Basics of Cisco Packet Tracer (Part 3) | Switch

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hello everyone welcome back to the next lecture in the computer network series and today we will see the basics of cisco packet tracer part 3 in part 2 we have seen about hubs in part 3 will be focusing on switches we will see the outcomes of today's session now in today's lecture we are going to learn the basics of Cisco packet tracer using switches in the previous lecture we have simulated a local area network using hub in today's lecture we will simulate the local area network using switch and finally we will understand the difference between a hub and switch we will see the definition of a switch a switch is a networking hardware that connects devices on a computer network to establish a local area network we have seen in the previous lecture that a hub is also a networking hardware device that is used to set up a local area network and a switch is also going to do the same then what is the difference between a hub and a switch the main difference between a hub and switches hub has no memory where a switch has memory and what the switch is going to do with the help of this memory in a computer network every device is identified with the help of IP address and MAC address so the switch it is going to store the MAC address in its memory so switch is going to store the MAC address table in the memory that it has and is there any other difference between a hub and a switch yes we have a lot of differences and the very important difference is that a hub with a layer 1 device whereas a switch is a layer 2 device that is used for setting up a local area network we are going to see the difference between the hub and the switch elaborately shortly we will see the working of a switch now just visualize this is the hardware device that is the switch and it has some n number of ports and we can connect n computers to each of these ports let's assume there is a sender computer under receiver computer we know that every computer has IP address and MAC address though these two computers are going to communicate with the help of IP address and marketers but for illustration I have taken only MAC address so this is the sender computer that has a MAC address with all yes and this is the receiver computer that is having the MAC address all B's let's assume that the computers are connected to the switch this computer is connected to this interface or pork this computer is connected to this interface outpour but actually switch uses some numbers in order to identify or recognize each of this individual port or interface the interface or the pour that this computer is connected is one this 19 is the interface in which this computer the receiver computer is connected to we have already seen that switch has a memory and switch is going to maintain the market row stable what is going to be there in the MAC address table so switch is going to store the market is stable so the market res table is going to contain the market rest of the devices that are connected to the interface if this is interface number one and if this computer is connected to this interface the MAC address of this computer is all yay and this a a computer is connected to interface or port number one so the MAC address table contains all yay this is the computer which is having the MAC address and it is connected to the port or the interface is 1 and similarly this computer which all B's as the MAC address is connected to interface number 19 so this is the device or computer that is having the MAC address all B's which is connected to port number 19 and the real difference between the working of a hub and a switch is that the sender wants to send any data the sender sends the data to port number 1 now port number 1 as receive the data if this is a hub it broadcasts that information to all these ports except this port since it is a switch it knows the destination MAC address is connected to which interface so it just forwards the data or the packet to only that interface and the receiver computer now receives this packet hub floods the entire network whereas which is not flooding the entire network it sends the data to the exact destination it doesn't mean that switch is not going to do multi casting or broadcasting switch can do unicasting multi casting and broadcasting but based on the need it does if it is a hub it always does broadcasting so far we have seen the working of the switch we will see how to create a local area network using cisco packet raiser now how to create a local area network using switch in CPT CPT means cisco packet tracer so to do that we will have to open the cisco packet tracer and take any switch I will prefer Cisco to line six zero switch click on the switch and bring the switch to the workspace now click on the PCs or the end devices I will bring five end devices here one two three four and five end devices now we need cables in order to connect this PC and the switch now let's see how the switch actually looks like click on the switch and see the rear view of the switch we can see there are 24 ports in the switch and these are called Fast Ethernet ports and these two are Gigabit Ethernet ports they are called as ports or interfaces so these ports are different from the port numbers that we refer in the transport layer the port or the port numbers or the interface numbers that we refer here are identifying the individual port or the interface these terms ports and interfaces are used interchangeably but no problem when we talk about ports in layer 2 they are Hardware ports let me close this now when we place the mouse over the switch we can see that this computer has 24 Fast Ethernet ports and two Gigabit Ethernet ports the numbers are same for each of these ports our Fast Ethernet 0 bar 1 0 bar 2 0 by 3 up to 0 by 24 and Gigabit Ethernet 0 by 1 and 0 by 2 so we have in total 26 ports that are there we can connect 26 devices if we want we can extend that also now we will take a cable and connect the computer and this fridge for doing this we have to go to the cable section that is the connection sections and we are required to go to the Ethernet straight through cable because we are going to connect a computer with a switch and both are different devices so we need straight through cables to do this we I'll provide a shortcut for you now and this is automatically choosing connection type just press control and press on this and you need not to choose Fast Ethernet port or the pole in the device as well as in the switch in the computer as well as in the switch just click and click so it automatically connects the device to the switch I have connected cables to the switches now you can see that these computers are ready for communication because it is now in green color whereas this switch is doing some activities maybe it is learning the MAC address of the devices that are connected and it is still in the amber color it will take some time for the switch to turn this amber color into green color now the switch is ready for communication so far we have taken a switch and we have taken some pcs and we have connected these pieces to the switch now we are required to assign IP address to every computer or PCs but switch does its operation based on marketers only not with the help of IP address we will now see it practically let me go on to the PC go to the desktop IP configuration let me assign the IP address of 10.10 dot then dot one to this computer and let me assign 10.10 dot dot to the second PC that is connected then dot N Da 10.2 let me assign to the third PC this is and then dot then dot then not then not fold and finally it is 10.8 not 10.5 for the first PC then dot then not then dot file now we have assigned IP address to all the individual computers that are connected we will see the IP address of the third PC let me click on the PC command prompt click ipconfig we can see this is the IP address of the third PC it is now we will send a packet from one PC to another PC and we understand that if it is a ha it does broadcasting always since it is a switch it does only unicasting let me take a packet let this be the source computer let this be the destination computer we can observe the communication is successful we have two modes of operations to carry out the task this is real-time mode and this is simulation mode let me click on the simulation mode and let me take a packet and I'll place it on the first computer it means this is the source computer and let me place it on the destination computer that this is the destination come the IP address of the source computer is stained or 10.10 dot one and the IP address of the destination computer is 10.10 dot and dot four for readability let me click on the label and I will rest mark it as 10 dot n door ten dot one this is the label then this is 10.10 dot dot four this is just a label it has no role to play with the communication now let me click on the captured bar for ver computer assent the data to the switch the switch for words the date at which the destination is connected to the replace also unicasting unlike broadcasting in the hub this is what the working principle office witches I will show you how to see the MAC address table in this rich to do this just click on the switch go to the CLI mode press enter type en to enable and type show em AC - address - table that is show MAC address table and the switch has a memory and it stores this MAC address table so far we have seen how to create a local area network using switch in cisco packet tracer it is always cool to know the difference between a hub and a switch we will see it now the difference between a hub and a switch is that a hub is a layer 1 device it means it works at the physical layer whereas a switch is a layer 2 device it works at the data link layer we have already seen that hub has no memory so there is no chance for the hub to store the MAC address related table whereas a switch as a memory and it stores the MAC address table a hub is not an intelligent device because it has no memory in order to store the MAC address table whereas which is an intelligent device because it has memory and it stores a MAC address table hub always floods the network due to broadcasting behavior whenever any packet is received by the hub it always brought us to the all the ports except the one from which tests receive the packet whereas which can do unicasting multi casting and broadcasting based on the need since hub does broadcasting always security risks are very high in case of hubs because there are chances for the internal threats well as the security risks are low in case of switch so hubs are less efficient and switches are more efficient and we know that hubs always work in half duplex mode it means hubs can send data as well as receive data but not both at the same time whereas switch can do sending and receiving at the same time and this is the comparison table between the hub and a switch and that's it guys so far we have learnt the basics of cisco packet tracer using switch and we simulated a local area network using switch and we also understood the difference between a hub and a switch I hope the session is informating and thank you for watching [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Neso Academy
Views: 121,902
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Keywords: cisco packet tracer, basics of cisco packet tracer, switch in cisco packet tracer, computer networks, computer networks basics, packet tracer, cisco, ccna
Id: eFY6mi3lmRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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