Batman summons the Most lethal Villain & Hero to destroy Darkseid : Once and for All

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a series of events have taken place in Gotham City where Lex Luthor has been taken into custody and his presidentship rule has primally been impeached this news had been the latest headline of Gotham news apart from city barely surviving the impact of a Kryptonite meteor thanks to Batman and Superman who stopped it from crashing after all that Calamity in a peaceful night suddenly spaceship crashes on the outskirts of Gotham City's Harbor deep into the waters resulting in tidal waves washing into the city our black quote hero Batman Dives deep into the water in order to inspect the spacecraft as he is investigating the sunken vehicle a naked girl emerges from the water and invades Batman's boat which alerts him underwater he follows her but the boat dashes forward uncontrollably she runs into an old Warehouse where three men are loading certain Goods one of them tries to harass the girl but she knocks him down with a massive blow proving that she is no ordinary human being this unearthly girl then causes havoc in the city upon seeing the bizarre lights and unfamiliar human race in addition to alerting the city police forces who consider her as an endangered rival the forces tried to shoot her down but she possesses strong extraterrestrial Powers similar to a Kryptonian which led to cause more chaos in the city her Rampage is only ceased with the timely arrival of Superman afterwards she is taken into Batman's custody who exposes her to a large piece of kryptonite that he found on the sunken spaceship which deliberately weakens her powers Batman investigates on her identity and concludes that she does not belong to the human race and there are no external records ever either however Superman arrives in time to inform that this girl is Cara zorel the niece of the late joral and therefore his biological cousin Superman welcomes her with open hands and takes up most care of her whilst also training her to speak English and on how to behave in the society Batman is yet suspicious on Cara presuming that she has no control over her powers unless she might be a threat to the Earth Superman objects to Batman's opinion quoting that Cara might be the only blood relation he has Batman questions Cara and privacy who has almost lost part of her memory Cara reveals that she quite remembers a snippet of what had occurred or in their home planet her father had constructed a spaceship to send Kara to Earth but unluckily due to some asteroid attack a collapse had taken place leaving Kara and utter darkness and killing her parents meanwhile in the other side of the Galaxy on planet apocalypse a battle has taken place among the female warriors in order to test their strength none of the women warriors proved enough to be skillful leaders the ruler of the planet known as Darkseid learns about Cara's presence on Earth and instructs his elite soldier granting goodness to bring Kara to Apocalypse in order to lead the female Furies as a possible candidate Superman Alter Ego Clark Kent takes Carl along with him to adjust her to the Norms of a human being they do a wide range of shopping and Cara adapts to the basic customs of man's world as dust settles by they've stolen Park where Cara is ambushed by Wonder Woman and LA Iowa unaware of their identity Kara tries to save herself by causing havoc and ultimately destroys the surroundings of her Wonder Woman and Lila who have been tipped by Batman urged Superman to let go of Cara and allow them to take her to the mascara where she will be receiving marshall training and power controlling techniques Superman is reluctant but finally agrees to their proposal a couple of months later Batman and Superman arrive at the mascara to check on Cara who has now been giving coaching she has called upon to participate on a sparring match against Artemis as the two of them battle Artemis knocks down Cara which infuriates Superman and he demands to take back Kara with him Wonder Woman disagrees and a heated debate takes place this annoys Cara greatly and she snaps back at them saying that she is fit enough to take her own decisions she storms away with Lila leaving behind Superman Wonder Woman and Batman to quarrel amongst themselves on her safety Cara and Lila go for a swim in the lake where Kara confesses that she is truly lucky enough to have a good friend like Lila on the other side of the island a horde of Doomsday replicates appear through boom tubes they charge on Diana but the army of Amazons Rush forward to battle the villain team with Wonder Woman and Superman taking the lead and combating and vanquishing the foes Batman discovers that the Doomsday clones do not possess blood Superman vaporizes all of the villains with his heat vision and notices that Batman is missing searching for Batman they find him by the lake and next to him was Lila's naked body pale and cold killed and thrown into the waters the duo is petrified on witnessing the assault and learns that Cara had also been abducted Superman is totally distraught and swears revenge for Lila's death as she was murdered on trying to protect Cara they realized that the attack was a diversion and all this was planned by The Evil dark Side in order to rescue Kara Superman insists on heading out to apocalypse and Wonder Woman agrees to accompany him to extricate Kara they meet big Barta who was the previous general of the female Furies in Apocalypse in order to seek information and assistance varda informs the duo that rescuing Cara is indeed a strenuous activity as Darkseid would brainwash her and take control of her weaknesses molding her into a killing machine being reluctant at the beginning Barta finally offers to help the heroes on one condition she too must go with them as she is the only knowledgeable person among them when it comes to Planet Apocalypse in its locality the heroes welcome her as their comrade and they depart to the desolate apocalypse meanwhile Cara is abducted by granny goodness and taking new apocalypse there she is confronted by the new God Dark Side who urges to make her the general of his female Furies he provokes her to an extent of making herself believe that her powers are unmatchable and her name would spread fear on every corner of the Galaxy when called upon thus presumably brainwashing her Batman Superman Wonder Woman and Barta decide to infiltrate darkseid's castle and teleport to apocalypse the news of their arrival reached the ears of Darkseid who sends his monstrous Army to demolish them but his army and their military vehicles are thrashed within minutes the four of them then decide to part ways Barta and Wonder Woman team up together and Superman directly charges towards the Palace of Darkseid Batman heads over to the underground cave and reaches the hell spores which is the main source of fire pits and apocalypse soon he is attacked by a humongous robotic Mammoth animal but the black robed hero won't go down easily on the other hand Wonder Woman and Barta go through the sewer into the fighting arena where granny goodness sets out the female Furies to kill the girl Duo while scrappling with them Wonder Woman mentions that the female Furies are very tough fighters to which barter responds that they were all trained by her during her time at apocalypse as a mighty conflict takes place between them Wonder Woman is about to be killed by one of the female Furies Stompa but Barta jumps in action and saves her tables turn when Granny goodness gets hold of Barta and threatens to Slit her throat if one Wonder Woman does not surrender in order to rescue her comrade Diana almost surrenders but surprisingly grabs the sword from the Fury's hand freeing Barta from their grip the two join hands together defeat all the female Furies and subdue granny goodness Superman darts into the Palace of Darkseid where he is interrupted by some of the enemy's forces driven by Fury he attacks them and charges inside the palace where he Witnesses dark side on his throne and Kara in a totally strange costume and behavior beside the evil rival he requests Cara to return back to Earth with him but Kara is now entirely infused by Darkseid and is under his influence of brainwashing Darkseid orders Kara to kill Superman and without any hesitation she leaps forward to beat him as Darkseid watches the transformed Kara battle her dearest blood cousin Superman realizes that Kara can only be conquered by might and not by endearment he combats with Kara and deliberately gains the upper hand the story gets heated up when Batman confronts Darkseid and informs him that he has activated the entire hellspores which will ultimately destroy apocalypse Darkseid smirks on the fact that the activation is technologically protected and cannot be breached without a password but Batman shows says hacking tactics in style which terrify Darkseid Omega Lambda 7 xl9 that sounds like a bluff to you you dare you dare he issues darkseided choice that is if he frees Cara from his hypnotic powers and send her back with them he would deactivate the hell spores Darkseid left with no other alternative consensus to Batman's ultimatum intrigued by the smart tactics and wit of Batman Darkseid admits to admiring the Caped hero strategies have the Kryptonian or the Amazon taken that gamble they would have lost admitting that neither the Amazonian Wonder Woman nor the Kryptonian Superman possessed the strength of character to destroy an entire planet Darkseid relents Barda and Wonder Woman present Darkseid with the subdued granny goodness whereupon Superman had defeated Kara zorel accepting defeat Darkseid finally releases Kara from his hypnotism and allows the heroes to leave apocalypse the superhero is bringing card at the mascara where she wakes up from her unconscious state with Superman beside her she gives him a warm amiable hug and says she does not remember what had happened to her and the last thing that was in her memory was a demise of Lila she Mourns on the fact that she had lost her first and best friend but Superman consoles her that things would turn alright Cara and the heroes Gather By Lila statuette where Cara Grieves over and promises that she would make her proud Superman and Cara Bid Farewell to Wonder Woman and Batman and leave with their lives back to the old State Superman decides to take Kara with him to Smallville in order to meet his parents Jonathan and Martha Kent they arrive at the Kent farm and Cara is thrilled on catching sight of the countryside and its animals as Superman is about to open the door to his home he is blown by a gigantic arm from the inside of the residence revealing dark side he ambushes Superman stating that he only promised to leave Cara but not Superman or planet Earth Darkseid overwhelms Superman and with his powerful Omega beams blast him into the space orbit Kara is Left To Face Dark Side solely and she withstands a lengthy battle with him driven with rage she attacks the mighty rival but he Stomps her to the ground and Strikes her with his Omega beams she manages to compete with him single-handedly having gained the best of training from the Amazons and apocalyptians but darkseid's vastly Superior powers make him game the upper hand and he knocks her down unconscious Superman Returns to Earth and on seeing beaten up an unconscious Cara he re-engages Darkseid before he can flee dark side is sent through the barn by Superman causing havoc on the farm and he is crushed beneath a mountain dark side does not even Flinch as he severely injures Superman with a single barrage of Omega beams Superman quickly pummels the enemy with all his might Superman only manages to cause Darkseid a little nosebleed and dark side quickly regains control and tortures Superman with his Omega beams nearly killing him Cara regained Consciousness and discovers darkseid's Mother Box on the barn floor she then activates a boom tube beside him as Superman blasts Darkseid through with his heat vision while Superman waits for Darkseid to return from apocalypse Kara informs him that she moved the coordinates to a random location in space leaving Darkseid floating helplessly in space his body frozen to ice sometime later Martha and Jonathan can arrive back and are stunned and awestruck to see the entire farm and chaos Superman introduces Cara as his cousin and Cara greets them with a warm hug as The Farmhouse falls apart to the ground leaving the two old things aghast and speechless having rescued her cousin's life and on having found her place at Earth the two of them head over to the miskara where Superman assembles the Amazons and his friends to reintroduce Cara zorrell this time under the Alias of Supergirl as how the world would know her Cara decides to utilize her powers for good and she is applauded by Wonder Woman the Amazons and finally Batman bidding farewell to their comrades and the people of the muskura Superman and Supergirl depart to their new home in Metropolis thank you for watching second look like comment share and subscribe for more awesome videos have a nice day foreign [Music]
Channel: Second Look
Views: 469,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: superman batman apocalypse, superman batman apocalypse Recap, superman batman apocalypse Review, superman and batman apocalypse, batman superman apocalypse, superman batman apocalypse supergirl, superman batman apocalypse darkseid, superman batman apocalypse wonder woman, batman vs darkseid, batman vs darkseid apocalypse, superman vs darkseid apocalypse, superman batman apocalypse supergirl vs darkseid, Superman vs Darkseid, Second Look, superman batman apocalypse movie
Id: RGi0V4fng9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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