Basic Swimming Pool Features and Plumbing Walkthrough with Justin Bowie of JMax

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hi my name is justin i'm with j-max plumbing we're here at a project that we recently completed so i'm going to walk you guys through and show you some of the plumbing features that we have here on this pool we have a skimmer and water leveler this is the primary skimmer this project has two that is a venturi skimmer but it's plumbed without the venturi option which you can do that's a water leveler canister that's what maintains the water level in the pool walking over here we have a second skimmer in this pool we wanted to position a second skimmer in the baja just because this family's going to spend a lot of time in here and we wanted to make sure that this area stayed clear the surface area the pool didn't didn't necessarily call for a second skimmer but we wanted to make sure we got it you can see inside the baja here we got some things going on the this family has young children this linear bar right here is a paramount air bar this is connected to a blower at the equipment once interior is done we come and drill it out and it'll it'll create a plume of air so the kids can play in it there's no nothing that sticks up it's just air that rises to the surface pretty cool feature for kids this is an led bubbler so this is a water plume that has a light integrated into it at night it looks really cool the light flows up the plume lights the area up creates a pretty cool feature for the kids also to play in something cool to listen to and look at over here in the wall this is a surface return that'll be finished with an eyeball fitting it's positioned kind of opposite the skimmer to get any debris that gets trapped in this corner and then blow it out that's a that's a micro bright light so that's just going to put a light out here so as they're getting in and out they can see the step over here in this corner this is another return so this is going to direct water flow out back towards that skimmer that's in the corner these these are main drains these are connected to the skimmer they're not separate main drain here because we don't have in-floor ties directly into the skimmer we got a vacuum here and a return again this return is if you come around the corner it's the first opportunity we had to get surface stimulation moving stuff this way it'll get finished with an eyeball and we'll direct it at sort of a 45 degree angle and then last in this corner we have another return this return is pushing debris out of this corner giving this skimmer an opportunity so if you look at the plumbing system in a hole you have returns in all the corners that are pushing stuff toward this skimmer and that skimmer servicing that one wall that doesn't have it could potentially have a dead spot this is a light this is the balance line for the water leveler it's just how the water gets into the can and it brings water in i don't know if you can see here but these brass flush deck jets are in the deck these create an arch of water so that's their water feature here they got the plume and air bar and then they have these deck jets uh that they can turn up or down and uh those are a pretty nice looking one the the brass it's by a a and if you want we can walk up and look at the equipment you can kind of see what what it looks like on the business end of things okay so this is the equipment set for that pool i'll kind of run you through everything that's going on here everything in the front of the pump is the suction side so this three-way is the two skimmers skimmers a and b and this is the dedicated vacuum port remember the main drain is tied to primary skimmer so the only way you can get suction there would be by turning this skimmer on and then adjusting your satellite valve in the skimmer to direct some flow of the floor you don't necessarily need that here because we have a vacuum but you got skimmer skimmer vacuum goes into the pump pumps out this is an optional drain valve since we have a cartridge filter here there's no way to backwash water out if they had a heavy rain so in the case that they needed to drain down some of the water adjust their cya level whatever it be they could connect a hose here with the pump running turn this on drain off as much water as they want water flows into the filter it's cleaned comes out this first valve it's water features on your right pool returns on your left this is a spacer cell for a salt cell this particular job is going to be salt so i'd start up after 30 days when they add salt they'll pull this spacer out install the actual cell this first line right here this is the bubbler that's in the baja and then we have three deck jet lines right here we valve them independently so that they can control flow if they want one to be greater one to be less if they want to direct them all to one corner they have complete control over them individually one real important thing if you're installing valves like this you want to leave enough room above and below to service these valves if you have to cut them out later if you were to butt this valve all the way up you'd have to re-plumb the whole manifold when you go to change them another thing if you want your plumbing to look extra clean you want all the valves at the same height you want to make sure that when you're installing them even if there's for example this fitting that drops down you want to measure those out so your handles line up just something that kind of help you make it look extra clean the other thing this has all been painted to protect it from uv we pull all the handles off these are spears deluxe valves these handles pull right off you paint it and you can put your handle right back on gives the customer a clear identification of what is a control surface and what needs to be touched so a couple of the the fittings used here just so you can get an idea this is a cpdc nipple when we make a connection to this pump if you're not going to use a union you can use a cpvc nipple this nipple won't shrink or expand as this pump cycles hot to cold so you're going to want to use that on an inlet or an outlet this is a coupling where we make a transition from cpvc to pvc this is painted pvc this is a 90 degree elbow this is a hard 90 a pressure 90. some people will use a sweep in california for example this is an example of just a pressure 90. we've labeled this one to give a customer an indication of flow that's showing you that flow is going in we've also labeled other things on here so that the startup text pool tech customer will know what the lines are same thing on the return side this is a three-way valve so this valve as you open one port another port closes you use that when you're when you're throttling between two positions this is a ball valve inside the heart of this is a ball that when this is parallel to the pipe run the ball has a hole that is now allowing water to flow through the ball when you close it the ball turns now the water stops at the top of the ball so ball valve you use these mostly for anything that you want to be able to control flow to a certain amount if you wanted to turn this halfway off you could close the ball partially you could close it all the way or you could open it all the way okay so you can see here that we got plumbing those in varying sizes and the reason why is everything has a different demand here so what we have here this is a two inch plumbing line two inch can support 50 gallons a minute on the suction side of your pump and once you've reached the return side it can support 90 gallons a minute so you'll see here as you drop in where two inch passes through this 90 45 90 into your filter comes back out we got a couple different sizes over here we got two inch plumbing on the main return loop so this feeds two inch to the pool and then loops the entire pool an inch and a half that feeds all the surface returns this is an inch and a half line that's feeding out to a bubbler that bubbler had a demand lower than what we needed from two inch so we reduced it to inch and a half it's still oversized for our demand we need about 25 gallons a minute at that bubbler inch and a half line we'll get us somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 depending on the manufacturer these deck jets which need about 10 gallons a minute we've sized them at three quarter inch lines which is more than capable of delivering 10 gallons a minute all of these teas these are reducer tees they reduce from 2 inch to 3 4 in one step which steps us down to the three-quarter valves and then we carry three-quarter all the way out to the deckjet
Channel: Pool Chasers
Views: 35,173
Rating: 4.8197184 out of 5
Id: pUwOxpMM1pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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