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when your laptop says it has 10 minutes of battery left did I say 10 minutes I meant 10 seconds it's crazy that we kept trying to top e ledes Joker with more scary Jokers instead of putting satcha Baron Cohen in the brightest purple suit we could find and let him mine a kind of Terror that we weren't ready for the way dealt being part of a conspiracy the Way's dealt being a coincidental random act of desperate Lin ultimately caused by Gotham's Decay and the neglect of its citizens Alfred can Clark sleep over as I've told you before Master Wayne you're a grown man you can do whatever you want yes yes yes Bruce any advice for handling kids every time you yell at your kids put a quarter in the no yelling sock then pretty soon you'll have a weapon to beat no I'm telling Alfred if you K Keller the number of kers in the world Remains the Same Batman but if I kill lots of them then the number goes down by like a bunch do you still follow your dad's orders the way I see it the only one in this room controlled by his parents is you find someone as reliable as Alfred master Bruce I miss Gordon I are see you've discovered a little secret yes I admit it I'm Batman you know Batman is the leader when he makes the league get in his clean even though they all can fly and he even makes them wear seat belts even when some of them are more resistant than the plane Robert Pattinson after realizing he needs to collect 300 Riddler trophies to end the movie why doesn't Batman use his wealth to help gotam instead of beating up the mentally L Batman already does that constantly he's funded more Charities and social programs than he's had bat mobiles and as for beating up the mentally ill I doubt a social reform program could stop Joker from blowing up gotam you wake up as Batman what's the first thing you do Catwoman you think this one will fit Bruce playing with the kids while the rest of the league asks the parents questions is everything Bruce Wayne didn't become Batman until he was 30 it doesn't matter how old you are there's still time for a full-blown dramatic goth phase DC spent all that money to dress up colen feral as a penguin they could have just hired Richard kind Batman you wouldn't hit a lady would you the hammer of justice is uni SLS no guns I don't know man that's your thing Superman maybe I could move the Earth out of the way Batman if I had a week I couldn't list all the reasons why that wouldn't work the Batman 2022 I just love how ducking disgusting Bruce looks in this nasty a stringy a translucently pale goth boy in his dank disgusting bad cave hunched over his computer with bloodshot eyes and bulk eyye paint scrolling through footage of the previous night and journaling his ducked up thoughts when he finally emerges from the cave to talk to Alfred and gets disturbed by the natural sunlight and has to put on sunglasses I wanted to get up and cheer yeah that's right put on those sunglasses you little freak also he's definitely a virent based on how he composes himself around Catwoman ducking fantastic movie new Batman animated series announced from JJ Abrams and Matt Reeves in an gotam setting with art Direction by Bruce Tim look at that subtle offr coloring the tasteful thickness of it oh my God it even has a watermark what's your mom's name Aqua Martha welcome to the Justice League world's greatest detective everybody not Grayson giving short voice hope tell me something why were you so sure those voices weren't coming from you well first I know I'm not psychotic I hope your other reasons more convincing and second The Voice kept calling me Bruce in my mind that's not what I call myself this version of Trivial Pursuit is from 2008 and I've never been madder at a question in my life who has never been Batman Ben Affleck Christian Bale George Clooney Valk Helmer or Adam West if Clark wanted to he could use his super speed and squish me into the cement but I know how he thinks even more than the Kryptonite he's got one big weakness deep down Clark's essentially a good person and deep down I'm not Batman The Dark Knight 10 years later gotam PD dealing with l literally every delay got him PD when chasing Batman for a chime he didn't commit Bruce while I'm gone Jason's Batman nut are you crazy Bruce nut when you cover for me everyone knows it's not the real Batman you're too nice when Jason fills in they just think Batman's having a really bad week Jason I'm going to dug so many people up how girls saw Robert Pattinson in 2008 how men see Robert Patterson in 2022 my face while watching Batman and Batgirls rooftop scene in the Kelling joke good night Robert Pattinson Batman trailer I'll see you in the morning the Batman Batman voice actor Kevin Conroy will be writing a segment for the DC Pride 2020 to Comic special with art by Dy biker and jao the segment is called finding Batman and is described as a personal story Conroy was one of the first open League I men to play a superhero I like Batman Begins better than Dark Knight that feels weird but I'd allow it Batman has the best superhero liveaction movie animated film animated series Comics video game series I'll need some guys not these guys because well they are kind of dead Batman will duck a henchman's spine up for L trying to feed his family by putting some boxes on a truck for the Joker but when the clown Prince of chime get to M daring he wants to do things by the book I thought you enjoyed risk oh baby you're the best the ultimate thrill the final stunt me and you yeah yeah yeah explosion loved by a Greek goddess loved by an alien space princess loved by an Amazonian Warrior loved by a magical empath best Batman best Bruce Wayne best Alfred best Jim Gordon Leonardo you've been an inspiration for over 25 years to me and so many people so thank you very very much Christian you never turn in a bad performance it's infuriating I wish you would one time just snack once would be great really I'm standing here on the shoulders of my favorite actor Heath Ledger so thank you we need to find and stop Bane before this city tears itself apart oh yeah perhaps we could find him with some sort of sonar device that Maps the city Ace the way the National Football League is handling this Cupid shot makes me think they didn't even cancel the rest of that game that Bane bombed in the Dark Night Rises you think you know everything about me don't you I D put your bottom I bloody well or too sir you can say that over the phone Batman but if I had you here I'd pound you to a pulp start pounding Joker screaming my name is Mary mcweeny Center can you bring my daddy home for Christmas gee kid I don't know where is your pop in prison you mean your dad is Mike mcweeny poor kid I sent her old man up the river 3 months ago here kid buy yourself something nice thank you Santa can I buy something for my daddy too as long as it ain't a hacka why not so hey I want to set you up with my daughter oh I'm dating Catwoman I thought you were guy then why would you want to set me up with your daughter I don't know what do you mean that you can be scary yet funny my face on the $1 bill Batman to All Points I could use some a support since I can't fly at all now would be good Alfred rough night of chime fighting sir Bruce very Alfred well you'll be happy to know I've drawn you a bath whenever you're ready Bruce what's the deal Alfred Alfred I said I drew you a bath sir April fools the last laugh when that Warner brother's logo turned into a police blimp nothing else in life mattered as a child what's going to happen to him my guess he'll keep right on falling till he reaches the center of the earth do you agree with Batman's noal rule yes 91% no 49% The Joker breaking into a house to texture the family that leaves there to bait out Batman The 40-Year-Old Army veteran dad with a fully loaded shotgun ready to stand his ground tucked pined helmet merged childhood is when you idolize Joker adulthood is when you realize is that Batman makes more sense never ask a woman her age a man his salary the gcpd why the Joker hasn't been given the dealt penalty I have a friend who wears a mask and if he were here he'd narrow his eyes and lower his voice and say I wear a mask each night so you won't ever have to petition to DC to add the little bad ears to the speech bubble every time someone imitates Batman the aura of gotam in Batman Begins is so much more Superior than the rest of the nullen films it's actually insane so if a teenager dresses as a spider to fight charm is perfectly sayane and doing what's right but if a billionaire dresses as a bat to fight CH he's mentally ill hey remember me that big charity bash a few years back the one Joe cor ruged I was the clown girl holding the gun on you oh don't worry I'm over the chime thing see if you want to see how thick Batman's plot armor can get G Man's armor gave him enough strength to wrestle with Wonder Woman meaning in his fight with Batman Batman should have died here here here and especially here people who go to the gym alone people who work out before 6:00 a.m. people who lift without pre-workout people who work out without headphones the ninetail Beast is already taken care of no use struggling now tell me of Sask has whereabouts when someone asks you when Halloween is but you're really bad with time management tomorrow look John everything the light touches is our kingdom but what about that shadowy place duck that that's got him Batman lives there and he has Kryptonite and box of matches I'm a huge Batman fan Name six characters from the Batman comics Robin that's on me I set the bar too low me sits down to be productive my brain there's a problem Wayne industry employees when they get a pay cut but notice Batman whipping a new high-tech Batmobile Batman now talk the criminal when you take your girlfriend to a family wedding and realize you're the last unmarried couple well I guess we are next when you're on your 11th dang that's crazy and they won't shut up 6-year-old me digging in the backyard looking for dinosaur bones where are they me isn't very good at regular chess 5D chess exists me you interest me strangely wife wanting to name our first son after her grandfather me wanting to name him after one of a dozen fictional characters I'm sorry but no father can you change the channel we've already seen this movie several times me preparing to recite every line but I like it what are the Mario Brothers views on Batman beating criminals Mario says you should never lendly hurt people even criminals Luigi says steel loaf of bread get severe trauma ahead when you finish telling your friend about your favorite TV show watch it Chum relative you're never going to have kids at the rate that you're going me not wanting kids to begin with I hope so bat Fleck or battinson Kevin Conroy all right I finished eating those nasty veggies but you may go get ready for bed a hem friend why did you spend $200 plus doar on Lego min figs me we all have our weak moments friend who's your favorite superhero me Batman friend Miss hears and buys me this he's coming to get you the ratman robin oh no I broke my arm my secret identity is a risk Batman's honest reaction Robert the Bruce Mad Anthony Wayne Robert the Bruce Mad Anthony Wayne Bruce Wayne people if you don't have kids who will take care of you when you get old me knowing I'll die of malnutrition by 40 I can take care of myself when you ask your crush out and she responds not on your life L now that was rude we care too much about the dinosaur and giant Penny but what about the giant eight ball the bat cave years ago but he hopes there's someone else who can friend oh it's 5:00 me who can see it's only 4:59 not on my watch I know you're Bruce Wayne you lied you're a liar Jim I would never lie to you how can you say that you hurt my feelings sniff got them by Gaslight how it feels listening to a relative go on a horrible political tangent at Thanksgiving how does Batman shampoo exist but not conditioner Gordon literally anything happens in a Marvel movie YouTubers the next day I know what this means I love you in every Batman Universe are you an orphan yes 5 minutes later late for a business meeting after a long night of patrolling Gotham City Bruce Wayne couldn't help but feel as though he had forgotten something us decimates two cities Japan you win scarecrow and Batman Arkham Knight I have taken over the whole city manipulated and broken Batman all in one night Scarecrow in Lego Batman one I can't go in toxic gas only Joker can the Batman teaser I got you the Batman main trailer me Joker you can't defeat me Batman I know no but he can the IRS writers pitch anything DC I need to see Bruce Wayne rumor lack of commitment by Michael Keaton has Warner Brothers in talks with Christian Bale to return as Batman in and musette is The Flash The Return of the King what was your Nexus event I said I'm Batman this is David saslav he's the CEO of Warner Brothers every cut on his body represents a project he's cancelled you shouldn't get a tooth your body is a temple me I own the place when your boss asks why you were late but you don't have a good excuse some very personal stuff Batman some Thug with a broken leg and severed spine I'm all in on the Batman sir but this bad cave sir just look at it it look looks like a high school cafeteria when you're a lonely dark man on a Path of Revenge and you meet an orphan Andrew Garfield on December 16th 2021 I may have told you a teeny tiny little lie killing your enemies giving your enemies severe brain trauma Superman flies Wonder Woman flies flash already there Batman the orphans I just adopted oh boy we are finally going to have a more normal life me already stitching together the red and green spandex wrong kids Batman I don't use guns also Batman the Joker actually being funny makes him scarier change my mind the IRS will decide your fate I'm the IRS Twitter users after saying Batman bad for the 384 m858 392nd time I know what you are say it out loud say it Vengeance humans build a big tower got shut it down mop did you sleep well me Thug who the hell are you supposed to be Batman beat the ever loving duck out of him Thug all right then keep your secrets Peak Human Condition genius level intellect Master martial artist Vengeance we have work to do Bruce Wayne have you ever worn a silly costume and fought dangerous criminals in the middle of the night young orphan boys no would you like to when someone makes a really obvious claim so it's been said this is brilliant but I like this when your kids are plotting to catch Santa good luck Kramer what's going on in there he is Vengeance Jerry me turns off the light before a movie my dad turn it on boy mom ties a blanket around me like a cape 10-year-old me for next 3 hours D why you crying so damn loud that burns Thanksgiving dinner also that I'll get drive-thru your brain produces these happy chemicals called serotonin me where are they you the girl he tells you not to worry about when it's only your first date but you still go down on her cuz you're not like Batman because that's what Heroes do unpopular opinion fenus would get washed by Batman Batman's been letting a clown with red Fenty lipstick terrorize his City for 30 plus years he would be the first to die bat fam you can't defeat me gotam vaines I know but he can sleep deprivation Batman's no Cal rule Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck Batman's no Cal rule Michael Keon and Ben Affleck Harley hey I'm hungry too can we stop at the big belly Burger on Fourth of spring Batman we could but your puding blew that up Harley oh yeah he I really got to start keeping track of these things all reliable Holly Quinn was a psychologist at Arkham and should be great at manipulation just all the Batman cars on the road when you are to Smart I'm going to hang a Batman costume in my closet just to screw with myself when I get Alzheimer's when someone in the video video conference asks why you're wearing a face mask when you live alone can't be too careful with all those weirdos around when you're the first person to a party are you sure this is the right place n
Channel: Daily Dose Of Memes
Views: 60,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daily dose of memes, Batman Memes, Dark Knight Comedy, Gotham Giggles, Bat-Signal Banter, Joker Jokes and Jest, Batmobile Chuckles, Robin's Comic Relief, Alfred's Dry Humor, Catwoman's Cat-Tastic Comedy, Riddler's Riddles and Ridiculousness, Bane's Chuckling Venom, Bat-Family Fun, Arkham Asylum LOL Moments, Gotham City Spoofs, Batman vs. Superman Satire, Gotham Rogues Comedy Club, Wayne Manor Chuckles, Batcave Banter, Justice League Jokes, Gotham's Finest Funnies
Id: 04eUMF4FiYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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