Basic SimVim Cockpit Wiring (Old: New videos are being uploaded)

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okay so the first thing you're gonna need in order to use in vamp cockpit on your explain installation and to start building your home cockpit of course is an Arduino the website says that you need to use an Arduino 2560 mega I have two of them right now this one is actually made by our dueƱo itself the company Arduino yes and my other one is made my element that's the one I'm actually using in my setup right now so the only thing you really need in order to connect it to the to your computer and install the firmware on it to start you know wiring it up and using it is a USB connection a USB cable so that's what you're going to connect it to the computer to to basically flash the firmware onto it I highly recommend that you get a power adapter also that you can supply power to to the Arduino the reason is if you plan to hook up a lot of devices a lot of displays 7-segment displays or LCD displays each one of those is going to drain a little bit of power and dard we know 5 volt and 3.3 volt pins can only give so much so many milliamps you know per pin and if you use a lot of it you're basically going to possibly be starving the Arduino of power so it is highly recommended that you use the power adapter so that it can have more juice basically to spread out the Arduino could take anywhere from 7 to 12 volt power adapters and I believe I've seen words mentioned that maybe 800 milliamps but anything you can use you know that's 1 amp or even more will be better that way if any of the devices demand more you know it'll be able to feed them what I did with mine I actually you've probably seen that in some of my other videos I actually used another power adapter it's actually a 12 volt power but I didn't hook that one up to the Arduino I'm just using that one to feed the voltage to my lights that are 12 volts and I talked about that on my video about using relays because the three lights that i've been using with it is actually 12 volt lights so if i try to hook them up to the 5 volts of the arduino it would the light would be very dim so that wouldn't work out okay so obviously in order to do your wiring and your cockpit you're gonna need wire that's a given and then you can your going to be whatever you decide you're building you're gonna obviously need components for example lights this is a dual rotary encoder there's also single ones that are much cheaper this is a multi-position rotary switch and then a regular toggle switch I have a potentiometer and then a slight potentiometer and then different buttons here push button momentary contact and then I have a button that also has a light actually that's just a light sorry about that and this is a push button that is latching that also has a light built into it so depending on what your goals are for whatever you're building you're gonna need you know a bunch of different components and of course there's many more than this that you can use I just grabbed the handful of the ones that I have laying around here that I still haven't used in one way or another so that's just to give you some ideas when we do the wiring I'll hook up a couple of different things and you can see how they get wired up okay so I got myself a little bit of wiring here with the different types of components just so you can see how each one of them is wired we'll start with a simple one the toggle switch here this is a two position on off on switch so it has two leads that are going to go to input pins on the Arduino so you can choose two different functions for when you flip it to one side or you flip it to the other one and in the middle it would be off on both positions and the way simply simply the cockpit does it it um it behaves a little bit differently so rather than being on with the two long positions and off with a middle one sometimes depending on the switch that it is it'll have a function for the off position and it'll be off for the on position it's kind of hard to explain it but maybe one that we're doing it inside the cockpit you'll get to see how that works so basically you're gonna have the common which is the ground to the middle and you're gonna take that either to the Arduino to one of the ground pins or you can do what I've done because they're doing only has a couple of ground pins so if you start hooking up a bunch of switches you're gonna run out of ground really quick so what I've done is I've made the ground and Power Distribution blocks so basically I take the five volts and send it over to the to one of the rails here and I take a ground a common and send it to the other rail here too and that way when I need to tap off of it I got a lot of them to choose from instead of just a few that are under Arduino itself you so so the comment will be switch and I took it directly over here all the way to this I'm this one here and then the two which would we call the positives are going to go to the inputs on the Arduino in this case I use number two and number three so when we start messing with a configurator those are the one the inputs that you're going to select for this switch to assign whatever you want to assign to it okay now for the light this is just a light here so obviously the light is an output so we still need to get a positive from the Arduino which in this case is going to be an output it's not going to be an input but all of the pins you can select how you want to assign them whether they're an output or an input and any LED lights you can get directly off of a pin that you assign as an output so basically anywhere from anywhere from zero all the way to 12 and then all the way from 22 all the way down here to 53 you can assign as outputs or inputs the analog ones you can only use for analog devices although there are also the instructions on the website that talk about using boards in order to be able to hook up a lot of them you know a lot of those types of devices so everything that you can do with our dwee know you can multiply it by using external boards and I'll be talking about some of those the multiplexers a little bit later on okay now for the potentiometer the potentiometer obviously like I said earlier it's an analog device because that one is gonna be a range you know when you when you turn it it's going to be you know either all the way off or all the way on or somewhere in the middle so that one the way you wire those is you take the positive rail to five volts and you're going to send it to one of the outer pins and you're going to get the ground the common and you're going to go to the ground rail in the middle one which is called the wiper that's the one that is going to have the variable voltage depending on how you turn the potentiometer that one is going to go to the analog input and Arduino in this case I put it on a 15 so we would when we want to select something for that particular potentiometer we would choose input a 15 to assign it whatever we want okay next we're going to talk about rotary encoders it is one of my favorite components and probably one of the most useful although like I said before it depends what you're doing in your setup but these right here you can use them for for example the altitude changing the altitude on the autopilot the heading you can change the speed you can use them to tune the radios and that is specifically what the dual of rotary encoders like this one here what they're very good at because they have them the middle one and they have the outer one which is good which could be for the the big digits like if you want to go 118 119 120 and the little one here in the middle you can do like the point 35 40 45 you know that the decimal digits and it has a push button in the middle too so when you push the center here it's like a switch so you can actually use that like for example to switch them the main understand by frequencies or any other thing you want to assign it these are pretty expensive I think that I got four of them for about $54 or somewhere under they're pretty expensive they're up to $20.00 each sometimes but I bought a four pack and they became a little cheaper these right here I think you can get like a five pack you can get it for maybe twelve dollars or 13 they recommend that you don't use these that have the little board Vlad told me one time that he thinks that or he knows that they can cause problems I'm not gonna say I haven't had any problems there has been times when when something has been acting a little bit weird when I try to use my encoders like for example they're just going one direction but not the other and then 20 days or 30 out of the out of the month they'll be working fine but one day they'll just be acting weird I don't know if that's something to do with the encoder itself or if it's something to do with my wiring but these right here the bad thing about them is that they need a separate power so in this case I got the yellow one in the orange one which are the positive and the negative they go to my power rail over here and the blue one the purple one and the grey one are the signals for the rotary encoder and the push button in the middle because it also has a push button in the middle so I set them once again I said pay two three and four so pins two and three will be to assign it to whatever function you want for the rotary encoder in pin four would be for the push button in the middle but that's um that's the bad thing about it they need the extra two wires for power I believe if you get the other encoders that are much cheaper and they don't have the little board you don't need to provide them with separate power they just basically will get the comment and they'll get they'll get the two signal wires that are basically going to be the inputs but I don't believe those come with a push button that's the only negative about it so Oh another thing that the dual concentric rotary encoders are good for is for example for the GPS you know panels the g1000 the gns 4:30 and 5:30 and probably all the other ones that use dual rotary encoders that are they're very useful for that like I said they are expensive but they are definitely useful especially if you want to build something that mimics the real aircraft I have that the dual rotary em you know encoders there you don't have to have two separate ones like you do with this one you can all do it together with one of those okay now we're gonna get a little bit more complicated we're gonna start talking about using the multiplexers which are these right here so that you can increase dramatically the number of inputs you can have into your Arduino actually they can be used as both inputs and outputs but if you read the website the same vim comm website you can see all the wiring information very very clearly laid out on there so basically pins number 22 through 28 are the ones that are used for the bus and for the for the different timing signals and data signals for Forel LED displays or LCD displays 7-segment displays and anything else that you can hook up to this thing and those are the ones that are way down here on the bottom okay so if you take a look at this little chart that I made you can see that 22 is s 0 23 SS 1 24 is s 2 and 25 is s 3 26 is the signal line 27 is the L I forgot what he called it 27 is T and 28 is T for the inputs all you use is s 0 through s 3 so that would be my wires would be the orange white yellow and green which is what I have pretty much done right here I hooked up all eight of them here because if I wanted to do in the input boards I'm sorry output boards then I already have everything laid out and what I would do is I would use some of these to basically make distribution blocks and some of my other videos you can see when I used one of these and I also did one of these and basically that just gives me a bunch of pin outs you know to branch out and put a whole bunch of boards what I have to do with this one is just basically soldering so that it can be basically all linked together and what I would need to do on this side is that in the two middle pins I would need to put a jumper wire on each one because as you can see in the back they're not linked together but that's just to multiply the number of available pin outs that I can use for the for the data bus for the multiplexer is what you need to do is you need to bring it power and common to the two bottom yo they have the the writing on the board so it'll say GND for ground and VCC for the voltage and the third pin which I don't have anything in there right now you will need to actually put another ground wire on that one so what I normally do is on the bottom of the board I just solder a jumper from this ground over to the third so the first pin to the third pin would be jumpered and then next are the s0 s1 s2 and s3 wires which come from the Arduino and you need to make sure you have them in the correct order because if you don't you're gonna have issues and they're not gonna work properly your your commands and everything are not going to work in the last wire which is a Z that's going to be the signal wire that goes to the Arduino so you know how previously whatever you connect it to our do we know to the input pin that you wanted to assign this time you're going to put this wire to the Arduino pin and basically what that does is it multiplies one pin on the Arduino to 16 inputs on this multiplexer board so for every one pin that you send out a signal wire - you'll have 16 inputs where you can put all kinds of switches and buttons and everything now in this case I'm still working with the encoder here the rotary encoder so same thing as before you still have to provide it negative and ground power which I'm getting from my from my little rail over here and then the two clock wire the clock in the data signal wires are going to go to the pins and are on the multiplexer board and then the third one the blue one is that one for the push-button switch that's in the middle and that goes to another another one the two first ones that are for the encoder they have to be next to each other they cannot be you know separated by anything in between they have to be consecutive and if you get them wrong because sometimes your turn the encoder and your numbers or whatever you're trying to change in the simulator will actually be going in Reverse all you have to do is flip those two wires either here on the undoes multiplexer board or over here on the encoder but once you flip it it should you know go up when you go up another encoder and go down when you go down and you can do the same thing for the output 16 channel multiplexer boards the wiring is a little bit different then than it is for the inputs but it's gonna use the same eight bus wires it's gonna use five of them including the blue one I believe that I have here the blue one would be the signal wire here since it's going to output it sour obviously it needs to send out a signal to send a command to whatever pin you want to send it to alright so that's it for this part of it
Channel: Qosmokid
Views: 10,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flight, Simulaor, Simulation, XPlane, X Plane, X-Plane, SimVim, Home, Cockpit
Id: iWnfg3xmA0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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