Bass Fishing in SMALL Creeks (How to and My Helpful Tips)

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well i just got out of bass pro didn't spend too much money today i wanted a couple things i was looking for and there's a lot of stuff they're still out of some of the things i was wanting to find i couldn't find but anyways i came down to the bass pro here because there's a creek that's like a mile away or less that i've been wanting to check out so i figured i'd you know get two things done at one time so i got a couple little lures and i'm gonna do some um i'm just gonna do some like light action or i guess you'd call it just uh creek bass fishing i'm just gonna call it like small creek bass fission i'm to go through this creek and kind of look for bass but like for what you would expect to find in a smaller creek and kind of show you a couple of lures i'm going to use and some of the things that i will break uh bring so first i gotta go find access and then we'll get fishing oh this looks pretty good oh it's kind of clear too there's a big old red breast right there that is huge all right i just kind of this oh that's a nice little bass oh this creek is going to be good looks like a perfect wading creek too this is the second bridge the first bridge i stopped at the water was a little deeper i came i found another spot upstream stopped here it's raining just a little bit but i don't think it'll be bad and um it's like a solid rock bottom clear water it's right in the middle of town so this creek's gonna go through a bunch of um probably like right through a bunch of businesses and stuff so i'm gonna get in here start waiting dude there's a lot of activity all right quick run down what we're taking so i like to use if i'm going creek fishing or creek bass fishing i like to use uh this is a 66 medium i actually just bought this rod and then lou's actually sent me this reel the reel is a 200 size so i got 10 pound uh braid with a 8 pound fluorocarbon leader that's for abrasion resistance this rod is a six six medium i like to use a medium or medium light just depending this is a really light rod real comfortable to carry around i got a three inch bass pro swim bait i think it's a 120 ounce jig head just a good small lure to catch some all-around size bass of course i got my waiting bag this is a pc fun waiting bag it's got a couple different pockets for different things scales batteries grippers and i don't i don't want to put too much stuff in there you know the swim baits i got uh some wacky uh four inch yum dingers a pair of pliers a couple different swim baits helgermites mike that's one of my favorite lures i might use those later on so this is my setup and now i can start waiting i got old tennis shoes on gotta start waiting this creek looking for bass oh we got a whole bunch of little fish looking at oh here comes the bass ooh here comes a nice bass hit it hit it i see him right in front of me i just let it sink to the bottom uh he he didn't seem too aggressive all right another nice a nice bass out of a creek is what i'm searching for eight eight to 14 inches is my range you know oh we're getting hits from red breasts and stuff there's a lot of fish in here but i i'm definitely looking looking for the bass today there's people all over the place right here i'm going to use the same jig head but just just to try out this wacky rig i forgot my polarized glasses too i should have brought those i can't see over there that great got him got him oh yes i haven't even got in the water yet this is the first spot the wacky rig got him done let me get down in the water to get to him oh sinking in right there what a start for the first bass today i threw my wacky rig off that's a nice creek bass that is the perfect range that i'm looking for uh he's probably 11 12 inches long he may be right at 12 inches around just the ideal creek bass took a little coaxing but it hit him so man this could be a really good place there's one oh there's a big old bass right behind it like a good bass that was a big red breast right there he followed that red breast out of this little pocket i was cast into oh where did he come from i was looking upstream this guy just hammered it nice bass good fish i saw one back a little ways maybe about this size and i couldn't get him to hit this guy came out of nowhere and just smoked it another good bass i expect there'll be a lot of this size a lot of times when there's these kind of crates they get they'll be a lot about the same size and this is just it's just a good size to catch oh yes no i didn't get a good hook set he hit it right away man i didn't get a good hook set on that guy i thought i saw something good just a second ago following my lure i threw back over there and he was just he hit it right away and i didn't get him set that was a that was the best fish so far today you gotta be ready you just never know when they're gonna hit oh that one i got him he's over there in the same there might be a couple of them over there i don't know about the same one or not it's a good fish i think he's bigger than those other ones these guys fighting machines oh yeah that's the biggest one so far yeah another he's probably yeah maybe about the same as the other one he's a little heavier i think around that 12 inch range about maybe 11 something like that but that is thick there's a good section through here there's a lot of water right here actually let's see if there's anything else back in there oh hit it got it there's another one wait what is that oh my goodness look at that red breast that thing's a giant holy moly he hit harder than that bastard look at that thing all right well i'm turning around i'm gonna go back downstream and i'm switching to what i think is the best creek river bass fishing lure and clear water uh nico hilgren right here at least the best one that i've used and i don't have to worry about it tearing up and it'll last forever so let's see how it works oh good fish i didn't even know he was on there there's like three of them following behind it this is a section i came through earlier and i didn't get this fish and now coming back through got oh there's there's two behind him about the same size these are pretty fish wow yes i'll take that oh we're getting a little bigger that's that's probably about 14 inches he's probably a pound a pound largemouth out of like creek like a small creek that you're wading is usually a good fish there was there was two other ones right behind him they're kind of they were just swimming around i don't know where uh if they're gonna hit she's gonna keep just kind of keep oh what yep there's one that's awesome dude see a little bit different presentation which with the helgermite or like a ned rig or creature bait a lot of times something like that we'll just get these little guys that are not they weren't hitting the swimbait they just weren't that aggressive for it but they'll hit something else and i'm actually waiting downs waiting upstream this is usually better and a lot of people say always wait upstream i waited upstream caught several spent about an hour then now i'm coming back downstream and i caught two in the hole that i already waded through going downstream so it didn't mess these fish up at all if they wanna that's a good healthy looking little fish where's this rain coming from there's like two clouds up there well the rain's letting up and it creek looks good but we've got some runoff from the road starting to pour in here and it's really starting to get muddy oh there's one yeah i figured i knew there were some bass over there that i saw them when i first came they wouldn't hit the swimbait i figured they'd hit this uh helgermite but man this water is pouring in off the road and you people always wonder about trash like there's trash all in those creeks and this is where it comes from runs off the road pours into these places and just you can't keep it out i mean there's people throwing things in stuff washing down from miles upstream but mostly just stuff coming off the road and just pouring into here but all that stuff all that all those chemicals pouring into this creek you think it would just like kill everything but it doesn't bother these fish at all they stay super healthy look at that all that oil and grease and pieces of ketchup and it'll be bottles and cans and everything but you know it doesn't really affect the fish so that's a good thing there we go oh another red breast they're so bright i can see them even with the water getting all murky like it is so i'm probably going to get out of here the water kind of it all got messed up from that rain and i i definitely want to go downstream next time it looks like it gets a lot deeper and steadier like the possibilities for a lot bigger fish look really good down that way but definitely had a good time exploring it today but uh let's go back i'm gonna i'm gonna share a few more helpful tips hopefully helpful tips about bass creek bass fishing setups and stuff like that so the water ended up getting really muddy there in that creek so i want to end this video out talking a little bit about um small creek fishing you know a small creek bass fishing so you're you're targeting bass um in smaller creeks a smaller creek something you can't kayak maybe just under a kayaking size but bigger than just a trickle of water and the bass i'm usually targeting in there is going to be from 8 to 14 15 inches you know there's a and that's and that's the thing about targeting those bass sometimes you can pull out or you can find that there's like a 16 17 inch bass any small creeks that you didn't know was there until you started throwing lures that will kind of get those bass to hit now i was using this loose tp1 specific rod it's a rod i just bought and because i was wanting to try it out it's really lightweight which is very key that i want to carry something around the creek that's super lightweight so i can walk a lot it's a 2 000 size reel 10 pound braid on it an 8 pound fluorocarbon leader just to help out with the rocks but you know what this rod is is a medium it's a 6 6 medium and it didn't have near as much flex on the end that i kind of like for a creek and for throwing smaller lures and i'll explain why i throw small lures in just a second but um but it actually is a really good rod i might have to try to order it in a medium light but i usually am going to go with a medium light this one here is the uh i did a video on this just recently the the speed stick um hm30 it's a 66 medium light it's got a lot more flexible in um let's see here i got a the pc fan serpent this is a medium light that i use i got from pc fun pc pen serpent um it's a six eight medium light and it i like this one because they tip on it's extra fast so it it sets the hook really good bends bends way up here um let's see oh i got the uh abby garcia veritas this is a six nine medium light and this is a great one too that that this feels really good the tip's got some good flex and then also another rod here that i like to use is the uh this is the speed stick combo that i got from walmart i changed the reel to a 1000 size but this is a medium also but you know what this this rod is extra like flexible in the end it's a little bit more flexible and softer than the other medium so it's a lot of times you just kind of go through and pick them out and why do i want a medium light so what's the purpose of why do would you want a medium light over a medium or medium heavy if you're targeting bass well to help throw smaller lures and why do you want to throw a smile over so let me show you a few lures that i think are great for targeting a creek bass and if what i what i'm saying this is just from my experience what i'm saying if you're throwing like um say you just got ultra light rod and um you might not be able to set the hook on on certain good fish but you can still catch a lot but still um you can you can throw like little crappie lures with it which smaller lures like that little crappie lures little like one-inch baits sometimes i've been in a lot of places where those just won't get those fish to hit they won't get the bass to hit they'll get the panfish and stuff but if you really want the bass to hit a three to four inch bait seems to really trigger more bites um just from what i've seen in those type of creeks now i've caught i've seen 10-pound bass pallet on crappie lures and i've caught a four pound large mouth on a crappy lure before in a river and stuff but for most of those creeks you know a uh a good swim bait this one is a was that three inch i think that was a three inch swim bait yep that's a three inch this little rage tail is like a three inch um soft plastic let's see here um these are four inch yum dingers i kind of fish on them and i use one in some other places and that's that's a great size it's not something too big um this right here is a z-man um three inch slim z it's a real slim body but it's got a long enough tail it works like a good sized menu and then of course my favorite right here is the helgermites it's a three inch um soft plastic and these two right here are two that i feel like i can go anywhere and catch fish on them but um so so what i'll do with these is now these baits are pretty lightweight they're really lightweight baits and um the both of them actually float the z-man stuff and the nikos up they float and what i like to put on there if i'm going for creeks um maybe at the heaviest a 1 16 ounce jig head one something like that and the z man makes 1 15 pound stuff so 150 and also i like using 1 20th ounce so those are pretty light jig heads you know that's pretty light if you're throwing a light lure like that on a medium medium heavy you can't you can't flick it it won't just it won't flick as easy it's like kind of stiff like that's what i was noticing on that that pulled that medium that white one it wouldn't cast it quite as easy i had to put a little more force into it if you're using a medium light it'll kind of it'll flex more and just fling those lures out there and that's why they have different ratings on them you know what they what they're made to cast and a lot of times they do less than what they say so i'll i'll be able to fling those lures and i got that lice sensitive in a sensitive tip and where when those fish bite you know i could feel it a lot easier these lures a lot of times will get bass to hit that that just a little or lure might not hit they probably can't see that but that's a rebel crawl right there i get them all i got a bunch of little things in this little pack it's kind of this pack i take on creek and this one down here is the bitsy minnow and that's a good you know it's a good size it's only about an inch long but it can pull out some good size fish you know if you're throwing a bitsy minnow you know you need something light to throw with um the rebel tdr um you know little little i like i like a lot of little soft plastics because i feel like those fish can get them in their mouth so much easier and just kind of bite it but um those kind of lures they they really will bring out some fish and a lot of times you're throwing that lure and you're you're you know you're catching 10 inch bass then next thing you know there's like a two pound large mouth or small amount something comes out somewhere you're like where'd that come from and they will hit those lures when they won't hit the smaller ones sometimes now you can go to that same creek and just cast big lures if you want but you you might not catch the 8 to 12 inch bass you know you might have them biting in that and coming off so that's why if i'm going small creek fishing i find that right in between range to get get the smaller bass but also can get the bigger bigger ones to bite and also can get some of the bigger sun fish sometimes those big sunfish got big mouth and they can get it and hit that too all right last thing i'm going to leave you with far as going for a creek bass you are going to get bit by everything so creak chubs uh whatever if there's long ear if there's red breasts or bluegill or red air if there's you know um i don't know what else what any kind of little bass they are going to be very aggressive that's what they are in creeks and those lighter lures when you throw them so and uh i'll throw them it'll hit the water and with that lighter jig head it doesn't sink so bad it sinks slowly and that way and also so you throw that lure hits the water be ready for an attack right away so throw it hits the water set your hook set your reel boom get ready start get your line tight get ready for a hit these keitech easy signers they catch fish they are great they're scented they got such a great action but if i take these to the creek i guarantee you i'm going through the whole pack each fish is going to tear that up and then they're going to i'm going to get 17 bites from little fish they're just going to rip it apart so that's another thing to think about when you're going out find a lure or our hard body lure will you know hold up you don't worry about that but there's that's just helping a couple of little tips you know i know this a lot of the times this small creek bastard is a little niche where a lot of people kind of don't it's not really something you target so maybe this will help help some people trying to think hey maybe i should try fishing for bass in this little creek or fishing for bass see what happens make sure i got the right lure because i know a lot of fish are going to be attacking on it and make sure it's not too heavy because i don't want it sinking and getting into logs and the water is only a foot and a half deep anyways i want to give it time to kind of look natural on the presentation so i hope that i summarized all that up pretty good and thanks for watching i appreciate it you
Channel: Creek Fishing Adventures
Views: 83,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: extreme, philly, fishing, johnb, urban, multi-species, creek, dalton, stream, fish, bass, bluegill, small, big, ultralight, smallmouth, kayak, john, tennessee, sunfish, micro, bank, coosa, redeye, cleveland, mono, panfish, bream, wading, nikko, hellgrammite, chickamauga, beginner, angler, lews, piscifun, lew, youtuber, children, christian, bible
Id: fXPAInb-btk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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