Batman VS Iron Man (DC VS Marvel) | DEATH BATTLE!

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you're one of the many psycho supervillains stalking the streets of gotham city i would make peace with whatever god you pray to because they won't save you from the goddamn batman but before he dressed like a giant rodent and employed little boys and booty shorts as meat shields he was bruce wayne scion of the multi-billion dollar company wayne enterprises until mommy and daddy got 360 no scope leaving bruce with a void inside him that could only be filled by the never-ending quest for justice and vengeance that night bruce wayne died and the batman was born he would devote his life to perfecting his body and mind to become more than human he would transcend his own mortality into legend a nightmare to haunt evildoers till the end of time jesus christ i feel like zoloft and therapy would work too but okay whatever works batman's resume is absurd he's mastered 127 martial arts trained in stealth and assassination and is a super genius with a photographic memory he's the world's greatest detective bar none like how the league of shadows needs to keep erasing batman's memories because he keeps finding their secret bases or the time he found a dead body with no entry or exit wound and a 40 year old bullet nearby and somehow determined it must have been fired backwards in time despite being a master marksman escape artist forensic scientist mechanical engineer and ninja one of batman's assets stands above them all his fat sticks france has poured his billions into tactical armor and gadgets for every conceivable situation if there's one word to describe batman it's prepared made of reinforced kevlar and titanium his backsuit can resist knives and gunfire and even protected him from this massive explosion judging by the size of the detonation batman's distance from the epicenter and the surface area of his body he must have withstood a blast of nearly 60 tons of tnt his cowl comes with night vision infrared and a radio while his utility belt is chock full of smoke bombs nerve toxins a grappling hook and batarangs which he can control midair and set to explode it was these tools that allowed batman to wage his one-man war on crime but once he got over his angsty loner phase he helped found the justice league of america in order to bring his personal brand of fat justice to the entire world and batman's knack for schemes and preparations skyrocketed the match turning him into the fat god we all know and mean like the time he developed a backup personality that would ensure he functions as batman in case of a psychological attack that drove him mad a backup human operating system like a computer but it's his brain he even has plans tailored to his teammates weaknesses should they ever go rogue he's developed contingencies for everything which is why bats comes prepared with extra suits for any occasion like his nightfall exo suit to battle bane or the justice buster which he obviously designed to combat the justice league he even got a final bat suit from his sixth dimensional self that can rewrite your mind but my favorite is his stylish zebra suit which he wore after getting weird magneto powers they just made his suit look like this for some reason there's also the rainbow batman suits the suit of sorrows and of course the bat nipples chicks dig the bat nipples all paid for with the bat credit card never leave the cave without it but perhaps his greatest suit of armor the one designed to put him on the same level of insane mind-bending power as his league teammates is the hellbacks aka the single coolest looking thing ever invented forged by superman in the heart of the sun each member of the justice league contributed to this monstrous mechs abilities and boy does it show the helmet is absolutely hardcore made of nanokinetic mesh it can shapeshift around batman's body and operates via telepathic link it can fly turn invisible and fire a bat-shaped chest laser and by diverting all the suit's power into his fists he can use the devastator a punch powered by wonder woman's strength and she's strong enough to yank the freaking earth around no it does have a 95 chance of giving old fans a heart attack which he has given himself to save all of gotham city on at least one occasion it's that level of insane drive that pushed him to use the hell bat in his one-man invasion of apocalypse in order to bring his son back to life you know apocalypse home to the god of evil himself darkseid batman stared down the final boss of dc comics and actually kicked his ass this is incredible considering darkseid is a being strong enough to destroy entire universes and fast enough to fly to the edge of the universe in seconds since the dc universe is significantly larger than our own that would be over 600 quintillion times the speed of light that same dark side avatar even took a shoryuken from alan scott who was amped up from the energy of the multiverse and bats cleaned his clock just as hard but this incalculable strength is drawn from batman's own life force specifically his metabolism should any fight with the helbeck go on too long batman may succumb to its hunger before finishing the fight himself or absorb someone else's biomass for fuel that works too so basically you'd have to be completely batshit insane to pilot this thing and that's that is yeah sorry to bring it to you but the grown man that wears his underwear on the outside isn't all there in keeping with being a perfectionist though he's completely aware of this that's why he does not kill because if he did he understands that he can't trust himself to know when to stop batman is outsmarted the nigh omniscient metron defeated his dark counterpart the batman who laughs and humiliated superman in a one-on-one fight no wait that one's not canon that one he technically had help yeah that one although many of his greatest accomplishments have been aided by his exceptional prep work and foreknowledge he's no stranger to being put on the spot even in the face of armageddon who else would kick the spectre the angel of rat god's divine judgment in the face and then tell him to get the hell out of his city i'll tell you who the goddamn nah think i haven't planned for this you would be forgiven for doubting the destiny of genius billionaire playboy philanthropist tony stark yeah cause you can add massive prick to that list too tony's parents died when he was still young leaving the mind-bogglingly brilliant prodigy to inherit a multi-billion dollar tech company with mommy and daddy's burst strings tony decided to live it up and down in booze and the ladies which was problematic considering he made his fortune as a part of a military-industrial complex selling devastating high-tech arms to the highest bidder and tony got to see his handiwork first hand when it literally blew up in his face tony never had much of a heart to begin with but after that he literally had even less unlike so many men of weaker spirit though tony refused to give up he was made of tougher stuff he was made of iron so he built himself a robot suit to bust the hell out of there and when he got back to the good old us of a he devoted his life to protecting the world from the kinds of weapons he helped make by making an even better robot suit and becoming a superhero i am iron man building new suits of armor wasn't just a hobby for tony but an obsession over the course of his long career as a founding member of the avengers he has constructed dozens of different models which he can call to him at once like a literal one-man army most of his armors come with the same basic tool kit super strength massively hypersonic flight and repulsor blast repulsors are extremely dense beams of muons unstable subatomic particles similar to electrons they're actually really interesting to see they're classified as leptons which don't have any known substructures it's a laser just suck the fun out of it his armors also come with onboard ai like friday which can hack into enemy technology command his other suits to fight remotely and operate down to the picosecond that's one trillionth of a second even outdated armors are strong enough to blow up a chunk of rock as big as manhattan by taking a look at its speed tony's armor would have had to be hidden with an energy of nearly 300 teratons of tnt that's three times stronger than the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs years spent defending the earth has conditioned tony to be prepared for any threat imaginable and he has an armor for almost any occasion he's getting armor to bus bolts then armor to bust doors an armor that can turn intangible a super tiny armor that can mess with your insides and an armor made of white sticky alien goo definitely not legal in all 50 states gross in order to remain as flexible as possible though his standard go-to is the model prime it has all the classic iron man staples and has even incorporated size changing for extra strength an invisible stealth mode and a badass lightning samurai sword say what you want about the smug son of a but he's definitely got style and crippling alcoholism but look who's talking it was more than likely that same devil may care attitude that led to tony revealing his secret identity to the world which i guess had no consequences look whiz when you build a space laser strong enough to wipe out alien fleets in one shot i don't think the mandarin is going to interrupt your swarm of lunch date that space laser is a dyson sphere a speculative superstructure that is meant to encircle an entire star and harness its energy something only possible by a theoretical type 2 civilization on the kardashev scale it's basically when you're galaxy brained enough to draw power from the entire solar system i know it's comics but the fact that tony just has one of these lying around is insane known as soul's hammer tony's incomplete sphere is strong enough to destroy a planet at only a two percent charge didn't you work on one of those i remember you talking about how to solve your student loan problems once and for all on behalf of the families of several planets that no longer exist i'm not legally at liberty to discuss that years of protecting the world from aliens gods and even his friends all of that stuff wore tony down and turned him into the one thing he promised himself he would never become a narc siding with us government's enforcement of the superhuman registration act led to a literal civil war between superheroes it wouldn't be his last though it did prove he could hang with the best of him he's beaten captain america in hand-to-hand combat survived blows from thor and even took down the world breaker hulk he even matched magneto magneto the guy that controls metal the thing that surrounds tony's entire body by amplifying his power with jupiter's magnetic field and then max punched him with the power of the sun and it was like no big deal there really doesn't seem to be a limit to how insane tony's tech gets in the movies this is the same guy that figured out time travel just around one evening in the time it takes me to down a beer tony's already shattered the laws of physics yeah sure go to the middle ages and play nights with dr doom you scamp perhaps his greatest invention of all however was the escape an entire virtual universe where the only limit is his imagination and because tony's nothing if not predictable he made an armor out of it that's right he made an armor out of a universe this virtual armor is composed of solid holograms that can form any weapon tony can think of but even it likely cannot compare to the armor tony created inside the escape the god buster it's literally iron man going super saiyan the godbuster was so powerful it destroyed the entire escape in a single blast along with the ai controlling all of it an earlier iteration of the godbuster was able to stand up to celestials cosmic gods that can warp reality like galactus odin and franklin who can threaten the multiverse with their power so it lives up to the friggin name in case you were wondering but it isn't that kind of power that makes tony special after a life spent wallowing in vice and pleasure tony rebuilt himself into a man he could be proud of someone who could sacrifice everything to save the world i suppose underneath it all that man of iron had a heart of gold you want my property you can't have it but i did you a big favor i have successfully privatized world peace all right the combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities but first if you want the same level of confidence as these two billionaires check out confidence it can get you far in life that's why bluetooth delivers the same active ingredients as viagra and cialis but in chewable tablet form and at a fraction of the cost you can take them at any time day or night so you can plan ahead or be ready whenever the process is easy just sign up at consult with one of their 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fight tony it'll be the biggest mistake of your life clark do you read me the watchtower is being attacked seriously bats i figured out hacking in the second grade how do you think i got in here aside from [Music] i thought we were grown-ups here [Applause] [Music] pronto match my coordinates i'll try to what did you expect i am batman and i am iron man i've got a suit for everything bats including busting wannabe gods like you bust this [Music] had to divert some power to hacking that suit like i said second grade friday fire the hammer [Music] holy no more armors tony just you and me man to man well man to genius billionaire playboy just one more model 58 the nano armor snuck it into your body back on the watchtower friday initiate self-destruct [Music] friday i could really use a drink [Music] oh come on you know if they fought naked batman would have beat the out of him while batman is a character defined by his tenacity preparedness and utter genius so is tony stark so neither could rely on that skill set alone to pull them through and it shouldn't come as a surprise batman's standard bat suit couldn't quite hold up to the firepower of even the most basic iron man armors the bat suit is surprisingly tough sure but it isn't taking hits from a dude that can punch apart manhattan and despite bats having a ton of nifty gadgets iron man's armors were way more varied and powerful with so many unique and often alien abilities there was no way bats could predict all of them with time he could certainly figure out a plan of attack but since tony is just as much a genius schemer as batman he could do the same there are lots of cases where he would have won especially with his ace in the hole the hell-bent the hell bat's raw power and speed absolutely dwarfed the majority of iron man's arsenal and could have killed him immediately were it not for tony's own trump cards like the god buster which was definitely strong enough to contend with it the hell bat you take on dark side but a weaker version of the god buster could hold its own against celestials darkseid was a being capable of threatening the multiverse with his power and moving many times faster than light but the celestials were capable of the same with an armor that strong tony could buy himself enough time to break out all his other tricks like sneaking nano armors into batman's body phasing through him with ghost tech draining the hellbath's power or just hacking his suit and shutting it off and with an army of armors at his beck and call tony could certainly hold batman off long enough to employ those strategies hell since he can control them remotely he technically didn't even need to be there and put himself in harm's way and remember the hell bet used batman's own life force as a battery he needed to end the fight quick or else his own armor would kill him first with tony throwing an army at him he didn't have a good way of doing that tony just had way too much to throw at batman while batman didn't have the time or options he needed to keep up batman may have been a god among men but iron man's wealth of gadgets insanely powerful tech and greater mechanical experience allowed him to crush the caped crusader you might think it's an injustice that batman's gonna need avenging but iron man was in a whole nother league the winner is iron man hey everybody i hope you enjoyed that episode if you're looking for something else to watch we just released a brand new show called last lap on rooster teeth it's all about people trying to make each other laugh and everybody trying not to check it out by clicking the box below me thanks [Music]
Views: 5,501,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DEATH BATTLE, Rooster Teeth, DBX, DEATH BATTLE Cast, screwattack, death battle, deathbattle, roosterteeth, iron man, ironman, avengers, infinity war, endgame, repulsor, jarvis, friday, happy, thor, captain america, civil war, marvel, marvel comics, batman, bruce wayne, gotham, dark knight, superhero, justice league, JLA, wonder woman, comic book, graphic novel, DC, DC comics, ben singer, chad james, who would win, versus match, tony stark, battle animation, animated battle, animation
Id: EcSDxeBBolQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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