BASIC Track Loader Maintenance... NOT so EASY on "Old Red" ~ Part 12 ~ 1950s Caterpillar TraxCavator

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] okay we got some maintenance items all right first up we got belts so this machine has three belts these two go to the pony motor and this one goes to the fan for the diesel radiator the radiator coolant fan and so brand new these are just new old stock so those will be awesome we have brand new fuel filters and it's really cool these filters it's a new old stock they are the original type of uh cloth wound filters with two new brand new caterpillar gaskets and instructions for replacing them removing the old one attaching the new one and an illustration for those that can't figure out how simple it really is so a big thanks to bill bill is one of the viewers of the channel he sent me these filters and he also sent me the 955 operation and maintenance manual and so this is the only one that i couldn't find in pdf i have all the others at least i think i do there's a couple weird ones that i haven't been able to find yet but um but this goes through all the fluids how to read everything when to change what it has a full diagram of the grease locations all the lubricating locations all the oils that need to be changed how to maintain it how to run it how to start it it goes into detail on how to load even when you're driving you're actually using the bucket how to scoop but how to fill the way in which the there is actual uh parts of the machine that that you should look at when you're trying to get a level um bucket these basically they call them uh what are they bucket indicator positions so it's like this little piece here i wondered what this was and then a little spot when we get it running i will explain and show what that is and where it is and how it actually uh works when you're using the machine but this manual has been awesome i mean i've been i've read it a few times already just learning about the machine learning about maintaining it what i need to do to to get the get everything ready to rock and roll everything ready to put back together and and actually run well once we get to the point where we're going to use it so big thank you to bill for the manual and for the filters i really appreciate that and i'll put them to good use next up we got a brand new engine oil filter so i actually bought a few of these um this is the only one i've gotten so far but i plan on changing the oil a couple times pretty soon after i run it for a few hours i'll change it again but this is one of the ones i got an actual cat filter it turned out to be actually fairly affordable next up is hydraulic filters so i these just happen to be an ebay auction where there were just two in each the reason i bought two is i was looking at the caterpillar ones and on the pictures you can't really tell but it the caterpillar one didn't look all that heavy duty and so and it's not the style that was in the machine style that was in the machine is similar to this wix filter it was a it's a paper filter but it has a metal cage around it and so i didn't really know which one would be better and so my thought was they were cheap enough i bought a few different kinds if you have a preference if you know like which would you use i mean obviously caterpillar does tons and tons of engineering into their filters and their their machines and so this is probably a very very good filter but you know the way i kind of looked at it i didn't know if there was pressure in the system and they had this metal cage to keep the the paper filter from exploding or you know getting you know breaking apart and getting big chunks of paper in the hydraulic system and so this is similar to what's on the casual cat part is almost identical to this and so this is a cross-referenced newer part um that will basically fit and do the same thing in the same location so um i'm probably gonna start out with a cat one we're gonna end up changing the filter a couple times um just to make sure that no sediment or anything gets in it now i've got four filters here at the end of the day i can change the filter fairly easily so so yeah exciting got these filters and all this uh basically maintenance stuff now it's just a matter of uh doing the maintenance changing the oils getting the filters replaced getting the belts in and then we'll be you know that much closer to getting it ready to rock and roll so we can put this baby back to work one of the bolts on this cover here was broken so i'm going to take that out [Music] [Applause] broke the torque bit right in the middle of it i think there's enough i can maybe weld a nut over it i think we got it nope i think we got it finally gotcha so one of the best analogies i like when it comes to failure and success and continuing to try is removing broken bolts from something old like this because it's not easy it can be very very difficult and as you can see i had seven welded nuts onto that broken bolt before the eighth time that i got it and technically it would have been nine failed attempts because initially i broke a torque bit in the bolt before i even got the welder out and decided to weld these nuts on it so if i had given up maybe at like you know four or five you know i may not have gotten it out i may just have been like uh it'll be okay it'd be good enough or whatever well it won't i want it out i want to put a bolt in there hold that cover on properly and so i just encourage you to keep trying even if you haven't you're failing over and over and over just keep trying do something different make another attempt i kept adjusting the heat adjusting the amperage adjusting the speed of the wire until i finally got it i also changed types of nuts i used a different kind of nut tried to find a harder one i think the initial ones i was using pretty poor quality and so you know you don't want to just fail and keep doing the same thing that's that's the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result and so you you know adjust your method adjust your your angle and move on and keep going and so yeah finally on the ninth attempt i got it every one of these bolt holes i've run a tap through just to clean them up these big ones the two big ones on the side these four in the middle and then these two adjuster all were just completely packed with dirt and grease but there were no broken bolts or anything in them the only broken bolt in the back here was this one here in the corner which we just got off so i'm gonna make new gaskets for these covers same with the brake uh access panel covers and make new gaskets for that so that we can keep water out because when i did take the top cover off there was water kind of pooled underneath that cover so and it didn't have much for a gasket hey buddy good boy um boom i'm a gasket making fool tonight so this is the operation and maintenance instructions slash manual for the cat 955 and it goes through all the basics of the machine maintenance and other things that it needs to run properly including all the greaser locations and all the oil locations right now we're going to focus on the oil and other filters that need to be changed basic maintenance essentially that old red hasn't seen in decades here's the instructions for the flywheel clutch compartment and we're going to do all of it pulling the plugs cleaning the strainer at the bottom and putting new oil in all right so right here is the flywheel clutch drain plug and then there's another one another dream plug here and the plug in the middle is how you drain it and then you take the whole thing out to drain the the strainer essentially well the bolts are so messed up not a single one of them can you get an actual socket on i got this one loose this one loose and this one loose just by pounding a smaller socket on and i got this one loose by filing some flats onto two sides of it and then got vice grips on so we're gonna try that on these two i haven't gotten these two loose yet i was able to get the plug loose let's try that awesome got that one awesome got that one too all right i think we got all six oh that was loose okay cool so this is the screen the fluid screen for the flywheel clutch so as you can see these bolts are pretty much all worn to nothing so here's one of the ones that grow on the flats on the sides to grab it with the vice grips there's another one like that and then that one but definitely not reusable get some new ones but here's the screen that we're going to clean out all kinds of gunked up this gasket no good anymore we'll make a new one here's the bottom plate with the plug and it's got a magnetic spot here for all the gunk which this is all that really was on it there wasn't a whole lot more so that's a great sign that there's not a ton of magnetic particles built up in there so [Music] new gasket i decided to make it bigger because essentially this was still too big to get the uh the screen out without destroying the gasket my thought was more gasket material will seal better in the you know off chance that it does decide to leak i did make this hole the size of this hole so that there's no potential for gasket material getting up into the screen so rather than the size of the actual drain hole but we're gonna coat it with grease and put it back in there now we've got six new bolts six new lock washers should be good to go so a bunch of these plugs are a hex head and i didn't have a tool for it so i found a a bolt with the right size head i jammed two nuts on it welded it on kind of ground it down a little bit wasn't in the way now a one in eight socket fits right down over it and i can shove that into whatever one of these drain plugs one here one back there one up for the engine oil there's two for the final drives there's one on either side of the steering clutch and so it makes it easier to get them off so we're gonna drain this drain this one too there we go here's another magnetic drain plug grabs all the metal shavings and miscellaneous metal junk in there to keep it from flowing through the system as best as possible nasty copper anti-seize so so this is the transmission fill and this is the flywheel clutch fill location so we got the dipstick for the transmission here completely dry and the dipstick for the flywheel clutch completely dry so we're going to fill those up right at full i made a mess right at full right there perfect so right there on top of this is where the bleeder valve is for the hydraulic filter assembly and here's where the hydraulic filter goes into the canister on the side of the machine so this is the extra hydraulic filter assembly that i got with the machine and it has a better intact bleed valve screw on the top of this cap so my plan is to take this cap assuming it fits perfectly onto the machine and replace the entire cap because the bleed valve on the machine is currently broken and i've tried getting it off a couple times and i can't now back when i had this machine back in the the bar on the previous property i had all the bolts out of this but i could not get this off and so i'm gonna work a little bit harder trying to get it off worst case scenario i'll take this bleeding screw out of this cap and i'll work harder on getting the broken one out of the other cap as you can see it was just rusted kind of around the outside here and that's why i wasn't wanting to come loose sits down there like that the spring puts tension down on the on the filter and then this is the bleed screw essentially it's a screw with a groove in it and when you back it out far enough it lets air out now this flange for this top lid is different than the one on the machine so i may not be able to use this oh wonderful so check this out got a friend living in the bottom of this uh filter assembly or there was at one time [Music] so so so i didn't think there was much in there all right i think i've decided i'm going to replace this entire hydraulic filter assembly with the other one it's in better shape it's nicer and it's not too bad of a job this is the difference between the hydraulic filter assemblies this particular one looks much nicer it's just like the welds are better it's thicker metal i think it's technically from a d4 the only thing it doesn't have is it doesn't have this bracket here and so i think the plan it's taller it fits on the machine the bolt holes are the same the hydraulic hoses fit in the same spot i'm going to cut this bracket off of this filter assembly and we're going to weld it to this once we have it all installed on the machine so i can get it to the right spot now the way that this one seals is it's got this like little rim that is replaceable and then this bolt here is the the bleed valve and if you see that groove in the in the valve basically it's a screw with a basically a notch down it as you unscrew that at a certain point that groove is exposed releasing the air that's built up in the hydraulic system and so the whole reason that i'm even messing with this hydraulic filter assembly is because this one is broken and somebody at one point put a flat in there and i tried weld a bunch of nuts on it couldn't get it off so so i either need to burn that out of there and get a different one or just replace this whole setup and so i opted to just replace it and i'll probably i'm gonna put that thing all together they're a little different the the actual overflow valve and this one is like looks like that the overflow valve and the other one looks like this you know minor minor differences still works the same same spring setup on the top same flat ring at the bottom that seals around the filter so same exact filter size this particular one is taller than factory one which doesn't really affect much so all in all there are some minor differences and one of them being this bracket is not here but i'm okay with welding that up i gotta clean this one up because it had a big old mouse nest in it like you saw so this ring hydraulic filter straight down in the middle bypass valve spring and last but not least the cover i'll show you the leader valve [Applause] so this bolt has a groove that starts right there and that groove goes all the way down to the bottom inside the the filter canister there and so you have to back out this bolt you know like six or seven threads before it will then release the air that's built up in the hydraulic system when you're bleeding it and putting new fluid in and so we're going to need that now that i've drained out most of the hydraulic fluid to replace that lower line so that is the only reason that i went to the trouble of replacing this whole hydraulic filter assembly um i tried for quite some time to get the other one out of the other cap and i need to just probably torch it out um but i know i knew for a fact this one was good i just couldn't get this cover off now that we did the whole canister looks better and you know it's just gonna be a better all-around uh fit for it so because this is a part that i do not want to get seized up again or ever i'm going to cover it with copper anti-seize it's like i need to buy some more right here's where the hydraulic oil will go into the machine on the side next to the tank there's a lot more to putting hydraulic fluid into the system than just pouring it in there and we're going to do the rest of it once we get the machine running and go from there all right i'm going to open this bleeder valve and we're going to fill it up with hydraulic fluid for now it's going to be basically just fill it up and then once i run it i'll properly bleed it but for right now we're just gonna get it all filled up as far as i can all right so here's where the fuel filters come out right on the side of the machine side of the engine and then here is how to remove the filter element from the top plate all right let's replace the fuel filters yep [Music] brand new filters crankcase breather is pretty plugged up so we grab the one from the other uh additional engine and we're going to put that one on instead all right so this is the diesel engine crankcase breather essentially right here number 18 and this particular one is pretty packed full of junk so for now the other motor that's out in the weeds out there where old red came from had this one on it and it's much cleaner on the inside here and so i'm gonna clean this one up and this is gonna be the one that's gonna go on the machine it looks a little nicer hence it has some paint versus this one's completely gone but um but that's the thought we're gonna use this one on the machine rather than that one and i'll just hang on to that one for a while as an extra just cleaning up that little breather location that's the crankcase breather that one fits in there much nicer so now we're on to the diesel engine we're going to change the crankcase oil by pulling the plug in the bottom draining it out of the oil cooler slash the filter assembly and putting a new filter in i'm going to change the engine oil and the engine oil filter i would really like to run this machine and get it nice and hot but because of the issue with the pony motor right now i can't start the diesel and i still want to change the oil anyway my plan is to change it a couple times so i bought three filters and for now we're just gonna go ahead and change the oil plus this plug is leaking for some reason so we're gonna address that and then once we get the machine up and running for a little while i'm gonna do it again just to make sure we get all the crap out of the machine but for right now we're just gonna drain it cold which it'll be fine so oil actually looks pretty good nice and black i don't feel any grit in it so there should be a gasket usually a copper ring that goes around there and there was this paper gasket it looks like at some point a rubber i can't quite tell what this is yeah it feels like rubber so i think what i want to do is i want to make or find a copper ring to use as the seal and it looks like this is kind of irregular too because it's got some bumps here so i think i'm going to take a file to that and try and flatten out this surface all the way around so it seats up in there a little better right here is irregular i'm trying to eliminate any of these leaks down in the belly so that when we put the belly pan on we don't end up with tons of oil and stuff down in there that we have to deal with later or you know causing problems all right that's much more even all the way around this was like a high spot right here this plug doesn't look great those threads look a bit bit knackered i might have to check the other uh extra motor out in the woods and see if it's got a better plug although i don't even think it has an oil pan on it but i have to look anyway all right so i want to make a new copper ring for the inside of this just to seal against i've got a piece of copper sheet there's the outside ring so this tool here is called a beverly shear essentially it is a shear for cutting sheet metal and you stick what you want to cut in here and this throatless design essentially allows you to do all kinds of curves and things without having to you know do too much work so we're going to use this to cut out our circle clean that up on the grinder real quick all right that's how we're going to try and get the middle cut out plywood a little spray glue oh well that didn't work how i wanted it to do there we go all right that should work perfect that'll do so it sure would have been easier to buy that little copper ring and you know at the end of the day it was probably cheap but i know there's people out there that will say that i wasted a lot of copper trying to figure that out and make that dumb little part but in reality what i was doing is i was learning i was teaching myself how do you make a thin little ring for you know just a gasket type surface out of a piece of you know flat copper and you know first it was complicated and then i was like okay we'll cut another one out and cut it again then i realized oh maybe i should drill it out first and had a couple failures of that and then got it and so you know it's not perfect it's not an exact whatever but it'll do what i need and in the process of the failure i learned what doesn't work i learned what works better i still don't have a great idea on the best way to do that but that's not the point the point is you have to continuously challenge yourself to do things you might not otherwise have tried especially when it comes to working in a shop or working with your hands or getting out there and doing something that you're scared to do because at the end of the day what's the worst case scenario here i ruined some some copper flat stock here i mean whatever it's the end of the day i had it here in the shop and through that process you gain more and more knowledge throughout your life through whatever you challenge yourself to do and so yep i could have bought the part and yep it probably would have been better than the one i made but at the end of the day it doesn't matter i keep growing keep teaching myself new things keep keep expanding on the knowledge that i have and so that's what i like doing that's why i enjoy it not to mention i then would have had to wait for the gasket or find it or whatever and so at this point i've got something that'll work now and i'm happy with that all right diesel oil filters in here and then this is the diesel oil fill and this is the diesel uh oil dipstick it's the old filter ah fram come on with fram it's a fram filter for goodness sake everybody knows fram filters are well they leave a lot to be desired let's just put it that way we're going with a legit cat when i took that filter out a little bit of water was on it and i don't know if that's from pressure washing it or just condensation over the years but i figured i'd just jam this in there and soak anything up so that's the bottom of the filter assembly is there supposed to be an o-ring right here that seals between this is the filter cap oil filter cap and it goes on that canister do you know if there's supposed to be an o-ring right in here ceiling or some sort of gasket looks like there should be or something there so right here is where you drain the oil cooler and the unfiltered oil kind of a bad place for that right onto that frame i got a bucket down there but still all right we're gonna fill it up with oil tomorrow in the morning all right so this is lady lady is a painted horse and she's a friend of mine's she's a beautiful horse so i thought you guys might want to see her and we're going to take her for a quick ride here in a minute [Music] what do you think huh [Music] yeah she's doing good good girl good girl oh oh yeah
Channel: Salvage Workshop
Views: 300,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restoration, Machine restoration, tools, old machinery, caterpillar, cat, hitachi, yanmar, ihi, kobelco, heavy machinery, earthmover, earthmoving, komatsu, heavy, tracked, farming, tank, john deere, case, crawler, bulldozer, dozer, track loader, crawler Type, material handler, track type tractor, diesel, mechanic, Salvage Workshop, Restore, tractor, american, IH, solving problems, skid steer, CTL, hydraulics, doosan, Liebherr, volvo, sany, XCMG, Terex, JCB, JLG, Kubota, Bobcat, Takeuchi, New Holland, Old Red, Big Red
Id: uTaH6tVCMSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 14sec (3194 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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