Basic Dining Etiquette - The Salad Course

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hello I'm Nancy Mitchell with the etiquette advocate and we are talking about dining etiquette we are going to talk now about the salad course and how to eat salad normally in the United States salad will be will come between the appetizer and before the main course if you're traveling in Europe or other foreign countries the salad course may follow the main course today we're placing it before the main course your silverware is set in that fashion you'll see that your salad fork is to the outside now you have lost some of the silverware as we have progressed through the courses you'll pick up the fork that's on the outside slightly smaller than the entrée fork you'll pick up the knife that's on the outside those are going to be your utensils for the salad course with salad you have the option of eating it with fork alone or knife and fork if you chose to eat salad with fork only you can use the side of the fork to cut different bits of the salad and put them into your mouth whether you're left-handed or right-handed if you choose to use the salad fork and the knife then you'll have that choice of American style of dining or European style of dining with how you use the utensils if we are using American style we will cut one bite of the salad we will place the knife to the top of our plate we will switch the fork to our right hand and we will eat the bite that we've just cut and time after time we are going to do that as we cut and eat each bite if we are have chosen to eat in the European fashion we are going to make that first cut we are going to use our knife to push other bits of lettuce or cucumber or carrot in this case to make a nice little bite on the end of this fork keep our elbows closed rest our wrists on the edge of the table pivot this hand bring the food to your mouth with the fork not switching the knife and fork from hand and this is called the European style we can do this make several cuts to maybe talk to the neighbor at the table make another cut another bite then when we're going to have the rest we talked about the silent service code European fashion our utensils will be criss crossed in this manner we take a drink of our wine a sip of our water bite of our bread we go back to eating when we're completely finished if we've been eating American fashion we will get as close to the 1020 position on the face of our clock if you will we will line these things up parallel we will have the tines of the fork up for American style of dining we will have the tines of the fork down if we have been eating European fashion think of the face of your claw of your plate as the face of the clock again this is 10 o'clock this is 20 past the hour that's how you're going to line up your utensils for the salad if you have finished your salad course and let's say you have only eaten it with a fork but you're given a knife for salad at that point you need to put your knife on your plate say I'm finished in this completed fashion waiter will come and take your your salad plate and the utensils away so even if you haven't used that salad knife at this point you need to put that on the salad plate and have it cleared away next we're going to be talking about the main course to watch the other segments in this video series or for how-to videos on almost any other topic visit monkey-see calm
Channel: MonkeySee
Views: 1,052,702
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Keywords: dining, etiquette, table, manners, proper, style, glass, knife, soup, serving, serve, plate, napkin, silent, code, clock, Food, drink, utensils, fork
Id: PUOu86jGx8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2009
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