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hello there welcome to my basic guide about water Indoor Fortress in this video I'm going to go over all the basics that you need to know to get yourself acquainted with water we're going to go over floodgates we're going to go over safety precautions all manner of different things as a scenario we're going to take water from this River we're going to take it downstairs so it does flow a little bit across the paths here and then we're going to get rid of it down the Earth yet again because this way you can build up any kind of water system that you want to so along the way I'm going to explain also how Water Works in its basic principles this is going to be not the last video of its kind so I'm going to simplify a few mechanics in this video like water pressure and the like because I plan to go deeper into that in future videos but I don't want to over bloat this video alright enough about that our plan is to make the water go down safely so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to dig ourselves a channel to the spot where we want the water to be and the very first thing to take note off is leave that one block next to the river open because we're closed I should rather say because once that thing here is channeled up something like that will happen and you have an uncontrollable situation that's one of the birth rules when dealing with water interval Fortress don't lose control of the water it's really it's just only bad things happen when you lose control over water all right Next Step we're going to take down one of those ramps here the one where The Floodgate is supposed to be standing you can take that with this icon there and if you don't see the ramps like I do here it's that little icon right next to your minimap I found that super useful all right now we dig a down staircase this is where the water will fall down for us staircases work just like a hole when it comes down to water and now we're going to pretend that the water is here where we want it to so let's just say that this little uh this little thingy here is all we wanted to do with our water let's take it out like that and then we want to get rid of the water yet again so technically normally you would have more of a plan where you want to have that water for for many uh for for many things so here we could just uh do many things but I don't want to overload that video so water goes in here and we want to get rid of the water over here what we do in between that is often is none of all concerns for that video so here this staircase will be the exit so the next thing we want to do now is we want to have a safety maintenance entrance to this system at all points so I'm drilling another staircase right next to that oh that's a little bit too close got to go one tile further away or let's make that two tiles never hurts and that's going to be our maintenance axis because these all are going to be waterways waterways will be inaccessible eventually so that's one thing we really want to take care of before it bites us so we're going to slap in a door here because doors are waterproof that's excellent Next Step we're going to set on up a Floodgate at this spot and that's going to block off the water when we want to next things we do we put up some lever here well technically you could put the lever wherever you want to it's just for the sake of demonstration and the other lever over here lever number one here will control The Floodgate it will open and close it and lever number two will block and open this door here because while doors might be waterproof you never know when your dwarfs are thinking like it's gonna be a great idea to open the door to a discussing torrent of water been there done that block those doors it saves lives so we link that lever to that door and we link the lever here to The Floodgate as soon as it has been delivered the next thing we're going to do here is now we're going to manage the falling water so here it ain't important because the water is only falling one level but I'm constructing it and I'm explaining it this is what I call a pressure deregulizer or a pressure lower so the thing is water that falls downstairs exerts pressure the deeper it falls the more pressure it exerts I'm going to explain how Pressure Works in detail but in a nutshell pressure does two things it does shove people around and it makes water go really really high if the pressure is too high it can even flood your entire base why that that's because the river we're taking water from is when it comes down to the game and endless water source there is no end to that water and if we don't take care of that problem the river will try to fill the entirety of your base because it's an endless water source so thing here is that can only happen when there's pressure on the water pressure on the water can only be exerted when the water is flowing through its adjacent tiles adjacent tiles are here these they're also called orthogonally connected while diagonal tiles let water through but they nullify all the pressure so basically when the water slams down here it will be forced through these diagonal slits and lose all the pressure in the process and can be used safely in your Fortress if you skip these little depressurizers it may be or may not be that your Fortress will get flooded these things are really really valuable as a rule of thumb you need two diagonal slits per tile of water intake so we had two tiles of water intake we would need to widen that down to have four diagonals that's roughly all right so that's going to get ourselves through that the only thing uh yeah we've got all those things so the only thing left to do now is to build up the drain so our drain will go downstairs here and now well we got to we got to work as deep as we want to we need to first of all very important rules for a drain you cannot build a underground brain on on layers that have clay or sand because neither clay nor sand can be smoothened if you are on a level that cause that can be smoothened you're on the right spot because it's really important otherwise that trick won't be working and here we have now breached through that aquifer I don't care about the aquifer leaking here because at the end of the day we're we're building a drain after all so it's okay here I go one level deeper than the aquifer was and now we're going a tunnel straight to the edge of the map and that's going to be ordering what's now really really important with all the items here in the channel or bit them you can oopsie that was wrong ah no the right icon is here to lock um forbid them because your dwarves will try to get all the very very precious things inside your drain Channel and uh this way you can save them from their uh from their untimely demise so this thing here will be ultimately where the water will leave Earth Map you should always take into account with drain the drain has to be in adequate proportions to the water intake again so if you have one tile white water intake you need at least one tile white water drainage it always pays off to build a little bit larger than you actually need there's never anything wrong with two high capacities and once we've hit that uh wall border we're going to go on over to the next step and here this is all all looking already pretty Dandy we have that door here secured we have that thing here secure it so we're basically set for a safe thing here so let's fast forward that there we are so the last tile is noticeable that you still see the wall tile but there's no chance to carve through it we now smoothen that tile because interestingly enough we can't smoothen that tile and then we carve a gap into that afterwards and that tile will then be able to exit the water from our map and that's all it takes so you can also use this on the neighboring tiles here yet again over providing capacities is never a bad thing as a rule of thumb two exits per field of water intake yet again and uh once these things are set up and done we can actually start the water running so we're going to finish these before we do anything take care of that all the people are out of the out of the danger zone and here since that Floodgate is now installed we can also carve open that part here the floodgates closed and safe so we don't need to worry about that these exits have been carved open and now we can take that thing into action there we go so let's pull the lever take care about nobody's downstairs because they won't be leaving this place alive either way and let's see so channels open as you see here water gushes down and here it gets pressure directulized by the way it doesn't matter if this water here Falls one level 10 levels or 100 Levels as soon as you have this uh as soon as you force water to flow only over diagonal tiles it loses pressure it's really important this way you can set up the pressure the way you want to but more about that in future videos and here you see water is Flowing down the hallway carrying all those stones with it those could be your dwarfs by the way and uh there we go as soon as it hits here the uh an exit of the map you're safe so the thing here is now you could now easily just carve another path here water always takes the laziest way so that means the water will always try to fill the the most adjacent Fields first so that means we could now cardboard way over here and have water for this area here or or do whatever with that I just don't I don't want to go too deeply into that because future videos will do that for us so last thing to show you that everything is all right we're going to pull that lever and then we're off for that video here we see the most important things install your Floodgate properly put the water into the system only when you have everything set up to shut down the water when you wanted leave a maintenance Tab and leave a maintenance shaft open to keep your water system adjustable at all times because that's really one of the most important things because you want to be under in control of your water and uh yeah take care that nobody is in your water system when it's um when it's going to get go online and uh yeah that's pretty much it from with this knowledge you can already get started with all those things there's a lot of uh problems still to to take account off but uh yeah I hope you found that helpful in future videos we're going to install water wheels and all manner of different things but these were the basics that I wanted to go on over because I don't want to explain them in every video so feel free to drop me your comments down below feel free to add in some super nice strategies that you like to use I haven't used Too Many tools that we have here there are way many more tools but I found that these were the most important things to think about when working with water feel free to leave a thumbs up or subscribe if you haven't done so already there's daily content coming up from my side and I'd be delighted to have you also down in the link uh down in the link yeah down in the description box there's a link to the playlist leading you to various other dwarf reporters tutorials and a big thanks to all the supporters of this channel I really really appreciate if you want to support as well there's a couple of channels I can't talk anymore are today there's a couple of links down there thanks for watching the ad roll and see you next time
Channel: Ic0n Gaming
Views: 18,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf Fortress Gameplay, Dwarf Fortress Review, Dwarf Fortress Guide, Dwarf Fortress Tutorial, Dwarf Fortress Tips, Dwarf Fortress Tricks, Dwarf Fortress Beginners Guide, Dwarf Fortress Playthrough, Dwarf Fortress Steam, Dwarf Fortress Ic0n Gaming, Dwarf Fortress Let's Play, Dwarf Fortress Vanilla, Dwarf Fortress Water, Dwarf Fortress Water Guide, Dwarf Fortress Water Tutorial, Dwarf Fortress Water Source, Dwarf Fortress Water Drain
Id: qOrfYKbg5F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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