Siege of Rohan! Massive Battle Report ~ Middle Earth SBG

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welcome to conquest creations and today we have a very special video for you we are playing a siege of rohan using the kingdom of saxonia terrain this terrain has been sculpted by myself as well as two other sculptors and we're so excited to bring it out to you live now on kickstarter you can get this whole entire set as stl files to 3d print now in this game we have a horde of 60 or a guy with three demolition teams a battering ram and three captains laying siege to the city they can be held off by a defense force of 30 rohan warriors on the walls who are accompanied by a king's huntsman a captain and aldor inside the city theoden and his royal guard as well as hammer and gambling are defending the golden hall and there's some scattered defenders throughout the city let's get into this game i'm ben i'm general of the uruguay legend for this siege and the urukai are feeling like they want to crush some rohan skulls tonight i'm jeremy i am the grand commander of the uh eris defenders i'm gonna defend these walls to the last g'day folks i'm david commander of the rear garrison here at ederis while jeremy holds the wall with his you know broad shields and stout courage uh i'll be coming in later to back him up with um basically hordes of infantry i'm not worried the walls will hold i'm sam and i'm part of the urukai team today and uh we're ready to mince some men one of the things that the defenders don't know about yet is that the wild men of dunlan have infiltrated one of the buildings in the city and they're gonna be rushing out in turn three to help them get over the walls the urukai have brought a bunch of siege ladders now to get over a wall you need to climb up the seas ladder win your fight and kill your opponent and then you'll take their place on the wall this terrain has been designed to be as interactive as possible so if a bomb team gets to the wall and does six wounds to it then that wall will be destroyed completely and you can replace the wall section with a destroyed wall section which comes as a part of the stl files in the kingdom of saxonia this is going to allow the defenders to rush through and pillage the cities of saxonia there's five objectives in this game the uruguay want to claim the walls meaning that they remove all rohan warriors from the walls they also want to claim the city section meaning there's no rohan left in the streets they also want to claim the golden hall kill theodin and kill 50 percent of the rohan if rohan can prevent three of those from happening then they'll win the game this game is going to go for 12 turns and on the 12th turn there's a roll on a 4 up the game continues each turn and with that the game is ready to begin [Music] the same priority oh ghost the eisenguard all right so let's see this urukai hoard advance and turn one movement for the great siege now honestly guys this turn was not that surprising all these urukai are just pushing forwards and putting their ladders up on the walls so next turn if the rohan don't push those ladders down they'll be able to send troops up and here you can see how many ladders are going towards those walls and importantly we have the battering ram making it slow advance towards the gate that battering ram should be able to knock the gate in no time which is going to make a big difference and just look at this horde of oryx so here i have some models touching these ladders i'm going to move as many as i can in base contact with them and then i'm going to get a single die roll with some bonuses to try and push these letters back down on the face of the urukai so here i'm going to have one here one support and then this one's going to go do the pushing so there'll be a two plus bonus and it will be a success so that ladder is back down and on top of the walls a lot of the troops stood still because they're already in the best spot but within the streets of ederis the troops scattered around are rushing towards the walls now they don't know that there is a secret warband of the wildman in that building so they're gonna get surprised when they pop out so the battle has well and truly begun with battle lines moving as you can see the horde of uruguay have pushed forwards but ben looks like some of them have stayed back what are they about to do these crossbows have got good line of sight on these rohan warriors they've got pretty strong fortified in the ways but i think we can take them these string four crossbows are built to kill but before ben shoots we've got to go with aldor this is the old guy from the siege of helms deep in the two towers and hilariously in that he started the whole fight by accidentally shooting early so here's a special rule that no matter what he always fires first and he rerolls all failed to hit and wounds we have an old fellow here with us who gets to shoot first let's see how he goes he's going to eye up a nice eurocar at the front for good thematic reasons that fellow there uh we've got a hit he's hit let's see what we can do to him and with the eisenguard six manages to kill and eric guy and the ocas crossbow fired back in force with a lot of shots but the purpose-built fortifications provided a five-up in the way for the rohan defenders so they managed to stay pretty safe still losing two rohan archers two casualties from the rohan defenders and now it's their turn to shoot back the front guy take him out yeah yeah yeah in the way of the guys in front nope hits a guy in front and nothing this time combined firing from the rest of the archers managed to take down one of the engineers carrying the battering ram and then the king huntsman fired and he does pretty well here got him gets her kill so after a bloody shooting phase that takes us back into priority no combats this turn and goes to rohan the first of the defenders inside the city have made it to the gate ready to hold it for when that battering ram bashes through but theoden and his king's guard are still at the doorway of the golden hall and you can see them moving through the streets of the kingdom of saxonia building up on the walls the rohirrim managed to push down some of the ladders and this is what the board's looking like at the end of rohan's movement still holding that wall and into the eisenguard's movement the first urukai jumped to the top of those ladders ready to bring the fight to the defenders gonna be interesting to see how many of them can push over the walls and that battering ram jumps forwards it's not hitting the gate this turn but it'll get there next turn now importantly the demo chargers have reached the walls now those walls do have six wounds and need to be fully killed to all six wounds to break through them and doing half the wounds will just break the walls partially as you can see uruguay have poured up those ladders and the fight has begun and there's a captain on top of that ladder there and all of the rohir matari is ready to shoot back and we went straight into the shooting phase and as many of the archers that could see this berserker as possible took aim and fired at him because without that flaming brand there it can only be detonated on the roll of a six and this is that battalion of archers firing down all right we'll get a roll we've lost we've lost one of our berserkers the only thing will save him is this you shall not know no pain here it is no oh i think that goes down here you should have rolled a six and that's a massive loss because that means that bomb most likely won't be detonated the king huntsman fired next and he managed to take down an urukai pikeman who was going to jump onto that battering ram next turn the rest of the rohan fired and did nothing but the eisengarde shot back only killing one rohan and at the start of the combat phase we do the demolition charges so sam we're starting with this one you gotta pass the courage test on that berserker to see if he lights the charge he does he does and now roll a d6 on a one it's a dud on anything else it will explode so it will explode and roll a d6 see how many wounds it does and that is four wounds to the wall and four wounds is going to partially destroy this wall section so we remove the full wall section and we replace it with that partially destroyed one i'm so happy with these walls and i love playing on them also unsurprisingly these two warriors did die and because the demo charge did four wounds that will instantly kill both of the engineers but that berserker has a six up save so if he can pass four six ups he will survive let's do it rolling one of the time yeah he's dead so that moves on to the next demo charge there's no flaming brand here so one of these guys is going to have to pass a carriage test and then get a natural six to detonate it sam can you pass that courage test of course that is a success and now can you roll a six no so the demo charge stays there so we've got a demo charge set up under a ladder here sam do you plan on detonating that demo charge oh absolutely all right well there's no berserker there so again a courage test from those urukai they have failed so it won't be detonating this turn and in the first combat of the game it's an urukai trying to break over and fight the rohan so the rohan has shielded the uruguay's got a five but they've got a six so they have won that fight urukai captain spent a point of night to kill a rohan and get the first uric onto the wall and that is the end of the combat phase there's one uric inside the fortress and a big hole that's formed at the start of the rohan wall so that goes into next turn let's see the priority roll goes to the urics a special rule for this scenario is that each time a flaming brand berserker dies they come back from the edge of the table and this turn the battering ram has made it to the gate ready to start putting wounds on it across the rest of the field there was more urukai climbing up ladders and everyone getting to the walls with those crossbows staying back ready to do some more shooting these rohan defenders do not realize the infiltrators are ready to reveal themselves the rohan are at their direst moment so out comes charging all these wild men now i am just in love with how these buildings turned out they were designed specifically with gaming in mind so you'll find that they're super nice to play around all these doorways are 25 mil to allow infantry bases through them and all of the surfaces are flat enough that you can balance models easily i'm so happy with them now i'm not too impressed with this at the moment ben has hidden a bunch of wildly in these buildings and has just revealed them and just said he had them at the moment which i think is a load of rubbish and now they're coming to attack us from the back when i was holding up that wall really well so look david your role hand is gonna have to hold up these wildman entirely so i've got no idea how this has happened my captains checked those buildings personally uh their papers were in order uh but here we are um jeremy's doing his best to hold the wall so it's going to be my job to tie down these wild men that have sprung out of the snow like daisies and the rohiram are responding they're definitely outnumbered at the moment so they're gonna need to bring more forces over here to stop the wildman from overrunning them just fighting around the streets of veterans and on the walls you can see that fighting has broken out and the rohirrim have tried to respond to the urukai on top as much as they possibly can why not against that flaming ground and i just love this moment where you can see the battering ram on one side of the gate with urukai around it and on the other side the mustering defenders the royal guard are running forwards from the golden hall and in eisengard's shooting these two crossbows managed to kill an archer but that's all they got this turn so now rohan can fire back and my favorite model up on the wall the king's huntsman took a shot at the urukai berserker and it cost him two points of might but he managed to kill it preventing one of those demo charges from exploding for another turn the shooting phase over that goes into the combat phase and at the start of the combat phase we have the demolition charges ben which one's going first well these uruka had a good shot at it last time let's see their carriage test they've passed their kind of test so they need a six no not good disappointing again no flaming brand in range this turn let's see their carriage test fantastic good and they need a six we want this the six again no we have our flaming brand close next turn next turn so that'll just go into the fighting i finally made my battering ram has made it all the way to the gate how battering wear am works in sieges we take the highest strength model who's holding the battery ram so i've got a strength four model and then any additional model after the first will give me plus one strength to the battering around so i've got string four five extra models that gives me a strength nine here this um well built siege door is strength ten with three wounds so i'm needing fives uh to wound but the door always counts as being trapped so i get to double my strike so two dice needing fives and it's got three wounds let's see it one wound so it has two wounds remaining the first combat is this urukai captain trapped fighting for rohan so let's see how the rohan and the urukai go um i am going to think of all stabbed with all the rohan the canons the captain's not but the other three will the urukai captain is pretty um sure that he'll stay alive with his defense seven but he's definitely got a shield and he is going to use it oh and the euro captain's got a six here's five five point from the row home no enjoy your one turn of living and the fights from here just went down the walls starting off with an urukai dying and then the urukai being pushed down the hole that they just burst through the wall there so they still need to break through the eurokai won several combats here but remember you need to win the combat and kill your opponent to jump over the wall so they didn't quite manage to get those two lighters over and another urukai was slain on top of his ladder there followed by another one on the other side in the streets of ederis a wild moon was slain and a feral ulukai was just pushed back overall this turn inside went well for the rohan because they managed to push back another wildman and they lost two fights but didn't take any more casualties and that's the end of the turn so that goes to priority let's see the roll five six goes rouhan and in rohan's move they made their greatest efforts to push down the ladders off the wall but remember because they're moving first the urukai will get a chance to put them back up in their movement and while david was addressing the wildman inside the city jeremy was fighting on the walls the royal guard inside the city moved forward to hold the gate when that battering ram breaks through and that goes to the isengard move phase and another flaming brand enters the battlefield from the back of the table ready to run towards this demolition charge this uruka captain was pretty disappointed with the previous effort so he's jumping on this battering ram himself and calling extra reinforcements to come within and the rest of the urkai's move involved moving these ladders back up the wall to continue the fighting inside the walls some of the wildmen were running towards the back of the walls where there's ladders that your models can climb up and the rest of those men had poured out of the house so we were able just to pop that roof back on nice and playable in the shooting phase this urukai berserker was the target of all these arches but he managed to survive and the archers took some shots back from the urukai crossbows but took no casualties and at the start of the combat phase which one's going first this one here all right so carriage test from the berserker he's passed now needs to roll a dice on a one it's a dud it's not a dad all right see how many wounds you do to that wall it's a four so that is going to destroy the wall and that will deal four wounds to each of the models within two inches of the bomb which is going to kill those troops on top of the wall so sam those engineers are dead can you take them down and your berserker takes four wounds can you pass four six up saves unsurprisingly not so he is dead as well and now all three models on top of that wall section take four wounds that is going to slay all three of them do you want to take them down and with the wall destroyed we can just replace it with the destroyed section and we have another demolition charge here but there's no flaming branch we'll need to pass a courage test from the engineers and they have failed so it won't be detonating this turn and now we're striking at the gate that battering ram is striking at strength 10 so it's gonna wound the gate on a four they've got two dice and that gate has two wounds left ben can you do it and that will destroy the gate and with this train these gates actually open so we're able just to push them open and allow the hordes of urukai to start pouring through into the rohan defenders but the royal guard and theoden are there to hold the line on top of the wall some of the urukai are now starting to get a proper footing getting off the top of their ladders so the captain fighting off a horde of rohan you gotta fight it surely he's gonna fire six cop yeah oh look all right so jeremy how many wounds can you do to the captain i'm gonna double them up captain is yellow and the red is the stabbing ones you do not have to kill themselves i need sevens across the six across the board is that seven yeah uh there is none at the moment but one possible re-roll which should be enough to kill this captain i imagine let's see no wounds whatsoever so the captain has survived still fighting on the wall and in the streets of the city the dunlanding captain managed to take down a warrior of rohan giving them a much needed numbers advantage and then rohan started to lose fights they lost a big one where they outnumbered their opponent and then a son of aeol on foot also lost his fight and was pushed back and then following that another son of ale on foot lost his fight was pushed back and slain by the two-handing wildman who also had hatred giving him a plus two to wound another warrior of rohan was slain not the turn rohan wanted so at the end of the turn it's looking pretty good for eisengarde at this point but the rohan still have their royal guard behind the gate and eisenhower still isn't fully over the wall so anything could happen here all right let's see priority and that goes to the eisenguard all right so it's eisengard's priority but jeremy what have you done here i've caught a heroic move with the captain because my aim is to be able to hold up this ladder and prevent the urukai going in so that captain's going to call with me he's going to move first he's going to check who's in range and i'm lucky enough to get this guy in range of it so i'm going to move him into the captain to be heroic and intercept the captain and drag this guy off to prevent the urukai going through there and because that battering ram is no longer needed it has been dropped and all these troops are disembarking from it and ready to run forwards and the royal guard are ready to meet them here we can see three of our players gathered around this awesome kingdom of saxonia table commanding the fighting in the streets this is eisengard's move as you can see all of the ladders are stacked but ben's abandoned this one to send more troops through the gate and the wildman have surged forwards engaging as many rohirum as possible taking us to rohan move so jeremy what's your thinking here uh i've got to engage these guys at the gate so i'm going to throw as many row hand as i can i'm going to divert anyone here that can defend the walls just to hold the walls another turn or two because what i want to do is take on these eisenguard piecemeal hope there's no reinforcements there the wildman having me really worried um i'm just going to have to hope my realm troops just turn up and kill them all and this is what it's looking like at the end of that move phase they're trying to hold the gate and it's looking dire in the city but they're holding the wall for now taking us into the shooting phase and rohan's shooting managed to take down just a single urakai dyson guy do you have anything to shoot no the iron guard can smell man flesh so they are running forward at full speed they want to get into combat what we've done here jacob we've lined up this bomb to destroy this section of wall the only person on that section of wall currently is this rohan captain i'll roll my courage test for this berserker pass fast does the bomb detonate it does and how much damage does it do does four wounds to the wall and that section of wall is destroyed and the destroyed section goes in and that captain has taken a wound and fallen into the gap which at least means he can hold it for one more turn now that'll kill those urukai engineers as well and and the pikeman that's correct and can that berserker pass four six up saves he's not afraid he should he should be and he is dead that'll take out the bomb as well and within the streets of the city it started off with the rohan warrior being pushed back and then three warriors of rohan in a row died without damaging the wildman in return on the walls they managed to kill some of the urukai holding their line which is exactly what the warriors on the walls need to do they still do casualties but they just need to hold as long as they can until their reinforcements can arrive and that urikai captain did take out too now the main event at the gate the urukai came storming in with a lot of pikes and they won some of the fights but they took casualties in return and didn't put a single wound on the royal guards and jeremy used his last point of might to call a heroic move because it was urukai's priority this allowed him to engage more oaks on the wall and hold the line a little bit longer and the attackers kept their movement sam decided to run through the blacksmith to get his troops to the fight faster now that the wildmen have claimed their opponents and at the gate jeremy decided he would hold the line there for a few more turns before falling back to the great keep the last archers started to come down from the watchtowers as well and at the end of the movement phase you can see that the walls are fully crumbling now but where it matters at the gate the rohan force is strong they've rallied around their king and they're ready to repel the attackers there's no more shooting phase at this point in the game because everything's fighting in combat and rohan lost three troops in the city to those wildman swarming over them a warrior on the wall survived and then another one went down but remember they just want to stay alive as long as possible so surviving a fight is a win for these rohan's but moore died and the first royal guard died at the gates unfortunately his combat followed him into death then they won a fight and then lost two more so priority this turn goes to rohan and they really needed it here all right okay gonna call that heroic move it's all important we need to push forward out of that gate uh this captain will counter all right let's see the roll off one two three will go evil and it goes to good so that will cancel the heroic and goes to the normal rohan moves and he's going to attack this guy so the captain who is holding the gap has run out of the fortress and into the urukai that's a pretty crazy plan the last of the rohirrim that is still fighting strong in the wall have decided to abandon it just rushing to the gates now the rohan throwing weapons did pretty well managed to take down and urukai and theta and even though he's worth points has charged in ready to strike up and hopefully kill that urukai captain and more troops are streaming down onto the floor but inside the city the wildmen are running through the blacksmith to get there quicker and more of them are just pushing forwards and at the end of the move phase eisengard are now pouring over the walls and through the village there's wildman in the blacksmith it's going to be interesting to see how they deal with the urukai here i think jeremy's going to be planning to do a strike with his captains there and hopefully kill the urukai because theoden has still got full mind so i'm going to do a strike with ayden take some time to two might and then the last point in mind for this one called heroic combat all right and ben do you have anything to counter that uh i think i'll counter call a horror combat all right my heroic combat goes first it will negate uh jeremy's combat from going and that goes to good throat combat first so let's see it what is that fight value gonna get up to fight nine so fight nine so he will be able to faint captain is gonna shield he wants to pull out extra might from these heroes i'm currently six and we are on a four we will ban a reroll and no matter what you get it does not matter because they've got them so all these strikes are fighting and have been allocated to their heroes so can you get the kill here needing sixes to wounds first first one uh there is there's two two i'm not spending any money on that i'll roll the next slot and he is trapped otherwise so in this one i've got a choice for throwing thieving forward or the captain forward basically to to engage that i'm going to be brave i'm going to move gambling here just to keep the banner effect going i'm going to move the captain back a little bit and send faded in all right so then holding the line like a true king should and throughout the rest of the combats the rohan managed to get some kills but they took one casualty in return but they just need to hold this gate for as long as they possibly can on the walls another rohan warrior went down but they did manage to win some fights which is a good result for them and the hero captain who's run out of the walls didn't kill anyone this is the state after that turn and let's see the priority roll off two five goes to rohan in a time when it's gonna be very helpful to them so jeremy what's the plan here so i've got a couple choices i'm gonna be struck by these wildman very soon so i think it might be a staged retreat at the moment and in jeremy's move he started pushing his army back towards the great hall where they can make their final stand if they can last long enough the rohan reinforcements will arrive and they can still win this game they also need to keep saying alive so he should be running back but the evil is responding by just pushing their forces forwards they actually managed to keep some of their crossbows still to get a few shots and in the shooting phase they managed to get a cheap easy kill and this is the state of the board after movement as you can see theoden decided to hold the gate very thematic and going into combat rohan started off with killing a wildman but evil responded by killing a warrior of rohan now the gate went well they took out numerous urukai with thaden getting a kill and some royal guard just being pushed back the captain outside got pushed back and with that the last rohan on the wall have been slain it's just the soldiers defending the city defending the gate and they'll be falling back into the great hall and priority goes to rohan now jeremy will you be calling anything to get back faster here with march of the captain all right and that's his move so i'm gonna move some of these guys first to try and engage how about over here friend to help out over here friend help out here three three two the wrestling range of the march so they'll use it to basically head back to the wall i think and this is our board after rohan movement they're falling back and it goes to eisenguard there was no surprise from the eisenhower move they just ran forwards jeremy had plenty of throwing spears in the shooting phase but didn't manage to get any kills so that takes us to the combat phase so hammer calling a heroic combat all right well we'll start with that fight rohan have lost this fight and are pushing back a sad loss but that's okay and the rest of the few combats went alright for rohan they managed to kill a wildman and that's it so that took us into priority and jeremy called a heroic move with hammer and the captain because eisengard got priority and jeremy took the initiative here and he actually ran forwards into combat i was expecting him to run backwards this was an interesting play but he's trying to do damage and the other side of the army has opened up the golden hole so they can fall back inside it i'm so glad the battle is ending here it just looks awesome that is the board after rohan's movement so it goes into the eisenguard they've got a lot of chasing to do and it looks like the final battle will be in the golden hall and the urukai just rushed forwards trying to close the distance between them and the rohan and there's a thin green lion holding back the tide of wildman buying time for their lord to get into eterus and that'll go into the combat phase and the combat started off with a rohan dying and then the dunlan chieftain going down we need to remember that rohan's goal here is to stay alive as long as possible so they can score maximum points at the end of the game and the end of the game is coming up soon priority went to isengard and hama has called a heroic move hama has pulled back close to the fortress and ready to receive a charge from the horde of urukai and wildman so at the end of the move phase the walls have clashed but importantly this rohan captain who before we saw jumping down the wall is still alive there's no urukai left outside the castle so he's coming back in to continue fighting and the lines clashed in the combat phase with lots of combats and both sides taking losses the difference is rohan can't afford those losses and here is the line after the combats rohan definitely took some casualties this turn aldor took a wound but his fate passed it and the king's huntsman also took a wound now this captain used a point of might to kill an urukai but he's within three inches of gambling's banner so he'll get it back at the start of next turn that takes us into priority it goes evil jeremy will you be calling any heroics this captain who's just got it back he's going to call it and luckily he gets everyone everyone and at the end of jeremy's movement everything's just tied up he's trying to hold them outside of the golden hall so that goes into evil's move but importantly this rohan captain is slowly making his way towards the fight and evil's move has gotten enemy models inside the building so they're gonna be able to run in and attack the heroes from behind and other than that it's just a big mess of fights going into shooting does evil have any shots here we've been a couple of shots and these two crossbows fired back at the rohan captain who took a wound and it's a fake point to stay alive and he is alive and in the fight phase gambling called a heroic combat killed his opponent and then went to fight another urukai and the king huntsman was with that fight so he got to move and fight again as well jeremy's just trying to use all his resources now and then in the combats unfortunately the rohan hornblower went down losing them courage across the whole board and then another warrior died after him and gambling managed to slay another urukai and it's thaden fighting two urukai dayden's on a three he's got a bannery roll to a six so he has won it can't they even kill those two or a kind uh no and that was the last combat of the turn so it'll take us straight into priority mine goes to rohan all right and evil has no might so there's nothing they can do about that the first of the urukai are in the great hall and they need five models in there to claim it so i'm guessing jeremy's going to try to get him out one roman runs back building to fight a feral elder's gonna go hide over here he's already lost his fake point yeah he's gonna go over here they're fighting to the last they don't know what they're meant to charge forward heroically and this is rohan after the movement now gambling's banner restored a might point on this captain here and everyone else is just fighting where they can with the fight inside the golden hole and combats all around so that takes us into evil's movement and eisengard didn't have a lot to move they just spun their crossbows around ready to take aim at that captain this is potentially the last turn of the game and it is looking tight here that'll go into the shooting phase and there is a lot of shooting here looks like there's six crossbows all taking shots at the one hero captain with one wound and no fate left can they finish him off what's going in the ways everyone else is cool all right and that's six was that the one within the ways or was it uh yes that's fine all right guess through the first bit hits the second it's the second bit so the captain has survived oh it's going well going well so i'm gonna use a heroic defense on gambling and just try and survive this turn um i think the rest of them will just you save their might for the combats and hope they can win and survive this turn all right and hopefully this is the last turn because it looks like a crushing force there if it goes for much longer if i don't get through this and unfortunately aldor was slain but the captain followed that by killing two urukai i'm gonna go for gambling all right and gambling has lost but it's only natural sixes to wound him and none there so he is still safe yeah nice let's go for hammer all right i'll take it better and hammer has won that can hammer kill them so he's good he's against the feral and then they're both the prioritize the terror got the camera the last combat is they didn't keep him on time i've set the bar on a two with the hidden lights okay it's not good it's good can you get the kill i can kill one of them yep so we'll take it out i'll take out the crossbow and at the end of this turn amu will arrive with his relief force on him let's see it and it's a six and with that role aimer and his retinue have arrived to relieve the siege so with that that means that the battle is over but unfortunately the urukai managed to claim the walls and the city as well as killing 50 percent of the rohan so this is overall an urukai victory if you like this terrain make sure you go and check out the kickstarter where you can get the whole entire set in the form of digital stls thanks for watching
Channel: Conquest Creations
Views: 118,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lotr, gw, games workshop, warhammer, middle earth sbg, lord of the rings, rohan, wargaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 11sec (2171 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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