Batch 26 Digital Demo Day

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[Music] hi I'm Erin Blumenthal director of global portfolio services at 500 startups I'd like to thank you for tuning in to our first ever all digital demo day now what I'm supposed to do is look in this camera talk about all the cool things we're doing to revolutionize the accelerator model and then I'm supposed to brag about how hard we've worked over the past couple of weeks to convert what is normally a 100% in-person affair into a clever adaptation of a digital experience and before I do all that I just want to call out one thing you might have noticed I'm not up on a stage and you also might have noticed that you're not in a conference center and you're definitely gonna notice that we're not streaming the pitches that our founders have worked on for the past five months in a live real-time format that's because and spoiler alert these are not normal times I mean I for one know I've been grappling with solve whatever this is and while I've been doing that it occurred to me that this all sort of feels familiar in fact the uncertainty I feel now feels a lot like it did during my days as a founder not long ago and while of course there can be no comparison to the current situation it does for me at least called a question why are we here why are we doing this what is it that we hope to gain from this thing that we call a digital demo day now I know I can't speak for other organizations but for us at 500 startups the answer is and can only be this founders first at 500 we believe that the true measure of the people's strength is how they rise to master moments like these when they arrived so yes it's true this wasn't our first choice of formats but our priority today is to introduce our latest batch in a way that keeps the focus on what they have to say it's free from technical distractions and honors the tireless work our founders have put into growing their businesses practicing their pitches and getting ready today over these past few months you see we believe that today isn't just about raising money or pitching a product it's also about taking a moment to remind ourselves as a community that the entrepreneurial spirit can and will prevail even if what results is a little less than perfect so it is with this in mind that we invite all of the investors and partners and founders new unknown watching up there to join us by chat tweet email and most importantly in spirit and a collective act of situational defiance in this time of social distancing to rise today during this digital demo day to celebrate the work of all founders everywhere and to renew our commitment to walking with them shoulder to shoulder on the road ahead no matter how uncertain these times may seem so that's my little speech thank you for listening and before we begin and continuing on the theme of support believe me when I say that we would not have been able to pull on all this together without the steadfast support of today's to event sponsors fresh work and match fresh works is an inclusive customer engagement solution and a company that I think notably offered the founders in our network a hefty sum of credits to use during this crisis which as you can imagine goes a long way special thank you goes out to fresh works vouch offers business insurance to startups and I'd be a little remiss if I didn't also point out that they are a success story from our own portfolio but also they've stuck with us through this entire demo day creation process so thank you guys for everything and all that you do you are a shining example of the 500 community in action lastly and certainly not least Lee we will a big thanks to our network partners who helped our founders year round so we'd like to say a big thank you to Twilio HubSpot karda and sent advise mercury Breck's vulnera a square and a CDW as well so now without any further ado it is my honor to pass the virtual mic to Kristine Sai founding partner and CEO of 500 startups Kristine take it away hello everyone welcome to batch 26 demo day thank you for joining us from wherever you're tuning in for our first ever digital demo day this is a new experience for 500 but the team has worked tirelessly to create a unique experience for all of you and I hope you enjoy it as I kickoff today I hope that I find all of you in good health and safety we've all been watching closely the rapid changes brought on by Kovac 19 around the world at five hundred were operating under a few key principles during this time the first and foremost being that the health and safety of our team our portfolio companies and our partners are paramount in addition to moving demo day to a digital-only format some of the actions and decisions we took included instituting travel restrictions beginning in February closing our offices and requiring remote only work for the team for our portfolio companies we've been working to increase capabilities for the founders to connect with each other on our community platforms as well as engaging corporate partners to provide free or reduced services and software finally we've been working on developing a number of webinars office hours and other content to help our founders navigate this challenging time on behalf of the 500 team and all about 26 companies I want to express my gratitude and appreciation not just in tuning in to this demo day but also for your support of these companies thanks Kristine and now it's time to hear from the startups themselves our first group of eight consists primarily of managed marketplaces and similar solutions the startups are the Atlas an online community of city officials and service providers modernizing the one point six trillion dollar to local government market duped a service that aggregates information on eSports games to make eSports easier to watch and to promote engagement sematic which matches content creators who need great songs for their videos with music artists who need influencer marketing at bind which left partners buy and resell online software subscriptions as easily as licensed software ship lists an Indian based ocean freight procurement marketplace connected analytics and a jury of a start-up helping businesses and banks and a great data analytics get on board a recruitment platform that connects global companies with the best latin-american tech talent and trash warrior an on-demand junk removal service for the modern business let's hear from our first startup right now hi I'm a co-founder and CEO of the Atlas which is unlocking the local government market did you just hear the phrase local government and thank gov tech no thanks I get it selling to government is the worst this actual quote from a city official explains why that process can take up to two years cities hate getting sold things instead they rely on recommendations from other cities to decide what to buy and build meanwhile companies are bombarding city officials with emails that don't get read and sending huge sales teams to conferences just to get ignored on the expo floor the future of our cities shouldn't rely on getting lucky at a conference dartie networking in the Obama administration then we left to work together for five years to advise over 20 cities on how to invest in innovation we understand how cities make decisions and how horrible it is to sell the cities that's why we built the Atlas the Atlas is a free online community that cities use to decide what to buy and build more quickly city officials use the Atlas to browse case studies follow trending topics and post questions since joining 500 startups so in the last four months we've grown our community 10x because we've aggregated all those city officials in one place companies like open gov and Verizon are paying us a subscription fee for targeted marketing sales intelligence and to increase their deal flow we're growing quickly because it's working our company customers have already seen their sales cycles shrink from 18 months to a short of six months and I'm not kidding you city officials have asked us to add a Buy Now button our next step building a Marketplace on top of the Atlas is already vibrant online community US cities will spend 1.6 trillion of your tax this year on software technology and services can you imagine how transform your community will be when cities can stop using Pinterest and instead click a button to buy everything from software to sensors on the atlas we can want to help us finally unlock the local government market email me hi my name is Ben goal Habra and I'm the co-founder and CEO of juked the new home for eSports Entertainment the eSports industry is booming right now over the last decade eSports has grown from a niche hobby into a mainstream media phenomenon with hundreds of millions of fans around the globe and over the next 10 years eSports is going to become bigger than mainstream sports in fact it already is last year we saw the League of Legends World Finals peak at 44 million concurrent viewers that's more than double the NBA Finals but there's a problem in eSports which stems from the fact that it is incredibly fragmented as an industry this means that eSports streams and broadcasts are split across platforms like twitch YouTube Facebook and mixer and just the most basic of information like schedules and scores and stats are only available on third-party sites and community portals this makes it so that eSports fans are regularly missing out on tournaments and broadcasts that they would have otherwise liked to have watched we've developed a solution by aggregating all of this information into one destination on juked we natively have the broadcast from 30 plus top eSports titles and we're aggregating information like schedule scores stats player profiles news and more into one place for the very first time and since we've launched the eSports community has been singing our praises from the mountaintops we are truly changing the way that you sports fans consume content on a daily basis and once a user registers on juked 50% of them come back every single week to see what's happening across the industry if you don't believe me just look at our numbers I think they speak for themselves since we launched in September we've been growing at a hundred and thirty one percent in monthly active users every single month our team is stacked with eSports industry veterans my co-founder Chris has created some of the most popular eSports and talk shows over the last eight years and I was on the founding team at twitch when it launched in 2011 growing with the company through the Amazon acquisition and I'm ready to do it again we're back to some by some amazing investors including Mike Moore I'm the founder and CEO of blizzard and the cofounders of MyFitnessPal juked is where the next 500 million eSports fans will be born we're excited about evolving this industry and leveling up eSports as a whole and we hope you join us thank you [Music] music is the soundtrack to our lives and in the age of social media our lives have moved online platforms like YouTube and tick-tock are replacing radio and influencers have become the new music tastemakers hi my name is Mark I'm the co-founder of thematic and we're bringing the creative world together by matching music artists to influencers the Creator economy is exploding while creation and consumption is at an all-time high using popular music and videos is more problematic than ever if you ever receive this message you know what I'm talking about in fact 1.5 billion videos have been d monetized by music copyright claims resulting in lost income and leading creators with inferior options like stock music meanwhile 40 thousand songs are uploaded to Spotify every day but without marketing budgets independent artists struggle to get their music discovered until now with thematic influencers can now license music from their favorite artists in exchange for giving them promotion this is a game changer artists can make music at home upload to thematic and our algorithm matches songs to influencers who in turn broadcast to millions it's a win win and it's working since our beta launch 125,000 songs have been licensed generating 3.1 billion plays and driving 1.5 million fans we have 50,000 users and were growing 22 percent month-over-month and were the first-ever platform built by both music artists and influencers and our community loves us for that my co-founder Audrey and I have spent the last 10 years building platform for YouTube artists and our co-founder Michelle Phan pioneered the influencer revolution building a previous company ipsy into a billion-dollar empire we are the perfect combination to execute in this space influencer marketing is a 10 billion dollar industry and growing 30 percent year-over-year if you'd like to join us and help 3.7 million independent music artists tap into this market we would love to chat thank you hi I'm senior CEO of at bind for bringing sass into the massive software reseller market just how big is this market well over 64 percent of b2b software is sold through resellers but less than 23 percent of b2b Sasa's this is a three hundred billion dollar market that SAS has struggled to gain access to we know this market really well my co-founder Joe is a serial entrepreneur you know system integrators and I myself am not only the president and founder of the cloud software association 3000 SAS partnership leaders but I've been working on this problem for over 12 years since I was head of partnerships at FreshBooks back that's where I lived about this problem the hard way on my very first partner call was an agency who said I love fresh books how do I sell to my customers well like most SAS products customers have to buy fresh books themselves by signing up their email address and paying with their credit card this doesn't work for resellers how do they sign up and they don't want paying it's stuck with the billing they want their customers to pay I can never solve this problem because it needed an entirely new billing system that required expensive engineering but with that mind I found a way resellers can sign up for any SAS product with a virtual email address shared with the customer and pay with a virtual credit card using the existing billing system as it is and for resellers we track all the subscriptions and build their customers automatically so there's no financial risk and no time wasted doing bookkeeping finds a network you charge SAS companies a platform fee to reach our network of resellers whom we charge a transaction fee for every subscription on app mind we have over a hundred sixty resellers managing over 120 SAS products ever growing transactions forty percent month-over-month we're raising a seed let's talk about your chance to own a piece of this massive software reseller market [Music] hi my name is Manish and I'm the co-founder and CEO of shift list just take a moment and look around in the room that you're sitting many of the things that you see were probably put in a container and shipped from India but International shipping from India is really complicated and broken on an average it takes 122 hours for an exporter to receive a freight code multiple freight brokers need to be contacted and up to six different vendors get involved in the actual movement of this frame it's no surprise that the logistics cost is 27 percent higher in India when compared to other nations and that's why we build ship lists a managed freight market place that helps exporters in India to instantly generate freight coats and book container space we reduce the time it takes to generate a freight code from 122 hours to just a few seconds get down coordination from six different vendors to just one and help save up to 10% in freight cost in the last 12 months we have realized a gmv of three and a half million dollars growing 50 percent quarter-on-quarter with 90 percent repeat orders our market is growing as well freight forwarding in India is an 11 billion dollar market growing at six percent year over year a total addressable market is in excess of five and a half billion dollars our team understands logistics very well I am a serial entrepreneur and come from a family of exporters and know the problem of shipping goods intimately Sherrod has been a freight forwarder for more than a decade and Mabel has spent 14 years building enterprise applications for the logistics industry our team and our product puts us in a great position to be category leader in the India market Amazon could not win the e-commerce market in India a local startup Flipkart Dib goober could not win the right healing market in India a local startup Ola did flex foot cannot win the freight forwarding market in India we're happy to tell you more about why ship this trip thank you hi my name is Simeon co-founder and CEO are connected analytics so in everyday America when you make a purchase you like to put a credit card and you get cash backs our business is getting relevant information and customer insights to grow however this doesn't happen in Africa why because cash I transfer over 80% of transactions so building any form of loyalty infrastructure is very expensive and incomplete so build a solution we built a cost efficient payment that was a platform where customers and rewards and businesses can choose to go how does this work when a customer pays with cash card QR code online or offline they get an SMS a lot showing them the exactly was event for that project while businesses get actionable insights on our dashboard and amiable in just over a year we've gone to over six or nine eighty four thousand customers who have spent over twenty four million dollars helping us grow 25 percent month and month businesses on our values our platform come from different retail segments and now credit card companies and banks who never had access to cash transaction before us now use our platform to build reward programs for businesses across Africa the market size is huge legal and many accounts for thirty five billion dollars in retail now but we are aiming for that five hundred billion plus African retail work competition America is Steve with successful companies like Ebola and record team who were position to lead and win in this African market because we are first to the African market when we stand local customer needs and we also have exclusive integrations which gives us access to over a hundred and seventy thousand terminals I found on seeing happy friends over a decade and in specific I am a co-founder with a fin tech background and a previous exit a co-founder and CTO Suraj what we micro Savannah where we as a senior developer so in good company we also have reputable team of advisors and investors from around the world and we hope to make you one so if you want to grow African business segment while making money at it shouldn't an email or pin your what's up thank you hi i'm sergio cofounder and CEO of get on board check recruiting is a 100 billion dollar market growing 10% yearly and yet it's broken it's still being done efficiently by crunching CVS and skinny linkedin profiles perpetrating biases and gaps no one knows how many talented candidates are left behind just because they didn't go to certain universities or because they don't live in a tech hub can you imagine if the recruiting evaluated actually skills instead of just resumes can you imagine tech recruiting being truly unbiased a miniature kradic at scale enter get on board we are the biggest aggregate man platform in latin america for remote and co-located positions we are doing unbiased screening based on real skills not CVS thanks to our deep knowledge of candidate performance we have tons of data points from half a million job applications so we know which candidates are hired and which are disqualified and we understand how can it is ranked in relation to specific technologies and abilities I can assure you LinkedIn doesn't know this much of our candidates the revolution already started we have filled more than a thousand hire successfully to date and tons of customers from big enterprises to startups are raving about what we do for them the future is remote now more than ever and there is a big opportunity to start spending less money in real estate and more money on talent we can help North American companies build their removal forces we are unlocking a whole new talent pool of 130,000 remote professionals in the same time zone that was previously impossible to reach gurram bar is a fully remote team of eleven people we have years of experience building tech teams and working with companies in digital transformation and we are prepared to scale and grow this ecosystem and make it global we are advancing the future of work and you can be a part of it Poland with us thank you [Music] hi my name is Amit I am the co-founder CEO of trattoria well before trash for business the u.s. police mature market is a two hundred billion dollar pie with plenty of local influence you may have heard of the biggest news last year China is the location America's trash which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to repeat how trash is collected and recycled trash worry is here to take over this opportunity every business in the US are average generates four tons of trash annually they currently have three ways to remove it one the regular trash tractor is known to man and not flexible to an expensive franchise like 1-800 junk that's just too pricey for frequent use cases 3 a legion platform the craigslist where although you can find someone cheaper is reliability and quality is really questionable now interest trash warrior through the on-demand marketplace all clients can book a junker will service at their fingertips was upfront pricing we present cheaper than 100 got junk and get matched with a professional provider almost instantly since our launch a September 2019 waving growing sixty percent month-over-month tracking 560 k annualized GME for just the SFA area in just six month customers love us for example after using trash warrior for just one store from leak our materials a national retail chain decided to have us for all their stores in the Bay Area and kept asking us while extending to the rest of the US within experiencing marketplace and growth hacking and we're very committed to create a better trash solution for the world we have a masters from life speed and out of ICI leaving your vision what's next when combined on-demand platform choice our previous research or be able to bypass voice sorting a costly income Kissimmee stomach recycling idea so we'll be able to increase the us recycle rate from the current I understand all the way up to sell it by percent making us cleaner and greener if you want know more how we plan to achieve the same purpose recycle rate and tackle this $200 hi come talk to me we are trash warrior thank you next up time for me to keep a promise that I made at the top of today's show it's a time for me to wax poetic about some of the things we're doing at 500 startups to put a fresh coat of paint on what it means to be an accelerator so if you're a startup pay close attention this is gonna rock your world and if you're an investor this might be a good time for you to take a small break from up your notes and share your thoughts in our investors only slack community at digital demo day that's lack com that's digital demo day all one and if you can access that slack for any reason don't panic you can still head over to five hundred demo day Co that's five zero zero demo day Co and get in touch with any of our startups that way so with all that out of the way I'm gonna share something with you that's maybe not a popular opinion but there's no dancing around it I think so I'm just gonna say startup accelerators kind of suck and now before my boss smashes through my window to fire me on the semi lives dreamy television tube event just hear me out I've been a part of 500 for about four years now and yes well it's true I currently run the flagship accelerator program that obviously was not always the case in fact I was part of 512th batch one spot time and in order to get into that batch I actually had to apply for the program three separate times three times can you believe it and to me that was three excruciating rejections over the course of a year to get just one shot and what I've learned from that experience both has a 500 founder and as a 500 staffer is that a year like that can make a big difference startups change materially all the time and sometimes that change can happen in just a couple of short weeks so it's always seen a little silly to me to run an accelerated program with batches that start and stop just once apart and if I'm being super honest it's always been a little ridiculous to ask our founders to innovate and iterate on their products in real time while accelerators like ours talk the talk without locking the lock at the beginning of today's show I spoke a little bit about how we at 500 and putting founders first and it is with all this in mind that I am thrilled to announce that as of today we are changing the way we run our accelerator platform by offering it on a rolling recruitment model this means we'll be making investment decisions year-round instead of just twice a year and that creates the flexibility we need to give our founders all we have to offer when it makes sense for both us and for them our world-class accelerator programming now runs out of rolling schedule as well so founders who join our portfolio can start taking advantage of our talks office hours mentors and the global 500 community within days of receiving their investment decision now I know what all the startups out there are thinking what about the old map system and what about demo days well we'll still have demo days twice a year the only difference is we think the batch as when you complete your time with us rather than when you start your time with us you'll still have four months of intensive coaching from a dedicated team of experts and just like before you'll still have access to the other benefits of the 500 Network for life the only difference is now you get to take advantage of what we have to offer up sooner and you need to finish the demo day that works best for you the whole point of a demo day after all is for us to create a space where you can tell the best possible version of your story and now you get to decide when that moment arrives however you define it so to all the startups out there you can now apply for our program year-round and update us when something big happens our investment team will to give your information to look and let you know if the program is good fit for you now or when you should check back after certain goals from that so whether you apply before or if today is your first time head on over to 500 Co forward slash apply that's 5 0 0 0 /a apply and tell us about what you're working on today and if you'd like to learn a little more about why we made this change you can do that by visiting 500 code forward slash changes that's 5 0 0 Co /pages and we'll be happy to tell you all about it thanks for listening we'll be right back with the next group of startups in just a bit [Music] all right let's get moving with our next group of startups most of which are SAS based solutions to problems large and small to startups you're about to see include blanks which offers a fast and easy way to find information on business relationships by aggregating all of your interactions in one place mirror technologies which protocol fits commercial buildings with sensors to analyze real-time traffic and inform cleaning browse Serie medical which helps clinicians plan surgeries more efficiently by providing them with high fidelity 3d holograms of CT scans and MRIs Butler which empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions using artificial intelligence and real-time behavior analytics user pilot which is software that helps product managers personalize the in-app experience across the user journey at scale a mixer which is incident management software helping engineering teams around the world optimize their workflow while minimizing hassles for Dena which is applying AI to predict the risk of vehicle crashes for insurance and safety purposes plant an app which is giving IT teams the speed of low code development without compromising flexibility and pilo de which is applying a machine learning to predict flight disruptions for passengers and automatically reboots their flight for free let's hear from our next startup right now hi everyone I'm Fred from blinks we help professionals both valuable and productive business relationships meet Sam he's the partner at a consulting firm his team manages hundreds of clients partners and contacts but Sam doesn't sit in front of a CRM all day he builds relationships it's 9:00 a.m. Sam's face packed he's got about 22 seconds to get up to speed for a newly booked zoom call with the client but this is what getting up to speed looks like nine jumping through a bunch of business tools to try to find information or asking people around for insights and it's created a 40 billion dollar problem for millions of business professionals that's why we've created blinks links aggregates all interactions between professionals and their contacts into one simple relationship timeline accessible in seconds from your inbox calendar and phone so that you're always on top of things and every single interaction is optimized and personalized and that's just the beginning even working remotely Sam can now access insights on how everyone at is firm have interacted with their contacts we've released our MVP only five weeks ago and already have reached 30 kar even with an early product 80% of our users come back two blinks daily we went from 1 to 12 confirmed beta clients and one month and every single company we onboard refers inaudible we've also confirmed three pilot projects with enterprise customers including one of the biggest banks in Canada our founding team it's made of a mix of Google engineering 15 years of experience in UX UI and a tech exit law in college and we've built an advisory board of startup founders who vault built and exited multi-million dollar startups world links relationship productivity for business thank you [Music] you [Music] my name is Nathan I'm one of the cofounders of Mino technologies we're aiming to revolutionize the way over fifty six million commercial buildings around the world are cleaned and managed like many people driving you to San Francisco for the first time this was my view coming into the city I wondered to myself what a beautiful building that Salesforce tower is but one thing that I know that many people don't is how inefficient and expensive it is to maintain that building for example one of our customers manages a building that spends well over three million dollars just to stock supplies and labor every single year but for many reasons from wandering labor to usable supply wastage these types of buildings waste over half a million dollars of that budget just from inefficiency multiply that building by a city the size of San Francisco and that the entire nation and then amongst the world's top urban centers we are looking at a well over five billion dollar market size worldwide so really what we should be looking at is this almost every major commercial building has lost revenue due to this inefficient maintenance so how are you gonna solve this problem with this tiny sensor we have a simple pianistic installation of sensors that can be handled by the end users to monitor supply and traffic in real time what devices are installed cleaners are given alerts on low supply levels a cash savings start instantly with every single world change and one of our deployment sets we eliminated just one restroom trip per day resulting in an annual savings of a hundred and twenty K for that one building and on top of that our product is unique in that it provides ROI within the first month with immediate cash savings on consumables we have deep domain expertise in property management real estate development and building enterprise technology and just over eight months ago we started generating our first revenues - today we're generating over $400,000 in annual recurring revenue we're expanding rapidly at a forty percent month-over-month growth with over 2,500 sensors deployed on the market and we're working with large brands including Colliers International Toronto Pearson Airport and the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto we've just begun raising our seed on a financing to begin building the future of commercial real estate come join us thank you very much [Music] hi I'm Rick from cearĂ¡ medical we're developing augmented reality software to help clinicians with pre surgical planning the images generated by our software are meant to be used in place of conventional CT scans and MRIs see the problem with CT scans and MRIs is that critical anatomy is often either partially or fully hidden behind other anatomical structures and in this particular CT scan we've highlighted in yellow a large feeding artery and in white the area where the surgeon made her incision to commence surgery the problem is when the surgeon made her incision she sliced the artery because she had little sense of how large it was or where it stood in relation to her incision in fact this concept of hidden or unexpected Anatomy accounts for over half of all technical errors in surgery and for patients this means risk of complications for surgeons means lack of confidence in their surgical plan and for hospitals that means significant operating room and efficiencies and billions and billions of dollars a year in preventable adverse events so this is that same CT scan we saw a couple of slides ago except using Sarah medical technology as you can see you just get a much better sense of the patient's Anatomy with our technology we offer software as a service based on our pile of studies at the University of California San Francisco we saved up to 21% of operating room time providing significant cost savings and additional revenue opportunities for our Hospital and Health System customers we are sponsored by a number of well-known organizations including the University of California San Francisco and Microsoft were currently out at five pilot sites my two co-founders are UCSF radiologists I've been involved in digital health for 15 years as a business development executive and entrepreneur Sarah medical is transforming the fifteen billion dollar market for medical imaging if you'd like to learn more please reach out to us we are Butler we empower businesses to make data-driven decisions using real-time behavior analytics we invented this tiny sensor in my hand that can real-time map individuals positions and classify behaviors without using hanging footages it can be using any space in home office or supermarket we translate this data into business intelligence to help our customers produce more revenue activity monitoring is sixty billion industry in retail many other verticals have the same need but I have signed over a million dollar contracts for solving this problem in retail our ara is 500k we are a team from MIT Harvard and Berkeley our technology adviser Ken Larsen is one of the most notable figures in smart cities technology business advisor Hong yang has 30 years leadership experience in food retail traditional behavior analytics is done by camera solutions which raise severe privacy concern so even bigger your food is that it doesn't generate instant without usually it's done by a consultant behind a wall of monitors with footages which takes months and quarters butter does not use any footages they protect user privacy party part we translates this data in real-time to powerful analytics like Google Analytics for brick and mortar space we generate food trajectories of each individual shoppers from the shelf sites to cashier in real time this provide powerful insight to optimize shell face understand customer interest to produce more sales for both traditional offline chains and online retail stores establishing clinical locations we base our subscription pricing on the straight footage butler craft contextual promotion based on customers interest in the store if a customer interesting a product for example of baby formula we know whether he buys it or not if he didn't we create real-time customized offline online campaign there is a print a coupon on the receipt or a push notification to know more advanced features and use case please ping us starting from a million dollar contract in retail imagine a word that is truly understanding users that is responsive and intelligent power back Butler [Music] hello everybody my name is Yasin Abdi kovanda future pilot we help software companies increase engagement for the features they spend a lot of time and money building we have more than 200 customers bringing in half a million dollars in ARR and growing at a pace of 20 percent month-over-month and that's just in the last 12 months since we first started but let's take a step back and talk about the problem here did you know that 80% of a software features is rarely or even never used 80% that's billions and dollars lost and on the lower retention rates and fewer upso opportunities and this shouldn't really come as a surprise because even though product managers spend a lot of time planning which features to build and how to build them they rarely think about how these features fit in the overall user journey but this is exactly why we have developed user pilot first to help product teams really understand when a specific feature is most likely to be used and by whom - to give them the tools that will allow them to control the product experience and scale by customizing the interface based on who the user is and what their behavior looks like all without writing a single line of code and as we enter a new wave of the product lead software more and more product teams will be forced now not just to think about the usability of their software but how does the product experience facilitates the adoption of different features of different stages of the user journey so if you wanna learn a little bit more about our team how we grow so quickly to over two hundred customers with ninety-six percent retention rate or how we plan to hit the 1 million in our our this year please reach out to us and thank you for listening hello my name is Matt V I'm the CEO and co-founder of a mixer I used to be at the web something year is possible for really critical infrastructure it was a great time but there was an issue every second night I was notified by the monitoring system I had to wake up run to my laptop and prevent a disaster at most of the time it was just a false positive I'm not alone only in the United States there are more than 190,000 step ups engineers struggling from the same problem problem caused by insane management software it's complex it's not clever it is just outdated few years ago DevOps engineers focused on instance and support but today they are focused on development that's why they cannot handle instance efficiently anymore that's why we build a mixer my mixer is an instant management platform it has deep corporate messenger integration and is clever a mixer acts like a real person who cares about the most people it knows how is it was resolved who did it and even who this person asked for help this is unique data plus six months twenty companies like Chile - telecom and Blue Bottle became our early customers and forgot amazing results this unique data allowed the mixer to learn on the fly and reduced noise up to 300 times less distraction means faster reaction a mixer is able to drop incident response delay up to 12 times which is huge for 10 critical business engineers like a mixer - so our monthly active user base growth we know each other for 20 years and have deep experience with infrastructure when attacking this 25 billion market the stronger the market leadership so reach out to us if you want to revolutionize incident management thank you [Music] hi everyone my name is bola and I'm the co-founder and CEO of Regina yearly 1.3 million people die in wood accents apart from this tragedy there's a real financial impact five hundred billion dollars but did you know that 52 percent of these accidents happen within a five mile radius of a home at Kadena we are tackling the impact of location on accidents starting in water insurance we are building we are building the location intelligence layer to power the future of auto insurance making it profitable and fair today insurers use data and sensors to calculate risk they use information on who you are how we drive what vehicle you drive and where you live despite all of this data the industry continues to struggle with profitability they are not utilizing location intelligence to its full potential and that's where we come in our a I confused accidental risk for given location at a given time it uses over 14 million historical accident data as well as 40 contextual variables including weather data and road intersections data we use this information to complement the existing risk models in order to help them price risk in a much more profitable way for example a 1% improvement will generate a 1.7 billion dollars in new value for the industry what about 3% what about 5% what about 10% this is why the industry is so excited about what we're working on in the last six months we have secured the following trials a leading Series B ischl tech startup in the UK the largest usage based insurance can and a leading US car manufacturer in order to do what we do need a combination of risk foreign and machine learning luckily for us we have both this is my second startup good in space and my colleague guy has about 20 years old risk Oren experience at one of the largest risk scoring providers for the insurance industry my colleague Carlo has a postdoc from Tyrael college university and prior to pretty no was a CTO of a deep learning start-up focusing on satellite images for tropical cyclone classification location is the future of insurance Regina we're building the location intelligence lair to power the future of alternations making it profitable and fair thank you so let me ask you this how long does it take for a single line of code to be deployed to production well in most modern enterprises that's two weeks average now imagine what could be accomplished if that only took two means my name is Bogdan and founder and CEO of planta net a local development platform that delivers that kind of agility and looking at low code we see it's a huge space in fact garner predicts that within the next four years two-thirds of the application development will be happening through law but the problem is software engineers still think locally satori and it makes perfect sense because all the platforms out there they are focusing on business users to enable them to build apps while software engineers were so busy maintaining existing systems but if business users can see build simple apps quickly imagine what software engineers could accomplish through local so how do we get them to use planten app first we under trust because we show them how they can plug in their custom code to achieve the same kind of flexibility that they were able to do by coding everything and next we get them excited because they only get to write and maintain the code does new that's interesting and these results in applications being delivered 20 times faster than before and we know how to do this I've been an entrepreneur in the developer tool space for the past 14 years and my last business I grew to be a leader in space my management team has been with me for the past five years and Reza garrow he used to work for one of our biggest customers Equifax and he just joined our team because he loves the product we just released in November and already have 20 paying customers we just signed a partnership with and others made easy to deliver a system for HR departments to stay in touch with a repro student Khurana by resignation we are planned an app we are the only local platform that includes the entire development team so if you are interested to learn more let's get in touch thank you hi everyone we are PI loda and we are here to solve five disruptions but I want to start by addressing the elephant in the room the corona virus outbreak because the industry is seeing an unprecedented number of disruptions right now and today more than ever the importance of being proactive to anticipate and mitigate these disruptions ahead of time has never been more clear we at PI lota are working to solve a piece of this and have created artificial intelligence algorithms that can predict fights at risk of being delayed or canceled ahead of time we created complex network models that can analyze fights on a route and Airport specific level and are able to model the network of disruptions across the airspace giving us the ability to notify companies and travelers ahead of time about upcoming disruptions and saving them some of that time frustration and significant cost associated with that last year the industry lost over 60 million dollars due to disruptions we're beginning by selling our product b2b to travel management companies and they found that for every hundred disrupted fights we've able to detect we're able to save these companies over $23,000 because we're not just using our AI to predict the disruptions we're creating an actionable solution and as soon as we detect that the fight is at high risk of disruption we send over a list of all the alternative flights traveling on that route within one click a new flight can be chosen and we send over that boarding pass free of charge imagine how useful this quick and seamless solution would be for all those travel companies dealing with this massive number of disruptions right now the initial market were going out here the travel management company and OTAs has an opportunity of over 20 billion dollars and in the future we plan to expand to other verticals like airports and Airlines insurance and credit card companies and go direct to consumer the team behind pilot Amanda Cornell University and graduate school where we brought on advisors Josh Hartman the former CTO of Travelocity and dr. Ke$ha Laura to help us on this journey and before I leave you I want to leave you with this the travel industry has suffered major hits before with 9/11 and the past financial crisis but it's always bounced back and even though taking a critical hit right now it will bounce back and if you'd like to be a part of that journey please feel free to reach out to me thank you alright that's it for our second group of startups and before we get into our third and final round of pitches let's first hear from Tim Jay General Partner of 500 startups he's going to be sharing some thoughts on how investment activities will change and for all the startups watching some tips on how to run your business during the months ahead taken away Tim my name is Tim Jay I'm a General Partner here at 500 startups it's an absolute pleasure to have you guys tune in to our very first digital demo day I want to spend the next couple of minutes with you just to quickly and briefly share our perspective on the very current state of the VC industry there were record levels VC funds raised over the last two years and vast majorities funds are still in their active investment period and will likely continue to make investments through the rest of 2020 as well as 2021 43 percent of these funds raised in 2019 as an example or between 50 to 250 million dollars in size representing historic levels and actives hidan series aid funds so it's certainly not doom and gloom for founders when it comes to VC market and capital availability yet but the current investment activity certainly has taken a step back and a dip in activity to the industry having to make adjustments to the unprecedented time that we are in during the pandemic the public markets performance as well as VC firms having to meet founders remotely and make decisions remotely amongst the partnerships are some of the many factors contributing into the slowdown of the overall VC activity that we saw this month and then we'll likely be continued slow down for the next two to three months due to additional adjustments that will likely be made but see it's not just about Kovan 19 it's about public markets its macro markets trends that's been set in place over the last few quarters they impact all aspects of business so what does that mean for you the founders yes while there's plenty of capital available out there and historic levels it's more important than ever before to be prudent about your next steps why well that's because the impact of Kobe 19 though as well as the economic markets that we are experiencing today will be felt largely in the next year VC funds raised in 2020 will likely take a huge step back to the historic levels that we saw in the last two years so with less active funds for 2021 fundraising will largely be affected greatly so while we're not going to try to predict the details of the future you can plan accordingly reduce and focus focus on your customers manage your burn strap in for the next 24 months so with that said investors these are truly unprecedented times but great startups are born regardless of the cycle some of the startups that you see today will become could become our next unicorns and centaurs in fact probability tells us that's likely the case we look forward to continue to do our part and work with you and investing in more talented founders all over the world thank you thanks to our final group of startups covers a wide range of innovations from deep tech to consumer and beyond the startups are Pluto extreme customization of sleep pillows at scale to optimize for better sleep gamers class offering an exclusive eSports master classes with gaming professionals silken sander a women's mental wellness subscription service including journaling and peer-to-peer support Alucard offering a consumer credit card with automation recipes that give users more control of their finances see notes and easy to use simulation software that allows engineers to iterate designs faster than physical prototypes automatron sensors which enables the full autonomy of self-driving cars and drones with their novel silicon photonics process for sensors I know which is an AI platform that forecasts urban population movements and the intentions that drive them and rehna tech which enables the creation of graphical user interfaces for embedded systems while reducing development time and costs let's hear it from our final group of startups now hi I'm Susana co-founder and CEO of Pluto and I'm here to put you to sleep no not like that like this with the first and only custom sleep pillow cockpit to your body stats how you sleep and what you like before he hit snooze get this 80% of shoppers are more likely to buy from a company that offers personalized experiences consumers are investing more money it's a higher price premium products to get better sleep and pulls are the second most free place item in the bedroom after bed sheets here's the proof we hit over one hundred and twelve thousand dollars in monthly revenue with a 41 percent month-over-month growth since november and this all happened because finally roi pillow is amazing but it's also super hard where do you even start online you're faced with an overwhelming number of options that can be hard to compare with one another I mean 80,000 search results how do you know which would work best for you in stores is it better to squeeze pills with your hands or awkwardly place your head on the dirty display pillows the answer is both suck well now there's a better way visit Pluto poll com take a quick questionnaire and your data runs through our algorithm helping us to create a custom pillow for you this algorithm continues to improve with more orders and customer feedback and our modular design allows us to create over 35 possible variations through a patent-pending process since joining 500 within the span of four months with more than doubled our monthly revenue from 40k over 112 km up in addition over 100,000 people have taken the questionnaire to try and find their perfect hello resulting in over a million data points this data is used to improve our algorithm better inventory management and most importantly we know what our customers would want to order next also who instagrams pillows well our customers do but why now the focus on sleep and wellness will always be significant the thirty four billion dollar sleep industry has historically grown eight percent each year we're taking this opportunity now to change the way the industry thinks about this very integral piece of our sleep to dominate the category and to become a household name thank you [Music] hi there I'm Victor founder of gamers class we help gamers increase their skills coming from traditional sports there is a clear path on how you increase your skills you stop playing as a kid you go to high school then you go to college and if you're really good well then you might be playing in the 49ers in eSports we don't have that structure a place where you can learn how to improve imagine playing football 30 hours a week and still suck at it well in gaming that happens a lot we solve that problem by producing video courses featuring professional eSports that are designed to help the gamers increase their skills we work exclusively with the top 100 biggest and most influential players in the world and we further provide data-driven properest tracking tools that allows the student to track their individual progress imagine going to a platform where you can learn from Tiger Woods or LeBron James that's what we do but in eSports we've been live for 13 months and I'm personally proud to say - we have over 100,000 registered users and more than 10,000 paying customers from all around the world in 2019 we sold gaming courses for over two hundred thousand US dollars would call our arm quarter growth of over fifty percent and this year we are on track to do 1 million dollars in revenue as to expand into our games and continue to sign more players in the past five years alone the amount of people consume you sport content has almost doubled we specifically target 160 million he's put enthusiastic over three hundred dollars a year on digital assets towards gaming they represent our total addressable market making this a multi-million dollar opportunity but expected only growth of over 15 percent we are 5 founders and a total team of 10 each one of us is extremely skilled but what put us together is common passion for esports in gaming we are gamers class so come join us and 160 million gamers we aim to help thank you so much for your time I look forward to chat with you bye [Music] I may have founder and CEO of silken Sonia we make women's daily self-help easy fun and relevant transforming her life to look less like this and more like this and work crushing it we have over 6,000 paying customers across all 50 states and did over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars in February alone you see one in five US adults experience mental health issues every single year and women were twice as likely to suffer from depression anxiety and other emotional health issues but sadly our options today are limited they're one-size-fits-all isolating and self navigated it's no wonder that the self-help industry is booming expected to reach thirteen point two billion dollars by 2022 and now look at the world lowliness and stress levels are reaching unprecedented heights so that growth rate is only going to increase we launched the world's first wellness planner and journal subscription service to help people live happier healthier lives we know that journaling makes for a great form of meditation so we created an a guided all-in-one solution that serves as part planner with trackers for moods habits and more her journal with guided prompts that change month over month and part lifestyle solution with new stress reducing activities our customers receive a new self-care journal in the mail that's compact and convenient every month as well as access to a Members Only community for peer to peer support today were life coaching booklet form that learns from you and evolves with you but we're not stopping there with over thirty percent of our customers already opted in to a digital community we wanted to kick that up a notch this year we're launching a digital platform for deeper connection amongst our members and emotional health analytics before silken saunder I was a software engineering product manager anxiety imposter syndrome that's my jam I now have a hundred percent Rockstar female team and together we did two hundred and ninety thousand dollars in twenty nineteen this year yes in less than three months we've already surpassed three hundred and sixty thousand dollars and are growing 45% month come join us we can't wait to have you thank you hi I'm Hinata the co-founder of follow a card the first consumer credit card powered by automation how many of you are on top of your spending not many most of us end up leaving money on the table simply by not checking your credit card statements for refunds and incorrect tips a recent survey showed that more than 47 percent of people when smart control on their spending managing our money is frustrating takes a long time we end up not doing it and that leads to overspending allow a cards makes it effortless to be on top of your spending this is how it works first you open an account just like any credit card and like any card you get cash back when it's approved you can create as many virtual or physical card as you want then you had to our gallery of automation recipes in that's where the magic happens rebuilding a gathering of hundreds of alternations to keep you on top of your spending examples virtual cards that only work for three months so you never forget to cancel those subscriptions tracking refunds from cancel reservations they occurred automatically on every transaction or every week and getting reimbursed as soon as you do a business transaction on your personal card and hundreds more you simply select a recipe choose what card to enable it on and presto next time you use your card all of your automations will run my co-founder Gustavo and I are FinTech freaks I've been working in this space for more than 20 years I was CTO for companies like Credit Suisse in Raziel and bento for business and Gustavo was a serial entrepreneur with access of over 340 million dollars and has a lot less successes in the marketing and lending industry the reality is that people are dynamic and they need a car that can be as flexible dynamic as they are but don't take my word for it in just a month more than 8,000 people already joined our waitlist and I excited to finally have a card to give them on top of their spin if you want to learn more contact us alloy card your card your rules you high abundance casinos simple to use simulation software for industrial product development every engineering product starts with an idea which needs to be tested to do it and an engineer can either go to the lab or save up to 80% of design costs by using computer simulation software but still not everyone uses it up to 40% of small medium-sized companies would like to use simulation software but they cannot afford it and find it too hard to use because this generic and requires a dedicated simulation unit to be used in other words simulation is not for small companies nowadays we have different approach three PhDs in Applied Physics and mathematics with more than 30 years of total experience in simulations decided to create simulation software for SMBs so how did we do multi simulation software we created a platform which allows us to use cutting-edge open-source components developed by academic experts we plug those components into our platform like a Lego bricks and build simulation apps for specific engineering applications creating simulation software can take years but our technology allows us launching new app every four months and the price level simulation software can cost up to $80,000 per year but thanks to our technology cena's costs only 10 our focused apps also allow us to reduce the training time required to do simulations making learning up to 12 times faster we have learned that making simulation affordable and simple is our opportunity to unlock potential $5,000,000,000 segments consisting of markets like induction heating antenna design and many many more and we will have an app for each one of them after one year in the market we have 13 customers worldwide and 120 Caribbean in 2019 and this was achieved with just one app now our technology is ready to disrupt this market if you'd like to learn more about cenotes please contact me thank you [Music] hi I'm Erica gala CEO of armitron and we are disrupting silicon process for sensors sensors are everywhere during the phone in your pocket then the cars that we drive and prevalent in self-driving vehicles and throughout my career I've built some of these sensors and Navy research labs company where am a co-founder Trent where we commercialized one of these sensors that was later acquired by Google I then worked at Google X Tesla and our GUI I prioritizing these sensors for large scale systems Trent has a PhD in physics from Cornell and has spent decades developing silicon photonics products then everything from research to dealing with manufacturing issues in the silicon space now while working at these companies looking to unlock self-driving I've seen how critical ladder is along with this issues primarily these sensors last less than six months and they fail through the car shaking or the sensor baking in the Sun and when they fail the car can no longer drive autonomously on top of that they're expensive companies are spelling spending hundreds of millions of dollars on small Robo taxi fleets just on sensors now all right so last month they don't stop working when we jump up and down or playing the Sun we've taken principles from nature to inspire fundamental innovation down to the silicon level to develop safety critical sensors for the market so what does this mean is that we've had to look at the process limitations that have been flat for more than 10 years and we provided a new degree of freedom to design with this is a big deal what was previously thought of as impossible Alma Tron has been able to unlock and provide new capabilities that can address glider market and many other sensor markets as well with our IP we are able to address a 37 billion dollar market composed of cars and robotics applications and while at 500 startups we've been able to secure strategic partnerships in the robotic space and ladder companies we also have been able to secure 50% of our round come invest in us to build the next generation of sensors for cars and robotics applications thank you hello my name is Peyman Samadhi and I'm the CEO and founder of Eno we are building the first of its kind prediction platform that will benefit many organizations let me give you an example with the exponential growth in the use of data network operators are continuously upgrading their network they use demand forecasts and growth scenarios to plan the 350 billion dollars and lock rates having worked in this field for over 10 years and spoken to many experts will in few things.first with hundreds of thousands of cell sites this is a very hard job also there's a lot of guesswork involved so the forecasts are not hitting the target as a result every year sixty five billion dollars or twenty percent of this money is wasted we are building a product to regain this waste he who is giving super power to organizations to accurately plan their capital just with few clicks organizations can forecast many future scenarios in terms of technology or business strategies and find the right actions our patented technology enables optimal deployment of network capacity operators in the size of AT&T and Verizon will benefit up to four billion dollars over ten years this is because the forecast will hit the target who are engaged in proofs of concept with three major mobile operators that will lead to multi-million dollar annual sales contracts we also have 17 other companies on our sales pipeline Eno is far beyond mobile planning we can solve the time series forecasting problem for the engineering and business intelligence teams across industries we have received interest from e-commerce companies for supply chain planning from right helling companies for fleet management and from electric utility companies for capital planning we have a passionate team with years of experience in software telecom and startups and we are in a mission to build the first prediction as a service platform talk to us if you're interested in predicting the future thank you [Music] [Music] hi my name is Sasha Sharma I'm CEO and co-founder Brenna tech imagine all devices around us at iphone like user experience beautiful reliable easy to use unfortunately we're not there yet and we have a lot of work to do tools that are currently used for embedded interfaces are unreliable hard to develop interfaces with and are just not intended to be used in such way rhino tech is here to change that we're building a platform for fast and easy user interface creation and our product has several components trip we have reference hardware for rapid prototyping web framework for interface creation and remote access dashboard for easy and fast updates of user interfaces we estimate that was our product we can say businesses around 50% of cost and several months of development compared to existing solutions that are on the market that can take up to six months to develop user interfaces with our our team comes from large Silicon Valley companies I worked as a software engineer what's up our CTO has been working at Tesla for five years and also had three patents in the field of electronics in Ukraine and our VP of engineering Pablo has been working on Google he's an expert in big data and statistics our product can be used in a variety of industries vending machines home automation building security and the market of vending machines alone is a thirty billion dollar market that is expected to grow 9% EHR over the next five years currently we have sign up 50 users towards software beta that's within a few weeks and signed a letter of intent for 52 hardware units talk to me to learn more thank you all right we did it that's a wrap thank you everyone for joining us today to all the startups out there don't forget you can now apply for our program year-round at 500 Co forward slash apply that's five zero zero zero and all the investors out there don't forget about the investors only slack space we've put together for you at digital demo day that's lack calm that's digital demo day all one now remember we're only going to keep that thing going for the next 24 hours or so so whether you want to access the exclusive content we put in there just for you or just want to catch up with other investor types you better get in there while the good ones good that's digital demo day dot slack calm and if you're having a hard time accessing that slack but you still want to message our startups you can do that at five hundred demo day Co that's five zero zero demo day dot CEO finally one more big thank you to our to event sponsors fresh works and vouch and thanks as always to our network partners Tulio HubSpot Carta incentivize mercury Rex Wilbur Hale square and CDW thank you all again for watching and on behalf of everyone at 500 startups stay safe and stay strong out there goodbye [Music] you you
Channel: 500 Global
Views: 31,587
Rating: 4.9401498 out of 5
Keywords: demo day, digital demo day, 500 digital demo day, digitaldemoday, demoday, startupdemoday, startupspresenting, startupspitching, startuppitch, 500demoday, 500startups, 500 startups, founders, female founders, founders pitching, female founders pitch, pitch prep, demo day prep, venture capital, vc, vc demo day
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 21sec (4701 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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