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so you are thinking about doing poetry you're thinking about going through the poultry and business but you've heard of a deeply later system and you've also heard of a battery case system and you are wondering which one is the best for me um which I'll be comparing each one of them depending on the advantages and the disadvantages so that we can get a better understanding of why you should be doing a typical later system rather than a battery case system or vice versa with the Deep later system one major cause of diseases of poultry is when they come into contact with their fecal matter or when they come into contact with their visas if a bed is sick or if a bed is diseased and he drops or he poops there may be some pathogens in the dropping and so if the drop-in gets into contact with another bed who is not infected or who has no disease the likelihood of that bed also getting contracted with the disease of the infected one is very high and so the instances of disease contraction in the deep litter system is very high because they are in close contact with the African matter but when you come to the battery cage system the battery cage system is is designed such that the beds are in the cage anytime they poop or anytime they release the droppings move out of the cage and it is collected below them and so as a result diseases that are likely to be contracted as a result of getting into contact with the physical matter is eliminated in The Battery cage system as compared to the Deep military system so that's one comparison now the second comparison is level of exercise and energy best in the Deep lead system are free to move they are not restricted in a cage and so there is enough space for them to move about and exercise themselves and all of that so as a result their bones or their skeletal makeup is very strong and so the incidence of having skeletal issue or bone issue is very very minimal or very very low but when you come to the battery case system because the beds are restricted in a particular Zone the likelihood of movements is very low I'm not saying that they don't move at all they move about but because the spaces are very small compared to the deep litter system they are not able to exercise or move about that often and so as a result so they may have issues with their skeletal system and so that is the comparison with regards to the movement with the deep litter system the likelihood of it's moving about is very high and so they are using energy and this energy is derived from the food that they eat so what happens this is what happens they eat the food the food is supposed to be converted into either eggs or meat but because they are moving about and dissipating this energy The energy they are getting from the food is used um to undertake all these activities moving about and running around and all of that and so at the end of the day they are fit to meet conversion or they are feed to egg conversion it's comparatively low because they are using most of the energy to run about and move around the housing system but in the battery cage system because bears are unlikely to move about often the energy that they are able to obtain from the food that they eat is come invented quickly into meat or egg and so you notice that with the battery cage system they feed to meat conversion and the feed to egg conversion it's relatively high as compared to that of the deep litter system okay so the other point is about how the food how they are feed and water is served with the deep litter system because they are in close contact with the feed and their water the likelihood of contamination of the feed and the water is very high because the feed and the water is in the same room um as is they feed the water and the beds are all in the same room and so there is a likelihood of contact with the feed in contact with the water most of the time even some beds even vomit in the water that they are drinking mistakenly or accidentally puts their legs in the water and everybody or all their best get to drink that same water and so the contact with the feed and the water with the birds in the deep litter system is very high and as a result there is a high likelihood of infections but when you come to the kid system the system is designed in such a way that the Bears do not have close contact with their with the feed and the water the water is automated from a system up there and this system moves through at a pipe and so there is a small tab when you open the tap then the water flows through the top and so the only thing the beds have in contact with the nipple the nipple they put their big on the nipple and then the water comes out that's the only contact they get but they do not have a close contact with the source of the water and so the likelihood of infection of the water is very low and the feed as well the only contact they have with the feed is they are big and so there is a system where the food is poured into the PVC and they use their pick to get the water their legs don't go into their feet not of their body parts goes into the feed except for the beak which they use to feed and so there is not that contact as compared to the deep litter system now another thing worth noting is the labor the labor and the Deep later system you would require a lot of Labor because there are a lot of things to be done in the deep litter system you'd have to change the litter often or the bedding material often because if you don't do that the likelihood of the best Contracting diseases are very high and so you would have to be changing the bedding material very often and also because operations are a bit manual in the Deep little system you'd have to be changing the water but these days a lot of farmers have devised certain ways of making things even automated in the dipulator system so that the cost of Labor or the labor involved in operation becomes minimal but when you come to the battery cage system the water is already automated in the system and so you just turn a tap and then the water moves through the pipe for the best to drink and so you need basically just one person to just do that and then everybody has access to water and then the feed you put the you you distribute the feed in the PVC and then you are off and so if you are doing maybe other jobs and you are doing the farming the poultry farming has an alternative means of income it's quite easy doing the battery case system as compared to the deep litter system because the labor involved in the battery case system is very minimal okay so with the battery case system a lot of beds are able to occupy a small space or a small area of space as compared to the Deep letter system and so because of that you are able to stock because of that you are able to stock a lot of beds in the battery case system because it is designed such that there's not so much space for the best to be running about and moving about so freely so because so as a result you are able to keep a relatively High number of beds in the battery case system as compared to the Deep later system and so when you are looking at the economics of the whole thing you will notice that at some point in the Automation and fixing of the infection of the water system there's a quite an amount of cost over there but once you do it it reduces the labor completely so even though there is cost there it reduces the labor and so at the end of the day the thing is balanced and and that progresses for a very long time as compared to using a labor where you are going to pay the labor for a very long time so when you compare that you would notice that the battery case system is more economical and more friendly on the packets in the long run as compared to the Deep laser system but as I said farmers are revising a lot of means of still applying automation even in the Deep later system so that they are able to minimize labor they are able to minimize cost and all of that so in the farming system it's all about creativity is all about using your knowledge learning new things and finding ways of making things more easier and reducing your cost and maximizing your profits kindly subscribe if you have not subscribed to this channel yet share and like this have a very fruitful day and to meet again goodbye
Views: 11,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #poultry, #deeplitter, #batterycage, #agribusiness, #broiler, #layer, #farming, #agriculture
Id: OzzKIwI1xDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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