Batch Programming: Lesson 5 (Convert .BAT to .EXE)

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hello to college grace here and I am back with lesson 5 on how to create exe files out of batch files so please stay tuned and enjoy if you guys haven't checked out my previous four tutorials on how to program in batch I highly suggest you guys go and check it out links will be in the description it was about a year ago that I started making these batch toriel's and I didn't intend it to be a big series intended to be actually fairly small but I got such a good response that I ended up making 4 more 3 more episodes and I got so many emails that I decided you know what it's really time to continue the series so today we're looking at how to program in batch and more importantly we're gonna be looking at how to convert batch files into exe s and I have a few more lessons planned out so please stay tuned for that anyways let's let's convert some batch files here so the reason why you're gonna want to convert files is let's say you have a finished batch file and you want to share it with a community or a friend but you don't want them to open up batch file and either look at the code or maybe even edit the code you can convert it into an exe an executable file and that way people can just simply right-click on it and say edit and look at your code and then edit it executable files are actually what most programs use so for example here I have utorrent if I right-click on it go to properties you can see that the the program is actually utorrent Exe so it's a compiled exe file or executable file and that's what we would be doing today so we have my simple batch program here simply says hi and then bye and then closes perfect so let's go and download this application from the links in the description it's called that to exe converter and it's a nice little GUI converter so converts batch files into Exe so here we can choose our batch file right here choose what we want to save it as here we can choose a few different options so for example if you want to keep the application invisible so if you want it to show up on the screen you can say visible or you can have it invisible running in the background so that CMD window doesn't pop up you can also choose the working directory from either the current directory or the temporary directory we can choose to delete temporary files on exit or we can leave them we can crypt this program with a password so they'll need a password to run it you can choose this box right here and basically what this says they have a pop-up saying do you want to run this program as administrator and then you can press yes sometimes you need code that needs to be run as a as administrator to have elevated privileges and this is where that that part comes in I will leave it on just for this example you can overwrite existing files and you can add Pilar go over to include here this is actually a cool feature we can actually include other programs or files inside our batch file so let's say we wanted one batch file that extracts a whole bunch of files on your desktop you can actually include all those files here and then your batch file can actually put it on the desktop or let's say you wanted a program that calls let's say a really fancy shutdown command that shutdown command is only on your computer and you want to give this program to everyone else you don't want to go and say here's a batch file you need to download this program and put it in this directory for it to work you can simply include that fancy shutdown command inside this and then your batch program can actually use that that doesn't make sense you can just play around with it here we can change the version informations apparently and the icon file so here I have a simple icon dot ICO file on my desktop if you want to make an ICO you can simply go and google it on the web you can make pngs into ICS really easily it's basically the standard icon file format if you go to program settings here we can change language or we can change all our settings back to the default settings and all the settings are stored in the settings file that is right beside your bat exe converters so next time you open it up you'll remember that your which program you're converting to and I'll keep all your settings settings the same so you don't have to set them up every single time anyways if we press compile here it will compile our program onto the desktop you can see right here test one and you can see that a little bit of administrative that's that that's shield there so if you open it up it will say to you out this program to make a change this to your computer basically it's saying do you want this program to run as administrator so we can press yes and that's due to this little check mark right here here it says hi bye and then closes so if we right-click on this we edit in notepad you can see that this thing is definitely not readable you can't change it you can't look at it you can't even see any variables if I were to look at your like variable so let's say you have a password variable which is not very secure I can take programs and extract this and kind of a monitor this exe and I can actually find your variable so it's not a hundred cent 100 percent secure but the standard user will not be able to read any of your coding they definitely will not be able to convert exe s back into batch files now that's cool and everything but here on technology we liked things a step further so I actually did some searching I found much Kula program - that allows you to convert batches files into Exe files and it does it pretty fancily so here we have advanced batch to exe converter version 2.8 3 and I'll have links in the description basically this is a converter as well as a compiler and a editor so you can actually edit your batch code inside this program and then it will export to ETS and the cool thing about this is it allows you to add some extra commands into your batch programs that are not normal normally natively inside windows so for example let's make a simple batch program here that browses for let's use this command right here so this one will allow you to use the windows dialog to browse for a folder and then it will store it in the variable result so let's insert that CMD command or it's not really CMD command it's a custom command and here we can do echo and let's echo that result just like that and let's pause so now if we save this as a batch file that's save it and then we execute we save it exe file here test exe overwrite it sure here we have the same options we can run as administrator' run it visible version embedded files passwords icons everything the same as the other program basically and here we can build exe so here it is right there and if I run it you can see here it asks us for a folder and I can select any folder for example let's choose my contacts folder press ok you can see that it actually stores that under this variable right here so it adds some extra commands it takes CMD to or batch files to the extreme I know you can only go so far with batch files but it's a cool program I highly suggest you guys going and checking out not only does it give you cool commands it also allows you to build some GUI programs too and I know that sounds crazy to have GUI batch programs but if here if we look for example let's look at their fancy animation one and let's save this as test exe and build it it's over here we've run it you can see this little animation in batch and it's pretty cool so you can - your batch programs if you wanna make your own you can go to this graphic wizard here and you can actually draw ah these really cool animation things so it's really cool go and check it out I guess that concludes this tutorial so please stay tuned for the next one please comment rate and subscribe check me out on Facebook and Twitter links in the description and I can sense all the college crazy goodbye
Channel: Technologycrazy
Views: 215,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: batch, exe, bat to exe, converter, how to, lesson, technologycrazy, batch to exe converter, Batch File (File Format), Tutorial, cool batch, commands, hack, hacking, system32, windows, advanced bat to exe converter
Id: Jn4iEwc71hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2013
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