Bassmaster Open: Harris Chain of Lakes (Day 2) Big Bag, Big Move!

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all right guys day two getting ready to kick off for boat 16 and that it's ironic because uh 16 was my number in football so maybe that's a good luck thing we only caught nine pounds yesterday and uh definitely not the day that we were looking for but today's a new day it's a little chilly but the sun's gonna be out we got a good game plan we're gonna maximize our time but hey guys and real quick if you get a chance to drop down the right hand corner and hit that subscribe button if you don't mind and click that little notification bell telling you guys we are going to bust them today like there's no question in my mind because we just have a good plan for the day not sure what we're gonna catch but i think it's gonna be a good one so make sure you stay tuned because i i think it's gonna get kind of sporty here in just a few minutes so thanks again and i appreciate all your views and all your comments so make sure you drop one of those as well and i'll see you here in just a little [Music] while 17 blake sylvester let also in you'll be just right first over 20. yes sir [Music] i can't find [Music] hey everyone oh i got two i got two oh my god oh my god oh my god stay but i don't know how to grab this yes freaking look at that holy nice job andrew i knew i was going to learn something [Laughter] i didn't know how to grab them that was a bit unexpected oh [Music] oh [Music] oh my god mushrooms i was just praying it was even a fish it just got heavy and i was like oh screw it we'll just set the hook i oh oh [Music] oh [Music] drag something loose i need the cameraman to get closer oh my gosh oh there we go right now dude that one that thing hit i can went the other direction i didn't know what um [Music] [Music] good oh okay so man i thought that was one right there lift it up and it's kind of heavy that was a basic kissing grass building a 10 pound weight yeah that's so good i love it and a lot i mean i've had two different kind of bites with this it's either they swim out with it oh my gosh there we go yeah dude that's the one we're going for bitter psycho i'm telling you it's crazy i was going to say the two kinds i get they either just sit there with it it's just heavy or they they do that they swim out with it there we go maybe oh come on grass shake i needed that one yesterday oh that's hurt god leave i hope it didn't go just like came off and flipped over the sun it'll be close actually i think i don't think i don't i don't either player says [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all right guys that's a wrap for bassmaster open here on hair shane's first one of the year started off the year right finally uh definitely didn't start the event very well i was sitting in 106th place with nine pounds eight ounces uh followed that up with 18 pounds six ounces today so talk about a huge move that was definitely one of those but you know i can only attribute it to one thing and one thing only and well actually two things i guess it's two things so the first thing is i would say i had a good game plan i'd i was up all night trying to figure out exactly what i was going to do and i set a game plan i executed a game plan secondly i just really trusted my instincts you know when i felt like it was time to go flip i went flipping when i felt like it was time to fish the hydrilla i fished the hydrilla day one i did not do that you know i had practiced well i thought i had a pretty good pattern flipping wasn't quite sure how good it was but i knew i could catch some fish and some good ones i wouldn't wasn't gonna catch a lot of little fish doing it well i didn't trust on day one i literally flipped for 30 minutes on day one and just basically just stopped doing it all together you cannot do that when you're out here you can't just stop what you're doing and expect to do well uh and that's what i did this week as i did on day one i just stopped completely stopped the way i was catching them i don't know i lost my mind a little bit i i kind of i think i kind of let the pressure get to me i let dog talk get to me i let a lot of things get to me instead of just doing what i knew how to do day two though i made that game plan and did exactly what i wanted to do didn't quite you know when you look back you're like man i really screwed the pooch on day one but ultimately i finished 25th place i moved 81 places in the tournament so that's 81 points i just gained by having a strong day too you know we're one of nine down we have eight more tournaments to go and i want to make the bassmaster elite series so flipping bad the only way i'm gonna make the bassmaster elite series is to put my head down go fishing and fish every tournament like it's my last tournament and if i do that if i just go fishing execute and stay extremely consistent i'll accomplish my goal you know i talked about i've talked about a couple times if any of you've watched any of my videos that consistency this year is going to be all about consistency day one i was not consistent i was not and when i say consistent i wasn't in the top 50 or 75 and in places so the second day i kind of had to swing for it a little bit and i did and that worked out so like i said we're one of nine down one of nine eight more to go i can do this i know i can you know like if i just go fishing have fun stay stress free and go do my job i'll make it to the elite series you know i think last year i was just mad i don't think i ever fished very good the only tournament i actually felt good was um it was heartwall you know i was mad i was frustrated the whole flw thing you know seeing all my buddies fishing everywhere and i'm at home or you know i think that really got to me a little bit and uh anything about that anymore i'm past that you know i am 100 motivated to make the elite series this year and that's gonna happen and so this week i caught my fish on a absolute ton of different things uh day one obviously i didn't catch much at all i caught a couple on a cutter worm which that saved the day honestly like i mean you couldn't ask i caught two good ones on the the first out i tried to boat swing a three pounder that screwed me you know that's three pounds i weighed in a 12 inch on day one so that that's a you know i'll go from nine and a half pounds to 11 and a half pounds so you know you can't make those decisions day two i was a lot more calm and collected you know i started the day off with a bang i ended up catching that double with a trap and i caught one on the front and back hook which is just freaking amazing like i i did it at heart wool when i when i made the you know the top ten there i caught two on a bait at the same time right at the last minute once a day or you know it was first thing that morning so i started off with two three plus pounders picked up a worm caught another three plus pounder picked up a wacky rig ocho and caught two freaking good ones one back-to-back cast so that was great you know overall just a great tournament made some great decisions and then you know this is this is the part that's so frustrating to me so frustrating is that literally it at 10 15 it's all right it's time to go flipping and i went flipping and within the first five minutes i caught a freaking four and a half pounder you know and that's all about decision making trust in your gut and if i'd have done that you know we all have those what ifs if i'd have done this if i'd have done that if i would have gone flipping on day one this would be a completely different tournament 100 be completely different i would have absolutely i'd probably be fishing today let's be honest like unless i just lose a bunch of them but i mean i i caught enough three to four pounders flipping that i mean it it would have gotten a little silly but you know i was taking that six inch ocho and i was punching it around the grass and you know what it don't matter we finished this tournament 25th place we got extremely valuable points and we are on the road to the bassmaster elite series so guys thank you for watching if you haven't yet drop a a comment let me know what you would have thrown because i'm just curious like i always like to know what other people might have thrown catch bass and maybe if you haven't yet hit that subscribe button the harris chain was tough this week but i'm ready for the next one smith lake here we come
Channel: Andrew Upshaw Fishing
Views: 10,308
Rating: 4.9802957 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, bass fishing, andrew upshaw, big bass, outdoors, bassmaster, andrew upshaw fishing, fishing tip, fishing tackle, bass, how to catch a bass, fish, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, bass pro tour, kickin their bass tv, fantasy fishing, bassmaster elite series, florida fishing, bassmaster classic, scott martin, bassmaster classic champion, florida bass fishing, florida, fishing video, harris chain, how to catch bass in florida, how to swim a worm, worming, wacky rigging
Id: _p_6Q4yRjPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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