Batman explains how to defeat The Avengers

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I've had to turn my attention beyond our own world to other teams other heroes the Avengers a group not unlike the Justice League fighting for the same principles but should they falter here are the contingencies Captain America Steve Rogers a super soldier with a virtually indestructible Shield his shield can absorb and redistribute kinetic energy using a similar principle a device that can absorb the impact and then redirect the energy could unbalance him giving me a chance to act Iron Man Tony Stark a genius inventor in an advanced powered suit the suit is susceptible to emps but Stark likely has countermeasures for such attacks instead I've been developing a virus that can infiltrate his AI systems effectively blinding him and disabling his suit's weapons Thor the Asgardian God of Thunder with a hammer that only he can lift forcing him to expend his energy perhaps in a prolonged battle against an army of robotic drones could weaken him simultaneously an engineered disruption to the Earth's magnetic field could interfere with mjolner's trajectory Hulk Bruce Banner a man who turns into a green monster when he's angry calming him is the key I've synthesized a gas that when inhaled triggers the body's parasympathetic nervous system promoting relaxation Black Widow Natasha Romanoff a master spy and hand-to-hand combatant without her gadgets it would come down to a physical fight she's trained but so am I Hawkeye Clint Barton a master Archer smoke pellets can obscure his line of sight and a quick batarang can disarm him from a distance Spider-Man Peter Parker a young hero with the proportionate strength and speed of a spider his Spider Sense gives him a near Perfect Defense but if I could replicate the frequency of his spider sense I could potentially overload it causing temporary disorientation Ant-Man Scott Lang a man with the ability to shrink and communicate with ants a high frequency sound emitter could disrupt his communication with ants while an energy field could prevent him from shrinking Vision an Android with a mind stone that gives him density altering Powers his control over his density makes him difficult to affect physically however I've theorized that an inverse tachyon pulse could disrupt the energy of the Mind Stone temporarily destabilizing vision's form Scarlet Witch Wanda maximoff a powerful sorceress with telekinetic and reality warping Powers her abilities are tied to her emotional state a synthesized compound that promotes calm and Tranquility delivered via gas could limit her power usage Quicksilver Pietro maximoff Wanda's brother with superhuman speed traditional methods won't work due to his speed but a sticky foam compound widely dispersed could slow him down enough to create an opening Black Panther t'challa the king of wakanda who wears a suit made of vibranium the suit absorbs kinetic energy making physical strikes useless however I've hypothesized that a Sonic weapon operating at a frequency that vibranium can't absorb could disorient him Falcon Sam Wilson a skilled soldier with a flight suit his mobility in the air is his strength a net launcher with weighted edges could potentially ground him and a swift application of an electric shock could disable the electronics in his wings Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes a brainwashed assassin with a metal arm his arm is his primary weapon if I could devise a magnetic device strong enough I could potentially control the arm long enough to subdue him Captain Marvel Carol Danvers a former pilot imbued with cosmic energy her power levels are off the charts a device that could siphon and store some of her energy could theoretically weaken her but the technology needed would be Advanced even for me DR Strange Stephen Strange a sorcerer who can manipulate time and dimensions if I could obtain a small sample of the same material his eye of agamato is made of I could create a device that would temporarily disrupt his magic these are not plans I wish to use but ones I hope to never need they're Protectors of their world not threats but preparedness is key to save not to harm
Channel: Shrink
Views: 5,595
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Keywords: AI, AI voice, Batman Voice, AI art, AI videos, Artificial Intellgience, Batman lessons, happy, philosophy, Batman explains, Batman explains how to defeat, how to, batman how to, batman ai
Id: ViRgv093s1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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