Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - Retrospective / Review

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the ark if it is there at Tanis then it is something that man was not meant to disturb death is always surrounded it it is not of this earth the Bible speaks of the ark leveling mountains and laying waste to entire regions yesterday afternoon European sections intercepted a German communicated sent from Cairo to Berlin now to see over the last two years the Nazis have had teams of archaeologists running around the world looking for all kinds of religious artifacts apparently there's some kind of German archeological dig going on in the desert outside of Cairo Nazis of discover Tunis just what does that mean to you Tanis well city of tennis is one of the possible resting places of the Lost Ark hello Marion so what are you doing here in the park I need one of the pieces your father collected bronze piece about this size with a hole in it off-center with a crystal it's important Marion trust me dr. Jones again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away Jones do you realize what the Ark is it's a transmitter it's a radio for speaking to God and it's within my reach but Germans have a great advantage over us they are near to discovering the Well of Souls well you're not gonna find it without this who could tell us about these markings perhaps on that I know could help us this is the warning not to disturb the Ark of the corner they're a 3,000 years man has been searching from Allah stuff watch your toes that's something to be taken lightly no one knows it's secret it's like nothing you've ever gone after before army which carries the ark before it is invincible Jones I'm going to blow up the ark Rene all I want is the girl in the summer of 1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark arrived and dominated the box office released on the 12th of June in the USA and on the 30th of July in the UK produced on a modest budget of 18 million dollars it made huge amounts of money worldwide taking in 389 million dollars and the further 150 million dollars when it eventually arrived on the VHS rental market it was the most successful film that year critics praised a movie highly and it kick-started the new franchise spawning three sequels and a TV series covering the early years of Indiana Jones when it came time for the Oscars it was nominated for nine Academy Awards and won five for best art direction sound and visual editing sound effects and for its visual effects since its release it is still regarded as one of the best movies ever made topping most charts compiled by moviegoers and critics alike that year Kenner who produced the Star Wars toys started a new line based on Indiana Jones releasing 9 action figures of the film's characters plus three playsets as well as toys of the Nazi truck and Jones's horse not many kids were able to track down the figures of Indiana Jones and Marion and many toy aisles were stuffed full of the bad guys leaving many kids unable to complete the set despite the action figures and playsets being very impressive they failed to catch the market like Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back did increasing their rarity today if you want to know more about the toys in detail I suggest checking out the YouTube channel retro blasting which provides extensive research into the classic toys we all grew up with from Star Wars to ninja turtles come 1989 after the release of the Last Crusade the final in the trilogy the Indiana Jones epic stunt spectacular show opened and the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida which focused around the stunts and set pieces of Raiders of the Lost Ark this is the first theme park attraction to use a computer-based control system to control the complex live event in real time also controlled by the actor in some cases the original control system was based on the amiga computer with software by Richmond sound design the show is consistently upgrading its electronics and computer elements to keep it up to date volunteers can also take part in the show to perform in the Cairo street scene though they say safely away from the wheel stunt work the show is still running to this day and is very popular the beginnings of Indiana Jones and his conception is very much common knowledge among the fans of the series it all goes back to when George Lucas was creating the idea the Star Wars the idea of an action serial had come to George in the early 70s as he was contemplating his next feature film Georgia loved the old action serials of the 30s and 40s and also ones that dealt with science fiction such as Flash Gordon in its early stages the script was called The Adventures of Indiana Smith with the name Indiana coming from George Lucas's dog the basis of what we know about the character was there in its original conception he was an archeologist and it took many cues on action-adventure serials Lucas discussed a concept with his friend and fellow filmmaker Philip Kaufman who loved the idea and injected some of his own concepts into the script working with George for about three to four weeks he came up with the idea of the Ark of the Covenant as the plot device George was still working on Star Wars at the time but then Philip had to jump ship and work on the movie The Outlaw Josey Wales George made the decision to put Indiana Smith on the back burner and focused on Star Wars in late May of 1977 shortly after Star Wars had premiered Lucas was in Hawaii with his friend Steven Spielberg and awaiting the box office results of Star Wars George was relieved that the movie was a massive hit and now George can finally focus on his next project during their time on holiday Spielberg had expressed an interest in directing a James Bond film Lucas felt he had the next best thing he told him about his Indiana Smith script and its title Raiders of the Lost Ark convincing Spielberg that he had conceived a character better than James Bond and told him about his adventures and the action serial twister at all it was James Bond - the hardware Spielberg loved it but he didn't like the name Smith and so Lukas quickly said what about Jones and Spielberg agreed but he was a bit reluctant to sign on because Lucas envisioned a trilogy of movies and Stephen wasn't overly keen on making sequels or working on more than one script if this was how the children was going to pan out but in typical George Lucas fashion he said the scripts for the sequels had already been written so Stephen agreed to direct but later it was revealed that Lucas had written nothing for the intended sequels before they could move forward with Indiana Jones Lucas had to make and finish his Star Wars sequel The Empire Strikes Back where instead of directing he was producing which could take some of the stress off his shoulders and help him focus on Indiana Jones in the background Stephen started preparing Raiders and hired Lawrence cashton to write the screenplay Lawrence's script for the Continental Divide was brought to his attention and he was very impressed so Steven George and Lawrence spent three days sketching out the plot and set pieces and Lawrence would take their ideas and put it on paper all the ideas they had come up with found their way into the script in one form or another some things did get left by the wayside but most of what was devised turned up on screen lawrence brought a lot of the wit and humor to the story which impressed George Lucas so he brought on Lawrence onto Empire Strikes Back to do some rewrites Lucas had to find funding for the project and pretty much every studio turned it down surprising considering Star Wars was a massive hit and logically most studios would jump on the chance to be involved with Lucas's next project however most balked at this suggestion that the movie could be made on $20,000,000 which was a number George had suggested they all felt that was too low and the ideas in a script would cost twice as much as George had quoted so they felt the investment was too risky like Star Wars he shopped the script around with concept designs by Jim Steranko who defined the look of Indy to help sell the idea Lucas kept saying the film would be made like a TV show like the old serials really quick and dirty and employing old-fashioned camera tricks which was what Spielberg wanted as well eventually Paramount agreed to finance the movie now they needed to find Indiana Jones Stephen had loved seeing what house and brought to the table in Empire Strikes Back and suggested him as Indy but Lucas was very unsure in reference to Martin Scorsese he didn't want houseand to be his Robert De Niro and cast him in everything he does George wanted to push for a lesser-known actor many were considered such as Tim Matheson John Shearer and Tom Selleck Tom nearly got the part he screen tested for the role and everyone involved loved what he did but suddenly he became unavailable due to his commitment to the new TV show magnum p.i which in turn made him into a big star with the show lasting for eight seasons Tom Selleck did get a chance to play a similar role to Indy in the movie high road to China which was basically a knockoff of Raiders of the Lost Ark but he's regarded by critics as one of the better ones it was released in 1983 but if you want to see Tom literally copying Indiana Jones watch season 8 episode 10 of magnum p.i they basically homage and spoof Raiders and the episode is called legend of the lost art Tommy's practically wearing the same outfit and uses the classic bullwhip it's weird watching it because it gives you a great idea what the film could have been with Tom from what we see in his performance it does give you a great insight into the difference between him and howsen and it's clear they went with the right choice in casting Harrison with Tom out of the picture Stephen again suggested Harrison Ford who agreed to meet Stephen and luckily they got on really well housen was impressed with the script but like Stephen he was reluctant to sign a three-picture deal despite this he trusted the pair and signed on however Spielberg and Lucas disagreed on Jones's character although Spielberg saw Indy as a James Bond like playboy Lucas felt that his academic and adventure elements made him complex enough Spielberg had a darker vision of Jones interpreting him as an alcoholic but his characterization fell away during the later drafts by Kasten though elements of his drinking habits pop up when he believes Marion has died to fill out the rest of the cast we have Paul Freeman as dr. renae Belloc Jones his nemesis Belloq is also an archaeologist offed in the arc but he is working for the Nazis Karen Allen plays Marion Ravenwood a tough former lover of Deanna Jones she is the daughter of Abner Ravenwood Jones's mentor and owns a bar in Nepal John rhys-davies plays Salah who has been hired by the Nazis to help them excavate Tanis he's an old friend of Indiana Jones and agrees to help him obtain the ark although he fears disturbing it Denham Elliott who sadly passed away in 1992 plays dr. Marcus Brody a museum curator who buys the artifacts Indiana obtains for display in his Museum Ronald Lacey plays major arnold toht an interrogator for the gestapo who tries to torture Marion Ravenwood for the headpiece of the staff of raah finally we have Alfred Molina in his film debut playing one of Jones's guides through the South American jungle the first shot Alfred did for the movie was having all those tarantulas on his back they wouldn't move at first they put a female spider on him and they all went bonkers poor bloke if they said to me hey Oliver do you want to be an Indiana Jones but you will be covered in spiders I would have to say get stuffed the production was set up at Elstree Studios Stephen at first thought they would shoot at Pinewood but because Lucas had a good working relationship with the people at Elstree Studios he continued to take advantage of their services and the studio would occupy many of the big set pieces such as the opening sequence the Well of Souls and the reveal of the Ark this would be Stephens first production in the UK and he was lucky to have many local talents working on the movie behind the scenes such as production designer Norman Reynolds stunt coordinator Vic Armstrong and cameraman Douglas Slocum Raiders of the Lost Ark was the most storyboarded film of Spielberg's career to date further helping the film economically he and Lucas agreed on a tight schedule to keep costs down and built large miniatures of the set pieces to help him design his shots in advance so everything was organized ahead of time they would shoot most of the movie in Tunisia like the first act of Star Wars everyone out there got really ill from food poisoning the heat was unbearable for some and Spielberg despite not getting ill as he decided to eat only from canned food but the conditions made it the most unpleasant experience of his career at the time the movie opens in South America in 1936 Indiana Jones is on the hunt for a golden idol upon escaping the booby traps triggered by the removal of the idol he is confronted by his rival archaeologist Rene Belloc Indy hands over the idol and quickly escapes aboard awaiting floatplane Indy returns to the USA where he teaches at Marshall College his good friend Marcus informs him to army intelligence agents need to speak with him about the Nazi searching for his old mentor Abner Ravenwood the Nazis know he is the leading expert on the ancient city of Tanis in Egypt which apparently is the resting place of the Ark of the Covenant Ravenwood possesses the headpiece of the staff of rah which is the key to finding the Well of Souls which in turn pinpoints the secret chamber of the Ark India's thrilled to learn that the agents want him to recover the ark before the Nazis Marcus is far more spiritual than Indy and warns him of the dangers of discovering the Ark however Indy tells him not to worry he doesn't believe all the hocus-pocus surrounding the myth of the Ark and is more concerned about its historical significance indeed travels to Nepal to meet Marion Ravenwood who is still bitter towards Indy from a previous romantic affair he discovers that Abner has died but luckily Marion is in possession of the headpiece and he offers to pay her for it but she seems reluctant he leaves giving her time to decide shortly after a group of thugs arrive with their Nazi commander arnold toht Thoth threatens her but Jones returns to the bar just in time to save Marion and fights off the Nazis the bar set on fire during the fight and Thoth spots the headpiece in the flames he grabs it but is severely burned and flees the tavern Indian Marion escaped with the headpiece as she decides to accompany him in the search for the Ark the pair traveled to Cairo where they meet up with Indies friend sulla Saleh informed Indy that bug and the Nazis are digging for the Well of Souls with a replica of the headpiece created from the scar on totes hand however the Nazis are keeping a close eye on Indian Marion and they kidnap her tricking Indian to thinking she has died India's then taken to meet Belloc in a local who tries to persuade Indiana to join them explaining they are very much alike in their search for the ark but Indy has no desire to help Belloc seller take Cindy to an old friend of his who explains the headpiece they quickly realized the copied Nazi headpiece is incomplete and the Nazis are digging in the wrong place George Lucas's new FX company in just a lot of magic handled the visual effects for Raiders their aim was to have everything done within camera pushing for big stunts and set pieces with less focus on visual effects so there was less shots to complete than say Star Wars the FX have generally stood up over time especially for a movie that is now 35 years old its aged well the movie employs all the techniques at the time such as map paintings and rotoscoping animation blue screen opticals miniatures and stop-motion the most iconic effect was of course seeing the faces melt and explode at the end which was achieved by exposing a gelatine and plaster mold of Ronald Lacey's head to a heat lamp with an under cranked camera at one frame per second Dietrich's crushed head was a hollow model from which air was sucked out of it however when it came to the death of Belloc they ran into trouble with the Motion Picture Association of America and initially received an R rating because of the scene in which bellick's head explodes the filmmakers were able to achieve a PG rating when they added a veil of fire over the exploding head the effects always most impressed with was seeing the beams of light strike down the Nazi soldiers and the floating ghosts there are no bad matte lines or anything looking faded with his opticals the FX supervisor responsible was Richard Edlund who would later go on to do ghostbusters here you can see similar techniques used to achieve the ghostly woman having this lady made up to look like a ghost and hanging from wires and then additional ghosts being rod puppet animated in water with a black background it's a very clever technique we as the audience get to see these horrific results of the art being opened where Indian Marion's seen nothing we know indy says he is not afraid or concerned about magic when he talks to marcus but at the end he accepts the of the arc and the results of disturbing its resting place I believe they have cleaned up some of the visual effects over the years for example in the snake pit as the lightning flashed you could see this quick reflection on the glass between housen and the Cobra which they removed there was talk of adding more visual effects a number of years back like George did with the Star Wars trilogy back in 1997 and when Steven went ahead and changed bits of et like replacing the guns with walkie-talkies which was a lame attempt to come across as more PC these changes just pissed off the fans and the guys at South parks booth this whole remaster and rerelease mentality to classic movies in the episode free hat in season 6 they show George and Steven preparing to remaster Raiders of the Lost Ark which are noise Stan Carl and Cartman who don't want to see their favorite movie be tampered with Matt Stone and Trey Parker the creators of South Park did get a letter from Spielberg which they discussed in the commentary for that episode Stephen said he has now become one of the villains of South Park however he said he loved the show and what they did I believe Trey and Matt later heard from people who worked at Skywalker Ranch or Amblin entertainment who said Stephen wasn't going to do a remaster now so maybe this episode helped Stephen change his mind on revisiting Raiders and we have Matt Stone and Trey Parker to thank in part John Williams returns with another amazing score and another memorable theme tune John was on a roll now with classic themes that everyone in the world knows kicking it off with jaws and then star wars followed up with Superman Williams originally wrote two different pieces for Jones's theme but Spielberg enjoyed them so much that he insisted that both be used together in what becomes the Raiders March John knew this film would be part of the series when he wrote the score to Raiders so the themes could be used again later on there is a wide variety of music in the film so many different styles are apparent you have the heroic themes the military marches and the operatic scary music for when the arc is finally opened it's music that works so well independently from the film it can be enjoyed as a big orchestral piece at a concert surprisingly this was the only Indiana Jones score performed by the London Symphony Orchestra like all of John's scores they are perfect to listen to by themselves every melody theme or cue you hear you instantly know where it fits within the film it always paints a picture in your head of a particular scene there are some parts of the music that sound a little like Star Wars and even some people think there are similar themes to Superman like Superman and it's love theme for Lois Lane John Williams creates a beautiful theme for Marion which works its way into the Raiders March for the end titles in the late 70s and early 80s everything John Williams did was pure gold and mating the most sought after composer in the industry the soundtrack came out on LP at the time and was later reissued on CD in 1995 the score wasn't issued in its complete form for a number of years especially when it came out due to the limited space you get on an LP but come 2008 Concord Records released a five disc set that contained the expanded scores to the original trilogy and included a number of audio interviews the set has been sold out for a while now in its physical form and goes for very high numbers online especially Amazon where sellers are charging anything from 150 pounds you better start saving if you want a physical copy of the scores or if you are not insane go get the digital copy which is like $12.99 hooray what a bargain Raiders of the Lost Ark did receive a video game back in 1982 which I believe could be the first console game based on a movie the video game ET arrived around the same time but the game for Raiders had its production started far earlier the player controls Indiana as he searches for the Lost Ark it requires a player to use two controllers controller two moves Jones and uses items controller one selects the item to use and you can drop it a bit confusing for players who don't have the manual for the game the city of Cairo is represented by an entrance room and a marketplace from the entrance room the player can blast a hole in the wall with a grenade and enter the Temple of the Ancients to find the location of the Lost Ark I never grew up playing the Atari 2600 my first computer was a Commodore 64 and so even then I thought the graphics were very primitive and the 2600 never appealed to me I think if you were born the 70s these old games would have a stronger nostalgic connection but for me I would have to use a lot of imagination to get those graphics to represent the film or for me to enjoy the game the 8-bit microcomputers and 16-bit consoles were what I loved as a kid and can still appreciate the graphics of those machines today despite Indiana Jones being a very popular franchise he has been given far less games than say Star Wars and during my youth I played the Last Crusade on the Commodore 64 and the pointing click adventure notorious T which I will discuss in your view of that movie in the future in 1994 we got Indiana Jones greatest adventures for the Super Nintendo which had all three movies squished into one game developed by the same people who did the super Star Wars trilogy and employing the same game play this game arrived around the same time as super return the Jedi the story is told through cutscenes and text and is mostly faithful to the movies a Sega Megadrive port of the game was apparently completed and ready to be released that year it was reviewed by a number of gaming publications but the game was shelved and never released the player controls Indiana Jones through various levels on the iconic moments from the movies Jones his main method of attack is his bullwhip but he can also damage enemies by punching or rolling into them occasionally a gun can be found that has limited ammo and grenades are available in in numbers once in a while the game breaks from their platform segments and you can control a plane ride a minecart or go down a mountain on a raft these levels make use of the super Nintendos mode 7 graphics which these super Star Wars games also took advantage of I only saw the game once on sale in my lifetime and if you check eBay itself around 50 pound boxed and complete in the UK pretty much the same price it sold for back in the 90s I've played bits of it here and there via emulation and it is basically a reskin of the Star Wars games the gameplay is perfectly fine but it does carry over the frustrating elements of the super Star Wars trilogy so don't expect the game to be too easy Raiders of the Lost Ark is pretty much a flawless movie everything about it is highly polished it's extremely well directed the performances are all solid the score is lush and the effects still nicely hold up today every key aspect of the production is splendid I've never had a bad word to say about this movie it's some of the finest entertainment to come across but the film wasn't an integral part of my youth I watched it of course when it showed on TV and taped it and watched her over and over again but surprisingly I never bought the official VHS tapes and didn't own them until the widescreen DVDs turned up I had no toys of Indiana Jones there was certainly no action figures around in the early 90s and I didn't find any at the car boot sales either I played the video game based on the Last Crusade which I mentioned earlier but I never tried to reenact the movies of the kid as far as I can remember so didn't fuel my passion for the character also as a kid there wasn't an outfit you could buy and you especially couldn't give a kid the bullwhip because they will probably end up doing more damage trying to use it like nunchucks so come play time Indiana Jones wasn't my character of choice I suppose the film appealed more to adults than kids it's subject and style is very much inspired by classic entertainment so older people may get a kick out of seeing old serials back on the big screen I think that may be a reason as to why the toys didn't sell very well in the early eighties what makes Indiana Jones so interesting and different from the other action heroes all say superheroes of today at heart he is a man concerned about preserving history so people can enjoy the treasures he finds for generations to come he is not out to satisfy his own ego or for monetary gain yeah he gets paid by the museum for what he collects but he is not driven by money this is what makes him a true archeologist at heart compared to Belloq who was all about the prize and what is evident in the movie is that he's not going to do the dirty work and would rather steal the prize from Indy and take it to his own credit Indiana puts his life at risk to put these treasures on display for preservation and scholarship you could argue he's disturbing the sacred grounds in which they lie but having them preserved in the right conditions helps them last longer and they won't be forgotten I love how he wears his glasses as a teacher and when he goes on his adventures he takes them off and he dons his outfit very much like Clark Kent changing into Superman Indiana is a great role model for kids if by any chance children were encouraged to be archaeologists later in life thanks to the movies then that's fantastic but I hope they don't expect to be avoiding chambers filled with hidden traps or fighting Nazis Spielberg wanted to make a James Bond movie for years and this was the best opportunity for him at the time the producers of the double-oh-seven series was a very much tight-knit community they wouldn't allow an American to direct one you had to have worked on the films and worked your way up to demonstrate you could direct a double-oh-seven feature well this was apparent at the time if you compare Raiders to the Bond films of that era Raiders is far superior in its action set-pieces and direction a double-oh-seven films always followed similar trends and were directed by older filmmakers whereas Raiders is handled by younger and more ambitious talent and you can see the energy and flair that stepped over the Roger Moore movies of the day you have a number of people from the double-oh-seven team working on Raiders but under the eye of Spielberg something seemed fresh and far more contemporary than a Bond film despite its period setting the film employs humor throughout but it's not done in a slapstick way and it doesn't suddenly change the movie's tone to demonstrate a moment for the film because to say hey we are being funny now the humor works just like in Empire Strikes Back it's all very subtle and nicely complements the scenes the opening sequence always gets some laughs from Indies lousy sidekick when he returns to teaching and all the girls in the class fancy him and he is completely oblivious to their advances when he takes on the thug with his gun instead of getting into a fistfight because he is too tired to deal with him it's stuff like this that works so well in the movie it's all played straight but it tips its hat - throw in some chuckles for the audience so they know it has these light-hearted moments it has all the ingredients to make a solid entertaining blockbuster this is what Spielberg is the master off there is great play between Marion and Indy there is sexual tension there but Indy isn't written to be a womanizer he obviously is a good-looking guy and gets attention but he's not out to sleep around and apologizes to Marion after their breakup from years before so he is not like James Bond he will just sleep with anyone so it appears the sound effects are superb in the movie Ben Burtt really gives the explosions punches and gunfire i whole new sound for years you always heard the same recycled explosions and sound effects in the bond films and even the first three Superman films anything that explodes or if someone gets punched it's the same old sound effect I always joke Elysees when I heard the same sound it's on the BBC sound effects volume four so it's great Bane went out of his way to freshen up the sound mix there is your sound there that was heard from Star Wars I think just done as a nod to those movies and for fans to recognize that Ben is working on it but if I hear that Wilhelm scream again I will go mad stop using it Ben please if you look at the box-office for all the Indiana Jones films they never get close to Star Wars in terms of success the sad thing is that Crystal Skull made the most money of the series and it's by far the weakest one but if you did look into its numbers you always got the impression Indiana Jones was just as popular I think he appeals to a bigger demographic than Star Wars not as many people are interested in science fiction / fantasy whereas Indiana seems to cater for everyone but looking at the box office results that may not be the case this was a point when what ever Spielberg and Lucas touched turned to gold these guys were on a roll especially Spielberg who had a slight knock to his career with 1941 Raiders gave him that boost and from then on it was hit after hit 80 the following year was a monster smash and his output just increased and was much more varied which demonstrated what a versatile director he was and he still is one of the best directors in the industry today Spielberg always had that knack for knowing what audiences wanted to see the movie wasn't free of criticism at the time but most picked up on the Nazis being the generic bad guys the series kind of trivialized them it was common for the 1940s action serials to post them as villains the movie follows suit and having them get mowed down in large numbers is a bit like the stormtroopers in Star Wars the film is set in 1936 the Nazis were very much in control of Germany at the time but the Second World War did break out until 1939 and the u.s. didn't enter the war until late 1941 so the plot having the Americans spying on the Nazis in 1936 perhaps it seemed a bit too early for the u.s. to be concerned about them so I think maybe if the film was set in say 1940 it would seem logical for the American intelligence agents to show concern about what the Nazis are up to and why they are searching for the arc maybe it's the link to in Dee's mental Ravenwood which has spurred on the investigation for the u.s. intelligence I think maybe if the French approached Indiana or say the British it would seem to me that the country that is closer or was a bigger involvement with Germany would make more sense but this is really a minor nitpick they could have focused on the Italians and Mussolini but as Hitler was trying to build up his army hunting down old relics to gain an advantage this certainly made sense as I mentioned earlier all the cast are fantastic no one gives a bad performance housen demonstrates his skills as an actor and broke that mold of Star Wars very quickly he wasn't going to be typecast as Han Solo and being known for playing two iconic roles is extremely rare in the industry I think housen was always happier to discuss playing Indiana Jones than say Han Solo he wanted had to be killed off an empire but didn't get his own way in the Star Wars series he was always a supporting character whereas Indiana he is the lead and the main star so I think I see him more as Indy than say Han Solo despite his performance in Star Wars being amazing if you still haven't upgraded to the blu-ray set I highly recommend you do the picture quality is stunning it really captures that 35 millimeter look and doesn't look digitally processed or has that teal filter applied all over it which seems to be a common trait of the more recent we master of classic movies is it the best entry in the series I think many people would say yes but for me I personally have a huge fondness for the Last Crusade which I will discuss in the future but for now Raiders of the Lost Ark is an important part of film history it stood the test of time and deserves all the praise it gets you and I are very much alike archeology is our religion yet we have both fallen from the purer faith my methods have not differed as much as you pretend I'm a shadowy reflection of you take only a nudge to make you like me see alta has been prepared in accordance with your radio instructions sir good take the ark there immediately I'm comfortable with the thought of this Jewish ritual I chose necessary let me ask you this would you be more comfortable opening the ark in Berlin for your Fuhrer finding out only then if the sacred pieces of the Covenant are inside knowing only then whether you have accomplished your mission and obtained the one true Ark I'm gonna blow up the ark Rene yes blow it up right back to God you want to say it open as well as I Indiana we are simply passing through history this this is history let her go don't look ready keep your eyes you oh we just swirl to fly there mate nice one if you enjoyed the video you can find more on my youtube channel and also you can follow me on Twitter if you want to help support the channel you can donate through patreon and receive monthly perks such as updates on the latest news on my channel early access to reviews and commentaries before they go live on YouTube even the smallest donation can help keep this channel going thank you
Channel: Oliver Harper
Views: 355,322
Rating: 4.9238396 out of 5
Keywords: raiders of the lost ark review, indiana jones review, raiders of the lost ark, oliver harper retrospective, retrospective review, film, movie, making of, documentary, harrison ford, steven spielberg, george lucas, serial, lawrence kasdan, john williams, atari 2600, super nintendo, greatest adventures, soundtrack, score, ollie harper, oliver harper, ollyh82, ending, tv spot, trailer, review, retrospective, discussion, overview, 1981
Id: ngyfP84wZiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2016
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