound on the fell beast look at this battlefield unfolding below us i gotta say it's not often that i'm standing like up a meter in the air to play a battle report this is a new experience let's dive into combat ryan let's go with imran hill and a heroic combat ryan was all like oh my god the heroic move and i liked that idea so i'm gonna do it with the uh the old witch king in here you've got priority again uh you wanna do the roll off right sure and it'll be a four up every time okay get in here all right witch king on the charge he's got three attacks with the mogul crown so that's four on the charge thank you and i want big sixes i am fighting looks like two fountain court guard with no support i don't think cause that guy's on there so say you win out of australia i do i've got it on the five value and i am going to throw one strike uh just one down yeah that's one down and another strike down they go you got two strikes obviously that you didn't know if you can if you could just get him a nice little nice little flappy flap yeah see this is what the problem is with your gaming boards they're so elaborate and detailed you can't play on them properly god what are you talking about look it's optimized optimally every balance that is you know you've just signed his death wish right oh well especially as i haven't struck you're right um we'll see how this goes now your hands off the p it's like chess like once your hand leaves you it's there it's there witch king versus imran hill i've got four attacks on the charge but maybe don't worry if i guess six yeah let's see these emerald hill sixes oh they're so tanky and i got a flat six with three dice and i've got three might yeah which king takes fate and he's got two he's got two left let's get three sixes that's that's obviously what i need to do oh that's easy one in 216th chance it's no problem oh he's got one he's got one right all my mind what oh [ __ ] we nearly had a disaster we caught it we that banner just saved it andy we're taking good care of them and not knocking them off the table all right oh i'll spend i'll spend i'll spend will i yeah i'll spend on my point and i'll save it so i'm down to one might and one fate left and emery hill has done some work against the witch king taking away my heroic combat yeah he won't be zooming out of there any time soon we've got him trapped which was the point over here this flank is looking absolutely battered down to nearly three models for the gondorians i think the uh the bowman up here i'm gonna be shooting in future turns let's dive into two on one i've got oh hammers and axes i'm gonna piercing strike with one i'm on fours i'm gonna stab back at you oh wow going strong here ryan not strong enough piercing strike not enough normal crushes in his head striking against god or encourages savage we got one big fight it is gel rhombos and he is going to absolutely splash this man of gondor with a lot of models uh i'm just going to use the captain let's see how we go i'm just going to use my shield yeah oh i'm going to have to use the other models now it's rude frankly uh all right all right all right once the threes and two swatted tank this condor in uh did you did you shield yeah you did okay so he just pushes us all back he's got a couple of bowman friends in there which are gonna hopefully help him out it's not it's not game over on this flank it will be in a turn or two two orcs supported finding three gondorians supported so i am just going to fight as normally you've got three dice ryan big sixes uh i'm out of my banner i don't even have a banner on that flank so you guys are striking me up the stairs so i count as defended position so uh past the uh past the barriers one just one and now that was the six i needed to you know it was and now i need to get another oh dude these new gondola dice are insane and they're not even cursed oh they come with ryan's stamp of approval not cursed like the rohan ones another gondorian victory on the stairwell they are managing to hold their inner courtyard honestly gano probably could have run through there i thought they were just going to collapse but the gondorian center is managing to hold strong behind the valiant captain chris uh let's dive into his combat right now he is supported fighting uh oh two mirandans with spears as well so big strikes from me i'm on fours okay chris or will the spear bail him out again no it won't will the banner bail him out you had a lot of bailouts not enough if you're gonna spend any night he's got one left he hasn't used anything oh he hasn't used any please use him keep him alive all right victory victory to chris he uses his heroic prowess to take the fight and he kills a guy kills a guy that strength four of the gondorian captain doing work uh the bannerman's time has definitely come over there for dol amroth he abandoned his liege lord emery hill to try and support the center flank and then found himself quickly out of position i want sixes to try and wound him oh yes good see this fellow off zach i've got three dice as always no strength modifiers not too many risks are you sure because if your strength if you're strength five you're killing my three i got three dice i'm gonna i'm happy with fours okay i don't want a a crazy six c c this one brave dude who just saw two of his mates get murdered will get a five and ruin his day no oh big fail we've got some fights with the gondorian noblemen here on the sides they've lost some spear support so they got obliterated by the invisible ringwraith who has just decided to have a little party over on raquel's building there uh so we've got uh basically a bunch of one-on-ones i think because i've lost some spears as well yes big six for me on the first one my six is better though so if i get one oh you got your battery the banner no oh i don't put him down next fight along it is another gondorian nobleman so that fight four oh big five come on banner dude what even our banners oh get out of here that was a good kill yeah he's a gorgeous model too one of ryan's lovely nobleman conversions uh we've got uh goroth fighting two noblemen and the spear so three for you goris just got two natively he is burly though oh yes you'll fight five hey i am fight five will do the work defense six looking for fives which go down to fours with my burly no wounds no my points to make a change either goroth hasn't been his usual self the siege engineer is rammed up against the witch king and the parapet there two attacks from my orcs coming in vicious with a six i'm gonna beat you back with a count of six no you could get one all you're like in hill's banner oh yeah oh oh you're a dice too you've got you've got a five value high five play right now i don't know we're so it's going to be four up which means i win yeah and then i can get me away and i'm going to use my siege engineer point of mine very nice siege engineer holding strong he's he's empowered by his uh the prince of donald roth there turn number five and things are starting to get pretty spicy the ring rates are in play gandalf's probably going to try and target one of them with a serious banishment ryan's got the choice is he going to go for the ring wraith up on the walls uh and try and save that siege engine because of course destroying siege towers is a secondary objective for him or does he go for the the witch king and try and protect imrahill uh but emery hill still got some support with him either way i think evil needs priority for once in this game so i'm going to roll a big zorbazoop 6 on my zorbazorb dice available at oh it's a 2. bad advertising ryan show me the money big one you can rely on me to do and it's roll once all right evil priority yeah i'm gonna move with them all right well i have one white point one my point left with the witch king gore off is out and i've got no other might on that flank i think i'm gonna count a call let's do the roll off right now and oh my god i get to do a roll off one two three show me the evil hey the witch king is pinning him in place we're still in play you're gonna throw some will on a trance fix on emery hill i can't channel though because i already got juicy wow two ones and a three i'm still going i've cast her but emory hill still has one point of will remaining to try and get a fairly easy resist uh i'll give you a red dice ryan that's what's in my hand show me a one or a two another one would be great don't you want to use your crown to get a better score oh i can re-roll with the crown i'll re-roll the one oh good call ryan big sixes uh are you gonna spend your will no not for a sex good call all right so i am firing in i'm gonna charge uh the emerhill i'm the siege engineer why not uh and that heroic move will also allow me to pile in these orcs and just start really making some gains in here [Music] all the awkwards have just poured over the walls are making serious gains down on that part of the city we've kind of pushed in and really trapped those forces around imran hill we're starting to get a bit of board control we need to kick off this secondary objective and stop the siege towers from being destroyed so i am going to run my generic ring wraith all the way up here and he is i don't even think i need to cast any magic with him i'll save that for later in the game or for resisting uh and i am going to try and rinse this siege weapon in combat [Applause] all right so gandalf moving through this street he's gonna move up in the range of the fel beast and he's gonna do the auto banish on him yeah he's got a pretty fierce ability in this particular scenario on a four plus he can cast an unresistible banishment three die so he's one from one free one and oh yeah there we go the five will do oh just i couldn't see that then now who gets to stand on the platform [Music] the shooting again so i've got dam rod and a few friends let's try and knock out these reinforcements because every time you move it just surges into your dead space and i've made very little gain there so i need i need to get rid of those stem that flyweight so let's do the two ranges who one will hit and kill six wushka all right and then we've got damn rod who's yet to make a kill i think he hits that's a good start and a five will be minor two or six four guys over there let's try and nick off him who didn't quite make it into combat from the siege tower all right we've got three hits needing the six nope nope not quite the guy's sitting up at the top of the uh beard clippers barber they can snip down some of these reinforcements pouring past benji's hobbies uh beruthel emporium one good one let's get a five see you later get him out of there it's time to shoot that one i'm gonna show you a two a two send these five pieces all right so you need to inflict d3 wounds it automatically hits there's no scatter uh and uh we're gonna see if we can take this bad boy down in one roll [Music] oh just the one word yeah there's your two so still some wounds remaining left on the siege tower he isn't out of the game yet but you finally inflicted some damage on the central courtyard tower uh that is the end of shooting there's of course nothing from me it is combat time i'm gonna go hard here oh big five starting strong uh that's chris so he didn't quite get there he's got a support he's got a friend and to make this combat go off let's use your last mic chris let's do it so we'll pump him to a five win on fight value now make the strikes so i'm defense six in that heavy armor with shield so five's for chris oh he rinses him i should have fought two captains yeah you should have all right so i could just charge him and then wrap so i'm at the battle look at that there's chrissy holding the line soloing of the siege tower get out of here orcs you're never getting on while chris is around all right so this is the turn where we collapse the gondorian right flame two hawks fighting a gondorian nobleman zagdosh couldn't make it into combat so he hasn't joined them yet oh i'm bloody no point i've got a banner i've got a banner you got a banner doesn't do anything all yours won't save you but you weren't doing things really hurt either goroth and one spearman fighting a supported nobleman so i will do three dice i'm on fives again can't get the big six neither can you though but i have a banner you've got an emerald human yeah and i get a five so you win anyway because you've got five five yep gorop is gonna go smash now yeah oh sixes and fives noblemen is whoa they took a tumble down the cliff let's do our engineer over here he's fighting two i've got him pinned he's not gonna survive this turn big fives for me big fours simran hill rahel banner not enough all right he survived last turn he ain't surviving again big traps uh oh uh i'm strength four you're defense five that's no way i'm not striking on courage he's still alive ah two walks of me one gondorian they've i've thinned them out over here this is a legit banner this time oh ty and fight belly goes to you this to me can you push back the orcs score another one look at this pop that off squeeze out of there uh now it is a two-on-one in your favor this time i haven't got a spear in there oh another [ __ ] and there we go not the collapse of the gondola inches that was the jinx when you said that four attacks for the witch king he's got the sixes you've got uh emery hill has three dice nah he's got six because he's shielding because he oh yeah yeah i should have recognized that cop that banner yourself to how much might has he spent yeah i'll get one from the bank that's fine yep cool you still got two left yeah so you win on fight value and i will just will you fall into the forge here which i mean yeah i'm dead i just catch fire no what's his name uh griswold griswold griswold blacksmith who's just been he's just been hanging out like look he's still hammering away there's a battle up here griswold pull your finger out horses aren't gonna show themselves yeah look at this gorgeous little blacksmith model that uh ryan has converted all right let's get on with the rest of the game i think we've got one big fight left and it is a huge one ryan it is massive for the game it is uh pet master benji and he is going to try and save his beloved animal and he's got one attack he's got a two are you was that an egg one yeah that's just once all right the stakes aren't the the standard isn't high there you go all right so benji wins uh your only strength three defense five defense four actually looking for fires to wound do i get like a sebastian like attack from that hawk on in my hand i think you do i think you get a second attack from the hawk yeah he'll go for one and miss and the hawk will go for the peck he's going to take the eyes out no yeah so there you go the the pet store is safe for now they're fresh what about them they're for us this area of gondor strength my last couple of mirandans on the wall uh we've got uh one on one two and one yeah two and one yeah yeah and you've won it nice oh banner right behind them no it doesn't do anything and um big zombies off six available captain chris versus one pitchfork dude all right pitchforking using the pitchfork special strike oh i reckon i got this i think you might i've had a good track record against the pitchforks and chris does it again well done his kill count is on seven or eight by now every minister of force needs a criticism oh yeah this is winnable hey not enough there we go and we'll take off and all wonderful i mean i can't have minnesota i am i've confused a priority for turn number seven ryan we are running out of game time for you to get emery hill off the board my friend is it i'm not even gonna roll oh it goes to you actually i'm gonna roll the one just to rub it in there oh you did that goes to me swings back i got to taste priority for a butter turn and now it's time for some movement blacksmith griswold into the lich king he does not pass courage he wants to stay by his anvil that's fair that's fair i'll step down so not not double he's not not his height so he can get into him straight away he can take on that fellas to stop him from doing gnarly flanker and imrahill is actually going to go for something a bit tricky so he's going to fight that orc and the rest of that plan will be revealed in the combat phase [Music] gandalf um coming back down completing his mani is he in 18 inches range of that rate for his punishment spell i'm somewhat counting on that all right um and he is four is on that auto banish i would love not to lose the witch king here falls got it all right the witch king's out of here he's uh deciding to withdraw from the white wizards [Music] tower by the pet store that i've lost that that's that part of the city's gone the middle one is somewhat less important now and anyway i've got chris there so i'm sorted now the witch king has taken flight i'm looking pretty comfortable to be able to hold this while i get immoral into the right place and i've actually done something tricky within this turn take those key targets that are taking good positions so that way i can capitalize on those positions ranges again all right two hits let's get a six with either of these and i'll be a happy happy happy commander oh no no six look i'm completely out in the open so one day he's going to take him this time damn rod for the six i've got no mine oh he doesn't need the mic beautiful dice there we go the mortal banner is finally finished that is going to help emery hills escape a lot beautiful trevor show right here firing down you're going for the central tower once more yep and i'm actually gonna get a six to hit this oh okay show me the money oh disregard well okay it's okay this still turns to go there's still a chance to get that completed uh let's dive into the combat phase uh any heroics from you mr ryan trash yeah the uh immoral emerald hill all right i have no my points left on the board with both rates now taken out so there's nothing i could do to say about that i have got a single orc and he is fighting imrahil and some beautifully sculpted citadel guard noblemen uh and i have got a single dice i am for the once i'm gonna be anti-orchid i'm gonna shield oh i got i got painfully painfully punished i could get four ones you know i would get a fifth one when i've been a re-roll that's true um so there's emerald and he does it he claims it and he'll just go for a five up to chop this guy up and he's trapped so that's handy too so but he doesn't need it there we go emery hill absolutely eviscerates him he's organic three attacks him out of there and where are you gonna take these next six inches ryan you don't be back into the fight by any chance um no this is our time to play the objective um fight that guy who was fighting the engineer guy but you know that's that's fine and he can now move a very specific six inches toward the back of this um trebuchet he's preparing to make a uh a bit of a yeet uh zach duchess is fighting uh one gondorian nobleman he's got three dice uh we'll do his strength modifier as well he gets a big zorbazop six you'll fight five two i sure am i'm not even gonna need to rock uh kaboom that will do now that uh is out of range of the uh the courage buff yep i'm using my courage as defense as opposed to armor so yeah that worked nicely zach just gets the kill bearagon has finally got in the fight after hanging out on this flank holding it and not able to get in uh he is fighting with the battlemen against a single moranin i'm on sixers baragon other guy that no he'll go neg baragon's just gonna no he won't re-roll that because that's good he's got a point of might yeah it's so close to the end let's just go for it eragon he takes it off and then let's get a five from baragon and a six from the other fella so far from america go yes oh there we go they are covering imran hill's retreat quite nicely over here on this flank the other most important fight of the board of course is benji uh shopkeeper of queen buruthiel's pet supplies he is fighting a single orc big three from the york okay so i've got a beat of three and i got a one i'm fair i do apologize he's down he's down oh he survives oh but the hawk the hawks attack the horse that's the hawk so you need the hawk needs a four yeah doesn't get it yeah it doesn't get it the old the old ryan snap guys time for joe rhombots captain of the orcs to finally finish this last pesky gondorian defender here all the dice there's gels he's got the big six i can't win um he eviscerates him get him out of there ryan done nice work joe captain chris and the central gondorians are holding beautifully here i don't think my orcs are gonna be able to break through uh we do have a little bit of numbers but we just don't have time on our side uh let's uh let's dive in and we'll do chris's 101 i've got piercing striking or key i'll see if i can get some revenge oh the sixers are coming fast and flowing for the son of gondor oh two more of them get him off there is no way we're cutting through that central line i think that is a job well done by chris and the defenders over there i think that's pretty much most of the important combats the rest of the chaff has been sorted let's dive into priority for turn number eight just three turns for the forces of gondor you've rolled a one so i actually need to get a two now it's kind of just yeah like this happens a lot to me so oh well that's that that's what i'm talking about rolling you can't even get it in the thing yep okay there you go i've got no might to change it so there's no catching emery hill this turn that was a big moment that little off there could have leapt up with some control zone shenanigans but imran hill is out of here uh take his big jump okay so how far is he gonna go how many inches how tall is he first he's two inches to the tip of the sword and he's gonna go and he's gonna go that's three he's gonna take three hits i shall be the spirit of emery hill's falling injuries and oh i've got a six he takes one wound he takes one away with it uh is that for your fate or for my because he's high defense yeah ah strength heavy armor prevents fall damage as would make sense it's a two no wounds so if he was a regular dude yes that beautiful beautiful ornate plate keeps him safe and most importantly leaping off the broadsword blacksmith landing just across the road from the beautiful uh lead makers workshop by dave from ms paints gandalf's gonna race down the streets he is he's actually gonna cast um renew oh now we're getting fancy well he's he might have hurt his ankle he actually hasn't taken a wound so i can't yeah that's true oh he's got his wheel back beautiful uh looks like our gondola and heroes are safely off the board edge let's do our our most important moment for the remaining elements of the objectives and that is of course fire your catapult ryan what a hit it's another two how good all right well there's one more chance one more chance to take full victory here uh there'll be a few combats there'll be a few hack and slashes but it isn't going to matter we'll do our favorites let's do benny over here uh i've got a single orc ben he's taking it slice that orc to pieces and the attacker is hawk all right nice work benny hawk he's charged this bowman who we may not have noticed was there the entire game uh i've got uh one attack with the bowman oh am i going to be the orc oh what am i talking about no no no no i'm the orc now you brought all right keep that we'll do another swap there you go ryan's doing the work for you i'll smelt his corpse out the window victory for gel so essentially our final turn here ryan has found himself having both imrahil and gandalf in range of the board edge and they are off to defend the gate grond is on the way and the two valiant heroes of gondor are ready to try and stop the witch king's menace at the gate of gondor but of course ryan has one second objective left to complete and that is this beautiful little trebuchet let's see if we can roll a four to try and finish things off and get a big old hit all right ryan you need a big old four and then it's got two wounds left oh he gets the big minister of six to finish okay d3 wounds my friend d three wounds i need a three up it's taken one so you need a three up [Music] victory get that tower out of here just blast it off just throw it against the wall yeah that's a good idea actually just hurl it yeah yeah with the honduran heroes and the siege tower destroyed that is a complete and total victory for the forces of gondor that's two wins in a row in our ministerith in flames campaign and uh we have got some pretty seriously boss forces forming up to invade the city but gandalf and imrahil have escaped with the clanner of hooves and the heavy thuds of plate-mailed feet the white rider and the lord of gondor sprint through the white city gathering all they can to the defense of the gate behind them the clamor of battle still rings from the parapets but the valiant voices of the folk of gondor can still be heard amid the tumult but as they round the corner to the central courtyard their ears drum with a massive boom a huge thank you to so many amazing people supporting this project the incredible youtubers from the fellowship of the zorp all of their build videos are linked down in the playlist in the description the amazing gel rhombos from the gorilla painting service chris from the swords and brushes youtube channel and of course our very own ryan trace from battlecraft hobbies who painted up all the amazing forces you've seen here today to get some sexy close-ups i've linked their instagrams and channels down below as well a big hug to graham hughes for the lovely gandalf on shadow facts don't worry dirk your time is coming andy martian for the two amazing scratch-built siege towers jacob from conquest creations nathan shuttleworth james gaywood and jack norman for printing our horde of fdm siege towers links to that stl are down in the description too and of course last but absolute opposite of least my amazing patreons and all of this is possible if you want more minister with more battle reports and more zorbazob please go and check out my patreon linked below it is a phenomenal way to support the channel or if sexy threads are more your style check out our merch store below including the super sexy white city range designed by the amazing bo preston whose incredible art is all linked below if you're still watching i love you that was more thank yous than an oscar speech you guys are the best community and i really really hope you enjoyed it because ryan and i had an absolute blast making that video for you see you in two weeks time zorptrons and let the white city
Channel: Zorpazorp
Views: 71,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minas tirith, realistic stonework, foam terrain, carving foam walls, foam brickwork, real stone, gondor, games workshop, lord of the rings, sbg, zorpazorp gaming, zorpazorp, warhammer, lord of the rings warhammer, terrain, how to make, how to paint, dungeons and dragons, dnd, d&d, how to make a dungeon, stone wall, castle wall, battlements, tower, dungeon, the lord of the rings, eric's hobby workshop, real terrain hobbies, battle of minas tirith, battle report, battle report lotr
Id: 3MUohKxzbbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 38sec (3218 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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