Bathing your Dog at Home (Maltese)

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we're back now we're ready for the tub so we've moved on we're gonna do it in the kitchen sink I'm choosing not to use the vegetable sprayer because I don't know how many of you will have them so we're gonna use whatever products you would the bathtub or in your sink he's clearly small enough for a sink so we're doing it here um I don't know how much access shampoo okay I don't know how many how much we're all gonna have access to shampooing so it's very easy to just use simply body dish soap and as you can see on this see they have the pictures of little ducks because it's gentle it's extremely gentle and it gets rid of the grease we don't want to see if it keeps the grease that the dog does need good oils and bad oils so I save dish bottles this one has like a little pump spray so you fill it completely up with warm water and then I'm going to take three decent-sized dollops of the dish soap in it lid on help me sport and then shake it up now get your soap all diluted inside of your water bottle and we take him dry into the tub oh and I forgot what the brushing make sure you check behind their ears so there aren't any mats or tangles behind their ears you all know that's a pretty decent spot brush and those just those directions to make sure there isn't anything in there okay we're gonna be just fine and giving your dog a bath is not a big deal number one don't coddle them into thinking that that's the end of the world so that we're being super super sweet to them and act like it's a big deal it's not they're gonna read your energy and your energy is you're dirty you stink you need a bath not a big deal so any goes take our little sprayer and I said I'm dry and I take that how that saturates all of his little you're okay little man lifts a must to get on those toes okay we're gonna do face laughs against mr. paper squat on the dog yes yes we're gonna we're gonna clean every bit of him okay back legs generally the dirtiest spot is that back little rabbit foot looking hard on your cup he does he wants to get out of here he'll be fine you don't like to get your hair washed either Pierre always Maya okay his body's just about saturated forget underneath a little mix okay was last his last moving up to the head okay yes okay we'll do his face which what I made last and then we're not getting in the air but we're going to turn it so that we can make sure we get this inner here you're okay sport okay same spot top of the nose to keep them healthy she'll come up just a little bit but we're never gonna have it tilted up when we're putting soap in the nose because we don't want some point the nose [Music] yes now look like skeleton thoughts get much skinnier when they're in the tub [Music] you know how you always freak out that's gonna get in your eyes and then when it does it's not that big a deal okay now last little bit I'm gonna open up just pour that down sport aside for the best part okay wiggle it around remember those toes we talked about yeah when he's clearly able to do one bottle because he's two and a half pounds you may have to fill it up a couple times each time you fill it up for about three drops of the soap and then just keep going and if it's your dog's big enough where you feel like they're getting chilly you can always have a towel in here you keep warm and just lay it on their backs while you're working on other parts of their bodies okay don't forget we talked about the cone so while they're in the tub and they're wet we're going to comb out those the rest of the I uh keys that we didn't get when they were dry brush through all of it or comb rather through all of it through that whole stinky yucky beard you guys me looks like the tiny little mouse now huh he isn't it look like they don't forget those folds coming out all that gunk under there besides okay he's good to go I know he doesn't have anything on his bottom but it's a guard in he could still take the comb brushed across her face [Music] [Music] [Music] you can't possibly rinse enough and that's important thing you can do is making sure you get all of the soap off of them what causes Zander and itchy skin disease Sampson residue or soap residue behind and I don't you think there was this big long furry coat I would Commission him but that's not actually necessary in the back to our regular grooming schedule take care of the hair in the coat like normal but for now just important to have them clean just like would at the top to the tally goes good job of ice and your supply light pressure soaked up don't put a lot of vigour into doing it because you're just going to kind of work in some more tangles and frizz out their coat so light pressure if you have like a hair Dini that's even better because then it really doesn't freeze up their head smack your starts quite well can you go eat on the other side of the counter [Music] okay she blow-dry you okay off the blow-dryer it goes through it with a clean towel surface we took off the puppy pad you could put yours over take a pause before you go dry
Channel: Damanda Groomer
Views: 169,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VXUEsy98_rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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