Batman Begins (2005) Retrospective / Review
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Channel: Oliver Harper
Views: 465,070
Rating: 4.893383 out of 5
Keywords: batman begins retrospective, batman begins, oliver harper batman, batman begins review, batman, oliver harper retrospective, retrospective review, gary oldman, liam neeson, ps2, making of, documentary, overview, discussion, hans zimmer, james newton howard, video game, retrospective, GBA, effects, reboot, ending, trailer, ollie harper, oliver harper, ollyh82, david goyer, tim burton, michael keaton, danny elfman, review, christopher nolan, christian bale, michael caine, 2005
Id: DHsmPR9_lLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 55sec (2695 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2017
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Batman Begins is my favorite superhero movie ever.
Thank you for sharing the video, very very interesting.
I highly recommend Oliver's channel for genre film retrospectives and commentaries. He's one of the smaller gems whose passion projects are consistently high quality.
Man 2005, watching Batman Begins:). I remember going in skeptical thinking Batman can't be done justice in live-action. What followed was pure exhilaration and suspense. Loved the atmosphere, the logical plotting, the themes, everything. I left the movie thinking for the first time that I saw a damn good movie not just a good comic book movie. One of my personal favorite blockbusters :)
Great video, great channel. He does an excellent job putting his videos together and offering very insightful critiques and historical context to his reviews. One of the best youtube film channels in my opinion.
I love his reviews
You always post really quality epic stuff so far im 10 minutes in its pretty bad as il be checking out the rest of his channel.
Batman Begins is probably my second favorite comic book movie.
As much as I enjoyed it at release, I still hate that costume.