800,000 Chickens Modern Layer Farm On Live

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hello guys this is renee from china high top poultry equipment which is a factory of providing poultry farming equipment over 20 years helped five certain poultry farm projects in 30 different countries now i am in a china modern farm it is a big farm raised over 600 thousand chickens and a plan to build 16 buildings the whole plan is made by high top designers and on my back it is a fader production room used to produce chicken face and next to it it is uh this infection rule used to people disinfection before entering the chicken coops and across from it it is a staff living area and on my right hand it is a ag warehouse used to add a storage and egg processing and on the opposite side it is a staff working area and the whole plan is made according to the customer's land budget and the requirements if you plan to build build a modern farm you can send the ice you plan your land and our designers will have to make the design for you and so today we will have a live video and the purpose of this live video is help to you to understand how to start chicken farming and now let's go to the farm and see what's going on hello guys now i'm in the middle of the chicken farms you can see there are six chicken house already put into use and it seems that you can hear the voice of chicken crowy and this way you can see there are three chicken house under construction [Music] let's total this farm is total build 16 chicken farms and the customer will start one by one first we will provide the solution according to chicken's class taken quantity and quarter price after confirmation then we will start one by one this way not only can help to reduce the clan's financial pressure also can help to customers make a profit first and if strangers into the chicken house needed to do this infection today we wanted into the chicken chicken coops because the system in the all the buildings are exactly same because we have one house just to finish installation and then we will go to that house and see the equipment before in starting the introduction please think about what concerns do you have they have sold many big farms so there are some customers concerns below for you reference first what's the specific cost first uh what what is the specific cost second how long will it take to pay back uh third how to choose the equipment first uh how to save phase and the water five uh how to increase the ag production route uh six uh how to create a reading environment for chickens let's solve them one by one first question what is the specific cost usually the specific cost according to the customer's cheat concrete different quantity have different cost like a list horse it is a horse raised about 40 thousand the chickens so its equipment cost is about 160 thousand usd dollar including the cage system automatic fading and the stylus system and the automatic drinking system and the automatic manure removing and the automatic egg collection system and the lighting and the traditional cooling and the environmental control system but if you rinse a small quantity like a 10 000 its equipment cost is about 10 so 10 000 usd dollars so if you want to know the specific cost you can send us a inquiry and tell us your take on quantities we will make a solution and a quote for you our website is of poetry and the set the third question the second question um how long will it take to pay back we have poultry farms in 30 different countries including the big farm and the small farms usually for the small farms it can get the capital in the same year but for a large firm you already ate need one or two years to take back so maybe you you can tell us your budget then they can make a solution according to your budget to meet your needs the third question how to choose equipment if you do a research you you will find that there are many suppliers in the china market and their price is different but they all tell you that their equipment is the best so maybe you will have adopted why why their price is so different because it is the automatic layer equipment and it has a lot of accessories the quality of the accessories provided by different suppliers are different that's why their price is different too in order to compete at low price maybe some suppliers will provide you a low quality accessories privately but our company high top company we believe quality first always so we we always provide the high quality accessories for our clients for our customers all of our high top equipment to have one year variant and the kgs have a lifespan of 20 years let's show you the details of our cages but high top country always believe quality first otherwise we wouldn't survive the on the market over 20 years and have over 5000 plus projects in the 30 different countries let's show you the details next all of high top equipment have one year guarantee and the cages lifespan is over 20 years let me show you the details of the cages you can see the wear the veil is very thick the top bear it is 1.9 millimeter thickness and the door you can see it is very thick its six thickness is 5 millimeters and the bottom and the back [Music] the bottom and the back where thickness is 2.2 millimeters so it is very strong can support over two kilogram of chickens and you can see it is four tires chicken chicken cage once that one all set reads 128 chickens so this is one nest one nest can raise eight chickens the length the last 60 centimeters widest is 62.5 centimeters height is 48 centimeters the area of portugal is 469 square centimeters which exceeds the international standard 450 square centimeters and the space is large and the bad ventilation is good so the chickens feels more comfortable some suppliers nest size is very small the single chicken occupies only about 400 square centimeters which is easy to close some chickens have no face to eat and not lay eggs it also is the reason why some suppliers price is cheaper and you can see it is a hot dip the surface treatment the chlorine resistance is three to four times that of ordinary galvanized well mesh and that is why the sub life is over 20 years and you can see that the severe mess is very thick and the top wear has a big distance above the manure belt so the chickens can't attack the manure which can protect the chicken's healthy and you can see the door it is a slinging door type you can see the door size is very big and so its operation is very convenient and it is easy to entering and cooling chickens and there is a small clip here to clog the door and prevent the chickens from escaping it is very strong also please see the bottom where it has a 80 degree slope so the eggs can roll to the egg about gently and easily also the bottom well has a high elasticity which can protect the eggs grows softly if the cage wear is too hard the eggs will be a break easily also this is the creative cage frame it is two millimeter thick strong chlorine resistance one piece design no welding point it is a stable structure also there is there is a board used to protect the eggs inside of the cage there is a board prevented chickens from packing eggs maybe you can see it here clear you can see another side you can see the board from another side clearly also it can prevent the chicken manure from falling into the lower trough so the board is very important and the lace is the fifth trough it is a hearty per galvanized tool and compare the waist pvc trough the support stress is high also you can climb to uh over the chickens on the upper tires the feeder trough is a reshaped trough it can saving materials you can see from the front it is very clear you can see it is a reshaped trough so the chickens can get a face from the bottom it can see material and re reduce fader accumulation preventing mutual and you can see the out age is higher than the insider educator also to avoid the fade waist come here you can see the fader trough is very straight and beautiful because we use the automatic vending equipment the curvature of each trap is the same so there is no menu error the first question how to save face and water besides saving fade and waters you may have other concerns like to how to keep the clearness of the face and the water and how to make sure the chickens get enough faith and water and how to know the water and phase consumptions uh let's solve the phase question first uh about the phase issue then you need to uh on the basis basis of the automatic fading equipment when you want to face the chickens you just need to press the forward button in the control box then the face will come transferred from the outside style into the automatic speeding cart with the inkling and the lateral elevators then this faded fader card will ring to the last position the face will the face will be dropped evenly so the chickens can the chickens can eat the fade at least time it is very beneficial to have a large space every chickens can have a place to eat but in a small nest only some chickens can eat the food the remaining chickens have no place to eat and in the long run the egg production rate will be reduced when the food truck card ring to the last position it will stop automatically at least time when we press the back button the fader card will automatically return and carry out the secondary feeding which will also ensure that each chickens can eat well there are two special device on our fitting cart one is the uniform fading device as the name applies it can uniformly fade and it can set the amount of fade according to the age of chicken fade uniformly and eat evenly a wider waist reduce the rate of the chicken cooling at the end of the cage there is a fader return device the air resuction type and cleaning design can remove the excess phase at the end of the cage and bring the feed back to the feed trough reducing waste and you can see this process is closed and even the hopper is closed to prevent the dust from entering and ensure the clearness of the fade also you or you can check the fade amount from the of the reaction hole and if you want to know the consumption of fade you can check it from the automatic value system on the silo let's go outside to see the storage silo and automatic weighing system now what you see is the storage silo and do you see the green box uh it is an automatic winning system used to win the face consumption today if you want to know the face consumption you can take it from the green box and the way you want to face chickens the face will be automatically transformed from the eggplant and lateral elevators then drop to the automatic fading card after solving the phase problem let's solve the water problem we will enter the filter and the dosing device in the front it used to fill out the small particles and ensure the clearness of the waters then the water will flood with the water pipes so it's your camera follow camera follow me so this is the square type of water pipes you can see it is very thick the sticky material can provide the has a good lighter pro broken has a good good light broken and a the alga grows so it can make sure the cleaning of the water and you can see the nibble drinker we used as different as the menu cage it is the highest quality nibble drinkers and it came 360 degree output so the bus nests the chickens can get water it can make sure the chickens get enough water and you can see below the water land there is a rich type water thing it used to avoid the water waste and also can avoid the water are dropping to the manure belt and the chickens in order to make sure all the chickens get enough the waters there is alarm on the last position so if the last set of cages have no waters it will alarm and rain and it will automatically supply waters which can make sure all the chickens get enough waters and if you want to the water consumption per day per hour you can check the data on the control box there is a control box you can check the daily data okay this is the alarm so if there is no water in the last set of cages the alarm will ring and automatically water supply and can make sure all the chickens have enough waters challenge the fifth question how to increase the egg production rate i believe this is the most concerned questions by most customers and actually the aggro production rate have a lot of aspects like the chicken bread the face type and the chicken house type and the lighting the raisin environment and the equipment because it is the time is limited today so we made it introduce the lighting and the equipment today if you want to know other aspects you can uh send us an inquiry don't forget our website is the high top poultry equipment about the lighting uh most customers choose the specific led poultry farm lighting because the science proves that the special led lighting can improve the ag production rate how how it do this uh you can see uh the light position is different it is one one row in low position and another row in higher position because uh the chicken chicken case has four tires so at least two different producers can make sure all the chickens get enough and the necessary lightings and the light has two colors it is the warm color like this now and another color is red colors it is special led lighting can simulate the nature sunset and the sunrise so the chickens can adopt the lighting well and it is no strawberry flash lighting so it makes the chickens more calmer and there is no the strikes caused by the mutation and when the light turned to the red color it can activate the uh chickens to uh take more phase so it can improve the aggregate production rate about the automatic aggregating equipment in fact it is can't improve the ag production rate but it can reduce the egg breaking rate so in another way it is to improve the ag production rate about how to reduce the egg breaking rate it depends on two device so when you want to collect the x you just need to press the button then follow me then the eggs the eggs will drop to the egg belt is a false egg egg the eggs will drop to the egg belt this is a knee long material egg belt so it can it can absorb the vibrations of the eggs so no egg breakage the eggs come from different attires and you can see there is a device it can guide the direction of the x you can see this this is in the guided x to the right right position and in the below you can see it is in the left position and do you notice the right roller it has a softer ag filter so if it is a soft x edible drop to the below and so all in the healthy eggs can go to the egg clique so the workers can collect eggs in here and you can notice that the size of the aggar clinic is small so only one eggs can put hair not egg accumulation it also will reduce the egg breakage [Music] [Music] and you can also see that um it has a small volume so only one hand can put here not at accumulation these two device can make sure the aggregate rate is less than 2 in 1 000 also after the 16 unions have been finished we will enter the central and classic land about here so the workers no need to enter the chicken poop to flanking the eggs did not just need to add in the egg americans to collect eggs next build a transporter build the central agriculture land to the egg house directly and the fifth the sixth question how to create a breathing environment for the chickens only if you raise chickens there will be chicken manure so the chicken manure can has a smell so the smell is not a good to the healthy of the chickens so it is important to clean the manure out the chicken and the chicken manure will drop to the egg belt so after you press the automatic manure cleaning system button the at the belt will ring and you can notice that there are two rollers below the menu on your belt so it makes the egg belt it makes the manure belt anti retention you can notice the details of the roller it is not a flat roller it is low in the middle and the higher on the boss side so the belt always in the same direction at a weight went to other side so let's uh talk to the end to see how the checker manure is cleaned out okay this is the back of the chicken house in order to make sure that chicken manure is cleaned out cleanly we entered three scrappers to clean the chicken manure and the first touch grabber is the scrap on the end most of the suppliers only have one screw scrap that's the back scrap but we have three scrapers you can see this this is the second scrapper and this is the third scrapper so the three scrappers can make sure the egg belt is cleaned out clean and the let's see the first scrapper you can see each tires have an one scraper the chicken manure can drop to the origin elbow the manure will jump to the freezing belt and after you press the button the belt will rinse so the manure can transport will the horizon belt to the outside this is the whole horizon belt and the transporter to the inclined belt and there is a cleaner truck and there's a belt like this there is no manpower it is automatic clean the chicken manure the manure will drop to the truck automatically when [Applause] um um um now what you see is that in light of windows it can bring the fresh air to the chicken house and it'll cooperate with the exhaust fans to realize the ventilation the inline window brings the fresh air and the exhaust fans can take the harmful gas outside and when the uh window is closed the exhaust fan will cooperate with the cooling pad and uh different [Music] deep blender together to realize the korean function let's work through the friends to see how they work together this is the cooling pad it is made of the papers and you can see there is a well mesh in the outside it is a wide mouth entering the chicken chicken cooks because the mouth it can bring the disease to the chickens so the average mass is very important this is the cooling pad and the condition i stand is a water tank and on the other side of the inside the white board it is the deflector it can change the direction of the wind after the window is closed the hardware will go through the cooling pad and after the water cycle is ring the cooling paper will take away the waters in the clean pipes and the waters then the wind goes through the deflector to the chicken house with the deflector the wind will go too high then to a lower position so the wind will become mailed to the chickens and no stress for them after the wind the hardware after the hot wind through the cooling pad and the different deflectors entering the chicken coops it will be becomes a mild wind so they work together you can realize the cooling function maybe you have a question i don't know or when to open the exhaust valve when you open the windows and the free times don't worry nearly the automatic environment we have to use to transfer the older device and create after effects during very much different changes and it is important to [Music] the controller just like the human's brain it control the face and the hairs and this is the control controller of the lighting system and it is the controller of the drinking system about the environment about the automatic fading and automatic manual removing and automatic collection function you also can operate with the buttons so the workers no need to enter in the chicken house and they can realize all the automatic functions okay so today's lively so that today's live stream is finished uh let's summarize the purpose of the today's live studio uh it'll be it needs to have 80 years to help you learn how to start a chicken farm use so if you have a plan to reach chickens and you don't know how to do you can send us an inquiry or professional sales who will to make a solution for you and don't forget our website it is high technology equipment and this is renee from china high top poultry see you last time bye
Views: 44,590
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Keywords: hightop poultry equipment, hightop automatic chicken cage, chicken cage, layer chicken cage, layer cage, automated chicken cage, H type chicken cage, A type chicken cage, fully automated chicken cage, battery cage, automated battery cage, poultry farming cage, poultry cage
Id: y2krkZzyFH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 36sec (2856 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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