The Wildstorm Of DC Comics: Could be Wilder

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it's been well documented that in the 90s Marvel's most popular artists set out to grab some respect the brass ring and A Fistful of Dollars when they launched Image Comics it was to be my generation's Premier comic book Universe they sort of cornered the market on badass characters with big guns sex appeal and extremely awesome names and abilities battling through Cutting Edge action and high-stakes drama I'm not sure if it was that pouches went out of style or the fact that there were only a handful of creators that could stick to a schedule but it became a little more than a passing fad one I hadn't thought a lot about over the years but thanks to the Wizards podcast I came to realize that while there were a few exceptions unlawful a lot of those image characters were nothing more than analogs to the big two while it was a bit disheartening to realize at first it was not hard at all to come to terms with that sort of thing has been happening since the first superhero was created everyone wanted a piece of the action and by action I mean profits then almost always having been the case no one could blame Jim Lee if profits were at least partly on his mind when he sold his image wildstorm characters to DC Comics in 1999 profits in exchange for a safe place as characters could thrive in it was an even swap one that any Creator could surely live with as they occupied their own Earth and DC's Multiverse complete with their own events and guest spots in Mainline DC books as well it was safe to say the wildstorm characters were thriving at least for a while in 2020 GC started introducing the wildstorm characters into their main continuity since then results have vary Batman volume 3 number 101 saw the mainline continuity appearance of grifter as a bodyguard for Lucius Fox meanwhile DC Comics published Superman and the authority which successfully integrated fan favorite couple Apollo and midnighter as members of Superman's new team seems to me that if you have characters that you really want to get over with the audience having them play second fiddle to your to biggest most beloved characters kind of feels counterproductive it becomes painfully obvious pretty quickly that they will never be on equal footing but you don't have to take my word for it go ask them the story could be written by the very best writer around but I doubt any of us would ever believe that of all the wildstorm characters grifter would best Batman in a fight or that Apollo and midnighter have a snowball's chance in hell at bmvps when they are on a team that has Superman on it having the wildstorm characters mingle around with deeper cut heroes and villains in the DC Universe would have been a better introduction they could have been used to beef up already established Rogue galleries or form new and unusual alliances before heading up to meet the world's finest Spartan for instance you remember Spartan don't you field leader of the Wildcats biosynthetic humanoid with superhuman strength and speed capable of energy projection seems like someone Tio Maro would take quite a bit of interest in maybe they thought he'd have great Venture with Batman but I have a sneaking suspicion that there is greater story potential by putting the previously mentioned grifter with green arrow the since Zealot and her Coda sisters are 100 an analog to the Amazons of the mascara I see no reason to not lean into that and make them Rivals their existence could be a secret withheld from Diana one that her mother the queen reveals to Donna Troy in preparation for a secret mission how about a wild storm crisis one that the iconic DC characters even Batman succumb to until the wildstorm heroes step up and save the day that would be a great way to Showcase these characters I mean Batman would have to be knocked down a peg or two but you know what they say you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs I did a lot of bagging and bitching in this video that's because I believe there is so much good that could come with integrating the house that Jim Lee built into DC I really don't think the current creative team has a clue with the Wild Storm characters and until they get one I'll be here dreaming of stories that see all of these fantastic characters flourish together thanks for watching until next time take care read comics
Channel: Joey F Misfit
Views: 1,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dc comics, jim lee, wildstorm comics, the 90s, wildcats, image comics, grifter, batman, wonder woman, gen 13
Id: u--1XucxO3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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