Bathroom Break Podcast #24 - Chris Pontius: Entertainer

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I know you never see someone taking this [ __ ] while running at full speed come on he get rid of some of them purrs in the [ __ ] box welcome to the bathroom break podcast with me Raab himself like you're a singer in a band oh yeah Mike is this the cheapest one that Amazon had yeah it's it's crap and I was talking to my audio buddy and he's like what is it I was like and I said I'm the link it was like $14 just fit and he was like yeah it's a piece of [ __ ] but if you stay close to it it's a cardioid mic is the type yeah you know you know that so then but if you stay close to it it actually sounds all right if you go up to the side you don't know anything yeah then you're on it yeah well if you if you're over here yeah yeah like if you're in a band yeah so you don't hear the crowd yeah yeah so it's just right there but then you know like those those mics that like all the radio dudes use they there's like a there's like two that everyone uses ones the shure sm7b my favorite is the e V R what is it some are 20 re 20 and they call the donkey dick mic when you look at like people radio stations I always have it and like it's my favorite I don't have one but but I'm I didn't I didn't know it was called donkey dick but it's like so if you're here or you're here it doesn't it doesn't like change the volume oh that yeah that's good but like most rock stars don't use them but except for like the guy in Radio ahead you know oh yeah a few albums I think likes a good donkey dick yeah the guy one of the clash albums and Bob Dylan likes donkey dicks a lot of really good I like donkeys like yeah are we are we started yeah yeah oh yeah we're started alright we're on the bathroom break podcast with Raab himself and my guest today is Chris Pontius hello and you guys know I'm from tons of stuff jackass especially wild boys and and then a bunch of movies man you've done like a whole bunch of movies as well - this mic is no donkey dick it's more of a plug yes screw the movies at all though so let's go back to the donkey dude but the sm7 that you were talking about that's the one I hear about yeah he's good Mike well these are all great mics that I don't have I have the $14 Amazon special they're all good it just depends on like what kind of thing pleasures you yes donkey dick toes one for me yeah yeah we me and Knoxville in a bunch of not a bunch a few of the crew members from jackass we're in South Africa for a while last year like making this movie you know that was really fun to be in Africa in general yeah you know in like during the breaks with like we cruise around other places in Africa and that was rad yeah so so you just kind of travel around there a little bitter yeah like um Malawi we went to just that's like a country and um I'm I'm gonna pretend like I'm just I don't I don't even have a microphone but no we went to Malawi which is like it's like in central Africa in in um there's there's a giant lake there and it's like a place where it it's like a super good like freshwater scuba diving place you know so we went there and in that place was awesome it was like it was one of the most primitive places like it's kind of like Africa hundred years ago but it's not like a it's not a dangerous country like because they didn't have like diamonds and and like it a lot of oil and things like that so it's it's a mellow place you know cuz I think like I mean in Africa like it the feeling that I've always gotten is the more like resources that they have they're like the more like like trouble more people fighting over it basically oh yeah because there's so much money in the ground there you know but in general it's just fun there it's wild like yeah so do you scuba dive or you do that yeah we yeah but I don't scuba dive very much I like just do with no tank oh yeah like a freedive thing or yeah but I don't try to go like 200 feet deep or nothing but yeah but um yeah I mean the place is like it's like you're in the ocean but it's it's a giant like it covers almost like the whole country damn yeah that's crazy all the like there's like you know there's like all these giant I mean there's hippos and crocodiles in it and stuff like that but you know it was sick like he never was really nice there South Africa was fun to be in - have you been there no oh yeah I have not ever been to anywhere in Africa yeah yeah I need to go I just my wife went to Kenya like last year she liked it yeah she had a good time she was teaching a yoga training thing for all the locals there and and and she yet she had a good time Wow what town was she she was using Kenya and I'm not sure exactly what town she's in the city yeah like sort like I mean I guess you know sort of in the in the city area and she was kind of at like some of the local schools and helping some of the kids they were like building desks and stuff for the kids and then teaching like some of the the adults how to teach yoga and meditation and branding and all that kind of stuff and that's awesome yeah Kenya's rad we went there on Wildboyz and it was it was one of the best animal places I've ever went to but in the city it's totally different like yeah so you're saying like just out in the wild cuz they did go on a safari yeah like and I mean that seems incredible and like wow boy stuff that you guys cuz you're you were doing wild boys around the time when we were doing Viva La Bam stuff and I was like I liked being on Viva La Bam but I was always jealous of like man they're traveling to the coolest places on Wildboyz and and yeah yeah wild boys was like the idea of it was it was like when I was a little kid I wanted to have a nature show very properly yeah uh-huh when I was a little kid I want to have a nature show and in him and it was just my dreaming Jeff tremaine's had the same dream pretty much and we were like let's just make the ultimate job and travel everywhere we want to go and you know remember back then like it was it was Jack was pretty young at the time yeah and in a it was just like let's like just live our dream you know and yeah everywhere and during wild boys we went to places that like you just if you weren't doing like a show like that you just couldn't go really like no matter how much money you had or anything like that like we got to like film with like tribes in Borneo in the middle of nowhere and yeah you don't make people that never met Westerners and you know it was it was awesome because you really learn a lot on it too like basically anywhere you go everyone thinks farts are funny like yeah it was awesome like I think I mean if we were the only Americans that that like some people that we met had ever come across like it would probably give them I think especially certain places like they would have a good impression of America yeah well exactly they have you if you make them laugh and like you said farts are funny so that works man that's that's good and yeah you I mean how many countries did you go to like I feel like you guys went everywhere we went like we just tried to go everywhere that we wanted to go like yeah we didn't get to go everywhere but there's like you know we hit up like we went to Argentina for example like like the whole idea of going there was because Jeff Tremaine wanted to film like the killer whales like like sliding up on the beach and grabbing seals which barely ever happens but but um we we went there and we had two days to try to film it and it's in the middle of nowhere like you've got to take a bunch of different planes and drive for four hours on a dirt road to get there and they they only let like to like little small groups film it at the same time and uh the the killer whales like they they have to turn there so neurs off when they are hunting seals this way like I guess one of them learned it like 80 years ago how to do this and so when the seals come across the certain part of the beach they can hear them splashing in them and it's deep enough like right off the sand where they like they hear them splashing and then and basically they all rush in like wolves and they like you know snatch them up and it's like ham it's one of the most it's them it's the raddest nature thing I ever saw in my life because you'd see it's all the young seals to like because they don't know not to like do that so you'd see like these younger seals like cruising off in this one area it's like the bad area you know it the reason it never happens is because though it's got to be like no wind because if there's it's always onshore wind there I guess and if in a if they can't hear the seals splashing if the if the wind is blowing like a certain way or too hard so basically like they cruise to this one area and they hear them splashing like the shore break and then all of a sudden fins just pop up in this Bay and they all like rush in and like you know what's gonna happen like and you don't know who to root for the seals are cute but the killer whales are rad yeah you know but you know like every time like pretty much like like it's just someone gets snatched damn but it is when the raddest things I ever saw and you know we had two days to film it in it and almost never it happens you know like not all the time and we one of the days we got it in like this film truth from like a nature documentary from Germany was like there and they'd been there for a month and they were like this is the best day that that we had and then I realized that we were like mother nature was totally like looking after like yeah she wanted us to like to show the world this damn dude yeah that's crazy I was thinking like you were only there for that specific day or like new days yeah one day was like just blown out and and um you know yeah it wouldn't have worked and then damn and one day was perfect yeah and we got it like all day long and then at the end of the day like I saw killer whale like jumped through the air like like it was just when the Sun was setting and I was just like oh my god this is like the raddest nature day ever damn yeah I'm jealous that just sounds like the most fun thing ever like just all of those adventures on that yeah yeah it was like yeah like yeah we went to so many rad places India was a trip India was one the raddest places to film because everything there's just upside down like in a good way but just everything you know like just walking down the street like in this one town Jaipur which in my mind it was kind of like the San Francisco of India like yeah we're like the eccentric people might live in him this dudes walking on the street just naked and then he got a big old dick like and it was like of course he's walking around naked yeah dick like that like and it's just totally fine there we film with these other guys that were like you know that there's these different like crews there that like they they they a lot of them look the same but they're into different things but this one group called the a giri's that are like they're into like just doing their religion is all about like everything that is bad and like considered unholy to most like Hindu people is like a way to get closer to God for them so like hey they like would like live in the burial grounds and or not burial grounds like by the river where they cremate people and they were into like drinking whiskey from like human skulls and [ __ ] gnarly yeah they would eat raw meat I don't know what what kind of meat there was an in a drink you know like they just it being bad was basically their religion they weren't like like I don't think they would hurt people but but like right when we met them like this guide the leader was we had to like take the our Indian crew like took them down to the river cuz like normal like society doesn't like them and so we we filmed down by this riverbank and we the leader was called black boom-boom Baba in him he's like wearing like a loincloth or something and you know he had he's like hey everybody naked right right when we walked up he's like this made us get naked and then he's like he had all these ashes like um he starts rubbing them on it he told us - brother mana or ourselves and he's like burning body ashes so they were like they were like it was somebody's body yeah and like I'm rubbing them on my chest in my arms and then he just takes a handful he's like oh you missed a spot he rubs it all over my balls right when I met him and then like a week later I got the gnarliest rash on my balls like oh I don't know if it was from Black Moon bhava or from yeah she's like but like nobody wanted to sit by me in the car and I think I I think it was just from like cuz we went to Indonesia right after that and you know we were like swimming in swamps and stuff a lot and it was probably just being in a humid climate like I don't think I couldn't even walk I had to wear like a like a skirt like the whole time I was there I had a big bandage on my wiener Oh and then right when I'm right when I'm we got to we got to Bali actually right after India you know I was going peeing in our driver was a pervert and in him he snuck up on me and he's like big banana then when I but then when the rash kicked in he totally lost interest in it and I even called him out on it you don't want the banana anymore do you [Laughter] some way so he could see that it was like that bad the rash was that yeah I had show I showed everybody you like like oh I don't know if this is like a like a good thing to talk about or like oh yes there's will enjoy it but yeah like that was yeah that was like a nightmare and then once I left and got into like a colder climate like he healed pretty quick that sounds like a nightmare because I don't know you would be like where the hell did that like if it was a heat rash or if it was like dead body I think it was like yeah it was yeah yeah yeah let's go [Laughter] like who yeah maybe boom Baba he didn't seem like the cleanest guy himself doesn't sound like yeah like he like he was pissing into like a cup and having his bro drinking and yeah they probably ate poo too and stuff and you know yeah I mean they were funny we tried to film with them on jackass like when we did jackass 2 because Jeff Tremaine was like oh we got to go back to India and film and and I'm all the other guys just they heard these nightmare stories about these guys and they were like didn't want to film and so Dave England was the only one that like agreed to film with me and steve-o and of course he did I heard Jeff Tremaine talking to the Indian crew guy you know he's like how far do you want me to tell these guys to go and Jeff's like I'll tell them to go all the way you know you know so this guy walks up like just covered in blood like he cut himself up and like he walks up to Dave like this is just blood dripping from him like blood all over his hands and Dave's just immediately I was like III like had to like step in cuz like I was like you're jumping Dave into this way too quick yeah like yeah and it was it was it was not even boom-boom Baba it was like it was like their creepy friend which which where did the blood come from came from him he cut himself up damn damn I think a lot of these guys are actually from wealthy families and they they just kind of like yeah you know like just step out cast wealth you know like and just live on the streets or the burial grounds these guys all have dreadlocks and and they this one dude was dragging a car by his dick that day must had a long dick by the end of all that drag I iconic in his balls for a second but I couldn't even really look at it then like he had a weird like chain around them like he he had sworn like an oath of like celibacy so we had like he made some male like so that's the only way you get when it like in the old days like ladies would have to keep themselves from getting like from having sex a chastity belt chastity belt like a male chastity belt just it was just he showed us like his his private parts for a second and it was just really complicated like with chains and stuff yeah I didn't I couldn't I wasn't even in tight it was not into him dragging stuff by his dick yeah that's horrible I I think I can't believe he doesn't just rip your dick off I like penises are super resilient like yeah like they can but like a car is like thousands of pow yeah that's going too far and he wasn't a big guy either yeah it was neutral and it was a problem I don't know if it was on a that's pretty much all uses his wiener for besides peen I just didn't want to look at it what I don't yeah who knows I it was all it was all chained up like that was a bummer yeah you're more concerned for yeah yeah but he was like he wasn't into having sex or anything either so there's no telling what he would do with his wiener because he didn't if he didn't want to like keep it safe at all for anything yeah all bets are wrong yeah it's just a thing to drag cars from and to pee from God um oh my god there was something else that all that reminded me oh my god we were in it um on that same trip we were in India but right by Pakistan we like we went like right on the border to film some desert stuff and one of the guys that we work with whose name I I won't say but he had a video on his phone or on his camera at the time and of his like girlfriend stripping for him and he starts showing like a few like local dudes in this village yeah this is like right by Pakistan so it's pretty conservative areas yeah he's showing like a few dudes this video and then the whole town like all the or at least all the dudes in the town like from eight years old 80 like surrounded watching this video like this chicks tripping like oh man like yeah he's just corrupting the whole situation just were dying for it oh man um yeah just the crowd just keeps getting bigger and bigger it was like yeah that and that was like that they were I was like God they've been deprived of boobies like yeah and just like farts like everyone likes boobies - yeah God that I mean that that stoked everyone out on us pretty much like that's the good boobie video over there yeah check with him yeah sometimes we'd be like overworked and tired and like like a we're in Borneo and we landed like in the middle of the jungle somewhere and we were filming with this group called the dioxin that are a tribe in in um and they probably never met like like Westerners and and yeah so they wanted to they like kept making us like drink like their local drink and like just kept making us get drunk and drunk and drunk you know then I've actually pretty much passed out and like Jeff Tremaine came up to me at the end of filming he's like why'd you pass out like you'd left I was like they were making me drink like like multiple like constantly in like you know he's like you he's just going off on me we're all tired you know and I'm so then we both got on different boats and like we're going like down this river and the jungle was like Apocalypse Now and like I'm yelling at him I'm gonna teach your ass like I was gonna jump out of the boat and like swim to his and like they were like canoes with motors yeah you know you know fight him like and he's like you're um you're not the Chris I knew that that traveled around all around Mexico and buses you're just like your typical American and I was like he's just trying to make me mad and you know I couldn't do anything about it like because you're on different canoes yeah then like right we got the canoe like like I'd like ran over to like fight him and he said something to calm me down and like then we liked and it was all fine that kind of stuff would happen a lot oh yeah dude I could imagine that seems crazy that you're just drinking random whatever it's like a rice wine yeah was probably like you know like sake would but it was like super like full of alcohol I just would like you're just exhaust I mean we had to like you know like do what they told us to do cuz but like I was I had enough you know yeah oh yeah yeah I don't know like yeah I was tired yeah um yeah I mean that was a big trip because we went to Indonesia right after India but um damn so how long like how long were you on the road when you guys I was for a month oh damn okay and it was like you know wild boys like we tried to get like as much footage as we could so like it there'd be like 18-hour days a lot yeah and so it was a lot of work but yeah I I was like it was like everyone that worked on it like we you know would love to like start doing it again yeah you know in its I mean everything's a little bit different now too because like just the law and YouTube and oh yeah yeah but it wasn't like I think it was kind of misquoted like steve-o saying that we stopped doing it because of the Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin getting killed we didn't stop you in here because of that it was it was a Johnny Knoxville's started like just going on trips with us all the time like he went on like three in a row and Jeff when went up to him he's like if you're gonna keep just going on trips with us why don't you make another movie and yeah and I'm you know it's just a lot more it just makes sense you know because you've been on the past three trips you know you know that I it's just yeah it's it's the same amount of work for you you get it's way better pay you know yeah yeah boys didn't make us a name like money or anything was yeah it was just a fun yeah and so well Knoxville wasn't a producer on that right no okay yeah he was he was coming around cuz it was fun yeah he was doing like like regular movies because I was right because he originally like set out to be an actor and then ya know I think jackass was a you know something to is that he wanted to do but also you know like it made him famous and yeah and then I launched that acting career yeah yeah yeah he was like doing Dukes of Hazzard and oh I know I mean he was doing big-time stuff that's why I was wondering if he was producer on it and that's why he showed up but he was just like no I want to go have fun with these dudes and yeah yeah and then so then you made the next one yeah no that's crazy because cuz I think like not too long ago you guys went to Puerto Rico you and steve-o again and I started seeing like hashtag wild boys and I was like oh man are they gonna do wild boys again yo yeah oh god I'm like um yeah nobody even knows about like I don't know if you talked to Steve much but yeah here and there we went to Puerto Rico and and - originally Steve like contacted me to like be a part of this dog rescue thing that he was involved in yeah to get dogs out of there that they lost their homes during the hurricane you know a lot of people I did like bail their houses and I'm so he was involved with a few groups and um you know we went there to film originally and then we start thinking of all these ideas and um and so we just you know basically was just almost like filming Wildboyz yeah Steve I went to the hospital too and because yeah we did this other bit called the vasectomy Olympics that it was something he wanted to do for years since I don't maybe even before jackass you know because he's never one to have children and you know he wanted to get a vasectomy and um and then do like a bunch of like like things that would hurt afterwards like you got a vasectomy so we did like terrible right after the vasectomy like we went horseback riding and then we did a pinata with him with a bunch of kids hitting it in his private spot ah man I just it was so he got it done down there yeah what the hell I mean not all doctors are like into doing that you know yeah this guy was this guy ruled it was toy legit you know but yeah just I I think a lot of doctors aren't into you filming that the surgeries and yeah yeah yeah but yeah it was a trip man watching him get I had no idea how it actually like what a vasectomy is you know and you know they basically just snip the the tube that takes your semen from your balls to your wiener yeah you know and they they snip that so basically it just doesn't go there but you still where does it go the the the juice still comes out sperm the oh yeah whatever the juice when you come is just basically a carrier of the sperm okay so you still like it still like looks cool yeah there's no legs yeah I always imagined like you you'd like feel like you were having an orgasm but just nothing would come out and yeah that would be a real turnoff to me if I was gonna have a vasectomy like just you know just having a feeling but nothing so so so that was it so so steve-o can no longer have kids no that's well I mean you could reverse it or you don't have to worry you don't reverse it but you I guess you can harvest the semen from from your balls as as the doctor explained it's a lot it's a lot more it's a much more complicated process than just having sex but but you can still get to come I guess the sperm like yeah all is not lost okay but yeah it's a different process you don't you don't know make the baby buddy by having sex whoa wait how do you what do you have to do you go to the doctor and they oh okay I thought you were saying like maybe something up the ass or something no but you know like I never I never understood with that milk the prostate thing is or something oh yeah I don't I don't need either and who knows what it that's what I wondered of that yeah I know and you know like when I think you were there on like early jackass stuff when did something with a cow yeah remember like the first thing they did was like like pulled it poop out of their butt yeah yeah why was that you sticking our arms in the [ __ ] yeah and why now yeah why do you have to fist the cow before we on Wildboyz we did something with a horse the same thing we had to pull the poo out of the horses butt before he was gonna have sex so you know yeah I mean how come you don't do that with humans it would make it nice it would be a bummer and like because I mean horse and cows poo is so much nice just human feces is gnarly yeah oh my god dude like because I feel like a dog can take a [ __ ] on the ground and it's like it smells a little bit but not bad but then if a human takes a [ __ ] on the ground that smells so yeah it's normally when it putting their pruning into water yeah still you can still smell it but we have masks that I lose on the regular ground when it's dry it's gnarlier than any animal yeah uh way gnarlier I guess it's all that weird [ __ ] that we eat it's like eating like hot cheetos there's all this yeah okay they like a cow just is eating like grass a grass all day yeah it would be like [ __ ] cow poo yeah it's nice yeah it's not bad really yes like it's not much different than grass yeah a little human poo is gnarly like you know like I don't know if you ever had a dog but if you're walking your dog and he comes upon like bump ooh or something he just gets so stoked like like and you try to like stop him from eating it yeah you know like unfortunately some I've had a happen where the dog before I spotted it and you're just bum you don't want the dog to lick you anymore and you don't tell anybody back home when you get back like because you don't want like it's just a bummer but you don't let them know cuz then if the dog kisses yeah when they see dog poo rarely do they eat it but if they see like bump ooh human poo yeah he doesn't have to be homeless but but use you know often the games on the ground yeah yeah God he just goes for it like he never seen him more stuff for a treat it's a real treat [Laughter] I uh God some summon that we were talking about up to that reminded me god I don't know if it was harvesting the semen or or sticking the fist of the cows but but it remind me of something else important to talk about but but you remind me of something um God Puerto Rico semen god I totally forgot but but anyway so that's what the discectomy is about and that's I mean it's not it's not forever but yeah yeah I wouldn't do that to my wiener have you had a vasectomy No yeah I mean you know what it when they snip it it looks like a calamari and I didn't like that either like ah what wait what looks like a calamari tube where the oh the best difference yeah and then they just pulled that out in the medical world the doctors just called the bass calamari and I like calamari in an ER I don't like with marinara sauce but not in a yeah it was it was weird but yeah but but um yeah it was so they take that piece out and then that's gone they basically just just take a piece out of the road yeah yeah yeah it's gone and then you know I don't they tie it off for what cuz can't you can so okay so the reversal of it is not like they're gonna put those you don't either no you just oh they have to do the harvest just yeah you just yeah you harvest it you know however that's done you know from from the source so cuz the way I've always heard it sounded like it was so easy to just go back and forth and it's like oh that sounds more difficult so like because it seemed like oh well if you did that and then you didn't want to do that I bet you could tie it back together yeah but either way it just seemed I mean I like seem like a big deal and he's just randomly just cut he does not want to focus like he is he's never it's not like maybe thing for him like he's never wanted them and yeah okay then that makes sense that he wanted to do it earlier right almost seems like all we do it yeah he's the only reason he hadn't done it yet was because like it was never like arranged to film and I think during jackass like yeah there was probably some weird legal thing right you know like like there was a certain things that you just couldn't film you know like yeah when they were gonna like get Preston liposuctions so someone could eat it and yeah and all that you know that actually was gonna come to fruition was in India at this hospital there and uh I don't know something fell through with it but but um yeah I think like the guys from Dirty Sanchez ended up doing doing it anyway like oh and then Aaron had somewhere I think so but I haven't seen it yeah yeah that sounds gnarly anything I got yeah to make Preston a cannibal self cannibalizing but like something that I just recently learned was that uh it's probably going on for years but my eyes were like [ __ ] up so I recently got glasses oh nice you just couldn't see and they didn't even know so I didn't know this like but probably for like years now like my eyes have been like messed up like you know like I'd be like driving and and you know my I get tired or whatever in my eyes would be irritated and I needed glasses but um how did you figure that out do I look really smart really smart yeah it's crazy Wow tell me the how the nuclear physics dead serious I just want to know something about science now that you have those on Hatford vague glass glasses first I just like things like that a certain just got blurry in but but I was wrong my eyes yeah oh wow not between motion tends to stay in motion the universe is far too vast for any of us to see really smart Wow too serious very of course I'm serious that wow this is like okay so this is gonna be like the really serious part of the interview now let's get real so twelve times twelve is a hundred forty-four yeah that's totally right right but they take that off and try that again twelve times what no um if you if you get too into I don't know if I can do this yeah I feel like it's hard to be so smart it's really smart crazy no um anyway god I can't I gotta take the glasses off Yeah right back to regular Chris alright so anyway so wait yeah so I mean you traveled so much it's insane like on Wildboyz and all of those things and you're traveling again with the other jackass guys doing comedy tours well like we went on with some of the jackass dudes we went on a few comedy tours yeah we went through on a Canadian tour with with Dave England danger Ehren wee man Preston myself and um Dan name like everybody yeah so um and then May and Dimitri went along to film and the tour was the first tour God like the first night I think like I don't know if Dave England was just too pent up from being a family man but we were gonna show him you know Quebec you know Montreal in like I was I was on stage I think I was the last one that night and like I hear so I someone's like God actually started before I was in on stage actually I think danger Ehren was on stage and um someone's throwing bottles at him and Gina and and he's like oh [ __ ] the crowd hates me like and he looks up and it's Dave England like it's Dave's balcony throwing bottles and he like pisses all like tries to piss on them or pissed on him so like tension immediately started like between the two of them and they by the third show like a we were at this weird venue like that that had a kind of an upstairs part where we could look down at a stage and Dave's watching an errand doing his set and Dave's like he's going way too long and he brought like a cane along so in case this happened I guess he like foresaw it like so he could yank him off the stage like like they do in the gong show yeah and I'm or like Bugs Bunny cartoons so you like sneaks up on Aaron in like you know like grabs him around the neck with the cane and Yanks him off the stage and like God like Aaron was pissed and like Aaron came up to me later like he's like do you see what James dude I'm like no and he's like he can yank me off the stage with the can I'm gonna take this book I'm gonna kill him you know oh man see he was like oh yeah I was pissed and he's oh my god that's [ __ ] job but no so then later on after the show's over we're doing the mean greet where the people like they go down there's like where they can buy merchandise like and people yeah Hertz and get pictures and autographs and all that so people all these people are in line in Aaron's just like it's like brewing in him and then he's just like all of a sudden I don't know where he just um and dave was on the other side of the merch table with Meg's may was selling all our merchandise and Dave's stand by her in like Aaron just like explosion charges them out of nowhere and just does a big haymaker and he punches him in the temple and he had like these big rings on like his weird motorcycle gang rings and and and then like Dave like just explodes and like knocks the table over and starts doing his weird date punches like it was like he was like like that video game where you try to like knock the Gophers down oh yeah yeah like lack of all things like kill you then like the smarter you you're just right there right there yeah so uncomfortable and in all the fans like all the people who went to the show or like just like what the [ __ ] but he went to this showing that all of a sudden like if you want to see a band and the band starts fighting yeah [ __ ] afterwards and innum so like the security had to like apprehend Dave because he like wait Dave he's not even the one that started it laughter Aaron punched him Dave started going crazy with his muffin man punches so so like they were uncomfortable because they were like really nice guys and like they didn't want to have to manhandle any of us but like they had to control Dave so like they're holding Dave and like I was laughing and I was like it was like it was like a movie it was so weird and you know I was like it's all right you know I kind of calmed them down and like we took them outside and then oh god he was super pissed and then you know like someone like you know like calm Dave down and then you know we finished the meet-and-greet up and it was just like whoa that was uncomfortable god that was really good entertainment I think for the crowd yeah um and then like um we were back in like we are in an RV on that tour we're back in the RV and and Dave's like waited they did they pull like Aaron out of there or like pull Dave out just Dave and then they let Aaron just hang out Aaron hung out yeah we just separate them because I mean someone had like he's got motorcycle gang rings punching people and then yeah he gets to stay yeah that's how I remember it at least yeah maybe they both went out but they separated buddy yeah either so after the mean reborn' that we're in the RV and we're just parked there and I'm you know like all of a sudden like I guess like Aaron had calmed everything had calmed down and and then Aaron started like like being like worrying about Dave swelling and starts like oh you better put ice on it with Indian his nurse right starts nursing Dave yeah yeah caring for him in like um like starts icing Dave and in him it was really weird like he was like he shot him then you know takes him like like yes the bullet out of him and then in the meantime like some people had stolen like out during all the distraction some kids it like stolen like some of women's merchandise and so we had to go to like some bar where like the people were like possibly hanging out and you know try to apprehend these people and and um you know you know eventually we got the mercs back and but it was just a mess like and that was at the very beginning of it and then that was the beginning of the tour yeah get off well you were saying he was a pen up yeah that was the line Dave but this was like God how many years of abuse like finally like yeah head like Oh God yeah so I mean he whacked Dave good and but yeah he was nursing him afterwards yeah hugging and stuff and um and then God later on in the few days later you know it's like when you're on tour you know days weeks and you know you know there was another guy that was on the tour with us that was like our opening act who you know pissed us off and we fired him and left him like and you know he was like a comedian guy yeah okay but it he just he'd been abusive to people and so instead of it was we're at a point like halfway through where where I'm we were going to like the maritime region where it's like it was a it was pretty far so it was like if we're gonna like lose this dude he think he was all coked out and and uh I mean I don't want to bad-mouth anybody but he oh we don't know his name so I had to fire him and then [ __ ] yeah I mean everyone in Anna's unanimously like like voted like that this guy can't continue with us and so I had to be there like the kill man I love that there's fistfights going on between David Ayer and there's some other guy that's like yeah he's way where it's good about it all I think he just took too much cocaine and in like a few days later like he was being abusive and um you know I confronted him over and he's like I'm the one that brought you here you this is my place like it wasn't his place anywhere any I think he got like too big-headed like yeah he started you know when people get on TV for like a second like mad they get any like a ego some people are like that and he got that like and like oh this guy needs to be shut down now yeah you know you know yeah I'm a camera guy for like reality TV and then nobody knows who the person is like the first day five days in they think they're a big star the Brad Pitt yeah and it hasn't even aired yet yeah so you're like wait but you're only famous to you because no one even saw this yet yeah it's so weird how that and those people like those people are always the people that like are fly-by-night anyway but yeah like this person should not be famous like it's not gonna be good for them yeah right right yeah so yeah it just needed to be stopped and and so yeah we we those tours like how long that was was it was like over two weeks but okay it was it was a mission like it was fun though we went up in the middle and like like like up in like Nova Scotia and New Brunswick New Brunswick and in a place where a lot of bands don't don't go I noticed like on the walls like like bands don't go there so there's cover bands really good cover bands like but their tribute bands you know like like for example like Russia's not gonna go there for a show so bright there's a really good rushed tribute band that's pretty much just as good yeah they second best did with any any band you want to see you can pretty much see they're at a little bar oh yeah yeah because they're all tribute bands so it was a rad it was really rad and and then after that we went to Australia and we did a tour there and then we came back and then after Christmas we did another tour in Australia and that was awesome like we didn't all go on that one um because it just didn't work out with with a logistics you know Aaron had to stay behind and yeah yeah just some controversy in itself it wasn't because he hit Dave but but but um yeah those tours were super fun going to Australia like yeah yeah so because I remember like his back in the day when jackass was starting and you know like I will go on and do like live stuff with steve-o sometimes and and yeah and those things and so this is a little different though right yeah these are like yeah for the most part they're stand-up comedy shows yeah they're not like the steve-o party yeah yeah that I hated doing those shows yeah those things are gnarly I mean yeah you know you're jumping on ladders and clothes lining yourself and getting hit with light bulb whatever I didn't even like doing it at the time like yeah but but um yeah these ones are way different they're more like they're more similar to what Steve does now like yeah like thing telling stories and yeah we do a few like stunts stuff we did like a few physical stuff and you know but like with everybody in like but yeah it's not like that it's not like the [ __ ] just raise your party yeah you actually like have to like there's there's like words words are involved but I mean really but I just like dude I guess the Sam comedy like but but yeah we do like a few stunts just to make it fun yeah and you'd like some audience stuff but it's always super fun in any way and you know it's it's like just yeah it's what you want like it's not just like the raw like get [ __ ] up like yeah that'd piss off you know I mean it ended up being piss on people anyway but in a way it was more [ __ ] up but but it wasn't supposed to be how it goes there I just got the perfect chemistry of jackass you know yeah it's just you have these people like the every ingredient you know equals like the perfect combination you know yeah and that's why people play game pissed on yeah it's hard not to would not yeah the normal way yeah god oh my god you know that we had a weird there was a weird stalker on I don't want to put anyone down but this one there was a stalker on that Canadian tour that like I god I hope she doesn't watch this but she was like a she she was like a poop scientist that's what yes people matter but she was following all the shows and and I guess she was sleeping in her car and eventually like Aaron took her in and I mean all the other guys on that tour like they're all you know like family men now you know yeah so Aaron had to be like the [ __ ] like normally you know wouldn't be known for his perm ski yeah he I don't know what I don't know what happened but but um she did little science on his boob we don't know we don't know what Aaron did and what he didn't do like you know the story like it first was like I had her give me a back rub and then then it changed a little bit but but yeah once it started changing you know that that's not what happened and then Aaron met up with that old fling on that same tour and actually like like to add to his sluttiness like um he stayed like the night with this girl that he knew from back in the day when he was snowboarding in Vancouver or something and he flew to the next gig afterwards so he could stay with this chick oh wow and who knows what happened that yeah yeah like damn that series he bought a flight to stay longer yeah yeah yeah we stayed the night so you'd stay the night in like you know sleep in and then he flew to the next gig oh yeah I even called him in the middle of the night while we were on the road and like I want to make him feel like a part of it like I just wanted to we missed him and I told my windshield wipers were broken on the RV yeah they weren't broken because he was only when you got to fix them yeah they weren't even broken like we I guess I missed him I just wanted to talk to him in his voice so I asked him you know I had him like walk me through how to fix them but they were working fine actually at the time but but yeah we all missed him and so yeah he was just jumping from one woman [Laughter] scientist danger Ehren is a [ __ ] funny cuz I guess he is kind of the only one that's not mad yeah and like yeah well Loyalton no one to somebody this yeah yeah his marriage of the desires in his loins but um dude so those are fonts are you doing more of those or I think we're gonna do something like like in a few months oh cool on our last tour like right after our second Australian tour we had to go straight to add or may and I had to go straight to Africa like to start action point yeah you know so we had we like we're actually like it was like all messed up with the visas we had to get a work visa to be in South Africa you know and so we had actually fly back to California and say like from the airport I went to like the South African embassy got a visa took a nap like washed my clothes here at the house and then I got on another plane and went to South Africa and so now I just went around the world cuz I was in like Western Australia like yes probably closest place to like Cape Town South Africa but I could have possibly been yeah and then I just went back around the world you know and then yeah that's crazy yeah but South Africa was awesome and and it's so fun they're like and it was filming that movie was really fun like that was the that was like it was I wish like that we were doing like I would love to do like a check out stuff more I mean like do it right you know like yeah just rad being with that was just like Knoxville and a few of the bros from the crew like JP and Scott yeah you know that just felt good but it would be rad to like dude do like one more movie like you should if we do do some one you should [ __ ] be a part of a to like hell yeah because yeah is there any talk of that or not really everybody wants I mean yeah it seems like all the fans of jackass want it and I think the world probably needs it and you know yeah I think yeah I think I'm that's probably like I think everyone misses it a lot you know dude it is I mean it me down off it I think is hard on a lot of the guys like yeah you know I mean and it's so funny too because like you said just that even like talking about touring with those guys and doing that like just the group of everybody together is the funniest [ __ ] the chemistry is yeah like what we do together is gonna be way better than what we do on our own you know everyone's great on their own but but yeah what really makes it is everyone together and yeah that's it's not about stunts and and it's it is like to the people some people you know you know that like it's really I think what people like is seeing the guys together and how they interact with each other and yeah it reminds them of their friends and exactly I like I always felt like like you like there are stunt guys that make movies and that stuff and that's some of that stuff is gnarly as hell but it's the take oh yeah doing it like the funniness of you being with Steve and and and then Aaron and Dave and like everybody just their take on how they would escape getting hit by a bull like that's the funniest [ __ ] is nuts yeah I mean like yeah there's the feel that our end of watching stunts and stuff that you know but the reason like there's like you know the shows that are like jackass that don't really take off in the same way it's not because of their like not doing the gnarly stunts or right we're like it's because they don't like it's it's the guys hanging out together you know yep it's cuz Aaron's like punching Dave off the stage with a cane like and that's just real life yeah and I'm like and a camera happens to be going like and you just can't make that stuff up you know yeah and you know one of us is you know one dudes like little one guy's fat one guys you know yes naked one guys this and that you know like yeah like and it was never planned out to be like that cast it's just like it just took shape you just yeah yeah it was like yeah it just happened like thank God yeah and so like I kind of always wondered because I have heard like everybody's story and I met you like when we started doing the show way back and like I always wonder because I knew you were a skateboarder growing up and then like but you did like crazy [ __ ] and then like how did you get involved with Jeff and Big Brother and all that like problem being spot so originally I got interviewed for being a skater and bigger and and my my interview was pretty like eccentric I guess and yeah and like when it came out like you know like a lot like it kind of made you know a lot of people I'd kind of like to be like what the [ __ ] like and I realized you know like the guy that interviewed me Thomas Campbell was like I think you should probably work with these guys and I was like I think it should and and so then I like called Jeff and um you know started like being a part of the magazine and that was when I was like 18 yeah so like I was involved in that till I was like 26 and and then jackass started so it just happened you know it yeah it evolved because it was like it was you know I was just doing the magazine then doing the skateboard videos just like you guys were doing and then eventually you know it just became TV you know but you know and we're like we're used to were you still skating like cuz you we were sponsored like by or whatever like at that point like you were oh yeah yeah and and like did you like just keep skating while you're kind of with big brother yeah oh yeah like I was involved in that the whole time and you were still skating hard and then we're like like so yeah cuz it's crazy like I just remember like I remember seeing a bunch of footage of you skating and being like damaged dude [ __ ] rips and then he's funny as [ __ ] too so you know like like there was like you know both sides of it like yeah wasn't a trip like like to you like you know like when you guys were doing CKY and everyone like when you're growing up everyone hated you like pre hated you guys ya know like you guys are like the misfits yeah and then like when jackass comes out all of a sudden like everyone likes you like yeah yeah yeah I really know like even in skateboarding world like a lot of people in the skateboard world didn't even like big brother dudes like oh yeah no hell no it was in like it was we're going from being like hated even when were filming jackass before it went on TV like there was a few times like when I was like rollerskating in a jockstrap or something with people on the beach were like wanting to fight me and stuff and like yeah what after jackass came out it was like if I were doing the same thing to be like yeah yeah exactly it was crazy how cuz I always remember that like we're like now it's like damn like Chris Pontius and then like you know you're very much known party boy then like and then it's like oh yeah we love them well Knoxville look love him like dude in 2000 when I came out it was like people hate it hate it like and and now it's like oh yeah we all love it and it's kind of crazy because I think like things shifted so much because because like you think of like when Stevo jumped into the pile of elephant [ __ ] like at that time people were like oh my god that's most disgusting thing I did yeah I didn't think I thought it was a dud bit at the time yeah when we're filming yeah and then and then got so much attention yeah like but but like all that stuff was like pushing limits and people were like holy [ __ ] this is insane yeah and I think like like it's just crazy that it was like pushing the limits and and then nowadays like it's no good go and it was like pushing the limits at that time and then like you almost had to just keep going crazier and crazier because now with like YouTube with all these things I feel like you're just inundated with so many like ridiculous things that it's almost hard to shock people I think I think so I think it seems like with us it seems like it just happens like you can plan when you're living in that jackass world and like you just start thinking like that and stuff just happens naturally it's it actually just comes and yeah like you don't have to try and and that's what's bad about like being with that group of people but I think at the time like when Jack I started like the world it was the millennium like like yeah the world it was a time for it to change like yeah and there was a lot of lame stuff back then like where it was lame that if you ran around naked people would want to beat you up you know like right the world needed to change it needed that little push yeah yeah yeah that's you were there to give it yes oh yes no it's very serious this interview has just changed and become very serious dude yeah I mean [ __ ] I I would I would love to see another one I never know cuz you always hear whispers of whether it would or it wouldn't and and then I kind of I went on the other side of things and started working in camera department and and actually on on bad grandpa I had just moved back out here right at that point and then Tremaine was like dude you just got here like come with us on the one trip so I went on the trip and just worked like as like a production assistant and getting like sat like um releases signed like after Knoxville like I was like hanging his long balls out and like you're like trying to get releases you know like it was so funny and but being a part of that and being in that mix again just felt good even like you know just to be around everybody laughing and and and it was yeah I was just so rad to be in the same happy I hope that we do another one you should definitely be a part of it yeah it would be red I I would love it I mean and I and I always look back on those times of like there's so much funny [ __ ] like just to the place where you like even when you're filming it and the stuff that doesn't get caught on film or whatever like you're just laughing - stomach hurts and that that's the best book and exactly like yeah yeah I think yeah I think who knows yeah and Aaron needs it so he can get [ __ ] than ever I know yeah well actually horse you have to pay yeah well dude thanks for coming on the bathroom a podcast often yeah just been funny and hell yeah awesome thanks for this Thanks
Views: 194,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #bathroombreakpodcast, #raabhimself, #chrispontius, #jackass, #wildboyz, #cky, #bigbrother, #skateboarding, #partyboy, #bunnythelifeguard, #podcast, #poop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 26sec (3806 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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